Francitas, Jackson County, Texas

Volume 1 #44  October 5, 1911

Another New Family

F. G. Hays and family of Pleasanton , Nebraska ... lot across tracks to the south to town

Professor Kingham reports an enrollment of forty-eight at the public school at the beginning of the second month. The new seats have arrived and have been installed which makes it much more comfortable for both teacher and pupils.

Harry K. Baer has purchased three lots west of the residence of W. E. Bratt, and will commence at once the erection of a chigger-proof bungalow. Francitas Texas , papers please copy.-- Beaver City Times-Tribune

Bee Editor's note: Had Harry built that house here, he might still be a Francitas pioneer.  

Miss Carrie Beatty of Newton, Mississippi, is visiting her brother W. L. Beatty, agent for the Brownsville railroad at this place.

At Sunday School Sunday sixty-two were present. Mrs. Kingham superintendent is anxious that everyone starts in now as the new quarter has just started.

 Windows for Church

 The windows for the new church building have been received by the Merchants and Planters Lumber Company and will be put in the building probably this week.

The windows are of cathedral glass and one of the large ones contains 288 small panes. These beautiful windows are in keeping with the building, which in design is one of the most original in the entire Gulf Coast country. In fact, no town in Texas has a prettier church building than this one will be regardless of cost of construction.  


Volume 1  #45  October 12, 1911

William Baker, wife and son of Pilger , Nebraska , have removed to Francitas and will at once begin the erecting of a house and start development of their land here. Mr. Baker is a good farmer and came to this town after a thorough investigation of the land. He believes this is the coming country and is on the ground floor.

A spelling bee and pie auction will be held at Joines Hall Saturday for the benefit of the church lighting fund. Professor Kingham will pronounce the words at the spelling bee, and when this is concluded Dr. Willis, auctioneer, will cry the sale for the pies. The money raised in this way will be used to pay on the lights for the new church. Every one is invited.

An embroidery club was organized at the home of Mrs. J. F. Willis Friday afternoon, at which the following officers were elected:  

Mrs. Willis, president

Mrs. Beatty, vice-president

Mrs. Ellis, secretary and

Mrs. Munger, treasurer

The club will meet every Friday  afternoon, the next meeting being at the home of Mrs. Ellis on J Street . Every woman in town is invited to bring her knittin' and join the club.  


Volume 1  #46  October 19, 1911

A boy was born to the wife of Claude Stickney October 12, and all parties concerned are doing nicely. Grandpa Phinney will be down within a few days if not before to pay his respects to the little fellow. One by one we are nearing the 1000 mark.

 Louis Funk began work on his residence in the north part of town Monday morning...

 Arthur Kingham is building a residence across the tracks south of town and one block west of the Francitas house...

 Those attending Sunday school next Sunday are requested to bring their Bibles as there will be a bible drill.

 Sunday, October 29 service will be held in the new church building for the first time. The Rev. Mr. Bailey of Ganada will preach the 1st sermon. The building is almost completed and will be ready by the time announced.

An orchestra has been organized composed of the following: Laurence Pederson, Clinton Munger, the Worden boys, and Ralph Hewitt. All are expert musicians and they will be able to give a high class entertainment most any time after they get together.  

The spelling bee and pie auction Saturday night was a very enjoyable affair. From the sale of sixteen pies $6.80 was realized for the church lighting fund. In the spelling bee Freddie Holton and Earl Gale shared the honors. J. F. Willis cried the sale and Prof. Kingham pronounced the words.  


Volume 1  #47  October 26, 1911

J. E. Dever of Hastings is a new a stenographer...will be employed in the office of Schwind and Maher...

L. N. Phinney and wife arrived the latter part of the week....

Quilting Bee

The Ladies Aid pulled off the first quilting bee of the season Tuesday afternoon and the affair was one of the most enjoyable every held in Francitas. All the members of the society armed with fried chicken, pumpkin pie, and all good things that go with such good eats met at the home of Mrs. Lewis Bailey to work all day on that church quilt about which so much has been published. Well, they worked awhile and then those good things to eat were ____ and all fell to. All except the poor husbands who either ate cold scraps or nothing, they being barred. About 25 participated in the dinner. Oh, yes, they did a lot of quilting.

The women of Francitas will serve dinner and an oyster supper on Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mrs. Baer, on J Avenue.