Francitas, Jackson County, Texas

Volume 1  #48  November 2, 1911

 A cotton stalk on exhibition in this office has 47 bolls on it, what is left of some 54 bolls when the stalk was brought in. This is a sample of the cotton grown on the farm of S. M. Targensen northeast of town. Cotton growers say that 22 bolls to a stalk means an average of a bale to the acre.

 FOR SALE --One good armadillo dog. Inquire of Will Clark, the bird dog man.

 Sunday evening, November 5, the Christian Endeavor Society will give an entertainment in the new church, consisting of music, singing, and speaking. Everyone invited.

C. E. Entertainment.  

Following Christian Endeavor Sunday evening will be a musical and literary entertainment to which every one is invited. The program will be as follows:

Song, Mr. and Mrs. Street

Song, Choir.

Recitation, Melvina Hewitt.

Solo, Natalie Young.

Recitation, Ruth Dye.,

Duet, Ned Young, Mary Street

Reading , Mrs. Fred Kingham.

Anthem, Choir.

Kind Words, Esther Stickley

Song, Primary Class.

Recitation, Clayton Stahl.  

Duet, Mrs. R. S. Kingham, Mrs. Stahl.

Recitation, Ruth Papineau.

Music, ________

Recitation, Zella Kingham.

Solo, Ralph Hewitt.

Recitation, Jemimah Martin

Duet, Wilda Street , Esther Stickley

Reading Mrs. Munger

Quartet, Mr. Stahl, Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Kingham, Mrs. Stahl

Roscoe Coleman is leader Sunday night and Mrs. Kingham requests that all members be present as there will be a roll call to which responses are to be made by quotations from the Bible. A silver offering will be taken to buy chairs and stands for the church.  


Volume 1  #49  November 9, 1911

Mrs. Kingham announces the Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Bailey Thursday afternoon at 1:30 . Visitors cordially invited.

Bridge and Road Completed

County Commissioner Bolling was here Friday and accepted the new county bridge from the contractors. This bridge which connects Francitas with Deutschburg and the rich territory south of us is one of the very best bridges in the gulf coast country or in any other country for that matter. It is a bridge which is a credit to Jackson County and its construction by the county commissioners indicates the officials are ready and willing to help out the people of this section of the county in a most substantial way.

Captain Almon has completed filling in the road leading to the bridge and Sunday many people of the city drove down and crossed the new structure.

A Measuring Party, November 10

A measuring party is given for you--  

'Tis something novel, something new.

We Endeavors ask all to come

And each one bring to aid us some

Two cents for every foot you're tall--

We'll measure you on door or wall.

One-half cent for each extra inch given,

And hereby show how high you're livin'.

With music and song, refreshment and pleasure

We'll meet one and all at our party of measure.

Pumpkin pie, wafers and coca we will serve you, at the home of Mrs. Baer on J Street . Mrs. Fred Kingham  


Volume 1 #50  November 16, 1911

Baby Dies

Richard the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lubben died very suddenly Saturday noon of membraneous croup. The little fellow had been sick only a short time. The funeral was held at the First Church of Christ Sunday after which the body was buried in the Francitas cemetery. A large crowd of friends of the family who sympathized with the parents in their loss attended the funeral. The Rev. Mr. Powell of Blessing preached the sermon.

The measuring party Saturday night was well attended and $4.60 was realized for the church lighting fund. The initiations into the new lodge were exciting and interesting.  

Ira, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry DeGarmo who recently moved to Francitas died Monday night after a brief illness of bronchial trouble. The funeral will be this afternoon (Wednesday). The child was sick for a day or two with a bad cold and on Monday afternoon was out playing with other children. That night however he became worse and his death occurred about midnight .