Francitas, Jackson County, Texas

March 2, 1911   Volume 1 #13

Depot Agent Arrives

W. W. Beatty of Beaumont arrived Friday and has taken charge of the depot as agent. The telegraph wires are being put in and hereafter shipments may be made to Francitas with safety.

A sidewalk is being laid this week from the office of the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden Company to the Brownsville depot. This is a much needed improvement and will be appreciated by all.


March 9, 1911                                  Volume 1 #14

Levi Bailey is building a commodious two story residence on the south side of the railroad track. This will be when completed one of the best built houses in Francitas. It will be plastered just like the houses up north where it is cold.

New Buildings

In block 139 Levy Bailey is just completing a large two story residence which he is plastering and which when completed will be as substantial as any residence in Nebraska or the Northern states.

U. C. Street - moved into new home

George Papineau and family  - moving into new residence

The large two story building of Joins brothers across the street west of the Gibson store is nearing completion as is the two story building being constructed by Chris Lubben across the street south from Joins brothers. Stocks of general merchandise will be put in both of these buildings.

Dopps building - 2 story across the street and south of Gibson Store

McLendon bakery - located in one of the Minnieau buildings

Bell Rooming House

Dr. Mackay's new building faces depot

McCoy livery stable completed

Willis residence completed

[This issue noted that Francitas was "Three Months Old."]

These are fine days for the youth of Francitas. Every time a new building is completed the owners turn it over to the young people for a dance. Last Thursday night the dance was held at the Lubben building and tonight (Thursday) it will be held in the Joins brothers building. Everyone is invited.


March 16, 1911   Volume 1 #15

Bank organized next


After Long Illness Wife of Pioneer Citizen Passes Away. Remains Taken to Broken Bow, Nebraska

Mrs. Julia A. Scott, wife of J. W. Scott died Thursday night. Accompanied by Mr. Scott and members of the family, the remains were taken to Broken Bow, Nebraska , the old home, for burial Friday afternoon.

Mrs. Scott was 47 years of age and for the last five years she has been in very poor health. A year ago last November, in hopes that the climate here would do her some good, Mr. Scott brought his wife to Francitas. She improved so much that in the early summer she returned to Broken Bow in the belief that her health had been restored. She again began to fail and the family returned to Francitas previous to the distribution of the lands. Mrs. Scott, however, continued poorly and for a greater portion of the time of her residence in Francitas she has been confined to her room. She was much worse Thursday afternoon and Dr. Mackay worked faithfully to keep alive the spark of life but unsuccessfully. Mrs. Scott was a member of one of the very substantial families of Francitas and of Custer county, before removing here. During her life in Francitas she made many warm friends and was herself a warm friend of the new town. During her illness she has had the sympathy of the people of the city and in her death this sympathy is extended to those left to mourn.

Besides her husband Mrs. Scott leaves of her immediate family six children of whom three are married. These children are: Arthur Scott of Broken Bow; Roy Scott of Comstock; E. C. Scott, George, Herbert and Hazel Scott of Francitas.

Mr. Scott and his children will remain in Broken Bow for two or three weeks after which they will return to Francitas.

Many of the citizens of Francitas accompanied the remains to the station and their deepest sympathy follows the bereaved relatives on the sad journey.

WANTED:--The names of the owners of tracts 37, 36, 2084 and 2085 in Francitas colony, Texas . Address Wm. E. Field, Alliance , Neb.

FOR SALE :--5 acre tract No. 665. Good land and no timber; lot 24 in block 65, Francitas. Both go for $225 if taken at once. Address, J. W. Jensen, Francitas.

Questions and Answers - [abstracted]

"What to take with us and what not to take in wearing apparel?" (removing from Nebraska to Francitas)

Bring no winter wearing apparel to Francitas now. Women coming to Francitas should bring light weight clothes; white, linen and such like dresses; gingham would be nice for wear in the kitchen and in the flower garden. Be sure and have a light wrap.

Wm. Jacob of Ravenna --did you meet him? He came in with W. E. Riggs and he came in a mighty good humor and of course went away boosting after getting his hooks into a tract of land. In fact Mr. Jacobs believes the man who doesn't rave over Francitas must be short of breath. Incidentally Francitas and Mr. Riggs were well pleased with each other.

WANTED:--To correspond with parties of Lincoln or vicinity shipping household goods to Jackson county, Texas .     Dr. I. C. Munger, Eagle, Neb.


March 23, 1911    Volume 1 #16


Joins Brothers Open Up in New Building With General Merchandise Stock.

In their new building Joins Brothers have opened up with a complete stock of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes and general merchandise. These young men have a general store at LaWard and Francitas is fortunate that they have located here.

Joins Bros. have put up a nice two story building in the block north of the Nebraska Inn and they have stocked it with a first class line of goods, the dry goods department being especially needed here.

That they will do a good business goes without saying as they have a reputation over this portion of Jackson County for honest dealing. Francitas welcomes them.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sanford and daughter Faye of Blessing were Francitas visitors Sunday between trains.

W. L. McLendon Opens the Home Bakery and Starts Off With Big Business.

Francitas has its own bakery and confectionery store and it is owned and managed by an experienced baker and candy maker, W. L. McLendon formerly of Sterling, Neb.

Mr. McLendon came to Francitas some weeks ago and has already demonstrated that he has all the qualities of a "sticker." It was a long time before he could secure a suitable building for his oven and shop, but he persevered and he is now located in one of the Minniear buildings.

Mr. McLendon invites the people of Francitas to inspect his bakery at any time as he believes the public is entitled to see how its bread is made and under what conditions.

The new bakery is a neat and up to date establishment and it is a credit as well as a great convenience to the entire city.

Volume 1 #17  March 30, 1911

The following were registered at the Francitas House during the last few days:

F. S. Green, Fairberg; Lee Costellan, Edna; Chas. W. Wanda and Charles M. Arnold, Fairbury; F. H. Gebhardt, Ansley, Neb.; Leo A. Haufhold, South Omaha; C. Poleski, Raton, New Mexico; Theo Ronsch, Red Cloud, Minn.

The following were registered at the Nebraska Inn Saturday and Sunday: Wm. F. Schwind, C. J. Herens and wife, J. W. Reitsch, Max Thal, Aug. Assen, Fritz Naglor, Prof. Antan Heilde, and John G. Maher, Lincoln, Neb.; W. E. Riggs, J. D. Hopkin, Geo. Calvin and Carol Abrahues, Ravenna, Neb.; Mrs. Brown, Deutschburg, Texas; Edd Royster and John Meyer, Columbus, Neb.; H. F. Wilrodt and W. Wilrodt, Omaha, Neb.; Dr. H. Gerhard and Richard Callies, Deutschburg, Texas, Arthur Rousch, St. Cloud, Minn.; C. Papberry, Sterling, Colo.; Henry Hauschild, E. H. Johannes, Syracuse, Neb.; Mrs. J. F. Evers, Lorton, Neb.; Fred Hellerman, Norfolk, Neb., Dr. Mackey and wife, Hugh Mullen, C. P. Munger and wife and H. H. Philpott and wife, Francitas, Texas; H. Lindeman, Crawford, Neb.; Dr. Eichman, Deutschburg, Texas.

Wells-Fargo Express Company has opened its office in the Brownsville depot.