Francitas, Jackson County, Texas

Volume 1 #26 June 1, 1911

Child Dies

Clyde Roy Worden the two year old son of Roy and Mrs. Worden died Monday evening about 6 o'clock after an illness of a week or more.

The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. D. A. Williams of Palacios at the home of William Baer at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. A special choir sang the favorite songs of the mother.

The little child had he lived would have been 2 years old on July 1. He was the youngest of two sons. The family came here from Berwyn , Neb. last January.

The high regard in which the family is held and the deep sympathy which is felt for its members by the people of this community was attested by the great outpouring at the funeral and the proffers of help from all our citizens during the illness of the little fellow. The little body was laid to rest beneath a shade tree in the north part of town.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worden desire to extend their thanks to the people of Francitas who were so helpful to them during the recent sickness and death of their little son. Mr. and Mrs. Worden feel under obligation to the good people of this city.


Volume 1 #27 June 8, 1911

Boy Drowns

Melvern Edson Jumps Off of Ferry Into Deep Water and is Drowned. Body Recovered

Melvern Edson age 16 years while with some other young men on the ferry across the East Carancahua Saturday afternoon leaped off and going into the water beyond his depth was drowned before assistance could reach him.

The funeral was held Sunday morning, Mr. Hatch officiating, after which the body was buried on a five acre tract belonging to the deceased.

Young Edson and some other boys had been playing on the ferry leaping from it into the water. Some parties came along to cross on the ferry and the boys started to pull it back to them. When almost in the middle of the stream Edson leaped off evidently thinking the water was shallow. He at once went under and it was more than a hour and a half before his body could be located.

Justice of Peace Joines was called up from La Ward and with Deputy Sheriff Whitaker held a inquest, the jury holding that the death was entirely accidental.

Edson lived with a brother and his grandfather, Mr. Chadwick across the river and was an orphan. The family came here from Palmyra , Nebraska .


Miss Bryan to Wed

Miss Grace Dexter Bryan and Richard Hargreaves of Lincoln will be married tonight (Wednesday) at Fairview the home of W. J. Bryan. Miss Helen Schwind, daughter of W. F. Schwind of Francitas and Lincoln is to be one of the bride's maids.

C. E. Joines brought to this office a cucumber that measured 13 1/2 inches long and 9 inches in circumference. He has a garden full of the same kind and he brought this one to town simply to show the people here about vegetables growing in the Francitas district.


Detailed Statement of Improvements.



Nebraska Inn       $7,000

V. F. F. & G. Company          1,600

W. W. Bell, hotel  3,000

Mrs. Richa, hotel  1,800

M. & P. Lumber Company  2,000

Francitas Bee office  700

Joines Bros. store  1,000

Gibson Hardware & Furniture Company Store 1,085

Wm. Baer store  600

J. M. Dopps barber shop  600

Ellen J. Brown, Drug Store  1,200

Dr. J. H. Mackey, office  700

Chris Luben, store  1,200

St. L. B. & M. R. R. Depot 3,500

Fred Beamen, office bld. 250

W. H. Minniear, bakery  400

H. H. Austin, blacksmith shop  125

T. A. McCoy, livery & sale barn  500

Francitas Land & Imp. Co. office  700

Ward-Rose Cattle Company warehouse  1,000

M. Jorgenson, blacksmith shop  150


Z. M. Almon  $1,200

Frank Willis  600

Charmel Nobel  500

W. G. Fisher  400

C. E. Fisher  400

C. J. Stevens  800

W. K. Rose  850

L. N. Phinney  1,000

J. M. Young  920

K. E. Cleaveland  1,000

Fred Kingham  1,000

W. J. Hempstead  160

L. Bailey 1,700

Chris Lubben  500

G. R. Jinks  500

W. M. Baruth  500

Lawrence Pederson  950

John Gilleand  800

Ed Long  650

George Papineau  1,500

W. F. Brandt  800

G. A. Papineau  200

W. M. Minniear  800

Alice Holton  300

U. C. Street   2,000

G. W. Thomas  350


Name                                     Acres         Val. Imp.

M. H. Landrigan                       5                    65

W. G. Fisher & Son               10                 365

Otto Whitaker                         15                 350

J. S. Simmons                         5                    60

L. Pederson                             5                    66

M. Jorgenson                           5                    83

G. R. Jinks                                5                 600

W. C. H. Marhall                      5               1,630

U. C. Street                              5                    20

George Papineau                 20                 100

W. H. Hewitt                             5                  500

G. W. Thomas                          5                   65


Dr. Eichmann                         40               250

Herman Gerhard                 120               250

V. F. F. & G Co. Orange Park                250



Grant Merrill                                     10,123

Josephine Holton                                540

Grace O. McConnall                            583

Fred Taylor                                      10,240

Godfrey Weigle                                   585

Bert Evans                                           565

C. D. Engels                                        595

W. H. Pelton                                        565

L. Pierce                                              523

J. D. Bagley                                         527

S. C. Holton  town lot                            50



W. L. Clemmons                       5              $560

L. F. Funk                                   5                  38

Maud C. Godfrey                     10                511

H. P. Hansen                            80              4015

W. H. H. Hagey                          5                 437

H. B. Hadley                               5                 580

J. H. Miller                                  2                 128

A. C. Merrill                                5                  85

Mylo Mazar                                 5                 183

J. H. Blank                                  5                  40

E. W. Parker                              5                  53

Francitas Land Buyers Assoc
                                                 110               396

John Randecker                         5                  50

John Weidenfeller                    10              2,114

Jessie May                                  5                 20

F. G. Hayes                                 5                 87

F. T. Dimick                                 5                 20

N. P. Hansen                               5                 37

L. P. Utterbach                            5                 25

George B. Moore                      15               168

Martin Pfeiffer                              5                 22

Neil Lamont?                                5                 18

J. M. Young                                 10               361

W. F. Brandt                                10                33

C. J. Stevens                               10                33

Wm. Clark                                    10                33

G. J. Phelps                                 20                65

W. G. Fisher                                10                33

H. H. St. Louis                             2 lots            23

E. E. Hayes                                  10                58


Volume 1 #28 June 15, 1911

Bank Receives First Deposits Saturday Over $2,600 Deposited in 24 Hours

Francitas has its bank. And the bank is doing business. For the first time since the town was opened six months ago it is possible to get a bill of any size changed into real silver, gold or currency, without leaving town.

Bank Examiner Smith of Houston came in at noon Saturday, opened the set of books and gave final instructions to Cashier Dimick and then hustled out of the way of the line of depositors. Captain Z. M. Almon was the first depositor. He had held a $1,100 draft for several months waiting for the bank to open to be the first depositor but when the doors were finally opened to the public that amount had dwindled to $2.50 and he shoved that under the window while others were searching in tin cans, old socks and such like for their little mites. Mr. Dimick took the $2.50 for he is ready and anxious to accommodate all comers, big and little.

For the present the bank will be in the office of the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden company but just as soon as he can, Mr. Dimick will start building on his brick structure.

The need of the bank was emphasized by the large amount of deposits in the first 24 hours, there being $2,600 stored away by parties who were early on the ground.--Francitas Bee, June 15, 1911

The Peanut Grinders went down to Buhler Sunday and played a game with the boys of that neck of the woods. The score at the close of the ninth inning being 21 to 21. The teams were too tired to play any more so called it a tie.

Volume 1 #19 June 21, 1911

Some Cucumber

There was brought to this office Tuesday the biggest cucumber we have seen grown in the gulf coast country this season. Mrs. H. B. Walters raised the vegetable on sod. It is 14 2/3 inches in length; and two inches in circumference and weighs 3 1/4 pounds. Mrs. Walters took the first prize for the biggest cucumber raised in Nebraska at the Nebraska state fair and this one was raised from seed from the prize winner. Mr. Walters said the Francitas cucumber was almost exactly like the Nebraska prize winner and shape and size.


Volume 1 #20 June 29, 1911

The following were registered at the Nebraska Inn the first of the week.

Louis F. Fuch, Minneapolis

W. F. Schwind and Charles Trumble, Lincoln

Dr. Gerhard and family, Deutschburg

T. G. Lyttle, Angleton

George Swartz, Eagle

J. M. Fertig, Arcadia , Wis.

E. E. Brown, Denver

Miss Ruth Moore, Prosser

H. J. Montandon, Palacios

L. Sturges, Hastings

Carl Stickley, Seneca

G. S. Bryan, Matagorda

T. S. Jones, Waco

The summer weather in Francitas is ideal. We repeat, the days are not too warm and the nights are a delight. Monday night here was sufficiently cool to require a wrap or a coat for one to sit out on his gallery and be comfortable. And practically every night is just the same. If these things were not so we would not have told you.