Francitas, Jackson County, Texas

Volume 1 #31  July 6, 1911

C. P. Munger and family have removed to their new residence just erected on lot 7 block 24 and every morning now the Munger family is awakened by crowing and their own rooster. Mr. Munger has secured the two lots next his own and has 150 feet front which is some front.

The Glorious Fourth

Francitas observed its first Fourth of July in a most becoming manner. It ushered in the day with the booming of many shot guns and it spent the day on the river bank and in the park in a most dignified and quite manner.

There was not a firecracker in the city and there was great rejoicing. After the breaking of day which was done with the shot guns, a great majority of the people ceased to work or have any cares, but with fishing rod, hied themselves to the country and there forgetting the busy world and their bustling city indulged themselves angling for red fish. And so far as reports go all were successful.


Volume 1 #31  July 6, 1911

Drug Store Opens

The Francitas Pharmacy is now open for business with a stock large enough to do credit to a city many times larger than this. Mrs. Brown has a complete line of paints and varnishes, perfumes, toilet articles and everything to be found in a first class drug store.

This new store will fill a long felt want in Francitas and it should receive a liberal patronage from this territory. Mrs. Brown has shown her faith in Francitas by constructing a costly building and installing an expensive stock. She deserves success.


Volume 1 #32  Jul 13, 1911


Work Will Start on New Church Building Probably This Week George Papineau to Have Charge.

Work on the new church building to cost $2,500 will start probably this week. The posts for the foundation are now on the ground and just as soon as an exchange of lots can be made so the church organization will have two lots together for work will start.

The church organization is going in debt for a portion of the money necessary to construct the building, but there is no doubt that the property owners of Francitas will take care of that debt when it falls due.

The church when completed will be one of the most beautiful and the most original in the entire gulf coast country. The plans were drown by Mr. Pierce of San Antonio and have been highly complimented by all who have examined them. Mr. Papineau hopes to have the building started this week.


Volume 1 #33  July 20, 1911

New Meat Market

C. E. Taylor of Chocolate Bayou has opened a meat market in the Fred Beaman building. Mr. Taylor will be joined here by his family in a short time and he will probably build a residence.

For some time Mr. Taylor has been conducting a meat market at Chocolate Bayou, but hearing of the superior advantages of Francitas he decided to remove here.

When he gets his building fixed to suit him he expects to handle ice in addition to everything to be found in a first class meat market.


Volume 1 #34  July 27, 1911


Team of brown mules 14 hands high; about 9 and 10 years old. One branded 5F and the other not branded. $2.50 reward paid for information leading to the recovery of either. Ral Cone, Francitas , Texas


One bay horse, branded X on left shoulder and 61 on left thigh; 14 1/2 hands high; 6 years old. One bay mare branded L on left shoulder 14 1/2 hands high, 6 years old. Were last seen in Francitas a week ago Monday. Reward of $2.50 for information leading to the recovery of either animal. B. Alston, Francitas , Texas

New Ladies Aid Society Members

Mrs. Hewitt

Mrs. Wm. F. Schwind

Mrs. Strother

Christian Endeavor was organized Sunday evening. A large number were present and the following officers were elected:

Morgan Stutting, president; Roscoe Coleman, vice-president; Ruth Papineau, secretary; Sylvia Holton, treasurer; Natalie Young, organist. Everyone is cordially invited to be present Sunday evening.


New Church Now Under Course of Construction. Located on Lincoln Boulevard in Block 78.

The following were registered at the Francitas House the past week: Harry Bethea and Erwin Meador, Edna; A. W. Graham, Bay City; T. H. Smith, Louise; Fred Beaman, Houston, and Mr. Bender, Blessing.

The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Mackay with an attendance of 10. Three new members were added to our list, Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. Wm. F. Schwind and Mrs. Strother. The society will meet with Mrs. Mackay this week.   Mrs. F. Kingham.