Francitas, Jackson County, Texas

January 5, 1911   Volume 1 #6

First Sunday School
People of Francitas meet in
Bee Building & Organize Sunday School & Elects Officers.

The first Sunday school ever held in Francitas were organized Sunday morning with a total attendance of 38 members. The following officers were elected:

Mrs. Kingham, superintendent

Mr. Dopps, assistant superintendent; Miss Sylvia Holton, secretary; Mr. Street , treasurer; Miss Natalie Young, organist; The following teachers were chosen:

Mrs. Street, boys class; Miss Young, girls class; Mr. Dopps, Bible class; Mr. Quick, adults.

It was decided at the watch party Saturday night to organize the Sunday school and bright and early the people began to gather at The Bee building where the meeting was held. Mr. Dopps called the meeting to order and nominated Mrs. Kingman for superintendent and her election was by unanimous vote.




Francitas Has a Population of About 200.
Mr. Hughes Counts The People Results Gratifying.


The first census of Francitas has been taken and the result is more than satisfying. The total number of boni fide residents as discovered by Mr. Hughes on the last day of the year was 193 people.

Mr. Hughes, who is here from Thayer county to make his home, took upon himself the task of counting the people and found it no small job. He called at every house and tent in the city and listed every man, women and child he could find, bringing the total up to a number far exceeding his expectations.

The census shows the following: Total number 193; heads of families 35; between the ages of 5 and 21, 56; one Mexican child of school age; ...

Cold Wave

Francitas was caught in the tail end of the great storm which swept from Canada to the gulf last Monday and Tuesday. The thermometer registered 20 degrees above zero Tuesday morning. Opinions differ as to whether the orange trees have been injured, but many old settlers insist they can stand much colder weather. By Tuesday afternoon, the weather had moderated considerably and much warmer weather was predicted for Wednesday. [The Jan. 12 issue ran a statement that the orange trees had not been injured by the cold weather.]


January 12, 1911   Volume 1 #7

Name Your Farms

Now that so much development is going on and so many tracts of land are being broken preparatory to planting trees it is well to call attention to a matter which latter may be of some value to every fruit grower here.

That is to name your farms. Every tract of land here should have a distinct name so that when the trees begin to bear and the oranges are sent to market they may be recognized by the name of the farm upon which they grew. Many farmers who are up to date and progressive have long since adopted this practice and it is growing more and more popular all over the country. Mr. Byers Fairview is known where the name of the commoner is spoken.

It is custom in the older parts of Texas to name fruit farms and the name is always an advertisement for the fruit.


January 19, 1911    Volume 1 #8

Postoffice Established

Washington, D. C., Jan. 26 --H. H. Philpott, Francitas, Texas.--Letter received. Post office will be established today.

The above telegram was received as we go to press.


Dr. Mackey's office will [soon] be ready for the patrons. The doctor and Hugh Miller, his brother-in-law have done the carpenter work.

...paper moved into Bee building "last Friday..."


Stanley Baxter of Palacios was here for day last week. F. F. Campbell and J. M. McCoy of Palacios were Sunday visitors.


The Augusta has been launched. The trim little craft was built by Roy Beaman and it will fun between here and the bay.





Resident Contractor and Builder, Reference

by Special permission Valley Fruit Farm and

Garden Company

 Francitas     -       -        -     Texas



 If you contemplate moving to Francitas, do not worry about packing your furniture, as we carry a line from which you can select anything that you may need. Every piece first class and up to date.

 We carry a Complete Line of

Groceries, Hardware Har-

ness, Boots and Shoes

In fact we have a complete general store and are able to supply your every need. If you do not see it on the shelves ask for it. We have what you want.

Gibson Hardware and Furniture Company

Francitas , Texas .






Large stock on hand. Prices the same as

at our other yards. Sash, Doors, Blinds,

Cement, Brick etc.                  

                Agents for Masury's Pure  

                    Mixed Paint

We are in a position to supply your every

want in our line

Merchants and Planters

Lumber Co.

FRANCITAS     -     -     -     TEXAS



January 26, 1911   Volume 1 #8

I.       H. Ansley who has been living at Providence City has removed to Francitas and opened a barber shop. Mr. Ansley will fill a long felt want in Francitas. He has put up a modern shop with hot and cold water and is in every way fitted to do good work. That he will do a good business goes without saying for of the improvements needed here none was wished for any more than a good first class barber shop. That is what Mr. Ansley has established.


Charmel Noble has built a little home on the north side of town near the wind mill and will shortly occupy it. Mr. Noble has rented his fruit farm at Palacios and will go into business here.

Stanley Baxter of Palacios was here for a day last week.

O. L. Sparks of Colorado was here the first of the week.

F. F. Campbell and J. M. Macy of Palacios were Sunday visitors.

R. H. Fleagle of Iowa was a Francitas visitor the first of the week.

W. F. Thomas and Charles Grannis have returned from a trip to Brownsville .

B. C. Wright and wife of Gage county, Nebraska , spent several days here this week.

W. O. Lomer of Western Nebraska was a Francitas visitor since the last issue of The Bee.

August Fillip is building himself a nice little home into which he will move very shortly.

Ed Champion and A. P. Maniba of Nebraska were here the first of the week looking after their interests.

Otto Zeulow and Carl Zeulow of Norfolk were registered at the Nebraska Inn several days during the week.

The Augusta has been launched. The trim little craft was built by Roy Beaman and it will fun between here and the bay.

J. A. Bressler of Madison county, Neb. , who is in the real estate business there came down and inspected the Great Francitas district recently.

S. H. Lewis a hustling merchant of Bay City was here this week looking for business. The Francitas trade is the best in the world and Mr. Lewis is after some of it.

August Filter of Norfolk was in Francitas the first of the week. Mr. Filter is one of The Bee’s very good friends in Nebraska . He was a welcome visitor to this office.

C. C. Cook, Joseph Glasson and Charles Glasson all of Tecumseh, in a state where it is cold in the winter and hot in the summer, stopped off here long enough a few days ago to fall in love with the country. They are interested here.

J. B. Symonds of Prosser, Neb., who has several tracts of land here and who represents parties who have several more in here looking after his interests. Mr. Symonds was here at the opening of the town and was very much surprised at the large amount of improvements that have been made since December 10.