Francitas, Jackson County, Texas

Volume 2  #1  December 7, 1911



Special Anniversary Candy at the Francitas Pharmacy

The Rev. W. A. Boggess state evangelist of the Christian Church is holding a protracted meeting in the Francitas Christian church which he will dedicate Sunday morning at 11 o'clock . At that time the Rev. Mr. Bristor of Palacios will be here and assist in the service. There will be special music for the occasion. Previous to the dedicatory services a Sunday school rally will be held at which several talks on Sunday school work will be given. The rally will begin promptly at 10 o'clock .  


Volume 2  #2  December 14, 1911


First Anniversary Observed in Most Appropriate Manner.

Men of Prominence in the Nation in the List of Speakers

Anniversary Notes

The bunch of Nebraska girls took fright and ran for high places when the armadillo was turned loose.

A barbeque where venison and beef are both served is as delicious as it is unusual, and our Nebraska friends enjoyed it to the utmost.

The northern guests were busy craning their necks to view passing geese which lined the heavens constantly.  


By W. M. Maupin

If ever I leave Nebraska I’ll settle in Texas , sure,

Where balmy winds blow and never a snow, the sweet blooming roses obscure.

 If ever I leave Nebraska —the land of the wheat and the corn—

I’ll forward my freight to the Lone State state and settle as sure as you’re born.

Right here in this new Francitas— Queen City that is to be—

The future metropolis, brothers, we all of us hope to see.

We’re here among friends and neighbors; our hearts are as light as the foam;

For here in this new Francitas we feel we’re at home, sweet home.

They tell us that here in Texas there is healing on every breeze;  

That physic and pills and syrups and squills are something that no one sees.

They say that the soil’s so fertile it laughs to the plow’s refrain;

That seasons are one in the golden sun that ripens the fruit and grain.

And seeing, we can believe it; we know it’s the truth you tell;

We’ll join in your praises singing, the chorus we’ll gladly swell.

If ever we leave Nebraska we’re coming down here to stay;

A citizen here in Francitas, that is one year old today.


Greetings From Bixby.

The disappointment of the year

Lies in the fact I am not here

To see you all and have my say

On this, our grand Francitas Day.  

While all is just like summer here,

This glad month of the closing year,

A moment let your thoughts stretch forth

To snow-scenes of the frozen north;

Then will you have good cause to boast

The comforts of the Texas coast.

The singing of the meadow lark,

The fresh night-breezes after dark,

The picture of this golden town—

White city ‘midst the green and brown.

Your faces now I seem to see,

And every one looks good to me;

I see full many who I know—

I met you all a year ago.  

To stay at home was my sad fix,

Yet am I here by proxy,     BIX  


Volume 2  #3  December 21, 1911

Mrs. G. T. Powell died at her home in Blessing Saturday after an illness of a few days. Mrs. Powell came to Texas a few months ago with her husband and family from Ohio, first locating at Citrus Grove, where Rev. Powell held revival meetings and organized a United Brethren church and Sunday school, later removing to Blessing. Mrs. Powell leaves a husband and three small children, besides other relatives to mourn her loss. The heartfelt sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved family in the loss of a kind and loving wife and mother. The remains were shipped Sunday to the former home of the family in Ohio for burial.—Blessing News.

Caranchua Bay Items

Dr. James G. Brooking and wife and Miss R. K. Traylor and family as well as Edmond Traylor, son of John Traylor, were among those attending to business in LaWard Saturday and shopping at the always well supplied store of A. C. Joines and Brothers.

A meeting has been called for Saturday night at Joine’s[sic] hall to organize a Fruit and Truck Growers association. Every one invited.