Francitas, Jackson County, Texas

Volume 1 #35  August 3, 1911

C. L. Joines of LaWard was a visitor at the Bell House this week for a day.

M. C. Sterling of Palacios was here the first of the week.

A.   E. Beatty of Bay City was a Bell House guest since the last issue of The Bee.

Sunday school had the largest attendance Sunday morning in its history. There were 59 present. The Rev. Mr. Bailey preached morning and evening, his sermons being closely followed and listened to with much interest.

Watermelon parties and hay rides are the order of the day for the young people. Several parties have been given lately and every young person in this town is having the time of his life.


Volume 1 #36  August 10, 1911

E. T. Joines and wife, Miss Pearl Joines and A. C. Joines were at the Bell House one day this week.

S. S. Kiehl of College Port was a Francitas visitor the latter part of last week. He was registered at the Bell House.

The First Boy

Harry Baer is the father of a fine little boy, the first boy born in Francitas. The young man arrived last Thursday night, since which time he and his mother have been doing nicely. Of course Grandpa Penrod is strutting around a whole lot, but he is back to earth now. Dr. Eichmann of Deutschburg officiated.


Volume 1 #37  August 17, 1911


Bids for the Construction of New Brick School House Called For

Bids for the construction of the new brick school here have been asked for by the school board to be submitted not later than August 26, at 2 p.m. o'clock . When the contract is let work will be pushed and it is expected that the building will be ready for occupation within 45 days at the outside.

Prof. Peterson, who had been selected to teach the school, notified the board since the last issue of The Bee that he desired to be released from his bargain inasmuch as he had a better position in his opinion. The board will at once select his successor, probably this week.

Pending the co mpletion of the new building school will be opening in some available room in town.

John L. Logan, Sr. was kicked by a horse Wednesday morning and had his left arm broken just above the wrist. Dr. A. H. Flickwir was called to reduce the fracture and Mr. Logan is getting along as well as could be expected under the circumstances.—Blessing News.

Volume 1 #38  August 24, 1911


Wharton Firm Awarded Contract for New Brick Bank

Building. Completed in 60 Days

The contract for the construction of the First State Bank building has been let by the board of directors to Joplin & Williams of Wharton.

The building is to be of pressed brick, 25 by 56 feet. The bank space will be 25 by 40 feet, and a store room 16 by 24 feet will be constructed on the rear of the bank room. The building will be put up on lot 17, block 102.

This will be the 1st bank building in Francitas and it is to be completed within 60 days. Work will start at once, and naturally it will be rushed.

At the present time the bank is holding forth in a room in the office of the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden company, but Messrs. Schwind and Maher desire this room and have requested the bank to move out as soon as possible.


Volume 1  #39  August 31, 1911

You will never hear a complaint from the man who works in Francitas. The soil responds readily to the plow. The man who does not work is the man who has a complaint.


Brick School House to be Built by S. S. Kiehl a Francitas Property Owner

The school board met Saturday afternoon and let the contract for the construction of the new brick school house to S. S. Kiehl a Francitas Property Owner. The highest bid was $5,500 but the work was let to Mr. Kiehl for $3,200. At this time only three rooms and lab will be built, but the plans call for the most original school house in the Gulf Coast Country.

The building will be of the mission style, one story and perfectly arranged for light and ventilation and safety of the pupils. The plans were drawn by Architect Pierce of San Antonio who drew the plans for the new church building. Mr. Pierce, though a young man has demonstrated by the plans he has drawn for buildings in Francitas that he is one of the most original architects in the state of Texas .

Mr. Kiehl who has been sojourning for some months in Palacios will come to Francitas next week and stake out the grounds for the building and it will be rushed to completion. The school house will be built on block 89.

J. L. Evers began work Tuesday on his residence in the northeast part of the city. Mr. Evers is a banker of Lorton , Neb. , and last winter his wife came to Francitas for the benefit of their health. The family was so well pleased and Mrs. Evers’ health was so much improved that Mr. Evers concluded to make this his home. He had just acquired some 100 acres of land from Schwind and Maher, located across the river.