Francitas, Jackson County, Texas

April 6, 1911   Volume 1 # 18 

William Baer Burned

William Baer was severely burned by the ignition of gasoline at his home Tuesday noon . As a result of the accident his left hand will be incapacitated for several days.

During the rain Monday night water leaked through his tent and on to the gasoline stove, a portion going into the tank in which the can is kept. This water with some gasoline was drained off into a cup and set aside by Mrs. Baer’s daughter. Later, thinking the cup contained only water, Mrs. Baer poured its contents into a kettle on the stove. Instantly the gasoline ignited setting her clothing on fire. In extinguishing the blaze which threatened his wife, and in carrying out the kettle Mr. Baer burned his hand and for several hours he suffered much pain.


Two years ago our neighboring town of Collegeport consisted of nothing but a blue print and wide place in the unbroken prairie on the bay shore. Now the enterprising people of this bran[d] new town are arranging to vote $12,000 bonds for the erection of a modern school building and for which the election will be held in a few weeks. The resident tax payers almost to a man have signed the petition for the election, and the bonds will be carried without opposition.--Palacios Beacon.

Sunday school will be held in Joines Bros. Hall next Sunday after which Mr. Hatch will read a sermon.

The ladies of Francitas will serve ice cream Friday afternoon and evening in Joines Bros. Hall, before the entertainment given by the ladies of the Blessing W.C.T.U. Friday, April 7, from 3 o'clock to eight. All are invited to come and enjoy the refreshments and afternoon, also evening entertainment. Proceeds from ice cream goes to Francitas church fund.

Every man who kills a fly puts a jewel in his crown.

Mrs. Ellen Brown has bought a stock of drugs and as soon as her building is completed, upon her return from the north she will open a drug store.

Advertised Letters

Miss Nellie Garner

E. M. Graham

C. Sturling

F. W. Thayer

Mrs. F. W. Thayer (2)

R. O. Ward

A. S. Scott

Miss Lassie Coleman

If the above letters are not called for within 30 days they will be forwarded to the dead letter office at Washington .

When calling for above letters please say “advertised.”

A.   O. Hardy, postmaster


Volume 1 # 19  April 13, 1911


The First State Bank of Francitas was organized Monday afternoon with a capital stock of $10,000 all paid in. The officers elected were: : G. J. Phelps, president; F. T. Dimick, cashier; Directors: G. J. Phelps, F. T. Dimick, W. K. Rose and Will Clark of Francitas and A. P. Ward of La Ward. Following are the stockholders of the new institution, in addition to those mentioned above: W. F. Schwind and John Maher, Lincoln, Nebraska; Emil Folda, Linwood, Nebraska; A. T. Vennum, Palisade, Neb.; W. W. McCrory, Edna, Texas; Mrs. Ellen Brown and H. H. Philpott, Francitas.

Immediately after the organization had been perfected the necessary papers were sent to the banking board for the charter which should be received without any unnecessary delay.

 Mr. Dimick, cashier, who organized the bank, ordered his safe some weeks ago and immediately upon its arrival with the charter he will open up temporarily in the office of the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden company pending the construction of the new brick bank.

The officers and directors of this new bank are all thorough business men who have been successful in a financial way. Mr. Phelps, president, is the resident manager for the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden Company. Two years ago he retired from the wholesale furniture business and came to the gulf coast and Francitas because of the opportunities he knew were here. He is a thorough business man and his name at the head of the banking institution denotes a safe and sane policy.

Mr. Dimick is a practical banker of 20 years experience in the business in Wanneta, Neb. He is a man of big affairs and his honesty and business ability is recognized throughout his native state.

Mr. Ward and Mr. Rose are native Texans and own the Ward-Rose cattle company and financially are as strong as the Rock of Gibraltar. Mr. Ward is the son of Colonel Ward who sold the Francitas tract of land to Mr. Schwind and Mr. Maher. Will Clark is a large property owner in Elm Creek, Neb. and here and in the business world he is rated high.

With such men in charge of the institution the First State Bank of Francitas should and will inspire the confidence of the people of this territory of the gulf coast.

The New Store
Penrod and Baer Cast Their Lot With People of Francitas and Start General Store.

Penrod and Baer is the newest general merchandise firm in Francitas which has every appearance of being a live combination which will go after business and do business. Mr. Penrod and Mr. Baer both hail from Beaver City, Neb. and they bring with them the endorsement of the people of that section of Nebraska. Mr. Baer is a son of our Mr. William Baer.

The new firm has opened up in the Lubben building with a stock of groceries, dry goods, vegetables, fruits and feed. It is now figuring on a warehouse and within this is secured, which will be within ten days or so, a large stock of feed will be installed and handled in car lots. This will be a great convenience to the feeders in this section of the gulf coast who have to ship in their feed and store it before beginning to fatten their steers.

Mr. Penrod and Mr. Baer with their families came to Francitas ten days ago and at once got busy and are now ready for customers.


Blessing Business Men Invite People of Francitas to Join in Celebration May 1.

A Matagorda county “get together” picnic will be given at Tide-Haven Park , near Blessing May 1, and the people of Francitas have been given a special invitation to attend and celebrate with their neighbors.

If a sufficient number will agree to stop business and work on that day the special train for the picnic grounds will be started from Francitas.

All kinds of amusements will be furnished the visitors including a barbecue.

This celebration should be attended by all our people who can possibly get away from town. Every town in Matagorda county will close up shop and have a fine time that day, and as Francitas is almost in Matagorda county we should do likewise.

Penrod and Baer Cast Their Lot With People of Francitas and Start General Store

The following were registered at the Francitas House during the week: H. Lindner, El Campo; J. M. Scott and son, Broken Bow; E. D. Sanders, Blessing; W. S. Hobson, Edna; Oscar Widmer, Fremont; Aug. Widmer, Hooper; Wm. Baruth and family, Alexandria; John Sennett, Mason City; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wytan, North Platt; H. H. Frazier, Alliance; Frank Hawk, Ansley.

The following were registered at the Nebraska Inn during the week: R. B. Sheron, Laufkins; Wm. Horn, Yoakum; R. M. Kirkpatrick, Houston; T. B. Cox, Palacios; P. R. Stewart and wife, New Mexico; Mrs. E. E. Strauss, Mrs. E. E. Burroughs and B. W. Gill, Blessing; Mrs. L. M. Merry and J. E. Simmons, Stigo; Col.; Allen and Mrs. Gloser, South Omaha; B. H. Smith, Jack Irwin, Palacios; H. H. Frazier, Alliance; Dr. James Byers, Markham.

Volume 1 #20 April 20, 1911

In its initial game the Francitas ball team defeated the celebrated La Ward nine by the one sided score of 8 to 1. The batteries were: LaWard, W. T. Joines, pitcher and Bannat, catcher; Francitas, Street and Long.

Sunday School Sunday morning was attended by 53 persons, which is the largest attendance since the school was organized. Every teacher and officer was present.

The Levi Bailey home is about completed and it is considered the best built house in Francitas. Mr. Bailey has changed his address from Kansas to Francitas.

Old Land Mark Gone.

In the tearing down of the building northwest of the Nebraska Inn occupied as a temporary residence by Chris Lubben and family, Francitas loses an old land mark.

This building was put up by Mr. Lubben in January upon his arrival in the city for a temporary home. He has since built a residence and a store room and the first home has outlived its usefulness and had to give way to a bigger building.

Volume 1 #21  April 27, 1911

The following were at the Francitas House during the week: H. B. Silver, Denver, Colo.; Mr. E. W. Sivers and wife, Denver; T. C. Young, Houston, Tex.; Durward Bess and wife Abaline, Kans.; Elmer E. Kness, Goodland, Kans.; Frank Kness and wife, Goodland, Kans.; Emil Hosner, Osceola, Nebr.


Matagorda County Get-TO-Gether

Picnic at Tide-Haven Postponed

Until May 17.

The special train which is to carry the crowds to Tide-Haven for the annual Matagorda county get together picnic will leave Francitas at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday May 17. The special will leave Tide-Haven on the return trip at 5:30 p.m. The round trip from Francitas will be 35 cents, which is cheaper than staying at home. Everyone who goes is requested to bring along a basket dinner so as to make a real day of it.

It is probable that a big crowd will attend from Francitas as this will be a splendid opportunity to get acquainted with our neighbors.