Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
January  - June 1956


News Items From Francitas
Helen Feldhousen

We are sorry to hear that Garland long is sick, and we hope he is doing better by now.

Wesley Rose of San Angelo has returned to see if he can find work.

Mr. and Mrs. William Walpole have visiting them over the weekend friends from San Antonio.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wofford and family were visiting here one day the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Capak and Mrs. H. L. Rose visited Mrs. Robert Browning and baby girl in the Ganado hospital Sunday night.

Folks, don’t forget the March of Dimes is on; you can leave your donation at the store or post office or give it to Mrs. Walpole, Mrs. L. J. Capak, or the chairman, Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Linton visited with Mrs. Ada Joines one day the past weekend.

B. H. Pearce of Edna visited here Friday of the past week.

Edna Herald, January 12, 1956

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Folks, we sure do thank you all for helping out on the March of Dimes drive. We had a lot of people at the dance. The quilt tops brought us $92; cake sale $21.50; guess cake, $3.36; grab bag $4.70; food sale $25.29; at the door $32 and a $2.50 check. Then we had $11.43 expenses. Thank you all again.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Long visited Mrs. D. P. Long over the weekend.

We are sorry to hear that Elaine Green has been in the hospital. We hope she is doing better now.

We are sorry to see Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen and family move. Mr. and Mrs. Walpole have bought their home. We hope both have good luck in their new homes.

Mrs. Parrish from Palacios spent the day with Mrs. Long one day the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Browning visited Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose Saturday

Edna Herald, February 9, 1956

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mrs. Bolton spent the week end in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Wofford were visiting her folks over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lala and Mr. Lala’s father of Victoria were here recently to visit Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen.

We were sorry to hear that Mrs. L. J. Capak was in the hospital one day the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose are enjoying a new Chevrolet pickup.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whorton are also enjoying a new pickup.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Webb visited the Walpoles Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Koch and family had dinner with the Junior Feldhousens Sunday.

Edna Herald, February 23, 1956

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mrs. D. P. Long visited with her children in Ganado over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Wofford and family visited with their folks here Sunday.

Those attending the farmers’ supper Saturday night in Palacios were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines and family and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen.

We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Kerry Griffith has been ill the past week. We hope she is getting along fine by now.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson spent the weekend with her sister.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce of Edna were visiting here one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross and son visited her folks here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Koch of Palacios visited with the L. W. Feldhousens and L. J. Capaks last Sunday.

Wesley Rose has returned home after visiting here.

Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg are enjoying a new car.

Edna Herald, March 8, 1956

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green and girls of Bay City visited Mr. and Mrs. Marion Linton Saturday.

Visiting Mrs. Ada Joines over the weekend were Mrs. Harrell Gibbs of Bay City and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Linton of Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Wofford had visiting them over the week end her folks.

We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Dub Joines is in the hospital and we hope she is doing fine and will soon be home.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford of Ganado visited his folks, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wofford recently.

Those visiting the L. W. Feldhousen home recently were Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Koch of Palacios and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Staniff of El Campo.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose visited Mr. and Mrs. John Koch in Palacios Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. spent the past weekend in Houston visiting his brother.

Miss Mary Griffith visited her sister, Mrs. Travis Tanner over the weekend.

There were lots of people down at the boat races Sunday. Everybody reported a good time.

Folks, don’t forget the Red Cross drive is on and our chairman is Mrs. Marvin Joines.

Edna Herald, March 22, 1956

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

The Wofford family spent Easter Sunday at the L. E. Woffords and they enjoyed a picnic.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Joines Jr. are the proud parents of a baby boy. Congratulations.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Feldhousen and family in Houston spent the weekend with homefolks.

Mr. and Mrs. Bolton are visiting their children over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen of Blessing visited with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Capak and boys visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Browning in Edna.

Mrs. Knopp visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whorton.

All of the Griffith children were at home to spend Easter with her folks.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long and family visited with Mrs. D. P. Long over the weekend.

Edna Herald, April 5, 1956

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Webb and family visited her sister, Mrs. Bill Walpole, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Wofford of Ganado visited his folks here over the weekend.

Those having dinner with the L. W. Feldhousens Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gangle and family, Mrs. Clark and Mr. George Miller, a brother.

We are sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Troubles and family have moved to Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hunt visited her brother and family here Sunday.

Those enjoying a picnic on the river last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Koch and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Capak and boys, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. and family.

Mrs. W. W. Griffith visited her brother, who is ill in a hospital.

Folks, don’t forget the dance at the Francitas community center on April 21, 1956. Time 8:30 p. m. There will be a string band playing. Everyone welcome.

Edna Herald, April 19, 1956

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wofford and family of Ganado visited the J. W. Woffords Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Webb and family visited her sister here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Wofford and girls visited her folks last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Linton have her daughter from Houston visiting them over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Capak and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Browning in Edna Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walpole were visiting in San Antonio over the weekend. His mother returned home with them.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Koch in Palacios recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parrish had visiting them last week Mrs. John Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koch and son and Robert Koch, all of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson had his sister visiting them Sunday.

Edna Herald, May 3, 1956

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen and family of Edna and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wofford of Ganado visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wofford recently.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Long of Houston visited his grandmother here over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose attended the rodeo in Edna Friday night.

Miss Wilma Mae of Junction City, Kansas, is visiting with the Feldhousen families this week.

Miss Susie Griffith visited her sister over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen of Blessing visited her folks here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hunt and family visited her brother one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Walpole visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. over the weekend. The Feldhousens also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Lala in Victoria Saturday.

Folks, don’t forget the dance at the Francitas Community Center Saturday, May 19, 1956, at 8:30. The music will be played by Sonny and The Riverside Playboys. Everybody is welcome.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Green and family have been visiting his folks here.

We are sorry to hear that Mr. Bob Parrish has been sick. We hope he is feeling better by now.

Mr. Ricky Walpole has also been on the sick list this week.

Edna Herald, May 17, 1956

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Linton of Houston visited her mother, Mrs. Ada Joines, over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Wofford attended the boat races at the Vanderbilt park Wednesday.

Mrs. E. L. Feldhousen and girls of Houston visited with the Feldhousens here recently.

Mrs. Abernathy had her son visiting her over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Capak and boys attended the wedding of Miss Dorothy Capak in El Campo Monday.

Those on our sick list this week are: Mrs. Bill Walpole, Dorothy and Billy Ray Walpole, Glen Joines, Vivian Wofford and Butch Capak.

Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Feldhousen visited in Palacios with Mrs. Johnny Koch recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parrish had her sisters from Fort Worth visiting her last week.

Mrs. Bill Allen and family visited her folks here the past week.

The people around here sure do need some rain. Send us some.

Edna Herald, June 7, 1956

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mr. and Mrs. Trouble of Bay City visiting her Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rose and family and Sonny Rose of San Angelo visited his brother, H. E. Rose recently.

The Woffords had a supper on the river Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Green and family have moved back down here. Welcome back.

Those attending the bar-be-cue on the river Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gangle and family of El Campo, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Feldhousen and girls of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lala of Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Koch and family of Palacios and the Feldhousen families.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walpole and family were visiting kinfolks over the weekend.

We are sorry to hear of so many people having the mumps.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Linton’s daughter of Houston visited them over the weekend.

Mrs. Louis Wofford and family visited their folks here one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen of Lolita visited here one day the past week.

Edna Herald, June 21, 1956