Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
July - December 1955


News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mrs. D. P. Long has returned from a visit with kinfolks in San Angelo and Kenley.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Capak and sons and Mrs. H. L. Rose are visiting in San Angelo this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines have been visiting his mother for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty and sons visited with her father and sisters over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Feldhousen and girls spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wofford, Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Wofford, Mrs. Agnes Wofford and family and Mrs. Carroll ate dinner down on the river in Edna with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wofford the fourth of July.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green were over one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. and son spent the past weekend in San Antonio.

Mr. and Mrs. Randall Ruddick and son spent Sunday evening visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Walpole and family.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Capak, Mrs. H. L. Rose and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. were in Edna Sunday where all of the Brownings got together and had a big barbecue.

Well folks there will be a dance at the Francitas Community Center on July 16, time 9 o’clock. Everybody welcome.

The Edna Herald, July 7, 1955

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck are the proud parents of a big girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wofford were visiting his folks, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wofford, last weekend.

Mrs. J. H. Glenn and children of San Angelo are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walpole and family visited in San Antonio over the weekend.

They have started moving Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whorton’s house. So looks like they are fixing to start on the new road.

Folks don’t forget about the dance at the Francitas Community Center on July 16, 1955—Time 9 o’clock.

The Edna Herald, July 14, 1955

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen and family spent the weekend in Brownvill. [Brownsville?]

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wofford and daughter attended the dance Saturday and visited his folks.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith visited kinfolks here the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Green are spending a few weeks with his folks here.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long of Ganado visited with the Walleck’s Sunday.

We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Carroll is in the Ganado hospital at this writing. We hope she is doing fine and will be home soon.

Those visiting Mrs. Ada Joines’ home over the weekend were Mrs. Harrell Gibbs of Bay City and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson visited her mother who has been ill. We hope she is doing better by now.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walpole visited in San Antonio over the weekend. Mr. Walpole’s sister returned home with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Travis Tanner visited her folks Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Long and family visited kinfolks here over the weekend.

The Edna Herald, July 28, 1955

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mr. and Mrs. Opal Dorris were down visiting here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Linton visited Mrs. Ada Joines over the weekend. Mrs. Harrell Gibbs also visited her mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Green were visiting here over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Capak visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Browning of Edna recently.

We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Carroll has been moved to the hospital in Houston. We hope she will be well and get to come home soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen visited with her folks over the weekend.

B. H. Pearce was visiting here one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Travis Tanner and daughter visited folks here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Randall Ruddick visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr., recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Webb visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walpole Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parrish and boys visited in New Mexico for a few days last week.

The Edna Herald, August 11, 1955

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mrs. Agnes Wofford visited with her mother who is in the hospital in Houston. She reported her feeling better.

Mrs. Joe Allen visited her folks one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green were visiting here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Koch and Miss Lena Koch were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Feldhousen.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines are the proud owners of a new car.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Wofford visited with her folks for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines visited her mother over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wofford visited his folks here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Griffith visited her folks in Blessing Sunday.

One of our dear friends passed away last week, Grandma Compton, who lived in Lolita. Those from here who attended the funeral were Mrs. H. L. Rose Mrs. L. J. Capak and boys, Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. and son.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffith and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Griffith Sunday.

We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Bolton is in the hospital suffering from a broken ankle. We hope she is better by now and will be home soon.

The Edna Herald, August 18, 1955

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen visited her folks here Saturday.

Those visiting in the L. W. Feldhousen home over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Feldhousen and family and Mrs. Jenson, of Houston, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gangle of El Campo.

We are so glad to see Mrs. Carroll is home and feeling some better.

Miss Donna Beth Wofford of Ganado spent the weekend with Miss Ethelene Walleck.

Mrs. Ivan Rose and family have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna visited Mr. and Mrs. Agnes Wofford Sunday afternoon.

Wesley Rose is visiting with kinfolks here for a few weeks.

Mrs. D. P. Long spent a few days in Brownsville recently.

We are glad to see Mrs. Bolton home again and hope she is feeling better by now.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walpole and family spent a couple of days in San Antonio visiting with kinfolks.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Griffith spent the afternoon with his folks Friday.

Folks don’t forget it is getting Fair time so be sure and send something. Any flowers, craft handiwork or canning. If you would like to see a fair book, I have one (Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr.). Let’s carry as many things as last year, if not more.

The Edna Herald, Thursday, August 25, 1955

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen


Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose visited in Edna Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Browning.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Green visited with his folks here.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Griffith are the proud owners of a new car.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green are the proud owners of a new car.

Miss Lena Koch has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parrish.

Mrs. Harrell Gibbs of Bay City visited with her mother over the weekend.

Mrs. Bill Allen and family of Edna visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wofford.

Those visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. were Mr. and Mrs. Randall Ruddick and son and Mr. and Mrs. Lenmood [Lindimood?] and Bob Martin.

We sure won lots of ribbons at the Jackson County Fair. We carried 42 articles to the fair and won 42 ribbons. We won all first and second in all but one entry.

Mrs. Knopp and sister visited her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whorton and Mary.

The Edna Herald, October 6, 1955

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen


Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross and son visited with her folks Sunday.

Mrs. Harrell Gibbs of Bay City visited her mother, Mrs. Ada Joines, over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty and sons are visiting here for a few days. Their son was rushed to the El Campo hospital Friday. We hope he is doing fine by now and will get to go home soon.

Mrs. Agnes Wofford attended the post office meeting held in Lolita recently.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lindimood in Blessing Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Wofford have visiting them over the weekend her folks from San Antonio. Lindy returned home with them for a few days.

Joe and Fred Jensey of Houston visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen one day the past week.

Mrs. Wesley Rose and sons and Ed Rose of San Angelo visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose.

Mrs. Reese visited with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Griffith recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Griffith of Blessing visited his folks Sunday.

Mrs. Joe Allen spent a few days here with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck.

We are sorry to hear that some of the kiddies are having the measles. They are Larry Jones, Bubba Green, Carson Wofford and Butch Capak. We hope they are better now and getting back to school.

The Edna Herald, November 24, 1955

News Items From Francitas Facts
Helen Feldhousen

Folks, don’t forget that the Francitas Baptist Church will have a Christmas play on Friday, Dec. 23, starting at 7:30, and everyone is welcome.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines visited Mrs. Ada Joines over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Randall Ruddick and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walpole Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Capak and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parrish and sons attended a birthday supper in Palacios Wednesday.

Brother Martin’s mother and grandmother attended church here Sunday night.

Mrs. L. J. Capak, Mrs. H. L. Rose and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. attended a Pink and Blue shower in Edna last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Wofford were shopping in Bay City Wednesday.

We are sorry to hear that little Miss Cathy Wofford has the measles.

There will be a dance at the Francitas Community Center on Dec. 31, at 8 p. m., with Tommy Tolleson and the Western Play Boys. Everyone will be welcome.

Well, one more house is moved off the new road that of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose. Maybe before long we will have a good road in and out of Francitas.

The Edna Herald, Thursday, December 15, 1955