Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
July - December 1954


News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce have returned from vacationing up in the Panhandle and in eastern New Mexico.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish spent a part of his vacation in Lorenzo, Texas, with his brother, Henry Parrish. Upon their return, their eldest son, Little Dickie, was taken to the El Campo Hospital for two weeks. We trust for the little boy a speedy recovery.

Little Joan Gates of Kountz, has spent the past week with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Pearce.

Mrs. Frank Pearce spent the week from 18th to 26th in El Campo Hospital.

Mrs. H. L. Rose was hostess to a Stanley Party Monday 28 at the school house. A very pleasant afternoon and a nice attendance. She served delicious refreshments.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Conner and children are on vacation in East Texas. Upon his return they will be moving to Placedo as our railroad “section” has been discontinued.

We were sorry to learn of the death of our good friend, Mrs. Mary Neely, in Yoakum on the 24th. She has many relatives and friends here who shall mourn her passing. To all of those loved ones we extend our sympathy.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce spent a few days in Corpus this past week.

The Edna Herald, July 8, 1954

William R. Abernathy

This community was shocked when the Angel of Death passed by again and called to W. R. Abernathy, “Come.”

Our neighbor had been bothered with slight attacks, but when he was stricken on the 21st, he failed to rally and passed away at 4 a. m. Tuesday, 22nd of June.

Death was sudden and unexpected. His wife and her brother, R. Green, were with him at the last. Her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith, of Waco were summoned and most of the relatives who were near were soon with them in their sorrow.

Taylor Brothers of Bay City had charge of the funeral.

Brother H. Harvey of Port Lavaca, our Baptist pastor here, officiated. Services were held at the Funeral Home at Palacios. Interment was made in Palacios Cemetery on June 24, 1954.

Mr. Abernathy was born March 1, 1900. And died June 22nd, 1954.

More than half of his fifty-four years were spent in our midst. We can say of Bill, as he was known here, that he had a host of friends, and being of a jovial disposition and ever ready to lend a helping hand in any and all things—a very kindly man—that we should miss his cheery smile, his friendliness and his help.

Life flowed smoothly along, but Bill was not indifferent to the truly fine things of life. He was loyal to friends, true to his convictions, conscientious to a fine point.

Yes, we shall miss you, Bill Abernathy, but the Master of all knows best, and whatever He doeth is ever and always right.

To you, his wife, we extend our very best sympathy.


The Edna Herald, July 8, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lala of Victoria were over here Sunday to visit the L. W. Feldhausen, Sr., family. Mrs. Lala also visited with Mrs. Ben Pearce.

Friday, July 9, Mrs. Lewis Capak was hostess for a party. Mrs. Iris Allen of Blessing was also there.

We hear that our friend, Mrs. Robert Joines, is in the Bay City Hospital recuperating from a serious operation. We trust for her a complete recovery.

Banks Dorton made a trip by way of Houston to Vidor last Thursday. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Frank Pearce and Larry, who have spent a week visiting her sister, Mrs. Earl Gates in Kountz.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce visited at the T. N. Dahlstrom home in LaWard on Sunday evening July 11th.

Mrs. Herbert Walker, who is in the Ganado Hospital is much improved. Her mother-in-law, Mrs. L. Wingate, from Houston, visited with Mrs. Walker Sunday.

We hear that Mrs. A. Bonnot, who has been in Ganado Hospital for more than a month, is slowly improving. We trust that this lady will soon be fully recovered.

The people of Francitas wish to say “Thank You” to our commissioner, Mr. Gayle, for the nice black topping on the main streets of our town.

Brother Clark, of Port Lavaca, has been here every evening from 4 to 10 to conduct a revival at the Baptist Church.

The Edna Herald, Thursday, July 14, 1954

Francitas Facts
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mrs. Clay Robertson was taken to the Palacios Hospital July 15th, suffering from bronchial pneumonia. She returned home Saturday forenoon and her friends will be happy to know she is now on the road to recovery. We trust she will be her usual self again very soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith, of Waco, were down here for the past weekend. His mother, Mrs. Lily Abernathy, accompanied them home to spend a few days.

The C. L. Conners are home from vacation. The family will be here for a few weeks yet, while Charlie Lee is to begin his work in Placedo.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce and Mrs. Opal Danner were in Palacios Sunday to attend the 9th District Postmaster’s Convention.

We note from the Corpus Christi Tribune that Uncle Bill Green and Mrs. Martha Grove were married in Corpus on July 16th. We wish for Uncle Bill and the lady of his choice many years of happiness together. They are at present living in her home at 2712 McCain Drive, Corpus Christi.

Mrs. J. B. Thompson and daughters of Hitchcock, are here this week with Mrs. Clay Robertson.

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bolton visited Mr. and Mrs. “Dub” Gayle in LaWard last Sunday.

Our little friend, “Dicky” Parrish, who has been ill, is improving, and we feel that he will soon be well again.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were among those who enjoyed the barbecue sponsored by the Fair Association on Saturday evening, July 17.

Mrs. Anna May Long and children of Houston visited at the D. P. Long home over the past weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen and girls are on vacation this week.

Mrs. Hazel Dean of Damon visited Mrs. Lily Abernathy last week.

The Edna Herald, July 22, 1954

Francitas Facts
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mrs. M. R. Bolton left Thursday to spend a few days with her daughter, in Pasadena.

Mrs. Lily Abernathy is home from a visit with her sister, Mrs. David Graham of Bastrop.

Miss Mary Young came in from Kansas City to spend a month here at her home.

Miss Sybil Guthrie was here last Friday to meet with the Women’s Home Demonstration Club. Eight members were present and two new members were added.

R. Green is home again from a few weeks visit with his son’s family in Shreveport, La.

Mrs. Angie Knopp and sister spent Sunday here with her son’s family, the H. G. Whortons.

E. H. Linton tells us that his grandson, L. E. Christian, who has been suffering a siege of polio, is very much better.

Mrs. Frank Pearce has visitors this week: her father, Eugene Green, and her sister, Mrs. Joe E. Gates and children of Kountz, Texas.

On Sunday, the 18, four of our young people were baptized and were taken in as members of the Baptist Church. They were the little Walpole sisters, Mary Whorton and Stanley Harvey.

The continued dry weather has begun to “dampen” the spirits of gardeners and farmers here.

The Edna Herald, Thursday, July 29, 1954

Two New Members In Francitas H. D. Club

Six members of the Francitas Home Demonstration club met July 23 at the Francitas school house. Two new members, Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen, Sr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce, were welcomed into the club.

Mrs. Helen Mae Feldhousen presided at the meeting, which was opened by Mrs. Ruby Parrish reading some rules to live by. A demonstration on Storage in the Home was given by the agent, Miss Guthrie.

After the business session, Mrs. Bobbie Nall Wofford served punch and cake.

The next meeting will be Sept. 17 at the school house.--Mrs. Ruby Lee Capak, reporter

Palacios Beacon, July 29, 1954

Francitas Facts
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena Koch of Beaumont were guests at the W. H. Parrish home all of the past week. They are now in Palacios with Mr. and Mrs. John Koch. Grandma enjoyed being in her old home and all of us were very glad to have her and Helena, who for years has been our Sunshine girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Danner have just returned from vacationing in Colorado and her home state, Oklahoma. Mrs. Frank Pearce acted as “leave replacement” in the absence of Mrs. Danner, who is our local postmaster.

Mrs. Lily Abernathy, with Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen, are on a visit to Waco, Yoakum, and other points in Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce are now established in their home in Edna, 811 Fulton. Banks Dorton has rented their home in Francitas, and will take possession on Sept. 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters of Blessing were business visitors in Francitas last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. E S. Yoas and Howard stopped by the Pearce home Tuesday. They were on their way to New Mexico to visit their daughter’s family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howell.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cloyd of Columbus were in Francitas last Sunday to visit the Pearces. Finding them “moved” they went on to Edna and had their visit. Both the Cloyds were schoolmates and then school pupils of Mrs. Pearce in the days gone by.

The Baptist Church of Francitas wishes to thank Mrs. Tips Hensley for the church fans she sent to them.


The Edna Herald, Thursday, August 19, 1954

Francitas Facts
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck, with Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bolton, called at the Pearce home in Edna Friday afternoon, the 27th.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce spent Friday night with Frank Pearce’s family out in the Gas Camp Row.

Miss Katherine Walleck, local editor of the Ganado Tribune, has appointed Miss Ethelene Walleck as news writer to the Tribune from Francitas, as the local newswriter for many years has moved from Francitas.

Miss Gertrude Kellogg was home for the past weekend to cast her vote.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green are planning to move to the “Valley.”

The ladies of the gas plant, with Mrs. P. L. Manning as hostess, gave a “going away shower” for Miss Opal Danner, our local postmaster who plans on leaving for Colorado on Sept. 1st.

Mrs. Agnes Wofford will “take over” our post office, pending appointment as Acting P. M.

Mrs. Ada Joines, with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines, left Saturday for a visit among relatives back in Tennessee.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and Larry, were Victoria visitors Saturday, 28th.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish were in Palacios Saturday evening to visit Grandma Koch and Helena, who are still visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Koch.

Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Yoas have returned from a two weeks’ trip up to Las Vegas, N. Mex. to visit their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howell.

The Edna Herald, Thursday, September 2, 1954

Francitas Facts
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mrs. M. R. Bolton was taken to Ganado Hospital on Tuesday of last week suffering from a slight attack of facial paralysis. The writer visited her Friday and found her able to smile while recuperating nicely.

Mrs. D. D. Paris and Mrs. Frank Pearce were El Campo visitors Saturday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish are now established in Cottage No. 3 at the Gas Camp Row. We wish them much success.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce of Edna and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston visited at the Banks Dorton home here on Sunday the 5th.

Mrs. Carl Walleck was in Ganado Wednesday to visit Mrs. M. R. Bolton at the Mauritz Memorial Hospital.

The ladies of Francitas honored Mrs. W. H. Parrish with a “Going Away” shower on Wednesday of last week.

Our new acting postmaster, Mrs. Agnes Wofford, has the office under control and we feel sure she will do a wonderful job. Congratulations to you, Agnes.

The school children from here are enjoying the bus ride in our brand new school bus. The driver also is very pleased.

Uncle Bill Green is home again from Corpus Christi.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dorris are now occupying the old Lindsead home. Welcome!

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rose and family of San Angelo spent the Labor Day week end with her mother. They with Grandma Long had a nice day on the bay fishing.

The E. S. Yoases are home again from a two weeks visit with their daughter, Mrs. Earl Howell of Las Vegas, New Mexico.

The writer enjoyed the ride last Saturday back to “home town.” Along the roadsides were: some parts seared by the drought but some covered by ragweeds in full bloom, some merely green, but here and there the September goldenrods were all aglow. Did you ever stop on the Navidad bridge and try to count the shades of green? Try it the next time you go out on Hiway 111.

Mr. J. Lewis came home with the “fish” to prove that fishing is good here.

Mrs. J. L. Capak was hostess at the “Plastic Party” last week. Those who did not attend missed a good time.

Every one in each Jackson County community is busy today (Monday) 13th, getting ready for our Fair. Come on over.

The Edna Herald, Thursday, September 15, 1954

Francitas Facts
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Alton Powledge of Victoria were visitors at the Clay Robertson home Sunday 12th.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce of Edna called on Mrs. M. R. Bolton last Saturday and found her looking much better. She returned from the Ganado Hospital last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Starnes of Houston were weekend guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bolton.

Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. and her mother, Mrs. H. L. Rose, were in Edna on Monday of last week. Mrs. Feldhousen was on our Francitas “Fair” committee and they, with Mrs. Ben Pearce went out to the fair grounds and placed the articles on display that our good neighbors had kindly collected. Francitas people won thirty-two ribbons—1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Thanks, folks, for help making our county fair a success.

Among those from out-of-town who attended the fair were: Mrs. J. W. Wofford, Mrs. Curtis Wofford, Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen, Sr., the Junior Feldhousens and Mrs. H. L. Rose, and others whom the writer failed to see.

All of last week the fair was the center of interest, and here the chairman of Francitas-LaWard-Marborough booth wishes to express grateful thanks to Mesdames Jerry Weaver, W. G. Gayle, Ray Clements, and H. C. Riechardt for their splendid cooperation and ever ready help. And to the men and ladies who decorated our float, we can say: “We are indeed grateful for we know each of you gave yourself wholeheartedly to the task.

We are all pleased as punch that we could do our bit ‘cause we are all proud of Jackson County. We all acted like the English at the crowning of our queen. Congratulations to all the folks who participated in the parade and to you, Clementine, we salute you.

The Edna Herald, Thursday, September 23, 1954

Francitas H. D. Club Holds Monthly Meet

The Francitas Home Demonstration club met September 17 at the Francitas school house. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Helen Feldhousen, who also gave a demonstration on Money Management. Mrs. Bobbie Nell Wofford gave a report on the last council meeting.

Two new members were welcomed into the club, they were Mrs. Albina Joines and Mrs. Carl Walleck and one member was lost as Mrs. B. H. Pearce moved to Edna.

Officers for the year were elected as following: Mrs. Helen Feldhousen, president; Mrs. Albina Joines, vice-president; Mrs. Ruby Parrish, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Bobbie Nell Wofford, council delegate and Mrs. Ruby L. Capak, reporter.

The next meeting will be October 9 with Mrs. Guthrie. Each member will pay 10c at each meeting for lights. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ruby Parrish.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, September 23, 1954

Francitas Facts
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mrs. Tom Pritchitt of Rich Square visited Mrs. M. R. Bolton last Wednesday. Mrs. Bolton had, also, as a guest Mrs. B. H. Pearce of Edna Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen were Ganado visitors last Saturday.

Mrs. Martin C. Green is in Francitas for a short stay.

A letter from our friends, the C. L. Conners, says that Mrs. Stella Conner lost her mother. She passed away in Pasadena, Texas, early in September. She had been very ill for some time and was quite an aged lady, so death was not unexpected. To all the Conners we express our sincere sympathy.

Mrs. Agnes Wofford, with Mrs. Lena Carroll, Vivian and Carson, were in Edna last Saturday.

The ladies of our home demonstration club met at the school house for their September meeting last week, Mrs. Helen Feldhousen presiding. Two new members were added, Mrs. Albina Joines and Mrs. Carl Walleck.

Rowan Green and Banks Dorton were business visitors in Edna Monday evening.

M. R. Bolton is ill, so our old bus driver, B. H. Pearce, is driving the school bus this week. We trust for Mr. Bolton a speedy recovery.

Mr. A. T. Kellogg, in his chair by the window, is still spreading sunshine by his bright smile.

The Edna Herald, September 30, 1954

Francitas H. D. Club Holds Monthly Meet

The Francitas Home Demonstration Club met Friday, October 8, at the Francitas School House with nine members present.

Mrs. Helen Feldhousen called the meeting to order by having the club say a prayer in unison.

Mrs. Ruby Parrish called the roll and each member answered by telling a vegetable that could be planted now.

Miss Guthrie gave a demonstration on "Handling and Care of New Fabric."

The club is planning on having a Halloween Party at the school house on October 30. Everyone is welcome, it will be fun for all.

The next meeting will be October 29. Mrs. Bill Walpole served refreshments.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, October 14, 1954

Francitas H. D. Club Holds Monthly Meet

The Francitas Home Demonstration Club met Friday at the Francitas School house with 11 members present. The president gave a demonstration on "Care of House Plants."

Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen served refreshments.

The next meeting will be November 19 with the Home Demonstration agent. A demonstration on "Meat Cookery" will be given.

The club had a Hallowe'en Carnival last Saturday night. Coffee and cold drinks were sold and a spook house, fish pond, grab bag, bingo, cake walk and guess cake furnished diversion. The club made $23.35 and they wish to thank everyone who helped with and supported the carnival.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, November 4, 1954

Francitas Facts
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

The “election” was the special event here last week. Mrs. M. R. Bolton, with the help of Mrs. Carl Walleck and Mrs. Preston Bowen, held the “poles [polls].”

Mrs. Agnes Wofford was a visitor in Edna last Saturday.

Mrs. M. R. Bolton and Mrs. Carl Walleck were business visitors in Edna last Wednesday.

Sorry you missed the Hallowe’en social at the school house. The spooks, goblins and witches were all well behaved, and everyone had a good time.

Our rural mail carrier, Mr. Harvey Clapp, tells us, with a great big smile, that he has two new grandsons. One, David Harvey Clapp, arrived Oct. 20th and ten days later little William Cassel Buckley, Jr. Of course, David lives in Edna with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clapp on Frank White Street, but “Billy” will stay with Alice and Cassell Buckley in the New Sutherland community. Congratulations to David and Billy.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce had as their guests Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus. They all spent Sunday in Edna at the Ben Pearce home.

Our regular school bus driver M. R. Bolton, after spending more than two weeks in the El Campo Hospital, was able to resume his duties on Monday the 8th.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dorris, who live across the way from the Pearce home, are planning on moving to Palacios.

We are “kinder” proud of our H. D. Club. Much interest is showed by all the members.

The Edna Herald, November 11, 1954

Francitas H. D. Club

The Francitas Home Demonstration club met Friday at the home of Mrs. W. R. Joines, Jr.

Mrs. Helen Feldhousen called the meeting to order. We planned the number of 1955 yearbooks needed and discussed sending the money to the council treasurer for the yearbooks.

Miss Guthrie, the agent, gave a demonstration on meat cookery to the eight members present. Each member was asked to be at the Christmas party on December 7 at Edna.

Mrs. W. R. Joines served refreshments.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, November 25, 1954