Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
January - June 1954


News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bolton, from Rich Square community, have moved into the Upton home here recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Quinn.

Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, from the Caranchua community, are now living in the R. L. Parish home on the southside of town.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose have purchased the J. L. Koch home.

Mrs. Ada Joines has been on the sick list, but she is much better now.

Another little girl has come to Francitas to live with Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Wofford. They call her Kathy Lynn. Her birthday is January 8.

The new home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Joines and little Judy Ann, is nearing completion.

We are glad to note that our friend, Clay Robertson, who has been very ill, is much improved.

Folks of Francitas, I notice in the post office lobby that the local chairman had posted a sign: “To each parent whose children are physically perfect, please drop in a dime for each member of your family that we might fight polio.

Now, folks, this means you, you and you. “Cops” at Wofford’s store, and “Cup” at the Post Office. Thank you.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Yoas, of Little Kentucky, visited at the Ben Pearce home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were dinner guests of Little Larry Ben Pearce Sunday out at the Gas Camp Row. January 17 was his third birthday.

The Edna Herald, Thursday, January 21, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose are now at home in the J. L. Koch home which they recently purchased.

Mr. and Mrs. William Walpole have moved back to Francitas. They now live in the Langston home. Welcome back!

Mr. M. R. Bolton had as her guests Sunday, her daughter, and family from Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton spent the past weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ada Joines.

Sunday was a busy day for our acting postmaster, Mrs. Opal Danner. She moved her post office fixtures down on Nebraska Ave., just north of the Wofford Grocery and opened up for service on Monday Feb. 1.

Pearce’s Cash Store is still open for business at the old post office building up on Main.

And that reminds us that the rummage sale for the March O’ Dimes is still on at Pearce’s Cash Store. We are still looking for you to come in. Won’t you help?

The ladies had a very enjoyable afternoon on Jan. 28 at the stork shower give for Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. down at the Community House.

We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck and family who were grieved at the death of her niece in Victoria early in January. The writer knew this sweet young lady and we wonder why? But can only say, “Blessed be the Lord that taketh, blessed be the Lord who gave.”

We are glad to note that our friend, Clay Robertson, who has been very ill, is very much better.

And we congratulate Miss LaVonne Conner, who seems to have fully recovered from her siege of flu.

Miss Goldie Joines of Bay City was over here a few days the past week.

The Edna Herald, February, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. John Maynard of LaWard visited at the Robertson home here on Sunday, Feb. 7.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson and girls of Galveston visited her sister, Mrs. Clay Robertson on Sunday, Feb. 7.

Mrs. Ben Pearce, Mrs. E. S. Yoas and Mrs. Bill Fleeman were in Edna on Feb. 4 to attend a called meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary held at the home of Mrs. E. H. Seidel.

Mrs. Clay Robertson tells us her little niece, Shirley Wright, is very ill in a Galveston hospital. A “card shower” would be nice for Shirley as most of us here are acquainted with the little girl.

Miss Goldie Joines, from Bay City, spent a few days here last week.

Mrs. L. Wright of Houston was here to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bolton, a few weeks ago.

Rev. Mathison, of Port Lavaca, filled the pulpit at our Baptist church here on Sunday morning, Feb. 14.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Edna Monday evening, Feb. 8, to attend the fair directors’ meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Sandlin of Deutschburg were riding around over here late Saturday afternoon.

For the benefit of all who are interested, our parcel post (mail) comes each morning, except Saturdays, between five and six o’clock on the Missouri-Pacific truck. Our first class mail comes “via Louise, Texas” and is brought to us by the Star Route carrier and is due here at 10:15 a. m. each week day.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long and girls of Texas City visited his parents over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long, from Rich Square, were here Sunday last.

The Edna Herald, February 18, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Conner spent the past weekend visiting relatives in East Texas.

Mrs. Bryant Green is with her sister in Waco at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers of Nacogdoches are down here for a few days.

Little Margery Green was among the ailing last week.

Mrs. T. O. Allen, of Blessing, was over here Thursday afternoon to meet with the ladies of the Sewing Club.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Williams, of Cisco, and their son, from Hamlin were here to visit her sister, Mrs. M. Linton, the weekend of Feb. 13.

Mrs. Wallace from Point Comfort was here with Reverend Harvey and his family to be present at the weekly Wednesday evening prayer meeting hour.

Banks Dorton, of Vidor, spent this past weekend with his sister Mrs. B. H. Pearce, Mr. Dorton, with B. H. Pearce, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce, spent Sunday in Corpus Christi.

The Edna Herald, February 25, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mrs. Mary Patton and Mrs. C. B. Musgrove from East Texas were weekend guests of the C. L. Conner home over the weekend of February 28.

Mrs. Frank Pearce is home from the El Campo hospital where she was taken for a major operation on Feb. 22. We are glad to note she is recuperating nicely.

Mrs. Wesley Rose, and her daughter, Mrs. Lillian Wright of San Angelo were here to visit relatives over the last week of February.

Quite a number of Francitas children have been ill of chicken pox, but most of them were up and ready for school Monday.

Little Larry Pearce from the Gas Camp Row has been on an extended visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce while his mother was ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Blessing Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Feldhousen Jr., have a little son who came in via Mauritz Memorial Hospital on the 26th of February. Welcome! To this little family we wish much happiness.

Little Willie Cepak has been among the ailing, but is up and able to smile again.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Linton have sold their home here and expect to move back to Houston soon.

The Edna Herald, Thursday, March 11, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish visited his sister, Mrs. _. L. Rhodes, at Hockley, Texas, over the past weekend.

Our friend, Clem Fisher, of Lolita was over here Saturday. Clem will be remembered as one of our Francitas lads in bygone days.

We are fortunate to have as a guest at the church Sunday evening, Brother O’Neal, Baptist Missionary from Brazil, who delivered a very interesting lecture on his work “south of the border.” The audience enjoyed the picture slides and also the many articles made of South American wood which he passed around for inspection.

The O’Neals are now stopping in Edna, but will return to their mission in Northern Brazil Baptist District. We hope to have him visit us again before his return to S. A.

D. P. Long has been among the ailing for many weeks. We trust for him a speedy recovery.

Did I tell you about the little grandson of our postmaster? He came via El  Campo Hospital on February 9 (son of Mr. and Mrs. Burlich). They call him Russell Maurice. Congratulations!

James White of Bay City was a visitor over here Wednesday of last week.

Banks Dorton of Vidor returned to Houston after another visit here with his sister, Mrs. B. H. Pearce.

The Edna Herald, Thursday, March 18, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vyvial stopped by to visit their “old” postmaster on March 15th.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Gissler of Dallas were business visitors in Francitas one day last week.

Little William Lee Feldhousen attended his very first church services on March 21.

Henry Walters and son, Bobby, of Blessing were over here last week to help Mr. Bolton put down a well.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were the ones from Francitas who were in Edna to attend the funeral service for Mrs. Eugene Green on March 21. All of Mrs. Green’s friends here extend their sympathy to this bereaved family. She was our neighbor for a few years at Francitas and to know her was to love her.

Mrs. Lucile Conley of Seattle, Washington, spent a few days here with her sister, Mrs. Frank Pearce.

Mr. and Mrs. George Whitworth of Vanderbilt and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Green of Edna were here to visit at the Frank Pearce home Sunday.

We are sorry to report that Rowan Green is ill. He was taken to a Galveston hospital last week. We trust for him a speedy recovery.

Grandpa Long has been among the ailing for several weeks.

Billy Parrish tells us his father, R. L. Parrish of Palacios, is among the ailing. We trust for Mr. Parrish a complete recovery.

The Edna Herald, April 1, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mrs. Angie Knopp and her sister were here from Edna to visit at the Whorton home last Sunday. We were very pleased to have them at church services also.

L. W. Feldhausen Sr., is home again from El Campo Hospital and we trust he is much better.

Brother Harvey and wife visited in the Feldhausen home Sunday afternoon.

We hear that Rowan Green, who is now with his daughter Mrs. J. E. Beaty, in Texas City, is better, also. B. G. Green is also home and is better.

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Yoas visited at the Pearce home Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. M. R. Bolton and Mrs. Ben Pearce were LaWard visitors Saturday afternoon.

B. H. Pearce, with his helpers, Mrs. Agnes Wofford and Mrs. Ruby Parrish, were at the school house all day Saturday to hold the school “trustee” election.

Banks Dorton made a business trip to Vidor on Monday.

The Ladies’ sewing Circle met at the Community House on Thursday of last week.

The writer received a note telling her that a bridal shower is being given for Miss Georgie Marie Linton in Houston on April 9. Since Georgie was one of our Francitas “little girls” we all wish to congratulate her on her coming marriage, and wish her much happiness.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce and Larry visited her sister Mrs. George Whitworth in Vanderbilt on Sunday, April 4.

The Edna Herald, April 8, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers of Nacogdoches, with her sister [niece], Miss Mary Young of Kansas City, and Mrs. Allan Cowgill [sister of Mrs. Summers] of New York State were here for a few days last week.

Mr. L. Feldhausen was taken back to El Campo Hospital Wednesday of last week. We wish for him a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnell of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pearce of Corpus Christi were week end guests of the Pearce home.

Little Larry Pearce was taken to New Caney Hospital in Wharton for tonsillectomy on Thursday of last week.

Little Mary Whorton has been ill with mumps for the past few days. We trust she will soon be back in school again.

Folks, there is a call for funds to add to our “Red Cross.” If you can help, please see your chairman, Florence Pearce, or if you prefer, put your donation in the “milk bottle” at Wofford’s Store. Let’s keep Francitas community among those who are to go “over the top” in good deeds. Thank you!

We are grateful for the nice rains that fell here last week. The earth seems filled with color and perfume, and song.

Don’t forget to get ready for our Fair Association’s Spring Rodeo “Texana” Days next month promises fun for every one. Sure, and it’s to be at the Jackson County Fair Grounds. See the reporter’s column for dates.

The Edna Herald, April 15, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Misses Gertrude and Kay Kellogg motored over from San Antonio Friday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg over the Easter holidays.

Brother Harvey and family, with the Kinsch family from Port Lavaca, brought along lunch on Easter Sunday. They, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green, had a picnic lunch in the church yard after services.

Mr. Henry Bentz of Palacios was over to attend church services here last Sunday.

Mr. R. Green is home again from a stay with his daughter, Mrs. J. E. Beaty, in Texas City. He seems much improved.

Little Linda Harvey, with her brother, Harvey and her friend Marilyn Kinsch, were little visitors at the Pearce home Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. W. R. Abernathy was hostess to a Stanley Party on Monday, April 19th. Our new Stanley demonstrator for this area is Mrs. Joe Allen of Blessing. Mrs. Allen will be remembered as our own Iris Walleck.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Yoas and Howard were in Edna Monday evening, April 12th to be present at the “Fair” meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce attended church services in Edna on Easter Day.

Our sympathy goes out to our friend, Leonard Yoas, whose wife passed away on Easter Sunday at Cuero. Mrs. Yoas had been very ill and little hopes were held for her recovery. Nevertheless, her death was a shock to her loved ones and friends. Funeral was in Cuero, her old home, on Monday, April 19th.

Little Mary Whorton, who has been very ill, is trusting to be able to resume her school work Tuesday, the 20th.

Folks don’t forget your donation to Red Cross.

The Edna Herald, April 22, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Feldhousen of Houston were guests at W. L. Feldhousen home during the Easter holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Koch of Palacios were guests at the W. H. Parrish home on Wednesday evening, the 21st.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beaty of Texas City spent the past weekend here with her father.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish were Palacios visitors on Saturday evening of the past week.

Banks Dorton with Mrs. B. H. Pearce were business visitors in LaWard on Monday last.

Brother Arden Lawrence of Bay City was here to minister for the Church of Christ congregation last Sunday afternoon. We understand he will be here every fourth Sunday.

One of our Herald readers, who now lives in Beaumont—Mrs. E. Koch—writes to say she always enjoys the “Letter from home”—Francitas Facts.

Folks; the Red Cross Drive is drawing to a close for April. So if you have not donated hurry and “give.” Thank you.

Uncle Bill Green is home again from a visit with his son’s family in Corpus.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Capak were in Palacios to attend the wedding of his niece, Dorothy Morris, one day of the past week. Congratulations to you, Dorothy, and the man of your choice.

The Edna Herald, Thursday, April 29, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

On May 3rd the Francitas ladies met with Mrs. E. P. Bowen, and Mrs. Iris Allen, Stanley demonstrator, gave us an interesting talk after which delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Bowen, assisted by Mrs. Lewis.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Texas City, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Long of Ganado and Dudley Long were all home with Grandma Long on her Mother’s Day.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce with Mrs. M. R. Bolton, were business visitors in Ganado on Saturday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parrish of Palacios, with their daughter, Mrs. Bill Linsciem, of Braithwaite, La., and Mrs. Lucy Starr of Palacios were visiting relatives and friends here last weekend.

Robert Walker of Palacios, with Dr. Starr and wife from the North were over here chatting with the Pearces on Saturday last.

Miss LaVonne Conner, who has been ill for more than a week, was able to return to school on Monday, May 10.

Mrs. Stella Conner is home from a long stay in Pasadena, Texas.

C. S. Simons of Edna was a business visitor here Monday.

The Edna Herald, Thursday, May 13, 1954

News From Francitas
B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bolton had as their guests the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Starnes and children of Pasadena, Texas.

Mrs. Frank Pearce and Larry spent the past week in Kountz, Texas, with her sister, Mrs. Joe Earl Gates.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trojcak of LaWard visited friends over here Sunday afternoon, the 16th.

W. H. Parrish and family were called to Beaumont to be at the bedside of Grandma Koch who is very ill. We trust a speedy recovery for the dear lady.

Folks of Francitas, “the Texana Days” were quite a success and now the Fair Association asks that all of us begin to prepare our agricultural products for the fair days in September. The chairman of Francitas and her helpers will be ready to receive any thing you may have to enter. The place? Pearce’s Cash store. Francitas, LaWard and Maurbro will decorate a booth together, but we shall “collect” here as in past years. Will you help?

The Edna Herald, Thursday, May 20, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston were guests at the Ben Pearce home Sunday.

Mrs. Iris Allen, was over here from Blessing to demonstrate at the party given by Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. on Monday, the 24th. A nice crowd and delicious refreshments.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were Edna visitors Monday evening the 24th.

The ladies of the Sewing Circle met at Mrs. W. R. Joines home to honor Mrs. Carl Walleck, Mrs. Joines mother on her birthday, May 11th.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gaugl and her mother, Mrs. Clark of Haun, Texas, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen on May 25th.

Mrs. Preston Bowen and Mrs. W. R. Abernathy with others were in Blessing Friday afternoon to visit Mrs. T. O. Allen.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were visitors in Corpus on Sunday, May 30th.

The old school bus made its last trip, for this term, on Friday, 28th.

We, of Francitas, wish to congratulate our Miss LaVonne Connor. She was valedictorian of her class graduating from the 7th grade at Lolita on Friday 28th.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Beaty and sons of Texas City, spent the last weekend here with her father, Rowan Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy with R. Green and Martin Green went to Yoakum Sunday to visit Mrs. Mary Neely, who was taken to the Yoakum hospital suffering from a fractured hip. We trust for Mrs. Neely a speedy recovery.

The Edna Herald, June 3, 1954

News From Francitas
Mrs. B. H. Pearce

The social event of the past week was the friends of Mrs. Ada Joines gathered at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. R. Joines, early in the afternoon of June 4th and sang a surprise happy birthday song for “Miss Ada” as we all call her.

The living room table was piled high with beautifully wrapped gifts.

The group enjoyed a few party games. Mrs. Pearce won a prize for “first” jumbled letters, Mrs. Marvin Joines and Mrs. Agnes Wofford won the “card” game, and Mrs. Calvin Joines won the “number” game, but of course these packages also were “floating” right over the table for Miss Ada. The honoree opened her gifts amid many “ohs” and “ahs” and afterward Mrs. Joines, assisted by Mrs. Ryling Linton and Mrs. Harrell Gibbs served delicious cake, punch and coffee.

Among the guests from out-of-town were: Mrs. Ryling [Sylvia] Linton of Houston, Mrs. Harrell [Etta Jean] Gibbs of Bay City, Mrs. T. N. [Mabel Pearl] Dahlstrom, with Mrs. Calvin Joines of LaWard, and Mrs. Joe Allen of Blessing. The other eight visitors were ladies about town.

Congratulations to you, Miss Ada.

The Edna Herald, June 10, 1954