Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles



News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Gibbs of Bay City spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ada Joines. Mrs. Joines had as her guests over the 4th Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian of Houston visited her father, E. H. Linton, over the past week-end.

Out townfolk all extend their sympathy to Mrs. J. W. Wofford in the death of her sister [Henrietta Collum Wells].

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty left Monday for Texas City after spending a few days here with her father, R. Green. They are moving from Brownsville to Texas City.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen are back from a few days’ vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish and boys spent the 4th in Louisiana with his sister and are now in Beaumont to visit Grandma and Miss Helena Koch and other relatives.

Little Miss Wofford of Dickerson is here to visit her grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford.

Miss Jane Long of Houston is here for a visit with her grandmother, Mrs. D. P. Long.

Wheeler and Neil Joines spent the 4th in Bay City,

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston spent the past weekend at the Pearce home.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen had as their guests over the past weekend their three sons and families, Pvt. L. W. Feldhousen and wife from Fort Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Feldhousen from Imperial, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Feldhousen of Houston.

Harvey Clapp tells us he and family were in Odem on July 3 to attend the wedding of Miss Jewel Hightower. To this couple we wish much happiness and a long and useful life together.

Edna Herald, July 9, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Griffith have a new baby girl born on her Grandmother Reece’s birthday July 15. They call her…

Miss Mary Young of Kansas City is here for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers spent a few days here last week.

R. A. Vyvial, who is now on Lolita Route, was here to pick up his mail last Friday.

Mrs. L. H. Quinn’s baby was very ill Sunday evening and was rushed to Ganado to the hospital during the night. Mrs. Quinn is in the hospital also. Boy or girl? We have not heard as yet.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Koch spent Sunday in LaWard.

Pvt. L. W. Feldhousen and his wife are home from Fort Bliss for an extended stay. Laurence is under the doctor’s care at this time.

Mrs. Agnes Carroll Wofford has purchased a lot up town and is now having her home moved onto it. We welcome Agnes and children to town.

Miss Virginia Koch was in Palacios with Mrs. Robert Koch over the past weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Santos Carrion were in Bay City one day last week to attend the funeral of his aged mother. We offer our sympathy.

Mrs. C. L. Conner and daughter were in Houston a few days last week.

Mrs. Stella Conner is home from an extended visit in Pollock, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck are at home on the southside in the home they recently purchased from A. J. Watts.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Watts are living in the Thatcher home in Deutschburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish are home again from a two week vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Danburg? last Sunday to attend the quarterly meeting of the 9th District Postmasters.

Edna Herald, July 23, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose are home again from a trip to San Angelo and other towns to the west, to visit relatives, during the hottest part of July.

Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Summers and two boys were chatting with friends here on July 24. The Summers spent one summer here at the Schwind home about six years ago and made many friend who were glad to see them again.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. are moving into the Rose home east of town.

Mrs. Agnes Carroll Wofford and children are now established in their home which was move uptown from the farm out on the Deutschburg road. We welcome you, three!

We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Quinn on the birth of a little son, born in the Mauritz Memorial Hospital. They call him George Marshall.

Mrs. Clay Robertson spent one day last week in Galveston visiting her mother, Mrs. Wright.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg have gone to Beeville where he will be closer to his doctor. We wish for our friend a speedy recovery.

Mrs. [Miss] Goldie Joines is in Bay City with her mother at this writing.

We over here, were sorry to learn that our friend, Kirby Hayes, of LaWard, is very ill in the Ganado hospital. We heard he was some better, and surely trust he will continue to improve.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were visiting in Olivia and Port Alto Sunday, the 26.

The friends of Mrs. Forrest Yoas will be glad to know she is home from the Temple clinic and is much better.

Another friend of LaWard, Charles Koch, Sr., is in a Galveston hospital. We trust for him a speedy recovery.

The officers and personnel of the Fair Association put on another barbecue at the Fair Grounds on Aug. 3. Hope you didn’t miss it.

Folks, our group of fair workers here are now collecting. We wish everyone to lend a hand. If you have anything to contribute please contact the chairman at the post office, or see Mrs. Hugh Rose, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Koch, Mrs. Wm. Parrish or Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen, Sr. We need your help. We need agricultural products. We need needle work, canned goods, potted plants and antiques. Will you help? Fair open Sept. 15th. Don’t forget.

Edna Herald, August 6, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Misses Gertrude and Kay Kellogg will be here this week to spend a few days.

Preston Warren of Lufkin is here with his sister, Mrs. Charles Walling.

Miss Mary Young with Mrs. Bryant Green, were visiting in San Antonio and Giddings all of last week.

Ray McHughes of Illinois, who has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. A. Ellis, here returned to his home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston were weekend guests at the Pearce home.

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pearce of Austin were dinner guests at the Pearce home Sunday.

Little George Marshall Quinn is home in Francitas, which reminds me that his mother handed me this little card of thanks: Our deepest appreciation to the doctor, to the staff of nurses and to the friends who donated blood for my mother and all the others who were so kind to us, let us say we thank you very, very much. May God bless you. George Marshall Quinn and his family.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Edna Thursday to attend the funeral of Herman Joseph Dahlstrom. Mr. Pearce was also in Ganado at the funeral of Lewis Lancaster and Dale Burditt Aug. 5. To all the bereaved ones we extend our sympathy, also to our friends, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Walker of Lolita, whose son, R. T. Jr., was buried in Lolita Aug. 6, we extend sympathy.

Edna Herald, August 13, 1953|

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. Wright of Blessing was a visitor here on Aug. 10.

Mrs. W. H. Parrish, who was taken to Palacios Hospital very ill on Aug 10, is home again and seems to have gained her usual health.

Mrs. Earl Anderson of Ganado and her daughter and little Miss Hicks stopped for a visit with Mrs. Ben Pearce Aug. 16.

The W. H. Parrish and J. L. Capak families attended the wedding of Mr. Capak’s brother in Palacios one day last week.

Miss LaVonne Connor, with her mother and Mrs. Clay Robertson, were in Bay City Aug. 19. Our LaVonne was invited to sing on Jimmy and Jerry’s program over KIOX Wednesday evening. Did you listen in?

Misses Gertrude and Kay Kellogg left Monday for Beeville, where Gertrude will resume her duties at the Beeville School next week, and Kay will enter school in San Antonio.

Mr. and Mrs. Buster Quinn were Palacios visitors Sunday.

The Pearces received a note from Harold Ben Perce saying he and Mrs. Pearce were vacationing in Colorado Springs last week.

Folks, are you “fair-minded?” If so, bring what you have to “enter” over to the Post Office at Francitas, and see the nice display of products already collected. Let’s take for our slogan, “Make the best a little bigger and better,” and don’t forget: “What kind of fair in fifty-three if all the helpers were just like me.” Everything must be in place before 6 p. m. on Sept. 14. The fair opens on Sept. 15.

Edna Herald, August 27, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Preston Shanks and son, John, from Maurbro Settlement, were business visitors over here Monday, Aug. 17.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gordon of Bay City were chatting with friends over here Aug. 26.

Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi spent Thursday night of last week with the Pearces.

We were very glad to have Mrs. Harvey Clapp of Louise with Mrs. Cassel Buckley and Mrs. Harvey Clapp Jr. of Edna visit with us on Aug. 26.

The social event of the week was the family get-together for a birthday dinner party honoring Mrs. Mary Neeley. Mrs. Neeley is a sister Mrs. Bryant Green and Mrs. W. R. Abernathy. The children and grandchildren who live here in our community and the relatives from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty of Texas City, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Waco, Henry Castelle and his mother Mrs. Neeley from Yoakum, Mrs. Byars and son of Yoakum, Mr. and Mrs. O. Davis of El Campo, Mrs. Huddleston of Corpus Christi, Mr. and Mrs. George Green of Corpus Christi, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris of Damon and a host of relatives and friends here in town. The dinner was spread at the home of Ronn Green. We wish to congratulate Mrs. Neeley and wish her many more happy days.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Conner and children are visiting in Pollock and other points in East Texas.

Boys and girls, the old school bell rings again on Tuesday, Sept. 8. The bus leaves here at the same time as last year, so be ready.

Edna Herald, September 3, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mrs. Ada L. Joines with her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Joines, are visiting back in Tennessee at this time.

Mrs. W. R. Linton of Houston and Mrs. J. T. Joines of Thompsons are here to look after “Miss Ada’s” home while she is away.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were in Edna Sunday. They visited at the E. S. Yoas home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston were here for Labor Day. They also visited Mrs. H. Walters at Blessing Hotel Sunday.

Miss Goldie Joines and her sister, Mrs. Alton Richardson, of Bay City visited home folks here one day last week.

The school bus left Tuesday for LaWard, Lolita and Vanderbilt. All the little boys and girls, as well as the older ones, were getting aboard with a smile and a glad heart. Supt. C. Holmes was over here Monday.

E. J. Dornak was in Francitas Tuesday of this week.

We are glad to note that Dan Stephens, who has been quite ill, is up again.

Arnold Rich of Fort Worth was chatting with new friends here Tuesday.

Edna Herald, September 10, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie L. Koch have moved into Palacios temporarily. We shall miss you, Johnnie and Edyth, but wish you much success.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce are home from a two weeks’ vacation in California.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Chambers of Houston visited her aunt, Mrs. Ben Pearce, over the past weekend. The Pearces also had as their guests Sunday afternoon, her niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gore, who are now living in Blessing.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Feldhousen Jr., spent Saturday fishing. Pretty good catch, but that’s the “fish” story.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Watts, who moved from here out to Deutschburg, have now moved to Lolita.

‘Tis with a tired, happy feeling that the writer makes this report of the Francitas part of our Jackson County Fair. We had no duchess, no float, no ribbon in our agricultural booth, but in the general agricultural booth and in the flower show and in the women’s department we picked up 23 ribbons—three firsts, 10 seconds, 7 thirds, 2 fourths and 1 sixth. The chairman from Francitas wishes to say “thank you” to each one who helped. The season was bad, but our hearts were not sad. We plan on making “the best a little better” next fall.

Edna Herald, September 24, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mrs. H. T. Walters of Blessing, with her mother, Mrs. Milling of Mississippi, visited friends over here last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Logan of Dallas were business visitors here Friday.

Mrs. Monroe Sells of Edna was here to see Mrs. Ben Pearce on Sept. 19.

Miss Alberta Warring visited her sister, Mrs. Charles Walling here for a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Linton of East Texas were visiting friends and relatives here on Saturday last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long and little daughter of Texas City spent the past weekend here.

We received word Sunday that our very good friend, J. C. Hansen, of Palacios had passed on to his reward over there on September 27. He was past 95 years of age and we feel sure he was ready to lay down his burden and step over the line. To his widow, Mrs. Holette Hansen, we extend our sympathy.

Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wright of Algoa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Reese are back on the old Reese homeplace at this time.

Edna Herald, October 1, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

The little gathering at the school house here on Oct. 31, to which everyone was invited, proved to be quite a party. Yes, the goblins, ghosts, owls, black cats and witches returned home via the writers’ house and by means of hunger demonstrated admittance. “Trick or treat?” Remember? The proceeds from the “witches’ supper” will be put aside to help “load” a community Christmas tree at the schoolhouse. Santa has already been notified that he is expected to be here on the day set aside for the program.

Mrs. Stella Conner is home again after spending a few weeks with her ill mother in Pasadena.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Harbison of Palacios visited at the Pearce home Sunday.

Wm. F. Light was down with Mr. Clapp, the Louise mail carrier, on Sunday, Nov. 1. Bill’s friends here were very glad to chat with him and find him looking so well again.

I do not know from whence he came nor do I know his name, but when he stops (in his red truck) and brings a cheery “good morning” the day is much brighter for his having passed our way.

Mrs. Omar Reese, who is now making her home here, is over near LaSalle with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Bowen, who is the mother of triplets (boys) who were on the front page of both county papers last week. Congratulations.

Mrs. Marvin Joines is home again from the hospital and is feeling much better. To Barbara and Marvin, we wish to express our sympathy in the loss of their infant son, and to Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, we say “congratulations” on the birth of a little daughter, Oct. 22. Jean is what she will be called.

Mr. and Mrs. Dub Joines are now established in their new home on the southside of town.

Mrs. William Parrish was in Palacios Thursday last to visit Mrs. Ernest Koch.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were Ganado visitors Saturday.

R. L., John and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Long were all visiting at the D. P. Long home Sunday.

Our good friend, Laura B. Payne, who is the mother of Roger Payne, went to sleep and quietly “passed on” Wednesday, Oct. 21, at her home above town. To Roger and Lola we wish to express our sympathy. Funeral was under the direction of Cook’s Funeral Home and burial was on the Monday following.

To Roger and Lola let me say:
“She’s not dead, she’s just away.
Her poor tired body is under the sod,
But her purified soul is Home with God.”

To Barbara and Marvin, let me quote from Mrs. Carrie Bonds Little Pink Rose:
“Did He need one more blossom
Of your size and hue?
Was that the reason the
Master chose you?
Little Pink Rose from our garden?”

Edna Herald, November 12, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mrs. Stella Conner is in Pasadena again to make an extended visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rose from San Angelo were here to visit relatives and friends a few days the past week.

Lloyd Price, of Houston, was chatting with old friends here last Saturday. He visited in the home of his cousin, W. Griffith.

Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards of Angleton visited at the Pearce home here Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bell Thompson of Hitchcock were here Sunday to visit at the Robertson home.

Mrs. Clay Robertson, with her mother, Mrs. Gussie Wright, went to Galveston last Saturday. Mrs. Wright stayed.

Miss LaVonne Conner, with Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson, visited Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wright in Palacios last Saturday evening.

Mrs. Harvey Clapp made two trips on the mail route this past week. We are always glad to see our friend. Mrs. Clapp will be remembered as our “Pollyanna” while she lived here.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. We often think of November as the bleakest month of the entire year, but the past two weeks have been ideal and even tho’ we do have “grey” days—so what! We can remember Armistice and Thanksgiving days are in November. Two special days in which to give thanks.

Edna Herald, November 19, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mrs. Harrell Gibbs (nee Ettie [Etta] Joines) was over from Bay City one day this past week to visit her mother, Mrs. Ada Joines.

Harvey Clapp Jr. was here with his father, Star Route Mail Carrier, on Nov. 19. He and Jewel have both had a siege of flu, but both are better.

We were shocked and also surprised to note in The Herald that our special friend and counselor, had passed on to her reward. So many, here and elsewhere, can say that we feel sure the Lord will greet her with “Well, done,” for she was a tireless worker for the Lord, a minister---one of the most consecrated women we have ever known. To her husband and family we extend much sympathy.

Mrs. Lena Linton Bienenski of Houston visited her father here over the past weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Koch, who are now in Palacios, were dinner guests at the W. H. Parrish home Sunday, Nov. 22. They also visited at the Ben Pearce home.

To anyone who is now going to the Francitas Gas Plant from Francitas must no go to the second right hand turn to the right on the Blessing road. Why? The old Carancahua bridge is under repairs.

Mrs. J. W. and Curtis Wofford, with Mrs. W. H. Parrish, were visiting in Edna with Mrs. Bill Allen on Friday, Nov. 20.

Have you written a Thanksgiving letter to the soldier boy. Remember “if you don’t write, you’re wrong” to quote one of Kate Smith’s admonitions.

Edna Herald, November 26, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

We are glad to see that our Lawrence Feldhousen Jr., who was taken to Ganado hospital on Nov. 24, is now home again and looking fine.

On Thanksgiving Day Clay Robertson went to Houston to enter the Veterans’ Hospital. He went on the operating table Thursday, Dec. 3, and we are glad to note that he is now out of danger. Congratulations.

Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wright and family from Palacios were guests of Mrs. Clay Robertson for Thanksgiving supper.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Koch and children were over here from Palacios on Thanksgiving.

Harold and John Cooke, our friends from Lake Jackson, were visiting here on Friday, Nov. 25.

Mr. and Mrs. George Green of Corpus spent Thanksgiving with his father, Martin Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce had Thanksgiving supper with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce in the Gas Camp Row.

Mrs. Dickey from Bay City was chatting with friends here Nov. 24.

Mrs. J. W. and Curtiss Wofford, with Mrs. Marvin Joines, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Bill Allen in Edna.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston were here Saturday evening and Sunday, Nov. 28 and 29 to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce.

The bingo party at the school house on Saturday evening, Nov. 28, was quite a success—a very enjoyable evening.

Claudius Branch and John Toppins of Edna made us a visit on Thursday of last week. They called at the Pearce home and were introduced to our new acting postmaster, Mrs. Opal C. Danner, who took over the duties of the post office on December 1.

Mrs. Renfro Trousdale of Bay City is here with Mrs. Clay Robertson for the week.

Edna Herald, December 10, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. Nolan Marge of Houston was a business visitor here Dec. 8th.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Krueger of Deutschburg were business visitors over here Dec. 8.

Mr. and Mrs. David Graham of Bastrop visited over here Dec. 11th.

Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Quinn moved to Corpus on Dec. 13th.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Joines have a new baby girl, born Dec. 13th. Congratulations.

Mrs. Henry Walters of Blessing visited Mrs. Pearce here on Dec. 15th.

Miss Jean Thompson of Hitchcock, Texas, spent a few days here with her aunt, Mrs. Clay Robertson, while Mr. Robertson was in the Veterans’ Hospital in Houston. We are glad to note that Mr. Robertson is home again and, we trust, on the way to complete recovery.

Miss Delores Wright spent a part of the Christmas holidays here with Mrs. Robertson.

Mrs. Otis Joines of Houston spent a few weeks here with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Ada Joines before Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi spent Christmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnell of Houston were also guests at the Pearce home at Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooke of Lake Jackson were chatting with friends here Saturday. They were guests at Howard’s sister Mrs. Opal Danner, out at the Gas Camp Row.

Mrs. Danner was sworn in as acting postmaster at Francitas on December 1st.

We are sorry that little Lewis Capak is among the ailing here. We trust for him a speedy recovery.

Some of our community ladies with their children put on a Christmas program at the school house on Thursday evening after which the gifts were handed out from off the community tree. A nice Christmassy and enjoyable evening.

Most of our school children are enjoying their two-weeks’ holidays but they are looking forward to “catching” the school bus on Monday, the 4th, for the spring semester.

We love the nice Christmas Greetings in our Herald and we wish to thank you, Chester Evans, for the very best one and for putting our names all on the front page as your “helpers.”

Now here’s a wish for a very Happy New Year to you, Mr. Editor. To each of our staff of workers, to you, you and you who read the Herald, may this New Year be very very happy and prosperous and may everything that’s good come your way.—Florence Pearce.

Edna Herald, December 31, 1953