Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles



Francitas Facts.

Uncle Bill Green spent Christmas week in Louisiana. His sister, Mrs. Clara Dean, accompanied him home on Dec. 29.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cornell of Houston were guests at the Ben Pearce home Christmas Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton and Mrs. Harrell Gibbs (nee Ettie Jean Joines) were guests at the A. Joines home Dec. 28.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg spent Christmas in Houston, where they were joined by Misses Gertrude and Kay Kellogg from Beeville.

Mr. and Mrs. William Walpole and family have moved to Port Lavaca.

Mrs. Gallatur [Gallatin?] of Blessing was here Dec. 29.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce were called to Beaumont early Christmas Day to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Annie Green, who was very ill. She now seems much better.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pearce of Corpus Christi spent Saturday and Sunday here with his parents. They, with the Ben Pearces, were Edna visitors Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Frank Pope of Irving and her son, Nick Pope of Houston, were dinner guests at the Pearces last Sunday. Mrs. Pope is an old schoolmate of Mrs. Ben Pearce she had not seen for more than 20 years.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish were business visitors in Victoria last Monday.

Mrs. Jewel Rasche and son, Donald Merrit, of Houston were guests at the Robertson home on Christmas Day.

Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Quinn were visiting in Edna Christmas Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce attended the Christmas musicale at Industrial at Vanderbilt Dec. 19. The children put on a splendid performance and it was beautiful, closing with the Christmas pageant. The girls and boys who sang are to be complimented.

On Sunday evening the Sunday school members here rendered the “Christmas Story.”

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers and Miss Mary Young came down for a few days to spend Christmas at “home.” We had a wonderful Christmas, not all tinsel and tissue and gay ribbons, but a truly peaceful quiet day.

And now, to you, Mr. Editor, and to your staff, you and you and you, to each reader, here’s wishing you and yours a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR           .


Edna Herald, January 1, 1953

Francitas Facts

Christmas, 1952, has come and gone, and now the writer wishes to say: "Happy, happy New Year to everybody." May 1953 be prosperous and happy and trustful too.

Mrs. J. W. Wofford had all her children home during the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce went to Beaumont again Jan. 3. They report that her mother, who has been dangerously ill, is some better.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston were here to visit her sister, Mrs. Ben Pearce, Jan. 3.

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pearce of Austin spent New Year's Day with his parents here.

Mrs. Clara Dean of Bay City was over here with her brother, W. C. Green, one day last week.

Mrs. Annie Carmichael and daughter stopped by to wish "Happy New Year' to the Pearces Jan. 3.

Mrs. Hilda Jones, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long, visited in Ganado one day last week.

We are sorry to report Mrs. Hugh Rose is among the several ailing this week.

Little William Ray Capak was ill last week but is smiling again now.

Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Conner have moved into the old Parrish home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walpole.

All our school children were happy to catch the bus for school after the nice quiet holidays in the decorated homes in this community.

We here wish to congratulate our Matuseks of Edna.

Lilly of the Valley.

Edna Herald, January 8, 1953

Francitas Facts

The baby of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Quinn has been ailing, but is better. The Quinn family was in Edna last Friday.

Goldie Joines spent Saturday night in Bay City with her mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Harrell Gibbs of Bay City were over here Friday to visit her mother, Mrs. Ada Joines.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen were Port Lavaca visitors last Sunday.

Mrs. Carl Walleck has been among the ailing, but we are glad to note she was better Monday.

Mrs. C. L. Conner and children visited her mother in Diboll a few days last week.

Mrs. Hilda Jones was home a few days this past week.

Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Conner have moved back to their home in Kennard, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Warren from Ratliff, Texas, who have been here with his sister, Mrs. Chas. Walling, have moved out to the Thatcher farm out in Deutschburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce spent last Sunday in Edna.

Edna Herald, February 12, 1953

Proceeds From Polio Drive Over $6,700

A grand total of $6,785.60 has been subscribed in Jackson County for the March of Dimes, Claudius Branch, general chairman, has reported.

Last year’s total was $3,500

If the 13 polio victims in our county, stricken during the 1952 epidemic could express their thoughts, I am sure it would be “Thanks, you’ve done a swell job.” Branch said.”

Branch announced contributions as follows:

Deutschburg Community, Mrs. Merle Dillard, $35.60.

Francitas Community, Mrs. Florence Pearce, $23.10.

Edna Herald, February 19, 1953

Francitas Facts

Mrs. Zora B. Page of Palacios celebrated her 65th birthday recently with a picnic at Goose Island State Park near Rockport. Thirty-four were present to help her celebrate her natal day, including seven children.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Green are moving into the home (down on Carroll lane) recently vacated by Douglas Walpole.

The social event of the past week was a shower given for Mrs. Vernon Hunt (nee Miss Dollie Mae Joines) on Feb. 18. Dollie Mae will wrap all the nice gifts in tissue for the time being; why” Because Vernon is now serving in the army. We wish for these young people a long and happy life together.

Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Warren have asked us to send their mail to Palacios since they are now living in Deutschburg.

Uncle Bill Green is home from a visit with his son in Corpus Christi.

Mrs. Santos Carrion is home from an extended visit in Bay City.

We note from the Palacios Beacon that our fried, Chars. Wilson, who has been in Houston as a polio patient, is now in Spear’s Sanitarium at Denver, Colo. We wish for him a speedy recovery. Charles was once a Francitas boy.

A clipping about another Francitas person, Mrs. Zora Page, who had all her seven children and families in her home in Palacios to help her celebrate her birthday, is at the top of this column.

Here’s a quotation from one of America’s great educators. Dr. David Starr Jordan, He wrote:
“Wisdom is knowing what one ought to do next; virtue is doing it; religion, our conception of the reason why right action is better than wrong; and prayer, the core of our endeavor.”

Right here let us say:

Thank you” to all the Francitians who donated to the March of Dimes. I note that Jackson County went “over the top” and that is good.

Our school children have been asking everyone to fill up the “Heart” cards. Did you help? Thank you.

It’s good that February is bringing us some nice cool, drippy weather, but our spirits are not dampened because we are looking forward to an early spring.

Lilly of the Valley.

Edna Herald, March 5, 1963

Francitas Facts


Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sherrill of Bay City visited at the Pearce home over last Sunday. They also visited at the J. L. Koch home. Mrs. Sherrill will be remembered as little Mary Banham, who was Mrs. Pearce’s school pupil away back in 1910 at the old Buhler school.

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bowen and girls visited over the past weekend with her sister, Mrs. Jas. E. Beaty, in Brownsville.

The one social event of the past week was the wedding supper given for L. W. Feldhousen Jr. and his bride-elect, Miss Helen Mae Rose. They were married in Port Lavaca the morning of Feb. 28, then back home to the home of the bridegroom to “arrange the feast.” We congratulate Laurence and Helen. To these young people we wish everything that’s good in life, and as they go on, hand in hand, we feel the home they make shall always have the light shining by the window to welcome friends and loved ones.

Palacios Beacon, March 12, 1953

Francitas Facts

Wesley Rose is here from San Angelo to visit relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were among those from Francitas who attended the funeral of Walter McFeron at Lolita on Mar. 7. To Mr. McFeron’s loved ones we of Francitas extend our sympathy

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Abernathy visited Kerrville and other Texas towns while on his vacation the first week in March.

L. W. Feldhousen is home from the El Campo hospital, where he spent a few days last week.

Mrs. Welch and little granddaughter of Diboll, who spent a few weeks here with her mother, Mrs. C. L. Conner, have returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green were on vacation the first week in March.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce visited at the Dahlstrom home on Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones have begun erecting their new home on the Emley lot which they recently purchased.

The social event of the past week was the bridal shower given by Mesdames J. L. Capak and J. L. Koch for Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. The friends of these young folks met at the school house Saturday evening, played games and had a good party. Then Mrs. Koch, in her jolly way, called the names on the gifts, telling who they were from and what they could be used for. Everyone had a good time, then the refreshments were served and all went home happy. We again congratulate this young couple. We know they do not feel “richer” for the gifts bestowed on any more than for the expression of good neighborliness of our town folks.

Folks, the Red Cross drive is on March 17 was special Red Cross Day. Have you helped?

Edna Herald, March 19, 1953


Baptist Church
Sunday School (each Sabbath) 10
Worship Service ………………..11
Training Union ……………..7 p. m.
Worship Service …………...8 p. m.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
Everyone is cordially invited to attend any of these services.
     W. W. Harvey, Pastor

Church of Christ
W. Griffith, Teacher

We invite you to worship each Lord’s Day at the school house at 7:30 p. m. and at 7 p. m. Wednesday nights. Visit with us, worship with us, as God says to do.

Edna Herald, March 26, 1953

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Warren of Ratcliff came in on March 20 to visit their daughter, Mrs. C. L. Walling.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston visited the Ben Pearces, over the weekend of the 21st.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Waco visited at the Abernathy home over the weekend of Mar. 21.

Harvey Clapp Jr., who recently returned from service, was chatting with friends here Mar. 26,

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were among the Red Cross workers who were in Edna on March 20.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hultquist of Ganado visited in Francitas Sunday last.

L. W. Feldhousen Jr. was with the boys who left for service March 24th. Our hearts go along with these boys and our prayers are that they will make good soldiers wherever the call takes them.

The social event of this week was the wedding of Joe Allen of Blessing and our own Iris Walleck. They were married in Blessing March 28, then back home to her parents’ home for a wedding dinner with relatives and friends. They will be “at home” in Blessing. Joe is really one of our Francitas boys and has relatives and a host of friends here who wish for these two young people also that the light of their home may shine and they may enjoy a long and useful life hand in hand. We give to them “II Timothy 2:15.”

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston visited her mother, Mrs. Ada Joines, over the past weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines of Thompson were visiting his mother over the weekend.

A. T. Kellogg is home again from Bay City Hospital where he has been laid up by a broken hip. We are glad to note he is recuperating. Congratulations.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Sr. with Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose motored to San Antonio Sunday to visit L. W., Jr. at Fort Sam Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Delane Chandler of Pearland visited her aunt, Mrs. Robert Long, Sunday last. Mrs. Chandler will be remembered as Miss Bernice Ford.

Edna Herald, April 2, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Green were here to spend Easter Sunday with relatives.

Miss Jane Long of Houston is here with her grandmother, Mrs. D. P. Long, for the Easter holidays.

Mrs. Allen Cowgill, with her son and his wife of Syracuse, N. Y., spent a few days were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers over the weekend of Mar. 23.

Mrs. Omay Reese, Mrs. Gillus Reese and Mrs. Cecil Brown of Edna visited in Francitas March 31.

We of Francitas are very pleased with the results of the hospital expansion election held here March 28.

C. D. Holmes of Vanderbilt was over here last Friday.

The school trustee election, as usual here on the first Saturday in April, created quite a bit of excitement.

The Sunday School members rendered the annual Easter service program Sunday eve in the church.

Mrs. Eugene Green of Edna is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Pearce, for the week.

The little ones over here (who will be of school age next term) each had a letter—a big long letter—to invite them over to the Easter egg hunt at LaWard last Thursday. Despite the fact that the rains came, each one of them was elated and wishes to say, “Thank you” for the nice gesture to them. To “catch” the school bus was quite a thrill. To Sylvester and Ernest Walleck, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Peace say “Thank you, boys, for sharing your Easter with them.”

Edna Herald, April 9, 1953

News From Francitas

By Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Capak, with Mrs. Hugh Rose, spent last Sunday in Refugio with Mrs. Rose’s brother. They saw our old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Currie.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen visited her brother, Charles R. Green, and family at Midway last Sunday.

Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi visited his parents briefly on April 2.

Mrs. Eugene Green, who has been here with her daughter for the past week, returned to her home in Edna last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnell [Carvell?] of Houston spent April 11 with her aunt here.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers are down from Nacogdoches this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce spent Sunday in Ganado attending the 9th District postmasters meeting.

John Murphy of Corpus Christi visited at the Whorton home for a few days last week.

Our friend, L. W. Feldhousen Jr., who entered Uncle Sam’s Army last month, is now in camp at Fort Bliss, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Green are visiting their son, Milburn, in Cecelia, Ky., at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Abernathy were in Waco one day last week to attend the funeral of his uncle, J. Cunningham.

Little Misses Mary Ethel and Lucile Long of Texas City, with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Long of Houston were guests at the D. P. Long home last week.

Folks, don’t forget the barbecue at the county fair grounds on May 4. Tickets are on sale for our corner of the county at Pearce Cash Store. We want everyone to visit our fair…(end illegible).

Edna Herald, April 16, 1953

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers of Nacogdoches were here a few days last week.

Uncle Bill Green was visiting his sister, Mrs. Clara Davis, in Bay City last week.

Mrs. George Neely and son, Carl Cartwell, of Yoakum were here last week to visit relatives. Carl was on his way to San Antonio to go into the service. Mrs. Neely is a sister to Mrs. W. R. Abernathy.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi were here over the weekend to visit with the Ben Pearces and with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce out in the gas camp row.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Yoas Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Danner were business visitors over here one afternoon last week.

With these items, we are sending a picture of one of our Francitas boys who is now serving Uncle Sam in Fort Bliss. He is the Feldhousen boy.

Folks, don’t forget the barbecue on May 4. We’ll be looking for you.

Edna Herald, April 23, 1953       

At Fort Bliss also is L. W. Feldhousen Jr. of the Francitas community. He recently was inducted and now has been sent to the anti aircraft replacement training center near El Paso.

Edna Herald, April 30, 1953

Collis Wofford Dies in Accident At Francitas

Collis Wofford, 38, was fatally injured Wednesday afternoon when an auto he was working on fell upon him in his garage at Francitas. His neck is reported to have been broken.

Funeral services will be held Friday at 10 a. m. from the Slavik Funeral Home and interment will be in the Edna Cemetery.

A more extended mention of Mr. Wofford’s untimely death will appear in next week’s Herald.

Edna Herald, May 14, 1953                

Many Attend Rites For Collis Wofford

Last rites were held Friday at 10 a. m. from the Slavik Funeral Home for Collis J. Wofford, 38, auto mechanic, who was fatally injured May 13 when a vehicle under which he was working accidentally fell on him. Rev. I. E. Walker, Methodist minister, officiated and burial was in the Edna Cemetery.

Pallbearers were W. G. Gayle, Joe Kazmir, C. J. McCallahan, Lloyd Hendon, Marion Linton, Hugh Rose, Quinton Thedford, and Emmett Linton.

Mr. Wofford was born in Jackson County and had lived here all of his life. He had been operating a garage at Francitas.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Agnes Wofford; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wofford; two children, Vivian and Carson Wofford of Francitas; three brothers, Leon of Ganado, Louis A. of Dickinson and Curtiss of Francitas, and three sisters, Mrs. Irma Ross of Victoria, Mrs. M. C. Joines of Francitas and Mrs. S. B. Allen of Edna.

Edna Herald, May 21, 1953       

News From Francitas

Mrs. B. H. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murray of Baytown were business visitors at the Pearce home on June 12.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones are now installed in their new home.

Mr. and Mrs. Garland Long are also now in their new home out on the Deutschburg road.

Mrs. Gladys Harper of Many, La., visited a few days over here the first week in June.

Miss Kay Kellogg from Beeville is here for a few weeks’ visit with her grandmother, Mrs. A. T. Kellogg.

A. T. Kellogg is home from another week’s stay in the Bay City hospital.

Little Willie Capak, who was very ill last week, is much better now.

The four Watts children, who had the measles, are all up now.

Little William Parrish Jr. is now in bed with measles.

Uncle Bill Green is visiting in Galveston this week.

Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen received news that her mother, Mrs. Rene, had passed away at her home in Kansas. Our friend, we extend our heartfelt sympathy.

Mrs. E. S. Yoas tells us that Mrs. L. A. Yoas of Edna is now in the Scott & White Clinic in Temple. We wish for Bessie a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Linton have moved into the “town proper.”

Mrs. H. L. Rose, with Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen Jr., motored out to San Angelo, from thence they will go to Imperial, Texas, and on to Fort Bliss to visit L. W. Feldhousen Jr., who is serving Uncle Sam.

LaVan Watts is visiting in Sweeny at this writing.

Miss Lavonne Conner spent a few weeks with relatives in East Texas. She was accompanied home by her cousin, Brendy Busby.

Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi was a dinner guest on June 20 at his parents’ home.

Mrs. T. O. Allen and daughter of Blessing visited over here Friday.

Folks, don’t forget that on the 27th (next Saturday) everyone is invited to take lunch and spend the whole or a part of the day down at Francitas Cemetery (bring your axe, hoe or rake) for a working picnic.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were business visitors in El Campo June 18.

Mrs. John Koch of Palacios spent one day last week with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Parrish.

Mr. and Mrs. Castilene of Fulton visited briefly in Francitas. They spent a part of the day at the cemetery cleaning the grave of her father, D. C. Page.

Edna Herald, June 25, 1953