Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
January - May 1952


Francitas Facts

The Christmas holidays began on Thursday, Dec. 20, when we all were invited to assemble at the school house for the school program and community Christmas tree.

Those from out-of-town who were here to enjoy the program were: Mrs. Hilda Jones, El Campo; Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Walters and boys with Mrs. Wheeler of Blessing; Mrs. Omay Reese, Mrs. Angie Knopp, Mrs. Setzer, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wofford, Edna; Mrs. John Cavallin and family Deutschburg; Mr. and Mrs. John Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Koch, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parrish and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koch, all of Palacios; Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Texas City.

The house was so crowded that Ole Santa had to enter the back door to the great delight of the little ones.

Here we wish to say, “Thank You” to Miss Fromen, our teacher, and to each one who helped to make our children happy, but most thanks go to Our Father in Heaven for the first Christmas gift—The Babe of Bethlehem.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty of Brownsville, Mr. and Mrs. James Dean of Chicago, Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Waco were here for Christmas.

The Green families here and from out-of-town all gathered for the Christmas party out at the Deutschburg Community House on Christmas Eve. They tell me there were present fifty-two and some of them did not get here.

Uncle Bill Green was in Galveston with his stepson, Johnny Anderson for Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers and Miss Mary Young spent the Christmas holidays at the old Schwind home here.

Miss Helen Fromen spent Christmas with her mother in Houston.

The Ben Pearces had as their guests over the holidays Morgan Pearce of Austin, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pearce of Corpus Christi, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carnell of Houston.

Mrs. W. Griffith was made happy by having all her children home for Christmas dinner: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffith of El Campo, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Griffith of Kingsville, “Nookey” from Bay City and their other children who live near.

The Henderson Shows from LaVernia spent Christmas week with us here at Francitas.

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Martin of LaWard were visiting over here Dec. 28.

Watts Langston of Bronson, Texas, was over here on the 28th.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Boazman of Houston visited relatives here on Dec. 28. Mrs. Boazman will be remembered here as our own Pearl Koch.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Wofford from Augusta, Ga. Camp were here during the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wofford with Mrs. Lena Carroll visited Lawrence Carroll in Galveston Christmas Eve.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wofford and all their family of boys and girls were dinner guests at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ross in Victoria.

Little Kenneth Light alternated with brother Tommy “helping” Grand-dad Clapp on the mail route Christmas week.

To you Mr. Editor, and all your staff, to you, you and you—we wish a very Happy New Year. May 1952 bring everything that’s good to you.


Edna Herald, January 3, 1952

Francitas Facts

Quite a number of our townsfolk are ailing at this time.

The school nurse was over here Monday to give “shots” to our school children and as many of the pre-school little tots as were taken to the school house.

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Yoas visited at the Ben Pearce home Sunday afternoon. They also visited at the John Neuszer home out in Deutschburg.

Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Sovinsky of Lolita were over here last Friday evening to help organize a Parent-Teacher Assn. Since so many were ailing only ten of the ladies and two husbands were present. They were Mrs. J. L. Koch, Mrs. Carl Walleck, Mrs. R. E. Lony, Mrs. Marvin Joines, Mrs. Ben Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Watts, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish, and Mrs. Nicholas Carillo.

Mrs. Fromen brought from Blessing Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Henry Walters.

The following officers were elected: Mrs. Barbara Joines, as president; Mrs. Juanita Watts, 1st vice-president; Mrs. Ruby Parrish, secretary; W. H. Parrish, treasurer.

A motion was made by Miss Fromen that at the next meeting, Friday (18th) the president, with the consent of the members, appoint chairmen of the committees which will be needed to carry on the work.

After the election, Mrs. Stone conducted the installation of officers.

Any adult in the community who is interested in the welfare of the community, and wishes to help the youths and all children is invited to join.

The ladies wish to thank Mrs. Stone for her help.

Edna Herald, January 17, 1952

More Inductees Depart for Service

Thirkield White of Edna, William J. Chytka of Ganado, Jonathan A. Sappington of Lolita and Mack W. Griffith of Francitas were inducted into the armed services last Thursday. They departed for the induction center with five other youths.

Ten others reported for re-examination Tuesday.

Edna Herald, January 31, 1952

Francitas Facts

We are glad to report that Mrs. Stella Conner, who has been very ill, is up and about.

Mrs. Santos Carrion, who has been among the ailing, is able to resume her work.

Mrs. Ettie [Etta] Joines is visiting in Houston this week.

Miss Carolyn Sue Upton of Blessing was visiting with friends here last Saturday.

W. R. Joines and his wife, are here to stay with his mother, Mrs. Ada Joines, while Ettie [Etta] Jean is away.

L. Capak, the father of Mrs. Johnnie Koch and Louis Capak, is very ill in the El Campo hospital. Mrs. and Mrs. Johnnie Koch were in El Campo Monday to visit her father.

Miss Hazel Harris and two brothers of Damon were over here Sunday to visit the Abernathy home. Hazel also visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Pearce.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian from Houston have moved here to help care for Mrs. Emily Patterson, who is quite will.

Mrs. and Mrs. M. Linton of Palacios visited over here last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones with Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen were visitors in Brownsville over the past weekend.

Mrs. Omay Resse is here with her daughter, Mrs. Vernon Griffith at this writing.

A new family by the name of Adams has moved into the old Graham home here.

Mrs. Jewel Rash, who spent most of the winter with her sister, Mrs. Clay Robertson, has moved to LaMarque, Texas.

Mrs. Ben Pearce had quite a surprise on Monday when Mr. and Mrs. Travis Calhoun of Victoria stopped by for a visit. Mrs. Calhoun will be remembered as Miss Cecile Loviett.

The H. C. Whortons had as their guests over the past weekend, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Getcher of Wolsey, South Dakota.

We are sorry to learn that our good friend, Walter McFeron of Lolita, is very ill in the El Campo Hospital. Word came Monday that he was much better.

Another friend of the Francitas folks, Dr. J. H. Wagner of Palacios, is in the hospital suffering from burns received when his home was destroyed by fire.

The ladies of the Francitas PTA met at the school house on Friday, Feb. 1, for a social get-together. They report that a nice crowd was present and that refreshments which they sold netted a nice sum. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Edna on Monday, Jan. 28, to attend the meeting of our county Fair Association.

Edna Weekly, February 7, 1952

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Waco visited here over the last weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce spent the weekend on Feb. 10 in Corpus. A new baby came to bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Capak on last Saturday, Feb. 16, at 2 p. m. at the Bayview Hospital in Palacios. They call him William Ray. Congratulations to Mom and Dad and little brother Lewis.

Mrs. J. W. Wofford left Tuesday for Camp Gordon over in Georgia to visit her son and wife. Curtiss is being moved to Camp Hood and will be nearer home.

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dorris plan to move down on the John Koch place south of town.

The ladies of Francitas met with Mrs. Margaret Richardson on Monday for a party.

Friday, Feb. 22, Mrs. C. L. Conner will have a party.

The school children have a notice in the post office lobby which reads: “PTA Party at the School house at 7:30 p. m. February 22.”

Plans are going forward for the Jackson County Fair in September. Anyone interested should contact the chairman here. We are asking each one who plants a garden raise one “special for the fair.” How about you?

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Linton of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines of Thompsons were here for the week-end. They all had Sunday dinner with “Dub” and Albina in Port Lavaca.

Folks, the Red Cross drive begins March 1. We shall try to make Francitas 100 percent. Can we county on you?

Edna Herald, February 21, 1952

Francitas P-TA Stages Party

The Francitas P-TA gave a Valentine party at the school house for the little children and pre-age children.

A Valentine box was enjoyed and a lunch of cookies, candy hearts and punch was served.

Edna Herald, February 21, 1952

Francitas Facts

Miss Iris Walleck came home Saturday from a week’s stay in the Ganado Hospital where she underwent an operation for the removal of her appendix.

We all join in the sorrow of Mrs. Edyth Koch, and Louis Capak, whose father John Capak, passed away in the El Campo hospital on March 6 after many months of suffering.

He was laid to rest in the Hawley Cemetery near Blessing, on March 10.

To these loved ones we can say: “He’s not dead, he’s just away.”

Tragedy struck again at about midnight last Saturday when a pickup in which the family of Nicholas Carrillo were returning from Palacios was overturned, killing the baby girl, Stella, and seriously injuring the small brother, Santos. The father, Nicholas was badly injured. The others received minor injuries. The baby will be laid away here in the Francitas Cemetery.

On Tuesday, Santos and his father are now in the Palacios Hospital. We trust for them complete recovery, and to the family we express our deep sympathy.

Mrs. Alice MacKay

The Angel of Death passed thru our midst late on the afternoon of February 23, laying his icy fingers on the brow of our friend and neighbor, Mrs. Alice MacKay. She slipped away quietly while talking to a business visitor and apparently without undue pain. This is how she would have wished to go.

She had been ailing for many months and was prepared to “step over the line” and rest.

She passed on to the never-never land as she had lived, quietly and uncomplainingly. She was ever ready to give to any good cause, and would donate generously when anyone called for funds, especially if she knew children would be benefitted.

Having no children of her own, during the years she spent with us (42 of them), she made many young people happy on Christmas, graduation days and at other times by making it possible for them to receive something they would value much.

She asked no favors in return, but we have seen her eyes glow from a simple “thank you” or a compliment. We shall miss the light in her window.

[Alice (March 17, 1878 – February 28, 1952) was the daughter of John A. & Margaret Shevlin Mullin and she was cremated.]

Edna Herald, March 13, 1952

Philip L. Manning, Sr. Dies Wednesday, Services Are Pending

Funeral arrangements for Philip Levi Manning, 48, who died of a heart attack Wednesday, were still pending as the Beacon went to press Thursday morning.

Born November 10, 1903, Mr. Manning had been a resident of this area for more than a decade. He was employed by the Francitas Gas Company.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mackie Manning; two sons, Philip Manning Jr. and Alfred Manning; and five sisters, Mrs. Pearl Leister of Concrete, Mrs. Matilde Dill of Luling, Mrs. Louis Weathersby of Gonzales, Mrs. Gussie Batchelor of Damon, and Mrs. Lillie Koch of La Ward; and one brother, J. A. Manning of Damon.

Taylor Brothers Funeral Home is in charge of funeral arrangements and burial will be in Damon.

Palacios Beacon, March 13, 1952

[Burial was in Memory Gardens of Edna, Edna, Jackson County, Texas]

Francitas Facts

Another little boy came, via the Palacios Hospital, to live with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Capak on February 16. They call him “William Ray.”

Little Vernon Griffith also has a new baby brother who came by way of Bay City Hospital on March 12. His name is Barney Lee.

Congratulations to you Ray Boy and little Barney.

Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Christian and children visited in Houston over the past week end.

The friends of Philip Manning Sr. were made sad when word reached here that he passed away in Memorial Hospital in Houston, March 12. His remains were kept at Taylor Brothers Funeral Home in Palacios till Saturday, where he was buried by the side of his mother and father. Rosary at the home of his sister, Mrs. Alonzo Batchelor. Services were held from St. Michael’s Catholic Church of Damon, conducted by Rev. Jerome Tydlacka.

Mr. Manning was born at Yoakum Nov. 10, 1903. To the loved ones and friends of this Mr. Manning, we extend our heartfelt sympathy.

Uncle Bill Green has just returned from a visit of a few weeks in Galveston.

In Memory of Mrs. Alice Mackay

Since we laid her away on March 1, the very day our drive started here, the friends, as a tribute to her memory, are donating their gifts to the Red Cross Fund.

Edna Herald, March 20, 1952

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty of Brownsville were guests of R. Green over the weekend of March 30th.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walpole of Port Lavaca have moved into the R. L. Parrish home here. We welcome you.

Brother Drews of Lolita held a series of meetings at the Baptist church here the week of the 23rd-30 of March.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were fortunate to be able to attend services in Edna during the series of meetings at the Presbyterian Church.

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dorris have moved into the place they recently purchased from John Koch of Palacios. They are planning to build a new home.

Mrs. R. L. Parrish and Mrs. Helen Linsceum of Palacios visited relatives and friends here April 1.

Tommy Reese, in his Navy uniform, stopped by to see us April 2. He was home on leave. He’s looking fine and tells us he enjoys his duties.

B. H. Pearce, Mrs. Ruby Parrish and Mrs. Agnes Wofford were the Francitas school election board.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines and little Charlotte of Thompsons, Texas, visited at the home of Mrs. Ada Joines a few days last week.

Miss Golda [Goldie] Joines spent the week end with her mother in Bay City.

Edna Herald, April 17, 1952

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers are down from Nacogdoches for a few days.

Mrs. Annie Green of Edna is here for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Pearce.

Mrs. Angie Knopp of Edna spent a few days here with the Whortons last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Alton Richardson, who have spent the winter here with her father, R. R. Joines, have moved into their home in Palacios.

Little Carson Wayne Wofford is recuperating from an operation for the removal of his tonsils.

Mrs. Shirley Schroeder was a business visitor in Francitas Wednesday, the 16th.

Mrs. R. A. Vyvial visited Mrs. Ben Pearce on Thursday of last week.

Our friends, Mr. Golson, of Victoria is back on the Missouri Pacific freight and “parcel post” route from Wharton to Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Ganado last Friday evening to attend the regular meeting of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce.

The Pearces were in Alvin Sunday, April 20, to attend the Postmaster’s Convention.

Mrs. Funk, an old time Francitan, who is now stopping in Blessing, was chatting with friends over here last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish spent the week end in Hockley as guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rhodes.

Edna Herald, April 24, 1952

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck returned home Monday from a visit with his brother in Waco.

Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Green have returned to their home in Kentucky after spending the winter here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Green. Mr. and Mrs. Green accompanied them for a month’s visit.

Mrs. O. M. Phillips of Lolita was a business visitor over here last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kennedy of College Station visited her aunt, Mrs. Ben Pearce, last Tuesday. Mr. Kennedy is connected with the Extension Department of A. & M. College.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers spent a few days here the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen spent the last week end in Waelder.

Miss Helen Mae Rose spent the past week end in Houston.

Mrs. J. G. Doris had as her visitor last Friday her sister from Bay City.

Little Santos Carrillo is home from the Palacios hospital where he had spent several weeks.

Mrs. W. H. Wingart received the sad news Sunday that our friend, Mrs. Della Schwartz of Canton, Ohio, had passed away. Mrs. Schwartz was a sister of Mrs. Wingart and had visited here often. She had many friends here who loved her and join Mrs. Wingart in her grief at the passing of her sister.

Mrs. Alma Funk and Mrs. Henry Walters were over from Blessing last Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Edna Monday evening to attend the fair board meeting.

Edna Herald, May 1, 1952

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Corpus Christi Saturday and Sunday, May 5 and 6. The Buccaneer Parade Saturday was witnessed by countless peoples of the whole Corpus Christi area and even from out of state sightseers. We enjoyed it very much.

Mrs. Elizabeth Koch and Miss Helena are visiting in Palacios and Francitas at this time.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian were visitors the past weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green visited her mother, Mrs. Scholes, in Victoria last Sunday.

Otis Joines of Houston is here to visit his brother, R. R. Joines.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Joines were visitors at the Delbert Langston home in Spring, Texas May 5.

Mrs. Ben Pearce and her three piano pupils gave a piano recital on May 4 at 7:30 p. m. the parents and friends enjoyed the hour of music, especially the songs sung and played for the small brothers and sisters.

We extend sympathy to the families of J. W. Wofford and Hugh Rose. Mrs. Rose’s brother, Lee Roy Browning of Edna and Mr. Wofford’s brother, Ollie Wofford, passed away the 5th.

Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Vance of Edna were visiting in the Pearce home on Monday of the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carnell of Houston visited here the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Capak were in Edna Monday of last week to attend the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Browning.

Edna Herald, May 15, 1952