Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
July - December 1951


Francitas Facts.

Our friend, Bob McFeron, of New Gulf was visiting over here on July 3d.

Mr. and Mrs. William Parish and boys are on vacation this week. They have been visiting in Beaumont, Hockley and other towns.

LeRoy Jones of Sweet Home, spent the week of the 4th here with his brother, Cecil.

Mr. and Mrs. David Graham of Bastrop visited relatives here last week. Uncle Bill Green accompanied them home for a few days’ visit.

Mrs. Harvey Clapp visited here briefly July 5.

Cassel Buckley, the young man who was fortunate enough to wed one of our favorite nurses in Ganado Hospital, Miss Alice Clapp, in June, was visiting in Francitas on July 3. We congratulate these young people, and their friends will be glad to know that they are to live here in Jackson County.

Miss Mary Young of Kansas City, with Miss Mildred Schraeder, are here to spend a part of vacation time.

Mrs. Ivan Rose of San Angelo visited at the Hugh Rose home last week.

Ed Rose of San Angelo is here to visit his brother, Hugh Rose, and to enjoy some fishing.

Mr. and Mrs. “Dub” Joines of Port Lavaca were here on Friday.

Ethelene Walleck was taken to the El Campo Hospital one day last week for the removal of her tonsils. She is recuperating nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce attended church services in Edna July 8. We are glad to note that Rev. Thomas Dyal of Bryan will fill the pulpit the next two Sundays, while the pastor, Mr. Marse, will be out at Mo-Ranch with the young folks.

Miss Louise Cowgill came in Tuesday to visit her aunt, Miss Young.

Little Ernest Walleck is suffering from a sore foot caused by “sawing” off a toe? Not quite—he still has ten.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, July 12, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. George Green of Corpus Christi were here to visit Uncle Bill Green one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Weldon McGee of Houston spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Koch of Houston with his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koch, of Palacios, were visiting relatives here last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish were Palacios visitors last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lala of Victoria were Sunday guests at the L. W. Feldhousen home on July 15.

Mrs. E. T. Williams of Hamblin, Texas, visited her aunt, Mrs. M. Linton, a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Greenawalt have moved from Francitas to Barstow, Texas. We shall miss them, but wish them much success in their new home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green are moving from the Graham ranch vacated by the Greenawalts.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck and children spent the week end in Inez in Carl’s brother’s home.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parks, all of Waco, spent the past week end here with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Abernathy. They all motored down to Matagorda Sunday where the Parks got their first view of the “Big Water.” It was quite a treat for them.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus, were dinner guests at the Ben Pearce home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wingart left Monday for a few weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs. Della Schwartz, in Canton, Ohio.

Miss Goldie Joines spent a few days with her mother in Bay City last week.

Folks, the Jackson County Fair Ass’n. have begun work (through the committees) to get everything ready for our October Fair. Every one in the community is urged to do his bit toward making this fair a success. Our slogan: “Make the best a little bit better.” Your chairman will have information for you.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, July 26, 1951


Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Pruitt of LaWard were week end visitors in Sabinal this past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Marton of LaWard visited Mrs. Ben Pearce briefly Saturday. They were enroute to Bay City.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish were in Palacios Sunday to visit his father, R. L. Parrish, who has been quite ill in the Bay View Hospital. They report that Mr. Parrish is improving every day, and we feel sure he will be on his feet again in no time.

The news of the death of our young friend, Ralph Hayes, of LaWard was shockingly sad. To his mother and father and wife we extend our heartfelt sympathy.

Miss Loraine Joines of Bay City spent the past week here with homefolks.

Mike Strauss of Ganado was a business visitor in Francitas last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce attended church in Edna Sunday. In the afternoon they called on Mrs. C. R. Jones, and visited with her daughter, Mrs. Vera J. McDonald, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Young, all from Houston.

We are glad to report that Carl Willingham, who has been ailing, is much better.

Mrs. Mary Young and Miss Louise Cowgill were Bay City visitors Saturday.

Gathering cotton is the order of the day in our surrounding community. The harvest is white, but pickers are scarce.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, August 2, 1951


Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Linton have moved to Palacios from the Langston home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose have moved into the Langston home.

Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna, with Mesdames M. C. Joines and Mrs. J. W. Wofford, spent last Thursday in Dickinson as guests of Mrs. L. A. Wofford.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whorton and little Mary, with Mrs. Angie Knopp of Edna, are on an extended vacation trip in Washington State.

Miss Iris Walleck is visiting her uncle’s family in New Sutherland this week.

Miss Ethelene Walleck is in Port Lavaca with her sister, Mrs. W. R. Joines, Jr.

We hear that our friend, Covey Walker, is in Houston this week to undergo a very serious brain operation. Our very best wishes are with Covey for a speedy recovery.

Mrs. Charney Walker, with Mrs. James Warner of Huntsville,? were guests in the Clay Robertson home on Saturday last.

The friends and relatives here of Mrs. Millard Brooking were shocked to find that she has “passed on” at her home at Palacios on Friday, August 3rd. Mrs. Brooking will be remembered as Miss Reba Morrow, who was born and brought up in our old Buhler settlement. The writer, who was once her teacher in the old Buhler school, shall always remember her as one of the very sweetest little girls in her school. It was pleasure to watch her grow into womanhood with the innocent “little girl” smile expressing the warmth, and the nobility of her soul. Yes, Reba was, what I am glad to say, very special. A wonderful woman. To her brothers, to her husband, and to her two boys we wish to express our deepest sympathy in their loss. But we can also say “For her to live was Christ and to die was her gain.”

Roger Whorton spent Saturday night and Sunday in Corpus.

The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen (east side) is nearing completion. They expect to move in shortly.

The Edna Weekly Herald, August 9, 1951


Francitas Facts.

(last week)

John Stovall of Edna was a business visitor here.

Little Misses Margy and Sue Green are visiting their grandmother Mrs. Sproles, in Victoria at this writing.

Mrs. Laura Gresham of Diboll, Texas, who is visiting in Palacios, was here to visit her niece, Mrs. W. H. Parrish, one day last week.

Mesdames Orvid Swenson and Paul Wyatt were here Saturday, the 12th, to meet their brother, Watts Langston, of Bronson.

Mrs. Lester Jones and son are visiting in Ozan, Ark.

The Misses Scheels of Ganado were here to visit Miss Iris Walleck on Sunday, 12th.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish were in Palacios Sunday to meet a new nephew, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koch. They tell us that R. L. Parrish seems to be well on the road to complete recovery. Congratulations to Robert, Jr., and also Mr. Parrish.

B. H. Pearce and E. S. Yoas were the ones from Francitas who were in Edna Friday evening to attend the C. of C. meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce visited in Corpus on Thursday last.

Mrs. Ben Pearce, with Mrs. E. S. Yoas and Howard were in Ganado Friday evening. While Howard was practicing with the band Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Yoas visited with Mrs. Tom Skrla. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Howell in their beautiful new home. There they found Mrs. Aileen Howell Warnock and had a very pleasant visit with them all.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rose of San Angelo are here with her mother, Mrs. D. P. Long. They came over to help their neighbors harvest the bountiful cotton crop.

Banks Dorton and son, George, from Triumph, La., with L. D. Dorton, Sr., from Galveston, spent Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. Ben Pearce.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Abernathy with Mrs. J. J. Harris, left Saturday on a two weeks’ vacation.

Calling all Francitas Folk! Hurry. See any one of the committee ladies if you have anything you’d like to enter agricultural products, quilts, garments, crochet or embroidery, canned goods (1951).

We are already collecting items at the post office. The catalog is here at the P. O. for your inspection. Of course, I’m talking about the “Fair Exhibits” which we of Francitas are getting ready for the October Fair. We need your help? Will you help?

The committee: Mrs. Ruby Capak, Mrs. Ruby Parrish, Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen, Mrs. Ben Pearce.

The Edna Weekly Herald, August 23, 1951


Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Texas City visited here a few days in August.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Watts are home from a week’s visit in Quinton, Oklahoma. They brought their son, Van, home to “Catch the bus” for school in Lolita on Monday, Sept. 3rd.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, with LeRoy Jones, spent a week sightseeing in New Mexico and Colorado.

Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon from San Angelo are here for a few weeks. They are stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Rose.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Green and their two children visited his father, R. Green here last week.

Miss Mary Young and Miss Louise Cowgill, who have spent a part of the summer at the Schwind home, have returned to their respective homes. Miss Young to Kansas City and Miss Cowgill to Syracuse, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian of Houston are spending Labor Day here with her father, Emit Linton.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Louise Friday evening, 24th, to visit the Clapp family. Harvey was home from service camp in South Carolina. Mrs. Wm. Light and children from Covington, New Mex., Mrs. Nathan Linton from California, and Mr. and Mrs. Cassell Buckley (Alice) from New Sutherland community with Cassell’s mother and father, were all there.

Sunday, August 26th, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hultquist, of Ganado were in LaGrange to attend the 9th District Postmaster’s Convention. Postmaster Harris of El Campo has invited all of us to meet in El Campo in November. Here’s thanking Mr. Harris.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Allen of Blessing were over here Sunday evening to visit her mother, Mrs. Bryant Green. The Allens also visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck.

Miss Dollie Joines of Bay City visited homefolks here over the past weekend.

Little “Dickey” Parrish, who spent a week in the Palacios hospital, is home again and was very happy to enter school here on Monday, the 3rd.

We are glad to hear the school bell ring again in Francitas after two years of silence. We wish for Miss Ethel Frohman, and her little school much success.

Of course, the old yellow bus left, as usual, taking over our older children to LaWard, Lolita and Vanderbilt.

Little Linda and her brother William Earl Gates, of Beaumont, visited their aunt, Mrs. Frank Pearce, Saturday night.

Mrs. Don Bozeman of Houston visited here Monday the 3rd.

Mrs. William Parrish wishes to say a big “thank you” to each one who showed kindness to her little Dickey while in the hospital at Palacios. The visits from friends, the greetings from those who could not visit, the kindness of the hospital nurses, all made us very grateful. “Thanks very much.”

The Edna Herald, Thursday, Sept. 6, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Little L. E. Christian of Houston is here with his grandfather, E. H. Linton, and is going to school at Lolita.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Wofford came in from Augusta, Georgia, to visit homefolks for a few weeks. Curtiss is stationed with Uncle Sam’s boys in Camp Gordon, Ga.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fueson, with her cousin, Jimmie Rose, and her brother, William Rose, came over from San Angelo for a week’s visit with the Wesley Rose family.

Five more school boys and girls “caught the bus” today (Monday) to enter school at LaWard and Lolita.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were among those from here who attended the C. of C. barbecue in Edna Monday night, Sept. 3. We are very proud of our county chamber of commerce since it gives a splendid opportunity to work together for the advancement of our Jackson County.

The committee from Francitas which is working on collecting articles for the county fair has asked that anyone interested, to bring whatever you have to enter—like canned fruit and vegetables, needle work, or agricultural products—to the post office this week—are we getting anxious to have our full quota ready not later than the coming Saturday, Sept 15. We are anxious to have every family represented. Will you help? Thank you!

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck and children spent Sunday in Yoakum with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown.

Edna Herald, September 13, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. C. D. Long and children, with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Long of Houston. Spent the past weekend visiting relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wingart are home again from a summer visit in Ohio.

Mrs. L. W. Feldhausen left Thursday of last week for Houston, where she will join her son, Elmer and family for a visit in Nebraska.

Mr. and Mrs. David Graham have moved to Flatonia.

M. Linton and wife of Palacios were visiting over here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones, Oryan, Ark., visited here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Texas City visited here Sunday.

Preparations and collecting of articles for the fair is almost completed. Everyone has been very helpful for which the committee of Francitas is grateful.

Don’t forget folks, we surely will be looking for you on Oct. 3-4 at the fair.

Edna Herald, September 27, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. L. W. Feldhlousen has returned from an extended visit up in Nebraska and Colorado. She was accompanied by her son, Elmer, and family of Houston. She says she had a splendid visit, but her smile grew “bigger” when she turned her eyes toward Texas again.

Miss Ettie Joines and Mrs. B. G. Green, with Mrs. Lelia Boles Starr attended the Baptist Convention in Cuero on October 9th.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers, from Nacogdoches, were here for a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parrish of Lorenzo, Texas, with his mother, Mrs. R. L. Parrish of Palacios, visited over here October 10th.

Lloyd Williams of Agua Dulce visited his aunt, Mrs. Clay Robertson, a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Green, from Louisville, Ky., are here for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Green.

Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Christian and children of Houston were here to visit her father and her son, L. E. Christian, last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Texas City spent Sunday, the 7th, here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Long.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi spent all of last week here. Saturday they, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce, went to Huntsville to attend the rodeo. Harold and Ruth went on to Dallas to visit this week.

James Page of Waco stopped by to chat with old friends here last Saturday.

Mrs. Clay Robertson was called to Houston to attend the funeral of her nephew, Denny Robertson, who lost his life in a burning truck near El Paso, last week. The writer is personally acquainted with Denny’s mother, Mrs. Jewel Rasche, and three of her splendid sons, although we did not know Denny we know he must have been just as good a boy, and we wish to express our heartfelt sympathy to you, Jewel, and all of yours.


Edna Herald, October 18, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. William Parrish is home from Bayview Hospital where she was taken after being hurt on the Carancahua bridge when her car skidded and broke her ankle. Little Louis Capak, who was with her, received slight injuries. We are all so thankful none of them was seriously hurt.

Charles Whitley, an old time Francitan, who now lives in Louise, was here to visit friends one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Strauss of Ganado visited at the Pearce home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones were in Palacios Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy, with Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Green, were Bay City visitors Friday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce spent the past week visiting up in the Ozarks country.

Miss Goldie Joines spent the past week end with her mother and sisters in Bay City.

Miss Iris Walleck had two of her school mates from Vanderbilt over for the past weekend.

Mrs. Clay Robertson, with her sister, Mrs. Jewel Rasche of Houston, spent a few days in Del Rio the past week.

Did I tell you that our Francitas folk were very grateful for our chance to take a part in our county fair? We plan to take our 18 ribbons and put them in a “1951”… We had fun. The chairman here at Francitas wishes to thank all Francitians who did their bit.

Edna Herald, October 25, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Ruth Koch and her sister, Mrs. Ernest Koch, of Palacios were here Oct. 22 to visit with Mrs. Wm. Parrish, who is still “laid up” with a broken ankle.

Mr. R. E. Long heard from her niece, Bernice Ford Chandler, of Pearland that she has a little baby girl, Thelma Bernice. Mrs. Chandler will be remembered as Bernice Ford, who was once “The baby” of Francitas.

A letter from Grandma Koch of Beaumont tells that Miss Helena Koch wishes to thank everyone here who remembered her birthday on Oct. 12. So you see, Miss Helena, you who use to be our “Sunshine Girl,” are still remembered on October 12 across the miles from us to you.

Those who missed the stork shower give by Mrs. Margaret Richardson on October 29 surely missed an enjoyable evening (for Mrs. R. E. Griffith and Mrs. Louis Capak). We wish to congratulate Mrs. Richardson for the unique way in which she planned the party.

That reminds me that the teacher and her school children here handed out this little invitation on Monday:

“To the Mothers and the Dads--
A nice time to be had,
If you will bring a baker’s dozen (cookies)
And your sister, brothers and cousins,
Where to? Francitas School house;
When? Nov. 2—from 7-9 p. m.

Miss Peggy Allen of Blessing visited Miss Iris Walleck over the past week end.

Mrs. Jewel Rasche of Houston is here to make a extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Clay Robertson. Welcome to Francitas, Mrs. Rasche.

Tips Hensley, butane dealer of Edna, was down here Monday on his regular monthly visit.

Mrs. D. P. Long was in El Campo Monday to see her doctor.

Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Long were El Campo visitors Saturday.


Edna Herald, November 1, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty of Brownsville spent Monday night here. R. Green (her father) accompanied them home Tuesday.

Miss Goldie Joines, left the Nightingale Hospital in El Campo Tuesday, where she had gone for an operation for removal of appendix on Thursday of last week. She will stay with her mother in Bay City until she is able to re-enter school.

Mrs. Margaret Richardson, with Mrs. Frank Pearce, were El Campo visitors on Monday.

Miss Ethel Fromen had the misfortune on October 31, of breaking her left arm, so she spent Hallowe’en in the Palacios Hospital. Mrs. B. Carnes of LaWard taught our school Thursday and Friday, but Miss Fromen was here early Monday to resume her duties as teacher.

C. L. Conner is back again as our Missouri Pacific section foreman. He will move hi s family back from Refugio soon. Welcome home, Mr. Conner. Chester McNeill, who has been here, has moved to Placedo.

The “Let’s Get Acquainted” party which Miss Fromen had scheduled for November 2, was postponed ‘till November 6.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were in Ganado Monday evening to attend a meeting of the Fair Association. Here we wish to say “Thank You” to the people of Ganado for the refreshments, to “Dr. Peter” Strane of Edna and a great big “Thank You” to the boys and girls who filled in with duets, quartets and solos of song. It was a business meeting, but mixed with much pleasure.

Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Norton, Sr., with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holis of Galveston, visited in the Pearce home here on Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Koch were Palacios visitors last Tuesday.

Mrs. Emily Patterson is in Houston as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Walleck of Victoria visited at the Carl Walleck home here last Sunday.

Edna Herald, November 8, 1951

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wofford and children of Dickinson visited here over the Armistice Day weekend.

Mrs. Jewell Rasche was a business visitor in Houston last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long were in Edna Saturday.

Mrs. Louis Capak is among the ailing this week.

Goldie Joines, who spent more than a week in the El Campo hospital, came home Sunday and was on the bus for school Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Conner moved back to the R. R. section last Sunday. Welcome home.

Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Waters of Blessing, with the new Baptist minister and his wife, were chatting with friends here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Koch and children were in Palacios both Sunday and Monday evenings to attend church services.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers were down from Nacogdoches for a few days.

Lawrence Feldhausen,  Jr., Kerry Griffith, and Leroy Jones were down here from Ganado Saturday evening.

Mr. Clapp, star route mail carrier, says that Harvey Clapp, Jr. is home for a visit with his parents in Louise.

B. H. Pearce, Mrs. Agnes Wofford and Mrs. Ruby Parrish were on the election board here Nov. 13.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Vanderbilt Wednesday evening to attend the Chamber of Commerce meeting.

Edna Herald, November 15, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Green and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green, with Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Green, were visitors at the T. O. Allen home in Blessing last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Chandler of Pearland were visitors at the Robert Long home on Sunday, Nov. 14.

Mrs. Frank Pearce spent last Sunday in Edna with her mother, Mrs. Eugene Green.

Mrs. Louis Capak, who has been ailing of flu, is up and able to come “up town” again.

Mrs. J. W. Wofford was among the ailing last week, but is her usual self again.

Little Charles Conner, who was ill last week, is much better.

J. T. Joines of Thompsons, Texas was chatting with friends here.

T. A. Hawkins and Clifford Joines were down from Houston last week to do some hunting and catch some of the Carancahua fish, which seem to be plentiful at this time.

We have a new neighbor down on Mr. Graham’s home place (three additional school children). Just met the lady. Their names are Mr. and Mrs. Reddock.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce, with Mrs. Julia Pryor of LaWard, were in El Campo last Sunday to attend the 9th District Postmaster meeting.  We were privileged to hear our Clark Thompson speak again. I’m sure every postmaster is with me when I again say “Thanks” to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Harris for having us with them. Mrs. Harris made all the arrangements for the feast at noon and Mr. Harris was the manager of the program. More than 180 plates were served. Sorry some of our postmasters missed it.

Edna Herald, November 22, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mesdames Robert and Ernest Koch, with Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koch, all of Palacios were visiting here on Wednesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Hockley of Palacios were business visitors here on Thanksgiving Day.

Mr. M. F. Greenawalt of Pecos, Texas, were chatting with friends here on Friday last. M. F. was hunting with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks of Memphis, Tenn., were business visitors here on November 19. Mrs. Hendrix lived Francitas in years gone by.

Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Carnell of Houston visited at the Pearce home Thanksgiving Day. The 22nd  was also the Carnell’s 24th wedding anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Linton of Houston ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Ada Joines and Ettie Jean.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stiriz of Fort Worth were guests of Uncle Bill Green on the 24th.

Miss Hilda Jones, who is not in El Campo, was home for Thanksgiving.

C. H. Wilson was a business visitor in Francitas Monday.

Miss Ethel Fromen spent the weekend with her mother in Houston.

The teacher and other children of Francitas are preparing a Christmas program and tree at the school house on Dec. 20th at 7 p. m. As a part of the program, the mothers will put on a thirty-minute play, “Christmas Tea for Husbands.” We’ve written Santa to let him know we are having a school play so he will not pass us by. Come over and be with us. Everyone is invited. Keep the date in mind—Dec. 20th.

Edna Herald, December 6, 1951