Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
January - June 1951


Francitas Facts.

David Graham left on Christmas Day for Houston for another visit to the doctor.

Mrs. Gene Marion of LaWard, with her two sisters, Mrs. Ray Foote of Van Nuys, California and Mrs. W. F. Pounders of San Antonio, were here to call on the Pearces Dec. 26th.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Griffith of Kingsville were here to visit homefolks over the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Joines have moved to Port Lavaca.

Mrs. Omay Reese and boys have moved to Port Lavaca.

Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and Miss Mildred, their daughter, of Corpus, spent Christmas with the Whorton family here.

H. J. Whorton, Jr., and his family of Houston were guests of the Whortons on Christmas Day.

The F. M. Greenawalt family had as their guests, at Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greenawalt and son of Pecos and J. D. Greenawalt from Denver, Colorado, where he is in Uncle Sam’s air force.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green are home again. We are glad to note that Aunt Ethel is much better. Uncle Bill’s son, George Green, and family of Corpus, spent a few days here last week.

Mrs. David Graham left on Dec. 30th to spend a few weeks with her son and wife in Ingram, Texas.

Miss Pearl Browning of Edna visited Miss Helen Mae Rose during the holidays.

Mrs. Charnie Walker of LaWard was chatting with friends here on Monday last.

Mrs. Walker, with Mrs. Clay Robertson, were Bay City visitors Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parrish, with Mr. W. L. Linton and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Linscum of Palacios visited at the W. H. Parrish home on New Year’s Day.

We read, with a startled surprise, in our last copy of the Herald that our Mr. Staples had given up his “chair” in the Herald office. We don’t know how to express just what we feel, but his we can say: “Well done, Mr. Staples, and we who have worked with you shall try to show our love and esteem for you by doing all we can for your successor, to keep our Herald one of the best country papers.” To you, Mr. new Editor, we of Francitas send greetings that the New Year may bring you much success.

Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston and son, Bobby, were here Friday to visit her sister, Mrs. Ben Pearce.

The old school bus went rolling out this morning with all our boys and girls. They were sober and quiet for they had had a nice long week of good times and were ready to re-enter the business of getting educated. We trust they feel how very fortunate they are.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, January 4, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Pearce’s toll station now has a nice new “dial” phone. The old phone with its “ting-a-ling,” turned by hand which has hung on our wall for a quarter of a century, is removed. It would take page after page to write the news (good, bad and indifferent) that has come to us thru’ the telephone. And the answers, some I would not repeat.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy spent the past Sunday in Yoakum.

Mrs. Henry Walters of Blessing was over here Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs of Deutschburg were business visitors here Saturday.

Mrs. Gordon Starr was chatting with friends here on Friday last.

Mrs. Hugh L. Rose was in Edna Monday to visit her mother, Mrs. Fannie Browning.

We were made sad to learn that our friend, Mr. Chas. Peterson of Olivia had passed away last Saturday.

Mr. Arvid Swenson of Olivia was in Francitas Monday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green from Edna have moved into the home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. David Graham.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Strauss of Ganado were visitors at the Wingart home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Greenawalt have moved into the Marvin Joines home. Welcome, new neighbors.

Harry Schmidt from Deutschburg was visiting over here Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines of Port Lavaca were here Sunday.

Folks, this is January—the “milk bottle” is out. As you know, the chairwoman of the Francitas Drive each year, keeps a record of contributions to the M. O. D. Put your dime or dollar into the milk bottle or hand your contribution to Mrs. Ben Pearce, chairman, Mrs. Collis Wofford, Mrs. Louis Capak, or Mrs. W. H. Parrish. Be seeing you.

Below is a bit of a ditty written in 1942 and sent to KTRH’s Ted Nabors in Houston, before we had Jackson County drives.

Here ‘its:


Tho’ I have time but for a line

I can’t resist to send my dime;

For all these children who are in sorrow

May be our leaders of tomorrow.

That they may walk, and talk and sing,

And into their lives some sunshine bring;

That from affliction they get relief

Is such a nice way to honor our chief,

Whose heart is big as all the earth,

The “10 cent” value of their worth

Can we withhold our little dimes?

When opportunity to fall in line

Makes us a part of the great throng

Give, my friends, DON’T do them wrong.

 The Edna Weekly Herald, January 11, 1951

Francitas Facts

Miss M. Allen of Lolita was the guest of Miss Dolly Joines over the past week end.

Mrs. Clifford Joines (Lula Maud) was visiting here and over in Buhler over the past week end.

Mrs. Virgil Bowen and Mrs. J. G. Bowen were visitors in Francitas last Friday. They tell us that Virgie is home from the hospital, and recuperating nicely, but that his brother, Cecil, will have to stay a few weeks longer.

Miss Helen Mae Rose visited Mrs. Beatrice Joines over in Buhler over the past week end.

Mrs. Hugh Rose was in Edna Sunday to see her mother, Mrs. Fannie Browning. Mrs. Browning is very much improved.

Mrs. Ida Graham is home again from Ingram where she visited with her son.

Mr. J. A. Munson of Hope, Texas, is the new Baptist pastor here. He will be here for services every first and third Sabbaths.

Mr. and Mrs. George Neely and son, Ottis, were here from Yoakum to be at the dedication services at the Baptist Church last Friday evening.

Mrs. J. J. Harris, who has been ill of flu is much better.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce visited Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Yoas up in Little Kentucky community on Sunday afternoon. We are glad to report that Ernest is now on the road to recovery. Congratulations!

Mrs. Beulah Hodges of Seadrift is back in Francitas for a few weeks.

Folks, don’t forget—for the next two weeks we are “In” the March o’ Dimes. The representatives here will make house-to-house canvass calls. Our aim is to get not less than 10c for each man, woman and child (and each pet) about your house. Then there is no limit to the amount you may give to help the ailing tots to live. Don’t let them down.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, January 18, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones have moved down to Port Lavaca, where Cecil will be near his work at the Alcoa plant.

R. Green is at this time visiting his daughter, Mrs. James Beaty, in Brownsville.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston were week end guests at the Ben Pearce home.

Watts Langston of Bronson was here Friday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus were Sunday guests at the home of Frank Pearce.

Mrs. J. W. Wofford and son, Curtiss, were visitors down at Monterrey, Mexico, a few days last week. Curtiss answered his call to join the army February 5th.

It was with a sigh of relief we saw the sun come up on Friday and kiss away the ice from our shrubs and trees, so they might once again “look up” and live. Our community, as elsewhere, had no connection with the outside world for several days, but we consider ourselves more fortunate than so many others that we can say, “Father we thank Thee” and really mean it.

On Friday, our friend, Mrs. Ella Langston, growing tired of her burden of illness, went to sleep, and the Death Angel carried her away to where the sun will always shine. As was her wont in life, to live quietly and peacefully, so in death. She quietly “passed over” and was laid to rest on a sunshiny Sunday, February 4th, by the side of her husband, J. D. Langston, who preceded her by a little more than a year. She leaves here to mourn her passing four boys and girls: Watts Langston of Bronson, Wilburn Langston of Houston, Mrs. Jewel Swenson of Olivia, and Mrs. Hortense Watts of Palacios. Three of her nephews, Delbert Langston, and two of her brothers were here [as] was Miss Ella Chancy of Lufkin, Texas. In early girlhood she was married to J. D. Langston January 1 (52 years ago). They have lived here for the past 40 years. When quite young she became a member of the Church of Christ, and was a true, conscientious Christian. In her own quiet way, she was an influence for good toward all whom she came to know. She was our friend: To her loved let me say:

“She’s not dead, she’s just away”

Only her body is under the sod

Her soul’s at rest—home with God.

To Jewel, Hortense, Wilburn and Watts, I’m sure your mother would wish it not to have you grieve, while she’s at rest. She’d say: “Children, God knows best.”


The Edna Weekly Herald, February 8, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines from Port Lavaca were here to visit homefolks the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines and children were Palacios visitors on Saturday evening.

Mrs. Beulah Hodges returned to her home in Seadrift on Tuesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce visited in Edna Sunday afternoon. They visited at the Yoas home in the Little Kentucky community on their way back, and we are glad to report that Mr. Yoas is very much improved.

Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Swenson and Mrs. Paul Wyatt were up here Saturday at their mother’s home.

Mrs. D. P. Long was taken to the El Campo Hospital on Monday where she will have to  undergo an operation for removal of gall stones.

We are glad to see Mrs. Emily Patterson was able to walk “down town” Monday. She’s feeling better.

Mr. and Mrs. August Balfonze of Bloomington visited at the J. L. Koch home over the past week end. Mrs. Balfonze also visited Mrs. Pearce.

Lester Jones has been ill again, in the Ganado hospital.

All of us here owe the boys who worked so faithfully on our REA lines all last week a great big vote of thanks. Nothing like darkness to make us appreciate light.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long came in from Texas City Monday to accompany his mother, Mrs. D. P. Long, to the hospital.

Miss LaVon Conner spent Thursday night in LaWard as the guest of the DeAtley home.

The Edna Weekly Herald, February 15, 1951

Francitas Facts.

On Valentine’s Day the mothers of our pre-school children here gave the little ones a Valentine party at the school house.

The same afternoon, despite the inclemency of the weather, Mrs. C. L. Conner and Mrs. W. D. Abernathy were hostesses to a “stork” shower for Mrs. Alvin Watts. After the Valentines were given to the little ones and gifts presented to Mrs. Watts, refreshments were served to all.

Mrs. Wesley Rose and daughter of San Angelo were here on Feb. 13th to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. D. P. Long, who was in an El Campo hospital. We are glad to note that Mrs. Long is now recuperating at the home of her son, Harold Long, in Ganado. We trust she shall be as “good as new” in a few weeks. Congratulations, Mrs. Long.

Mrs. Ethel Green is at this writing in Tomball with her son, Chas. Stiri.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lala of Victoria were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Happner of sons, Wesley and Walter, and daughter, Doris of Sinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Balfran of Bloomington were guests at the J. L. Koch home last Saturday. They also visited Johnnie’s sister, Mrs. Wm. Parrish.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones are home again from a few weeks’ visit in Arkansas.

Rev. Pat Marse of Edna visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce on Tuesday afternoon of last week.

Little “Dicky” Parrish has been ill all of the past week.

Miss Virginia Koch is ill at this writing. We wish for our two little friends a speedy recovery.

Mrs. Lena Carroll is recuperating after a week’s illness. Congratulations!

We are glad to note that Mrs. Clay Robertson, who was ailing for several days, is now her old self again.

R. Green, who has been in Brownsville for several weeks, is home again.

To the Tree By My Window

The rain, then sleet had bowed you down,

You were humbled—way down low,

The tip-top branches touched the ground

The wind from the cold north kept them so.


While the ice was oh, so thick

And I felt your branches would soon break,

The sun came out—the Light of God—

And with wonder I saw you shake

The drops of water slowly off.

Inch by inch you then did rise

And lifted high again your boughs

To kiss the sunshine—

You are wise.

So we, poor mortals too, can learn

Though the path is weary where we trod,

To life our heads, and hearts, and souls

And trust again the Cross of God.


Mrs. Hugh Rose was called to Edna early on the morning of February 22nd when a message came to her that her mother, Mrs. Fanny Browning has “passed away” quite suddenly. She had been in ailing health for many months, but seemingly was on the road to recovery, when death came silently and took her soul away.

Services were held from the First Baptist Church of Edna, under the direction of Slavik Funeral Home, on Friday, February 23rd.

Interment was made in the Edna Cemetery by the side of her husband who preceded her in death just eleven years ago Feb. 22nd.

Mrs. Browning was well known here, and to know her was to love her. The writer knew her as a special friend, one who was a conscientious Christian, and the one who went about doing good, forgetting herself in service to others. We shall mourn her passing, but most of all we shall miss her cheery smile and hearty greeting.

Yes, we shall miss her, but even in the loneliness we should be glad she is at rest “over there.”

To you, Estelle and to all her loved ones we wish to “hold your hand” in your sorrow, and help you to see that your loss was her gain. As St. Paul wrote long ago, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”


Card of Thanks

We want to thank the people for their kindness that was shown to our mother, Mrs. Fannie Browning during her late illness and also for the kindness shown to us after her passing. We wish to thank each one for every kind word and every kind deed and also for the beautiful floral offerings. May God bless each and every one.


Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Browning and Family

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Browning and Family

Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Browning and Family

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Browning and Family

Mr. Robert Browning and Son

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose and Family

The Edna Weekly Herald, March 1, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Feldhousen of Houston spent the past week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Feldhousen.

Mrs. Carl Walleck had as her guest last Sunday her sister and family of Victoria.

The little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green are having measles this week, but we are glad the epidemic is not quite as bad over here as at other places.

Miss Hazel Harris, with Miss Joyce McMichiel, was a business visitor in Port Lavaca one day last week.

Mesdames Watts and Conner were Bay City visitors on Friday.

Mrs. Roy Hart and Mrs. A. F. Greenawalt of Carancahua community visited here last Sunday.

Mrs. Angie Knopp of Edna visited at the Whorton home here Sunday.

Mrs. Grady Wright and Mr. Wright’s mother from Houston visited at the Robertson home here on Sunday, March 4th.

The social event of the past week was the “stork” party given in honor of Mrs. H. R. Greenawalt at the home of Mrs. B. H. Pearce Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5 p. m. Mrs. B. H. Pearce and Mrs. Howard Green were hostesses.

Quiet guessing games were played—“Your Name in Print,” sliced “Bible Quotations,” jumbled “Nursery Rhymes,” and then we suggested names for the little ones expected in April for Mrs. Greenawalt and Mrs. Watts. While we were finding the words that “Hear” Little LaVonne Conner rendered music on the piano.

Gifts were opened and “thanks” were said, then cake and cokes were served from the table which was decorated by a big bowl of wisteria from the garden of Mrs. R. R. Joines.

Those from out-of-town attending the party were Mesdames Ray Hart and Abott Greenawalt.

Mrs. Stella Conner is home again from an extended visit in East Texas.

Mrs. C. L. Conner and daughter were Houston visitors on March 2.

Mrs. B. A. Buckhorn of LaWard was a business visitor over here one evening last week.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, March 15, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Forest of Houston were business visitors here on Wednesday.

Robert Walker was over here from Palacios on Wednesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Christian and children of Houston spent Easter week end with her father, E. H. Linton.

Uncle Bill Green spent a few days in Corpus last week with his son’s family.

Mrs. J. T. Joines and little Charlotte who have been out in Fort Bliss with her husband, Sgt. J. T. Joines, came in last week to spend a few days with his mother, Mrs. Ada Joines, and Mrs. J. T. Joines’ mother, Mrs. Anderson.

Tommy Stiriz came down from Houston to take Bill Green to Houston to be at the bedside of his wife, Mrs. Ethel Green, who is ill.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parrish of Palacios visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish last Saturday.

Mrs. John Koch of Palacios spent Wednesday of last week over here with her daughter, Mrs. W. Parrish.

Mrs. Carl Walleck has been among the ailing all of the past week, but is much better at this time.

Most of our pre-school children who registered for school next term were invited to LaWard last Friday to the annual egg hunt. They were made very happy by going with the “big ones” on the school bus.

The ladies of the Civic Club gave the little ones an Easter egg hunt at our school house here Friday afternoon.

Those who have gardens and farms here are very thankful for the nice rain, even though some of us had to miss the church services.

Mrs. Charles Greenawalt and little son are visiting her mother in Pecos.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, March 29, 1951

Francitas Baptists To Hold Revival

A revival meeting will be held at the Francitas Baptist Church beginning April 29.

Rev. Frank T. Hollan will do the preaching and Rev. J. A. Munson will lead the singing.

Everybody is invited to attend these services, starting at 7:30 o’clock each night. An invitation is extended by Rev. J. A. Munson, pastor, to all denominations to attend and hear the word of God in love and power and pray for the lost souls to be saved.

The Edna Weekly Herald, April 19, 1951

Francitas Facts.

E. R. Whorton is home again from the Veterans Hospital in Houston.

Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen was taken to the El Campo hospital on Thursday of last week suffering from virus pneumonia. We are glad to state that she is much better.

Mr. and Mrs.  Alvin Watts have another little girl. They call her “Charline.”

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greenawalt, who lived next door for a few months, but who have now moved to Pecos, announce the arrival of a baby girl on April 6. Congratulations!

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines and family have moved back from Port Lavaca.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dorris are here with Uncle Bill Green at his writing.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones were over here the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Green were visitors in Seguin over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Swenson of Olivia visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi spent the week end visiting here and at the Frank Pearce home at the gas plant.

Sunday, April 15, was the day of the Postmasters’ League meeting in Palacios. Only three wee there from Jackson County.

We had a very, very nice dinner at the Green Lantern. More than 100 were served. After the business session, the Palacios postmaster, Mrs. Grace Barnett, served refreshments at her home. Those who missed it lost out on a good time. Our inspector, Mr. Cottman, of Galveston, was there.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, April 19, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koch, with Mrs. Robert Koch, of Palacios, visited over here last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koch have been in Velasco for a few months, but are now living in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg are in Houston at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish and ____ visited his sister, Mrs. Bill Linsecum in Corpus last Sunday.

Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen is home again from the El Campo Hospital. Congratulations!

We notice that among the sr.? boys who won scholarships at  A. & M. College was Robert Tobola of Houston, who is a nephew of Mrs. B. H. Pearce.

Mrs. C. L. Conner and family here moved into the Griffith home recently vacated by the J. J. Harris family.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were in Edna Sunday evening to attend services at Allen Memorial Presbyterian Church to hear their very able evangelist, Rev. Thomas Dyal of Bryan. He will conduct a series of services each evening all this week. The church extends an invitation to everyone to attend these services each evening at 7:30.

The pastor of the Francitas Baptist Church has announced that a revival will begin on Sunday, April 29. Everyone is invited to attend these services.

The church clerk received from El Paso today a nice communion service which will be presented to the church next Sunday in memory of Uncle John Green, who was one of the charter members there.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, April 26, 1951

Francitas Facts.

Miss Rowena Argo of Lolita visited over the past week end with Miss Goldie Joines here.

Miss Helen Mae Rose and L. W. Feldhousen with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce attended church services in Edna on Tuesday evening of last week to hear Mr. Dyal, who conducted a week’s meeting at the Allen Memorial Presbyterian Church.

The pastor of the Baptist Church in Red Bluff began a series of meetings here Sunday. A cordial welcome awaits everyone who can attend.

R. Green spent a few days in Gonzales last week visiting his son.

Mrs. Eugene Green, who has been here with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Pearce was taken to the John Sealy Hospital in Galveston last Monday. We trust for her a speedy return to health again.

Roger Wharton is again in the Veterans hospital in Houston.

Mr. and Mr. B. H. Pearce visited in Corpus Saturday and Sunday. They witnessed the Buccaneer parade which was great. Among those 28 bands who marched, none to us, made better music than our Edna “Cowboys.”

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg are home again from a few weeks’ visit in Houston.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, May 3, 1951

Francitas Facts.

A series of meetings conducted by Rev. Frank Hollan of Red Bluff came to a close Sunday evening. A good meeting and a good attendance.

Mrs. Henry Walters, with her aunt, Mrs. Hugh McCollough, of Alto were visiting in Francitas Saturday.

Mrs. Harvey Clapp of Louise, with Mrs. W. F. Light, Sr. of Beeville, and little Tommy Adair visited briefly at Francitas last Saturday.

Mrs. Marvin Joines, with Misses Dolly and Goldie Joines, were Bay City visitors Friday last.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hansen of Palacios, with his two nieces, Mrs. Alice Paulsen of Casper, Wyo., and Mrs. Mary Smith of Omaha, Nebraska, were visiting Mrs. Ben Pearce last Thursday. We are glad to note that both Mr. and Mrs. Hansen are feeling much better.

Mrs. Eugene Green was taken to John Sealy Hospital, Galveston, last week. We trust for our friend a complete recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce and Larry, left Sunday afternoon for Beaumont. They expect to visit her mother, Mrs. Eugene Green, in Galveston on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hultquist and children of Ganado, with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, went to Galveston Sunday to represent Jackson County at our state convention of Postmasters’ League. Our county chairman wishes to have Jackson County members up to 100 per cent by the time we meet at La Marque in October of this year.

Little Charles Conner has been among the ailing for more than a week, but is better now.

C. L. Conner spent the past week end with homefolks here.

Mrs. Stella Conner left last week for an extended visit in East Texas.

Another successful Stanley Party was given by Mrs. Howard Green on Thursday, May 3. Those who did not attend missed a good time.

Mr. and Mrs. George Green of Corpus visited his father, M. C. Green here Sunday. They all then visited Bucky Green’s family at Blessing.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, May 10, 1951

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Chandler of Pearland were here to visit her aunt, Mrs. Robert Long, on Sunday, May 6. Mrs. Chandler will be remembered as Miss Bernice Ford, who was born in Francitas.

Mrs. C. H. Wilson of Deutschburg, with Mrs. Gilbert of Houston, visited at the Pearce home Tuesday of last week.

Mrs. Allen Cowgill of New York City was here to visit her sister, Mrs. J. H. Summers. She returned home Monday.

Mrs. Audrey Clifton of Houston is here to visit at the home of Uncle Bill Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams of Houston visited at the Clay Robertson home several days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen and little Jimmy Don of Edna spent Mother's Day here with Mrs. Allen's mother, Mrs. J. W.  Wofford.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce spent Mother's Day with her mother, Mrs. Eugene Green, in Galveston.

Mrs. J. W. Griffith is among the ailing this week.

Some of our townfolk were at Vanderbilt on Sunday evening to attend the baccalaureate services. Two of the Francitas girls are finishing this term.

Edna Weekly Herald, May 17, 1961

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Texas City were over here the last week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones of Victoria were here to visit relatives last Sunday.

Mrs. D. P. Long, with Mrs. G. C. Long, were in El Campo Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Yoas and Howard visited at the Pearce home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dahlstrom and Mrs. Lizzie Pearce were visiting over here Sunday.

Miss Ettie [Etta] Joines is visiting in El Paso at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Conner have moved to Refugio. Mrs. Conner and children are spending this week in East Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish and boys visited his sister, Mrs. R. L. Rhodes, in Hockley, Texas, over the past week end.

B. H. Pearce spent most of last week in the Nightingale Hospital, El Campo, but was able to drive the school bus over Friday afternoon.

Vacation time is here now for our school children, and “bicycle” time has begun.

Miss Hazel Harris, one of our “Sweet girl graduates, left Saturday to join her family who moved to Damon early this spring.

Mrs. R. R. Joines was among those who attended 8th grade graduation at Lolita School. Her daughter, Dolly Mae, was among those who will begin high school next term.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose were at Lolita to see their daughter, Helen Mae, finish grammar school. We wish to congratulate these two young ladies and their classmates, and trust that they will continue their studies.

The Edna Weekly Herald, May 24, 1951