Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
July - December 1950


Francitas Facts.

Little Miss Delores Rhodes of Houston visited relatives here on the 14th of June.

Mrs. R. L. Parrish spent a week in Palacios with her daughter, the latter part of June.

Mrs. Verna K. Harper of Edna was here chatting with old friends on June 15th.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce spent the 17th and 18th of June in Corpus.

Mrs. Tilly Cumby of Ganado was a business visitor here last Friday.

Mrs. Roman Vyvial of Rich Square visited Mrs. Ben Pearce here June 28th.

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines, with his two younger daughters and his brother, Wheeler, are on a two weeks visit among relatives in Tennessee. They left last Saturday.

Mrs. Adolph Koch is in the John Sealy Hospital at this time. She suffered a crushed hand in a car wreck near her home down on the river. We are glad to note that she is now out of danger.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston were here this past week end.

Mrs. C. H. Wilson of Deutschburg visited Mrs. Ben Pearce Saturday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Green of Bay City rode the bus over here one day recently and spent a day with Russell’s father.

Those from this area of Jackson County really did appreciate the barbecue at LaWard given by the members of the Chamber of Commerce of Edna. More than a thousand persons were served and sat on the lawn eating while the people of the colored Church in Edna, were broadcasting our favorite old spirituals. All of us say, “Thank you, Edna people.”

Two new mothers have been added to our “local” circle of the Hospital Auxiliary.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers are down here from Nacogdoches for a few weeks.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, July 6, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Currie are back in Victoria for the time being.

The report from the John Sealy Hospital as to the condition of our friend, Mrs. Adolph Koch is not good. She is not improving as we could have wished.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stiriz of Tomball visited his mother here over the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Koch were visitors in Palacios on July 4th.

Little William Earl Gates of Beaumont is spending a few weeks here with his aunt, Mrs. F. D. Pearce.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck and children are visiting in San Antonio this week.

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines and girls are home again from a short visit in Lawrenceburg, Tenn.

Minton Williams of Corpus Christi was chatting with friends over here last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish and sons are home again from a visit in Beaumont.

Mrs. D. P. Long, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long, spent the 4th in Ganado as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long.

Mrs. Lester Jones is among the ailing at this time.

Brother Chavens, who is now living in LaWard, was over here to fill his regular appointment on last Friday evening.

We are glad to note that our own Alice Clapp is now one of the student nurses at our Jackson County Hospital. Miss Clapp is one of our Francitas girls (now living at Louise) and we feel sure she will make good. We can say she is a conscientious, Christian girl and of sterling character. We are proud of you, Alice Clapp.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A Wofford of Dickinson, Texas, is here to visit her grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford.

The Edna Weekly Herald, July 13, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Currie have moved to Victoria.

Mr. Watts from Sweeny is now here as our railroad section foreman. His family will move over here this week.

Mrs. Lester Jones is recuperating from a major operation at the Nightingale Hospital, El Campo. We wish for Mildred a complete recovery.

Mr. E. H. Linton was in Victoria on business one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffith, with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Long, were called to Cleveland, Texas, last week to attend the funeral of Mr. Griffith’s sister, Mrs. Stella Griffith Hopson. To this family we extend our sympathy for Stella was our friend. The writer has known her here most of her life. She leaves a husband and several small children to mourn the loss.

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Green are home again from a two weeks vacation.

Mr. Stoutt, from St. Johns, Kans., was here last week to look after the affairs of his late brother, Mr. Jeff Stoutt.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish were Palacios visitors Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pearce of Austin spent the past week end here and in Edna.

Mrs. Paul Wyatt of Palacios was over here last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Walters of Blessing were over here Saturday. They tell us that they are moving to Bay City this week.

Mrs. Lula Bienenski of Houston visited her father, E. H. Linton, last Saturday.

Mrs. Omay Reese tells us that her son, Gillus and Mrs. Albert Downs were married in Edna early in July. Congratulations.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, July 20, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Miss Mildred Jones is home again from El Campo and is recuperating at home.

Lester Jones is home from Port Lavaca Hospital where he was taken last Friday after suffering a leg injury at the Alcoa Plant.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Harrison of Palacios visited at the Pearce home on Sunday, the 23rd.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wofford and children of Dickinson, Texas, were here to visit at the J. W. Wofford home over the week end of the 22nd.

Mrs. Hugh Rose has been in Edna at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Fannie Browning, who was quite ill last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Bozeman of Houston were over here the week of the 22nd.

Mesdames H. G. Whorton, L. W. Feldhousen and B. H. Pearce were in Edna on the 27th to attend the County Hospital Auxiliary meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Baynard and son from Florida, were business visitors here on Monday, the 24th.

Mrs. J. W. Wofford is away on her vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce spent the past week end in Corpus.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Watts from Sweeny are now established in their new home here. Welcome!

Mrs. Lillie Upton Waters of Blessing, with Miss Sue Carolyn Upton, who is home from Fort Worth on her summer vacation, were business visitors here last Monday.

Anyone interested in our County Fair in Edna in September, see Mrs. B. H. Pearce for information as to making entries. Mr. E. S. Yoas is chairman and Mrs. Pearce is working as local chairman.

The Edna Weekly Herald, August 3, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian of Houston were guests of the home of her father, E. H. Linton over the past week end.

Mrs. Charley Walker of LaWard, with Miss Geneva Warner of Huntsville were chatting with old friends over here on Saturday of last week. They were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston were here over the past week end.

Both little Mary Belle Long and Susie Griffith had accidents last week. Mary got her arm caught in the wringer of the electric washing machine, and Lucy suffered a bad burn. They seem to be well on the road to recovery.

Little Miss Mary Whorton was among the ailing last week, but she also is much better.

Miss Sue Carolyn Upton spent Monday here as the guest of Miss Etta Sue [Jean?].

Mrs. Nicholas Carillo and children are in Odem this week while her husband is being treated in Kingsville Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Swenson of Olivia were here Monday to visit her mother, Mrs. J. D. Langston.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were in Edna Monday evening to attend the meeting of the Jackson County Fair Association. They also visited the fair grounds which are being made ready for our September Fair. I wish every one of our townsfolk could see the preparations and talk to Mr. Sells and others who are putting their best efforts into this, our first County Fair. And this also reminds me that I saw with my own eyes the space which will be marked “Francitas,” but are we going to leave it empty? Each community in Jackson County has an 8 x 10 ft. corner under the nice new building which we may “decorate” and “fill” with anything on the list (at your local post office.) Old “relics” are also solicited. See either Mrs. B. H. Pearce or Mrs. H. L. Rose about Agriculture, and B. H. Perce about Livestock.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, August 10, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Miss Irene Whitlock of Sandia, Texas, is the guest of Miss Hazel Harris this week.

Mrs. Clifford Joines of Houston, with Mrs. Beatrice Joines of LaWard, were visiting over here a few days last week.

Messrs. George Dorton of Houston and Banks Dorton from Truimph, La., were guests at the Pearce home this past week.

Mrs. R. L. Parrish, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Parrish, were visitors in Palacios Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were in Palacios Saturday afternoon.

Mr. David Graham was taken to the Mauritz Memorial-Jackson County Hospital in Ganado early Saturday morning. He has been very ill, but we trust him a speedy and complete recovery.

Mrs. Lawrence Feldhousen was in the El Campo hospital a few days last week, but was well enough to leave the hospital Monday. She is now stopping with friends in El Campo for a few weeks to be near her doctor. We also wish for her a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Long have moved back to Francitas after spending several months in San Angelo. They will live in the Comstock house “on the corner.”

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rose and family, with Jimmy Rose of San Angelo, Texas, are here for a visit. Jimmy expects to work with his uncle, Hugh Rose.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce went to Brazoria to attend the Postmasters’ meeting on Sunday last. They report a splendid business meeting, and thanks go to our Brazoria postmaster for a very nice social part of her meeting. The whole group was invited to the Kroestler Nursery down toward Freeport, and that was well worth the Brazoria trip. Going next time? All you P. M.s.

Miss Dollie Mae Joines spent most of last week in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were in Edna Monday evening to attend the “Fair” meeting. We feel that every effort put forth by our Jackson County people will bear fruit, and if our first effort is not the best, we should start now to make the better best another year. So don’t forget, folks, we’re still depending on every citizen in Jackson County to do your part. If you have nothing to enter, tell some one else that does have, and let your local chairman know. Thanks!

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, August 24th, 1950

Francitas Facts

Mr. David Graham came home from our County Hospital the 22nd and we are glad to note he is on the way to recovery.

Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen is home again from El Campo Hospital, and she, too, is very much better.

Travis Graham and wife of Angleton visited his father, David Graham, last Saturday.

Mrs. Harvey Clapp and daughter, Miss Alice Clapp visited briefly at the Pearce home last Saturday.

Mrs. R. L. Parrish was visiting in Palacios a few days the past week.

Four of our town's ladies, who are members of our Hospital Auxiliary, attended the monthly meeting of the Association on Thursday last. (We meet every fourth Thursday.) We had as guests to our meeting Mrs. Meicher and Mrs. Moore of Port Lavaca, who gave us some "pointers." Sorry you missed the meeting. We shall meet in Edna on September 28.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green of Edna were visitors at his father's home (Mr. B. G. Green) last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rose and children are here to visit Mrs. D. P. Long.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 31, 1950

Francitas Facts

We are glad to note that Mr. David Graham seems much better. His daughter was here a part of last week to visit.

Mrs. Graham has not been so well for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Abernathy spent the Labor Day week end in Waco.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Feldhousen were visitors in El Campo last Thursday.

Mrs. Feldhousen seems well on the road to recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Green, from California and Mr. Eugene Green of Edna stopped by the Pearce home enroute to visit Frank Pearce and wife at the Gas Camp Row. Billy is still with the Marines, but home on leave.

We had news that Mrs. Elizabeth Koch, (who is now living in Beaumont) is very ill in the hospital. How about a "card" shower, folks? She would love it.

Our friend, Mrs. Eugene Green of Edna is now in the Nightingale Hospital at El Campo. She seemed much better yesterday. A "greeting" from her friends here would surely bring her cheer.

Mrs. Lucile Conley came down by plane from Washington State to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Eugene Green. She and her husband have recently returned from Japan and are now with Uncle Sam's Army in Washington State. At this writing she is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Pearce, here.

Our section foreman, Mr. Alvin Watts, is over in Buckeye for the first two weeks in September. While he is gone, his family are occupying the Comstock home on the corner.

The old school bus left here on Saturday at the usual scheduled time, taking our high school boys and girls to Vanderbilt for registration. Then on Monday, Sept. 4th, the scholastics boarded the bus for LaWard, Lolita, Vanderbilt schools for a full day of work. Their faces were all smiles, yet they seemed to realize that each day for this school year will be full of work, and they were enthusiastic at the thought of school business.

Everything here is most ready to be taken to our Fair next Thursday.

Don't forget the Fair week end--September 8th from 9:00 A. M. till September 9th at midnight.

Our Jackson County people, each and everyone are very co-operative and we expect a successful fair.

Edna Weekly Herald, September 8, 1950

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Feldhousen of Houston were over here the past week end to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhousen.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holts, with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Dorton of Galveston were here Sunday afternoon to visit at the Pearce home.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wingart, with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Landin of Blessing were at Edna on Friday to visit our fair.

Mrs. Leon Wofford, with Mrs. J. W. Wofford, also visited the fair Friday.

All those who did not go to Edna Friday and Saturday missed something very fine, as this was the very first county-wide fair. All those who were so very helpful in making our fair a success we wish to say “Thank You.” I’m sure everyone who worked and worked is very tired, but happy over our success.

Francitas people brought home six ribbons which shall be treasured for years to come as rewards for our efforts.

The local chairman here said,”whoever wins over us next time must make the best a bit better—for ideas and plans are being put into action right now. I just trust every chairman in every community will take this as a slogan.”

The writer had the privilege of a chat with our old time friend, Miss Louise Bryant, who was our county home demonstrator in years gone by, and she was enthusiastic over the progress made since “her day” here.

Mrs. B. G. Green spent Thursday of last week in Bay City as the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Clara Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones were in Rosenberg a few days last week.

Mrs. Billy Jones from Rosenberg was here Sunday.

Little Mary Belle Long has been among the ailing, but is better now.

Mrs. David Graham made a trip to Yoakum to see her doctor one day last week.

Mr. Floyd Adams passed thru’ to pick up his mail on Monday of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Joines are home again from a trip to Houston and other points. They expect to make their home here with his mother, Mrs. Ada Joines. To Dub and Albina we wish much happiness and may they live a long and useful life together. They were married (as announced) on August 29th.

Mrs. David Graham was taken to Houston Sunday for medical treatment.

H. T. Walters of Blessing was over here Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston spent the past week end [here].

The Edna Weekly Herald, September 14, 1950

Francitas Notes.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rose, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose, left for their home in San Angelo, Texas last Wednesday.

Paul Schmidt, who is now living up in Nebraska, was here to visit his brother, Harry Schmidt, out in Deutschburg. Paul and Harry were chatting with friends in Francitas last Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long from Brownsville visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Long, over the past week end.

Mrs. R. C. Carvell of LaWard was over here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green, weee visiting in Waco last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson were in Alvin to visit her sister, Mrs. J. R. Thompson, on Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston were visitors here over the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Joines are home again from Thompsons. Dub has been helping his brother, J. T. finish his home before he (J. T.) leaves for service on the 29th.

All of our boys here were up and gone toward Port Lavaca this last Monday to resume work at the Alcoa Plant.

Grandma Koch, over in Beaumont, writes that she is almost fully recovered from a serious illness. She asked us to say “Thank You “ to all the friends here who cheered her while ill by gifts and greetings. Congratulations go to Miss Helena Koch who was very brave, and especial thanks, of course, go to Lydia and Theresa whose tender care helped Grandma recover. She was also made happy by a visit from her sister, Mrs. Lena Fullencheck of Woodsboro, and from her grand children from Palacios, LaWard and Francitas.

Ladies, don’t forget the monthly meeting of our Hospital Auxiliary on Thursday, the 28th. And don’t forget that we are still soliciting memberships, donations, rags, cold cream jars and canned goods. See Mrs. H. G. Whorton, local chairman of supplies or leave them at the post office. See Mrs. Kellogg if you are interested in helping to make the grounds more attractive, see either Mrs. Ben Pearce or Mrs. W. H. Parrish as to membership or donations to the Finance Committee.

We are glad to report that Mrs. Eugene Green, mother of Mrs. Frank Pearce, is now at home and is very much better.

The Edna Weekly Herald, September 28, 1950


Francitas Facts.

Mrs. C. W. Thatcher of El Monte, California, who is spending a few weeks here looking after her home in Deutschburg, was chatting with friends in Francitas Thursday of last week.

Mr. Hudgins of El Campo was a business visitor over here Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton and girls visited her mother’s home over the past week end.

Mrs. D. P. Long visited at the R. C. Carvell home in LaWard Saturday.

Bobby Upton was home from Beaumont over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce, with Mrs. Frank Pearce, were business visitors in Palacios Saturday evening. They had a chat with Mrs. W. L. Linton, who tells them she has a new grandson who has come to live with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Young. Mrs. Young will be remembered as Miss Thelma Linton. Congratulations.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish visited in Palacios on Monday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clapp of Louise were chatting with friends here Sunday afternoon. We are glad to note that Mrs. Clapp is much better.

Watts Langston is here for a few weeks visit with his mother, Mrs. Ella Langston.

Mrs. George Neeley spent a few days here last week. Mrs. Ida Graham accompanied her to her home at Yoakum, but came back Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stirez of Tomball are here to visit his mother, Mrs. Ethel Green, who will be home from Houston where she has been in a hospital.

Mrs. John Glover of Clemville was the guest of Mrs. Bill Abernathy Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dorris of Bay City visited at the J. J. Harris home Sunday.

Brother Chavers was able to be back from San Antonio hospital and was here with Dr. O. Allen Forehand of Birmingham, Alabama. Dr. Forehand conducted services at the church. In the afternoon, Mrs. Alvin Watts and Miss Hazel Harris were baptized down at the river by Bro. Chavers. Services again in the evening.

To those who are trying to follow in His steps, here are answers:


“Search, ye, the Scriptures”

For in them ye shall find

A beautiful, Heavenly glory,

The wonderful light that shines

Right into your heart, the way

It came to old Saint Paul,

And lighted up his day:

The light the Christian follows,

When walking in His steps—

The light that makes him happy,

And in His shadow kept.

It shines forever onward

Along the path you take

If your eyes are on the Master

And you are wide awake.

If you turn not backwards,

Nor to the right, nor left,

But keep your eyes on Jesus

You’ll never be bereft;

Then, after the night is over

Heaven’s door will open—


With the angels voices singing

You, too, shall sing: “Amen.”


The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, October 26, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Bozeman of Houston visited here to visit with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Parrish, on Sunday, Oct. 22nd.

Mrs. Zella Mae Slaughter of Woodsboro was here Wednesday to visit her mother, Mrs. R. I. Rosser.

We’re glad to see our friend, David Graham, is up and about again. His son, Mr. Graham from California was here to visit his father last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bennett of Vanderbilt were over here last Thursday. They visited briefly at the Ben Pearce home.

Mrs. Paul Wyatt and little Paul of Palacios were visiting over here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones, made a visit to Arkansas last week.

Mrs. Eugene Green of Edna visited her daughter, Mrs. Frank Pearce, for a few days last week.

Lawrence Feldhousen, Jr., is home again from Ganado, where he has been working for a few months.

Mr. and Mrs. Allan Powledge of Victoria were visitors at the Clay Robertson home last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose and daughter are home again from an extended stay out in San Angelo.

Miss Helen Mae Rose is back in school at Lolita.

Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Rosser will move this week to Woodsboro. We are sorry to lost his family, but railroad men sometimes “roll along.” We wish this family success wherever they go.

Roger Whorton is home from Corpus Christi for a few weeks.

Mrs. George Neely of Yoakum is here visiting her sister, Mrs. David Graham.

The Edna Weekly Tribune, Thursday, November 2, 1950

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Rosser and family have moved back to Woodsboro.

Mr. C. L. Connor from Bishop is now our new section foreman. He expects to move his family here in the near future.

Mrs. Hilda Jones, from Louise, spent a few days here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson spent Sunday in Alvin as the guest of her sister.

We are sorry to report that Miss Ethel Griffith is very ill in the Palacios Hospital. We trust for her a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose were Palacios visitors last Sunday.

We are sorry to report that our very good friend, Mr. E. S. Yoas, is a patient in the Nightingale Hospital, El Campo. We trust for him a speedy recovery.

Mr. J. G. Bowen is here to visit his son, Preston.

Mr. Ben Dorris of Galveston visited relatives here last week.

Sgt. J. T. Joines, who is now in Fort Hood, was here to visit his mother, Mrs. Ada Joines, last week end.

Mrs. Beulah Hodges of Seadrift is here to help care for Mrs. Emily Patterson, who is ill.

Mr. H. G. Whorton was called to Austin Tuesday to be at the bedside of his uncle who is very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Long of Bay City were over here last Sunday.

The Edna Weekly Herald, November 9, 1950

Francitas Facts.

The people of Francitas have been enjoying a series of meetings at the school house conducted by the members of the Assembly of God Church of Edna.

Mrs. Jim Tobola of Blessing was a business visitor here last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore of Beaumont were over here last week to visit relatives. They were also at Ganado Hospital to visit her brother, Calvin Joines, who has been very ill.

Mrs. Charney Walker of LaWard, was chatting with friends here last Saturday.

Mr. Oscar Hooper and daughter, Opal of Blue Ridge, Texas, are here to visit his sister, Mrs. D. P. Long.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson were Houston visitors on Monday of this week.

Mrs. Margaret Richardson and little Shirley are stopping here for a while before joining her husband in Freer, Texas.

We are glad to report that both Mrs. J. G. Patterson and Mrs. Martha C. Green are much better.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters of Blessing were over here Monday evening.

We are glad to report that Miss Ethel Griffith is home again from the Palacios Hospital.

Mrs. C. L. Connor went to school at LaWard with her daughter, LaVonne. She visited the teachers and came back at the end of the day “reporting” a day well spent.

Mrs. Stella Connor of Bishop is here to spend the winter with her son’s family (C. L. Connor).

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish took their young sons, Dickey and Junior, to see the circus in Palacios on Monday last.

The Edna Weekly Tribune, Thursday November 15, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford just last week put their home up on wheels and moved it up to their ranch near Edna. We are sorry to lose this family from our town but good wishes go with them for much success in their new home.

Mrs. Santos? Carrien? Is home from an extended stay in Bay City. She brought home a new baby girl. She is called Theodora. Her birthday will be October 26th. Congratulations!

Mrs. Ethel Griffith is home again recuperating from her recent stay in the hospital at Palacios.

Nicholas Carillo is home again recuperating from her recent stay in the hospital at Palacios.

Mrs. J. L. Koch, who recently had a severe case of flu has regained her wonted health.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Feldhousen of Houston visited his father’s (L. W. Feldhousen) family here over the past week end.

Miss Lorine Joines, who is working in Bay City, spent Sunday with homefolk here.

Alton Richardson was here to visit his wife, Mrs. Margaret Richardson, last Saturday.

Mrs. W. Griffith and children were in Edna Saturday to attend the circus.

The R. R. Joines family were in Edna Saturday, also.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were visitors at LaWard Sunday afternoon.

We are sorry to report that Lewis Capak is among the ailing at this time.


Let us give thanksgiving unto the Lord
For rest and food, a beautiful board,
On this Thursday, Thanksgiving’s here.
On every day, throughout the year,
We are thankful for all He gives,
And in a great country we can live.
But let us on this Special Day give special thanks
For the American Way.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, November 23, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. C. O. Butler of Houston and her brother, John Anderson of Galveston, were here Wednesday of last week to visit their mother, Mrs. Ethel Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stiriz of Fort Worth, with Mrs. Harold Herrin of Houston, were here to visit the Bill Green home over the week end.

Mrs. William Langston of Houston spent Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs. Ella Langston. They all ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wyatt in Palacios.

Mrs. Beulah Hood, who has been visiting Mrs. J. G. Patterson, returned to her home in Seadrift the 19th.

The families of R. E. Long and Lester Jones were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long as Ganado for Thanksgiving Day.

Jack Upton has closed his home here and will stay in Port Lavaca while he works at the Alcoa Plant.

Mrs. Angie Knopp of Edna was the dinner guest of the Wofford home Thanksgiving Day.

Mrs. Eugene Green of Edna visited her daughter, Mrs. Frank Pearce, a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines of Thompsons and Otis Joines of Houston were here Thanksgiving to eat turkey with their mother, Mrs. Ada Joines.

The writer received the following announcement on Wednesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Batchelder?
announce the marriage
of their daughter
to Mack William Griffith
On Friday, Nov. 24th, 1950
Palacios, Texas

To you Mack and June, we wish much happiness and a long life together filled to the brim with neighborliness. Congratulations!

Those who were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson were: Messrs. Dee and Addie Robertson of Ganado, Mrs. Charnie Walker of LaWard, Mrs. Larkin Jones, Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Powledge, Victoria, Mrs. Opal Thompson and Miss Mary Thompson of Alvin, Mrs. Jewell Rasche and her two sons of Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Pearce Thursday.

Mrs. Jennie O’Getsby? of Pasadena, Texas, visited Mrs. Omay Reese one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Harris were dinner guests at the home of her mother Mrs. Clara Dean in Bay City.

I’m wondering if any one can remember whether the Thanksgiving Day has ever been so early before. In the old days we knew it had to be after the 23rd or else we would not have the last Thursday. Anyway, we were ever so thankful on the 23rd; let us be thankful on the next Thursday, too—and on all the days between.

Mrs. H. L. Rose is in Edna to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Fannie Browning, who is very ill.

Mrs. M. T. Simons and Mrs. Hugh L. White of this city and Len Gayle of Houston spent Monday in Austin to be present at a birthday celebration for their aunt, Miss Dill.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pantalone and children of Sweeny spent the Thanksgiving holiday period in Edna as the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Parks. Mr. Pantalone is a member of the public school faculty at Sweeny.

Rev. Wayne Nowlin of Campwood was visiting relatives and old friends in Edna the last week end.

The many friends of A. A. Egg, who underwent a surgical operation in the Nix Hospital, San Antonio, Tuesday, will be glad to learn that his condition is satisfactory. Here’s hoping Alfred will be able to return home in a short while.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meador spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. O. E. McNeil, and other relatives.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, November 30, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen have moved down to the Alcoa housing camp where he’ll be nearer to his work at the plant.

The younger set enjoyed an old fashioned box supper at the school house on Friday evening, Dec. 1st. The proceeds will go into the fund for a community Christmas tree.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Capak, with Helen Mae Rose, were in Edna last Saturday to visit with their grandmother, Mrs. Fannie Browning. Grandmother Browning seems some better.

Mrs. H. L. Rose spent Saturday night here at home, but returned to Edna Sunday to help care for her mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were business visitors in Palacios last Friday evening.

Mrs. Jetton, with a group of her church folks from Edna, were here to hold services in the school house last Friday evening. They expect to be here next Friday. Come and worship with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trojcak were business visitors over here on Monday evening, Dec. 4th.

Mrs. Arthur Stayton and Mrs. Hope Thedford were over here Sunday afternoon. They tell us that Grandma Moody is very ill and they may need some time to stay with her and help care for her.

Mrs. W. R. Joines, Jr. was taken to our Mauritz Memorial Hospital in Ganado last Sunday afternoon to undergo an appendectomy operation. We are happy to know that she is now recuperating nicely.

To you, Leslie Jones Sanders, let me say: “Thank You, thank you, very much for your tribute to our Edna Herald.” I, too, have been a reader, and a correspondent and “seller” for this paper more than twenty-five years. My town was “taking” just two copies of the Herald a few years back. Now there are twenty-three subscribers in my list.

The Edna Weekly Herald, December 7, 1950

Francitas Facts.

We have two new families for neighbors now.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Greenawalt and sons are living in the Summers home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Linton are here in the R. L. Parrish home.

Mrs. Stella Conner spent the holidays with her sister at Pollok, Texas.

Watts Langston was here to spend Christmas with his mother.

Mrs. Anna Mae and children are here from Houston for the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston visited her sister, Mrs. Ben Pearce, the week before Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green of Edna were here Sunday the 17th.

Mrs. Hilda Jones, who has been working in Louise, was home during the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rene and sons, Albert and Clarence Hill of Kansas, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Feldhausen for Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Connor and children had as their guests for Christmas his father and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnell of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pearce of Corpus and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce were dinner guests at the Ben Pearce home on Christmas Day.

Otis Joines of Houston was visiting relatives here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton were here from Houston for Christmas.

The Christmas Spirit was carried out in our town during the night time by bright colored lights and the Day was the most beautifully clear day we’ve had all the winter. White Christmas. White Christmas? No! “Bright Christmas” with everything that makes the day blessed. We sang “God Bless America” with the sad accent on words because we were thinking “Korea.”

Here’s to you, Mr. Editor, and to your staff, and to each reader you, you, and you, “A Happy New Year” in 1951.

Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Long and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long on Christmas Day.

Christmas week was saddened for Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson, caused by an auto accident in which two of her nephews were badly injured. We trust for them a complete recovery.

Our good friend, E. S. Yoas, had to spend Christmas in the hospital, but he took it with his usual smile, and none of their friends were slighted, because Mrs. Yoas never forgets to send their very best wishes, and a kindly little note inside her “greetings.” (Mine was hung on my tree.)

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Harris spent Christmas Day in Angleton.

Oh, Yes! Will some one notify the writer of “Not Even a Mouse?” that Peep was here the night before Christmas. But I had set a trap and now he is no more. He was caught right under my tree.

If you do not know Peep, dig up your last “Electric Co-Op Power” from Austin and read the story in red print. It’s the nicest tale of the year.

Edna Herald, December 28, 1950