Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
January - June 1950


Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Ella Langston visited her daughter, Mrs. Wyatt, in Palacios, and her daughter, Mrs. Swenson, in Olivia during the Christmas holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Langston visited in East Texas during the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish and sons visited in Palacios and attended church there on Christmas Day. They also spent New Year’s Day in Palacios with her parents and his: the John Kochs and Robert Parrishes.

Mrs. J. W. Wofford had her whole family of children and grandchildren home Christmas Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen ate Christmas dinner with her father, Mr. Rowan Green.

Mrs. Don Bozeman of Houston visited relatives and friends over here during the holiday week.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck visited with the Newsome family in Palacios on New Year’s Day.

Those from out-of-town who were here to attend the Christmas program at the school house were: Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford and his mother of Lolita; J. B. Smith of Blessing and others.

Miss Hope Thedford of Lolita was the mid-week guest of Mrs. Ben Pearce and Miss [Eittie] Etta Jean Joines last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Waco spent Christmas Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green Christmas Day.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnell of Houston spent Christmas at the Pearce home here.

The program and “Christmas” tree at our community house was quite a success and a nice crowd enjoyed the program which was rendered on Friday the 30th.

The play was:

a two act play.

In between the acts the smaller children brought “Janet’s Christmas in France” which was very good.

While the little ones were singing ‘Jolly Jingles’ with all their vim who should come in but good old Santa Claus? Then the fun began.

Everyone went home happy, and to those who made the occasion possible we wish to say “Thank You!”

Now to each and everyone of you on our Herald staff to each writer and “reader” and to our editor let me say: “I hope the glad New Year will bring you everything good.”

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, January 5, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Howard Green was honoree at a “shower” given by Mrs. Wendel of Lolita on Jan. 6th. Those of our town who are invited regret that they were unable to attend. Thanks for the invitation Mrs. Wendel.

Two young ladies from our community. Misses Dollie Joines and Albina Walleck were heard on the El Campo Station (radio) on Saturday last. Did you listen to their songs?

Mrs. Frances Escalante has been among the ailing, but is better this week.

Mrs. Emily Patterson has also been ill, but tis better at this time.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parrish of Palacios are here for a few weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish.

Joe Hubanek from Rich Square was chatting with friends here one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Thomas of Bay City were visiting over here Friday.

Miss Ettie [Etta] Joines was a visitor in Bay City last Sunday.

Uncle Bill Green and C. A. Goolsby were lucky fishermen last Saturday. At least they had plenty of fish for a nice Sunday dinner.

We are glad to note that our good friend R. D. Carroll seems some better.

Mrs. Albert Downs and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Reese of Edna were visiting here last Sunday. Of course, they were accompanied by Charles Albert Reese who arrived (via stork) on Dec. 24th.

Folks have you ever wondered how you might be filled with anguish too deep for words, and none could help you onto your feet again? Well, there are ways we can help many who are now suffering the effects of the dread polio. Come on up to the post office, or to the Wofford Store and drop in a dime or a dollar. The drive is on NOW. Everyone who gives twenty-five cents or over will be put on the “Honor Roll.” Please, let’s make Francitas 100%. Thank you.
Local Chairwoman,
M. O. D. Francitas.

Claudius Branch was here with our contribution M. O. D. “barrels” on January 16th to 31st.

Helen Mae Rose and Frank Goolsby have volunteered to act as solicitors among the younger set.

Mrs. Elizabeth Koch, who is now making her home in Beaumont, sent the following to the writer. Since Mrs. Vera Goodman Koch was once one of our townfolk, we are glad to send it in.

Funeral services for Mrs. Vera Lee Koch, 44, of Silsbee, who died Saturday morning at 5:35 in the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. G. W. Joines, of Beaumont, were held Monday afternoon at 4:00 o’clock in the Roberts Ave. Methodist Church. Rev. J. E. McGaughey, pastor, officiated.

Mrs. Koch was a sister of Floyd Goodman of Ganado, and also had other relatives in Jackson County.

The Edna Weekly Herald, January 19, 1950

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whorton were Edna visitors on Monday.

A. Roberts, whom we seldom see, was here one day last week from LaWard.

Bryant Green was a business visitor to Houston for a few days last week.

We are glad to welcome our old friends Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parrish back home again. They have been living in Palacios for the past year.

Mrs. Ella Langston was among those who attended the opening of the new Church of Christ in Ganado Sunday.

Mrs. Hilda Jones of Louise spent Sunday here. She was just back from Rosenberg where she visited her son, W. H. Jones and family.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Goosby, who lived for a while here on the old Comstock corner are now living in Huntsville. We wish them well in their new home. The Goolsbys made many friends while here and we shall miss them.

Mr. Chavers of Yoakum was here most of last week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Green.

We noted that Mrs. Emily Patterson is again able to walk up town. She has been ailing for some time.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green of Edna visited at the Pearce home Sunday afternoon. They, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce, spent Sunday in Ganado at the new Church of Christ where they enjoyed an old time “dinner on the ground.”

The Annual March of Dimes closed here on Saturday evening, and our local chairman wishes to thank each one who helped to further the collection and to each little one who put in the dime to help the unfortunate children. Yes, we have our old friends, Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena (who are now in Beaumont) right at the top of our honor roll for their generous gift, sent by mail. Thank you, dear friends, who never forget. And thanks to little Jimmy Don Allen of Edna, for his 5 silver dimes in Grandmother Wofford’s “barrel.” He’s on our honor roll.

The Edna Weekly Herald, February 9, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Langston, who have been here as the guests of Mrs. Ella Langston for several months, have moved back to their home at Spring, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Reese have moved up near Edna. We are sorry to lose these two families, but wish them well in their new homes.

Mrs. B. H. Pearce spent all of last week in Corpus.

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines went shopping in El Campo last Saturday.

The friends of Ira Bowers, who had to go west for his health will be glad to know he is much better. Congratulations!

We notice that P. L. Manning, Sr., is able to be up after a few weeks in the hospital. We are glad for you, Phillip.

The Carl Walleck family attended a birthday dinner with her sister at Rich Square on Sunday last. Three birthdays” one was Sylvester’s, her own little boy, and others were his cousins.

Miss Paul Wyatt of Palacios was over here on Monday.

We were very pleased to read that our friend, Mrs. Ruth Meinke, who lives on the McFaddin Ranch in Victoria County, “hit the jack-pot.” As was stated, Ruth was one of our Francitas girls, and her husband spent a few years in Deutschburg. To you, Ruth and Jeff, we extend congratulations.

Most of our young men, who are working at the Alcoa plant at Point Comfort, are looking pleased at the new “Rainbow” cottages now being erected there for the workers who are now traveling miles to commute each day.

The weather has been too beautiful all of February, but we are looking for the Weather Man to predict more winter in March. Why not?

Gardens are fine here, but the tender plants are “trembling with fear.”

The Edna Weekly Herald, February 23, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Little Tommy and Kenneth Light, sons of Lena Clapp Light, were here Saturday with their Grandad Clapp. Harvey Clapp, Jr. was also riding with his father Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Kennerly of Dallas spent Friday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce. Mr. Kennerly is editor of the Farm and Ranch Magazine and attended a business meeting in Bay City. They found the nice warm weather here in South Texas quite a change from the scenery in North Texas where everything is brown and sere.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Townsend of Rock Island were also guests at the Pearce home last Friday. Mrs. Townsend had a “Stanley Party” at the home of Mrs. V. W. Robert out at the Gas Camp Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Brownsville were here to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Long, one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers are here from Nacogdoches for a few days.

Mrs. Lena Boles was here to attend Church services last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green of Edna are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce at this writing.

Mrs. Albert Downs of Edna was here to visit at the Reese home on Monday the 27th.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg are home from a few weeks stay at the Hot Wells Hotel in Kentucky.

Mr. and Mrs. Walters of Edna were business visitors here Monday.

Miss Dolly Mae Joines was in El Campo last Saturday to sing over the radio. She and Miss Albina Walleck sing each Saturday night, but Miss Walleck was unable to be there this past Saturday.

Miss Ethel Griffith spent a week with her brother over at Mackay, Texas, recently.

The Edna Weekly Herald, March 2, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. William Green are here from Kentucky for a visit at the home of Bryant Green.

We are glad to report that Mrs. Omay Reese is much better. She is still under the treatment of Dr. Rugeley of Wharton.

Mrs. Angie Knopp of Edna visited her son’s home here over the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Scheel of Van Vleck were here to visit her sister, Mrs. Carl Walleck last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Fisher, who have been spending the winter in Corpus, passed through here enroute to Galveston. They are now living in Nebraska, but they tell us they were once residents of Francitas when the town was young.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty of Brownsville were here over the week end. Her father Rowan Green, accompanied them home for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Waco were here Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy.

Hope Thedford spent the past week end here with Mrs. Howard Green. Howard and Joyce have a new son. They call him Gaven Ray.

Mr. Carl Willingham of Houston was here Monday to visit his uncle and auntie, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson.

Mrs. Charney Walker of LaWard was here Monday to visit at the Robinson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Palacios Sunday forenoon to be at the funeral services of our good friends, Mr. John Neuszer, who passed away on March 2nd. Services were held from the Palacios Funeral Home. He was laid away in Bellview Cemetery near Cheapside, Texas. To his loved ones we wish to extend sympathy. He was our very good friend.

The Edna Weekly Herald, March 9, 1950

Robert Delrose Carroll

On March 4th, 1950, the Death Angel came to our community, and took from us one of the very earliest settlers of Francitas, Mr. Robert Delrose Carroll, who had passed his ninety-first birthday in January this year. Mr. Carroll had been ailing many months and was ready for the call home, after many years of usefulness as a good, honest, upright man.

He took an active part in the improvement of his home town, and until recent years he always was called upon to give his opinion in civic affairs. I once heard some one say: "When Mr. Carroll says 'no' he means 'no.' He never says 'yes' unless he is firmly convinced he in the right." This firmness of character drew many to him for advice and counsel.

We have lost a good friend and shall miss him, but we do not wish him back to suffer pain, but rather do we rejoice that the Master took him "over there" where pain and sorrow are no more known.

He came to Texas from Wisconsin several years ago, and had lived just south of town ever since there has been a town here.

He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, Mrs. Lena Carroll, a son, Lawrence Carroll and one daughter, Mrs. Agnes Carroll Wofford, and two little grandchildren, Vivian and Carson Wofford.

To these friends we extend our sympathy.

Funeral services were held from the Triska Funeral Home in El Campo. Interment was made in the "Garden of Memories" Cemetery just out of El Campo on Sunday, March 5th.

To his loved ones we say:
"He's not dead he's just away.
We laid him away
Just under the sod,
But his soul is yonder,
home with God."


Edna Weekly Herald, March 9, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Ethel Green went to Houston Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs. C. O. Butler.

Uncle Bill Green was taken to Pierce, Texas to spend  a few days with his daughter, Mrs. O. L. Dorris, and to undergo treatment for his eyes.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce were in Edna Monday of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce spent the week end in Corpus.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones have moved into the Langston home, with Mrs. Langston.

Mr. Carl Walleck and little Ernest are both abed with flu. The epidemic has been bad here, some one in each family being a victim.

Mr. D. P. Long has been ill of flu, and several others of our townsfolk are ailing.

Mr. Watts Langston spent most of last week here with his mother, Mrs. Ella Langston.

Next Friday will be “Red Cross” Day in Francitas, so if you have not made your contribution, please call at the post office and help us. Thank you, The Francitas Red Cross Chairman. Remember our slogan: “Give till it helps.”

C. W. Chavers of Yoakum, our Baptist Missionary-pastor, was here most of last week. He preached several times during the week. He has asked us to announce that he expects to be here each 2nd and 4th Fridays for evening services and each 2nd and 4th Sundays to preach in afternoon at 2:00 o’clock. Possibly a week’s service some time in April. Watch the paper for dates.

Mrs. Bill Lincium of Palacios visited her mother, Mrs. R. L. Parrish, over here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson, with C. W. Chavers, were visiting over in Alvin on February 16th.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Strauss and son, of Ganado were business visitors in Francitas on Monday.

Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna was in Francitas on Monday of this week.

We are glad to note that Uncle Bill Green has today (Tuesday) returned home much improved.

The Edna Weekly Herald, March 23, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton, with her brother, Ottis and Mr. and Mrs. Middleton, all of Houston, spent the past week end with Mrs. Ada Joines. Ottis is just out of the hospital, but we are glad to state that he is regaining his wonted health.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Reese, with Mrs. A. C. Downs of Edna, visited at the Omay Reese home last Saturday.

Mrs. Johnny Reese was chatting with friends here on Friday last. She tells us that she and Johnny have moved into Port Lavaca.

Mr. Hugh Rose has been very ill of ‘flu’ for over a week. His father, W. R. Rose and his two brothers, John and Wesley, are here from San Angelo to help care for Hugh. We trust for Hugh a complete recovery.

Mrs. Frannie Browning of Edna was here to visit at the Rose home last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Bozeman of Houston were here Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. W. H. Parrish. Don ministered at the afternoon church services on Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. R. L. Parrish has been quite ill of flu, but is better at this writing. Mrs. W. Griffith is better also. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thompson, with her mother, Mrs. Tessie Wright of Alvin, were here to visit her sister, Mrs. Clay Robertson Sunday last. Mrs. Robertson had a birthday dinner for her mother, Mrs. Wright, who is 76? years of age. Congratulations!

And that reminds us of our friend, Mrs. Julia Hawkins, who was 102 years old this month. Mrs. Hawkins now lives in Houston at 226 Ashbury, but for a number of years she made her home here with her son, T. A. Hawkins, and was the very popular little “old” lady of Francitas. You’ll find a nice write-up in the Houston Press.

The little daughter, Reene, of Leon Wofford, was very ill on Monday of this week. We trust she is much better.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines of Thompsons, Texas, were here over the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Edna Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Ollie Dorris of Pierce, Texas, was here Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. W. Griffith. Her father, Uncle Bill Green, accompanied her home.

Mr. Carl Walleck suffered a relapse of flu, but is better today.

Mr. John Koch was over from Palacios Monday last.

We are glad to note that Mrs. D. P. Long is able to be up and about again.

Despite the unusual winter and much delayed spring the ride along the Hug-the-Coast highway fills one’s heart with pleasure. The nodding blue-bonnet, made of Heaven’s own blue, the much loved Indian Princess, the breath-taking primroses and the yellow funnel, grouped in Nature’s own way, all smile at you ‘till you feel like you just can’t speed along and ignore them. So take a “slow” ride and you’ll get my meaning. Safer, too!

Every day this week is Red Cross Day. How about your donation? “Give till it Helps.” Thank you!


The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, March 30, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Charney Walker and Miss Loly Walker of LaWard were over here to visit at the Robinson home last Sunday. Miss Lily is making her home with Mrs. Walker on the old home place.

Mrs. Lena Clapp Light and little son, Tommy, of Louise were here to visit Mrs. Ben Pearce on Friday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Abernathy were visiting her son, Leon Smith, in Waco over the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen and girls were visiting at the Jas. Beaty home in Brownsville the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long and boys of Ganado visited relatives here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jones of Rosenberg and family Sunday.

Jack Upton was taken to Palacios Hospital for treatment for minor injuries received when he was hit by a passing car here in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rose, his father W. J. Rose, and his brother, Ed Rose, returned to San Angelo Sunday morning after having spent a week here at the bedside of Hughie Rose, who was very ill. We are glad to note that Hugh is now able to sit up part of the day.

Little Melvina Griffith, who has been very ill is better today.

No new cases of flu to report.

Mrs. Clay Robertson left for Alvin Monday to visit her sister, Mrs. J. B. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson’s daughter, Mary, is very ill in John Sealy Hospital in Galveston. We wish for this young lady a speedy recovery.

Mrs. Bill Green, who has been in Houston with her daughter, Mrs. C. O. Butler for a few weeks, came home Sunday.

Mrs. T. O. Allen of Blessing was visiting over here Monday.


The Edna Weekly Herald, April 6, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty and sons of Brownsville visited her father, R. Green, over the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Joines and John Hawkins of Houston were visiting here and at Buhler last Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Price, with his mother, Mrs. Gertrude Price, of Houston were visiting here over the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koch of Beaumont are here to spend the summer. They are camped in their trailer house in Francitas Park on the Carancahua River.

The social event of the week was the box supper given at the school house Saturday evening.

Our “get-together” socials were begun last October, but owing to illness during the last few months, we have not met, but expect to resume our once-a-month meetings for the entertainment of our young people.

We are indebted to Mrs. Bill Abernathy and Mrs. W. Griffith for the management of the supper, and to John Edward Martin, who acted as auctioneer. Thank, you, John, you were good.

Among those from out-of-town who were with us Saturday evening were: Mrs. Lloyd Price and Lloyd’s mother, Mrs. Gertrude Price, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Joines and Mrs. Joines’ brother, John Hawkins, of Houston, Mrs. Beatrice Joines of Buhler, Mr. Pascek of Blessing, Mr. Junior Scheels of Ganado, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce from the Gas Plant and Mrs. John Koch of Palacios.

Come on over to the next meeting. You are welcome. ‘Member the old song: “The more we get together the happier are we?”

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Currie are back here again from Victoria. He has resumed his duties as railroad section foreman.

Little Kenneth Light was “riding the route,” helping Grandpa Clapp on Saturday last.

The Edna Weekly Herald, April 20, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg have been in Houston for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gibson of Bay City were guests of the Robinson home here on Sunday last.

The young people enjoyed a wiener roast down on the river last Saturday evening.

The writer was heard from our little friend, Alice Clapp, who is way out in California with her sister, Mrs. W. D. Linton. She is having a wonderful visit, but the California sunshine does not bring to her the thrill of “Good Old Texas”—even when it’s “cloudy.”

Word reached us yesterday (Monday) from El Monte, California, that our good friend, Mr. Edwin Cravatte (who lived out in Deutschburg for several years) passed away on April 16th. Mrs. Cravatte will be remembered as Miss Ruby Thatcher, who was for many years a Francitas girl. “To Ruby and to her mother, Mrs. Candace Thatcher, we extend our heartfelt sympathy. We shall always remember Edwin as a very special Sunday School member who was always in his “place” at class and was an inspiration to his teacher. In his quiet way he “lived” his religion.

Mrs. Frank Pearce is home again from the El Campo hospital, and we are glad to report that she is very much better.

Lester Jones, who spent a week in the El Campo Hospital, is now home and able to resume his work at the Alcoa Plant in Port Lavaca.

Mrs. Anna Lou Walsh, who is on the faculty of teacher in Lolita, is now in the El Campo Hospital. We wish for her a speedy recovery.

Gene Martin of LaWard was over here last Friday enroute to Bay City to visit his wife, Mrs. Sophia Martin, who was in the Bay City hospital. Mrs. Martin is home now, we hear.

Mrs. Tom Pritchett of Ganado has been “counting noses” for the past week for the 1950 census. Anyone who should think that job a too big paid cinch, should ride with her for a day.

What’s this Cake Walk and Pie Supper!
Where Francitas School House.
When? April 29, 1950 at 8 p. m.
Everyone invited to come and join in the fun. Admission? A great big pie.
Pies will be auctioned off.
Games for everyone—young and old. Don’t miss it.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, April 27, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. George Neely, with Ottis and her sister, Mrs. David Graham (who had been visiting in Yoakum) are here to help in the series of meetings which began last evening (Monday) and under the leadership of C. W. Chavers, our missionary pastor (Baptist) and will continue through Sunday. Services each evening at the school house—8 p. m. Come over into Macedonia (Francitas) and help us.” We need you, you need us.

Mrs. Chavers and her little ones were here last evening for services.

Mrs. Hilda Jones of Louise spent the past week end here.

Mrs. Billy Jones and children are here from Rosenberg.

J. W. Griffith from Mackay was over here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Thedford and family of Lolita visited here last Sunday.

Miss Loraine Joines spent the past week in Houston.

Our friend, Monroe Sells, of Olivia, was a business visitor here Friday of last week.

E. H. Linton, who has been among the ailing, seems to have regained his wonted health.

Uncle Bill and Aunt Ethel Green are visiting at this time in Galveston, Houston, Tomball and other towns. They expect to be home soon.

B. H. Pearce was in Edna Monday. Our Lolita band took part in the celebration. Everyone reported a splendid time.

The Edna Herald, May 11, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green are at home again from an extended visit with their children in Galveston, Houston, Tomball and Angleton.

Mrs. Clifford Joines and her cousin, Miss Hawkins of Houston, with Mrs. Beatrice Joines of LaWard were over here last Friday.

Mr. Tom Hawkins of Houston was chatting with friends here on Friday last.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Allen and girls of Blessing were here to spend Mother’s Day with her mother, Mrs. Bryant Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford and some of our school children were in LaWard Friday night to attend the open air band concert and also enjoyed the “Open House” and free luncheon at the cafeteria. The teachers at LaWard, we feel are doing a splendid job.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Griffith from Bloomington were here to spent the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffith were here from Mackay Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines of Thompsons were here as dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. Ada Joines on Her Day. She also had Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton and Ottis Joines of Houston for the day.

Mrs. Goldie Pruitt of LaWard was here Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Howard Green.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long, with Mrs. James E. Beaty of Brownsville, spent Mother’s Day here.

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines and girls were in Palacios Sunday night to see “Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Town.”

After services on Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chavers motored to Yoakum. But he was back in time for services on Monday. The meeting will close Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish and boys were in Palacios to spend a part of Mother’s Day with their mother, Mrs. John Koch.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna spent Mother’s Day with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford.

Sunday evening at 7:30, the church people put on an impromptu program honoring the mothers here. Thirty minutes of singing and reading and then, while the girls sang “Flowers For Mother.” Miss Helen Mae Rose passed through the audience and pinned on the flowers (red and white), then a special bouquet was given to Mrs. Preston Bowen as the youngest mother, and a big red rose for Mrs. George Neeley as the oldest mother present. A special tribute was paid Mrs. W. H. Wingart, who always sends to us the two bouquets. Thank you, friend, who never “lets us down.” Our pastor—C. W. Chavers then brought us the sermon (from Proverbs 31) dedicated to all our mothers. We were pleased to have Mrs. James Beaty (our own Lily Bell Green) to take a part in the service.

We are missing our friend, Mrs. Geo. Neeley who has been here to lead the song services, but had to return home.

The Edna Weekly Herald, May 18, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were Palacios visitors Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. V.  R. Griffith, with some of our boys and girls were in Palacios Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston visited at the Ben Pearce home Saturday. They also were with the Pearces in Edna Sunday. It was Mr. Tobola’s first visit to our county capital, but he enjoyed noticing all the late improvements.

The social event of the past week was a barbecue, which we had planned to enjoy down in the Francitas Park, but due to the inclement weather, it was decided to have the eats at the school house. Above 70 persons, our townsfolk were present. After supper the young and older people, as well, enjoyed party games till a late hour.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Allen, and girls of Blessing were here to enjoy the barbecue.

As stated earlier, Miss Guthrie, our home demonstrator, will meet with our housewives at the home of Mrs. Ben Pearce to re-organize our H. D. Club. Yes, we had one here a few years back.

Mr. Walters of Edna was looking after business in Francitas on Tuesday of this week.

The pound of hammers have ceased across the way and the remodeling of the Louis Capak home is most complete, but the Pearces have begun on their home and the noise is heard again. Do we mind? Not in the least.

Misses Albina Walleck and Ethel Griffith are now working in Port Lavaca.

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Long have moved down near the Alcoa plant where Mr. Long has a position.

We note that our friend, Billy Green, an old time Francitas boy, is in the Navy hospital in San Diego, California. We trust for Billy a complete recovery.

The Edna Weekly Herald, May 25, 1950

Francitas Facts.

Miss Sybil Guthrie, county home demonstration agent, met with our ladies here on Thursday of last week to organize a H. D. Club, but with no success.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford and girls spent Mother’s Day with her mother in Luling. Then on Monday last Mrs. Wofford  was called to Luling to be at the bedside of her father, Mr. Jackson, who is very ill.

Mrs. Gilly Cumby of Ganado was a guest at the Pearce home Thursday of last week. She enjoyed chatting with all her old friends who came in while she was here.

Messrs. Don Engle and Wallace Eikenberg of Bay City are now here working for J. E. King. They are stopping at the R. R. Joines home for room and board.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Bozeman of Houston were here Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. W. H. Parrish. The Bozemans and Parrishes visited with Mrs. John Koch, in Palacios, on Sunday evening.

Mr. Harvey Clapp, our star mail carrier, tells us he has a new granddaughter, the babe born to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Linton, out in California. Congratulations to the Clapps and the Lintons.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dahlstrom, with Mrs. Lizzie Pearce, visited over here last Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Wanda Thedford of Lolita is here to visit Miss Etta Jean Joines.

Anyone interested in the Ladies Auxiliary of the new Ganado Hospital, are asked to contact your local chairman, Mrs. Ben Pearce.

The Edna Weekly Herald, June 1, 1950


Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Omay Reese tells us she has a new grandson—the babe born to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bowen of LaWard.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers returned home to Nacogdoches Friday after spending a few days here.

Mrs. Leon Wofford is home again from Luling. Miss June Burns, her niece, accompanied her home. Mrs. Wofford says her father, Mr. Jackson is much better.

Miss Goldie Joines spent all of last week in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton were here from Houston to spend the past week end.

Marvin Linton was over here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harris have moved over here from LaWard.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parrish of Lorenzo, Texas, were here to visit at the Parrish home and his brother’s home (W. H. Parrish) a few days last week.

Mrs. Ollie Dorris of El Campo was here to visit her father, Mr. Bill Green, last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Reese, with her sister-in-law. Mrs. Downs of Edna, were here to visit at the Reese home one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reese of Port Lavaca were over here the 30th of May.

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Yoas of Little Kentucky visited at the Pearce home Sunday.

Did you go to the school house last Saturday evening? If you did not, you missed a good time. An old fashioned “Jitney” Supper was served by the ladies of our Community Club.

The “Local” Safety Council is beginning to work here.

The membership drive is underway soliciting all the ladies’ names who are interested in the Woman’s Auxiliary to our Ganado Hospital. If interested see Mrs. Ben Pearce, Mrs. Louis Capak or Mrs. W. H. Parrish. To date we have contacted twenty-seven. Thirteen have answered “yes.” Four have paid dues. We feel this is a worthy cause, and those who are working on the committee are trying to make Francitas 100% in favor. Will you help?

Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Green, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green, spent Sunday in Edna with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green.

Our neighboring postmaster, Mr. Rickaway of Blessing, was over for a chat with the Francitas postmaster on Monday.

Mr. Browning, now of El Campo, was here Monday on a business call.

Some of our town’s ladies plan to be in Ganado on Tuesday, June 6th, to attend the meeting of the Auxiliary at the hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koch are back from Beaumont and with them are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee Koch and their other son, Fred Koch.

The Edna Weekly Herald, June 8, 1950