Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
July - December 1949


Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koch have moved into Palacios. We wish them success in their new home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones are home again from Laredo, Texas.

Miss Bernice Terry of Edna visited here with Mrs. Frank Pearce one night last week. She accompanied them to Corpus Christi the next day.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce, with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce of Corpus Christi, spent Sunday the 26th, in Austin as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pearce.

Little William Earl Gates of Kountz is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Frank Pearce, at this writing.

Buckey Green of Bay City was chatting with friends here Saturday, the 25th.

Mrs. Jackson and girls of Luling visited her daughter, Mrs. Leon Wofford, last Tuesday.

Mrs. Clay Robertson was among the ailing last week. We are glad to note she is much better.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell of Corpus with Mrs. Bonnie Giggy of Yoakum spent last week here with Mrs. Lily Upton.

The two daughters of Ottis Green were here last week to visit at the W. Griffith home.

Mrs. Lily Upton had a surprise visit from her niece from Mississippi last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross of Victoria were here for the holidays (4th) to visit her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Joines of Houston, with Mrs. T. A. Hawkins and her two brothers, John and Tommy, visited here and at LaWard over the past week end.

Mrs. Harvey Clapp "rode the route" with her husband two days last week.

Robert Manning of Yoakum was here to fill the pulpit for Mr. Walters this past Saturday evening and for services on Sunday.

George Green, Jr. (Rusty) is here from Corpus to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green.

Word reached us on Monday that our good friend, Mrs. Gerni of Red Bluff, had passed away on Sunday, the 26th. She had many friends here for she numbered her friends by her acquaintances. The Q. R. Thedford family and B. H. Pearce from here attended the funeral at the old Red Bluff Cemetery. To all those who loved her we extend our sympathy. She could say with St. Paul: "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."

Mr. and Mrs. Rex Thompson of Lufkin were here to visit the J. D Langston home on July 4th.

Edna Weekly Herald, July 7, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Alley and family of San Angelo were here to visit his nephew, Hugh Rose, a few days last week.

Johnny Ragusin?, from New Jersey stopped at Francitas on Wednesday of last week. Johnny lived here for awhile in the days when Francitas was a new town.

Mrs. Matlock Miling of Meridian, Mississippi, visited at the Upton home from Friday till Monday.

Ed Rose of San Angelo is visiting the Hugh Rose family.

The daughter of Mrs. Jim Harris is here to visit the Allens at the Bryant Green home.

Mr. Jeff Stoutt returned to his home Saturday. He has been recuperating from his recent stay in the hospital at the R. R. Joines home.

Mr. and Mrs. William Parrish were visitors in Palacios Sunday last. Mrs. R. L. Parrish came home with them for a visit in their new home, the "Grandma Koch residence" down on the east side of town.

Mr. and Mrs. David Graham are now established in their new home down on the Carroll Lane.

Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford and family are moving back to Lolita this week. They will reside on Mrs. L. Compton's home place. We shall miss them from our midst, but surely wish them much success and happiness in their new home. Little Dennis was always the first "customer" at the post office.

Quite a few of our townsfolk have been attending the Encampment in Palacios.

Mrs. Charnie Walker of LaWard visited Mrs. Clay Robertson Tuesday of this week.

Edna Weekly Herald, July 14, 1949

Francitas Facts

Miss Etta Joines spent last week in Houston, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ryling Linton.

Mr. and Mrs. Gallatin of Blessing were chatting with friends here on Wednesday last.

Mrs. Lawson Christian and children visited her father here for a few days last week.

Mrs. Laura Compton of Lolita was over here with the Q. R. Thedfords Friday.

Miss Hope Thedford visited Mrs. M. C. Joines a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Allen are moving into the residence recently vacated by the Thedford family. Mr. and Mrs. Allen have lived here before.

Mrs. Margaret Richardson of Palacios is here for a few days visit with the R. R. Joines family.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parrish of Palacios are visiting here this week while they are getting their home ready to “let.”

Mr. and Mrs. John Koch of Palacios visited here one day last week.

We notice that our friend, Pete Long is home again with Mom and Dad Long.

Mrs. Charnie Walker of LaWard was over here on Tuesday.

A wedding of unusual interest was solemnized in Bay City July 12th when Miss Helen Parrish became the bride of Mr. Bill Lincecium. Miss Parrish is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parrish (now of Palacios). The bride lived in our community most of her life and is known and loved by all of us. The groom is a son of Dr. Lincecium of El Campo. To these young people we extend our very best wishes for a long and useful married life together. Congratulations!

The Edna Weekly Herald, July 21, 1949

Francitas Facts

Mrs. J. W. Wofford spent last Sunday visiting her sister, Mrs. Riley Wells, who is ill.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers returned to their home in Nacogdoches last week, but expect to be back here for a few weeks before summer is gone.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston spent the past week end at the Ben Pearce home.

Mrs. Margaret Richardson of Palacios spent a few days with Mrs. R. R. Joines past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Balfonz of Bloomington, Texas, with our Edna boy, Glenn Anderson (he lives in Victoria now) were business visitors here on Friday of last week. Mrs. Balfonz is auntie of Johnnie Koch.

Q. R. Thedford stopped by here Saturday. He tells us that our friend, Mrs. Laura Compton, is in the Rugeley Clinic in Wharton for medical treatment. We wish for her a complete recovery.

Glenn Dorris of Bay City is over here on week ends. He is working in Port Lavaca.

Henry Castell of Yoakum is here at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bowen are back in Francitas at the home of Preston Bowen.

Mrs. Lily Upton and Mrs. Lela Bales have opened a café by the City Hotel in Palacios. We wish them success in this new venture.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Talley are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce.

Chester Green and wife from California are here to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Dorris of Pierce were here Thursday evening to visit her brother, Chester.

A happy family reunion was held at the home of Uncle Bill and Aunt Ethel Green of California. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Dorris of Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Green of Angleton, Miss Hazel Harris of Blessing, Miss Hazel Green of Corpus Christi, Buckey Green of Port Lavaca, George Green, Jr. of Corpus Christi, Henry Castell of Yoakum and Mrs. Jessie Griffin and family, and several others who live here. All of his children were here except George Green, the father of Hazel and George, Jr. I just wish I could describe the happy smiles on the faces of both Uncle Bill and Aunt Ethel as they talked in such animate manner while telling me of the happiness their children brought them a grand “get-together” right here in Francitas. There are eleven families—who are Uncle Bill’s own kin.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Waco were here to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. William Parrish spent Saturday night and Sunday in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford were Ganado visitors Saturday.

The Edna Weekly Herald, July 28, 1949

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. Cumby of Ganado visited at the Pearce home Sunday morning.

Mrs. George Neely of Yoakum has been here for a week visiting. She plans to return home Wednesday of this week.

Russell Green and Preston Bowen are just home from the Palacios Hospital where they spent a few days recuperating from the effects of a bad car wreck last Saturday. Both are now on the road to recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Thomas of Bay City visited over here at the Pearce home and at Mrs. Ada Joines’ home last Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. Waters and Manning closed the week’s series of meetings here on Sunday evening. They returned to their home in Yoakum Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Currie are in Victoria this week on Joe’s vacation.

Quite a few of our townsfolk were in Palacios last Saturday evening. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Allen, Mrs. J. W. Wofford, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines and several others.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parrish have returned to their home in Palacios after spending a few weeks here renovating their home.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Green, Sr., who have recently moved back home from California, have rented the residence on the southside (W. Griffith) and will live here. Welcome!

Mr. R. B. Drasehenburg of Lolita was a business visitor over here last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford and family of Lolita were here last Friday evening to attend church. They tell us that her mother, Mrs. Laura Compton, is now at home and much improved. Congratulations!

Mrs. Lester Jones, who has been among the ailing, is much better.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson were in Palacios Monday. They called on our friend, Mr. Ira Bowers, who is very ill in the Palacios Hospital.

The Edna Weekly Herald, August 4, 1949

Francitas Facts

Watts Langston, of East Texas, is here to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Langston.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Earl Gates of Beaumont spent the past week and visiting her mother in Edna. They spent Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. Frank Pearce.

Mr. Coleman, the Provident City rural carrier, was here Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck from Lolita have moved over here. They live in the Parrish home on the southside. Welcome.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Linton of Palacios, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Linton from Florida, were over here Wednesday evening of last week.

Mr. Q. R. Thedford, Hope, and Grandma Compton were here Friday evening. We are glad to note that Mrs. Compton seems to be on the road to recovery. Congratulations!

Mrs. Bill Green is visiting in Houston this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Steriz, from West Texas, spent the past week with Mrs. Bill Green.

Mesdames Ben and Frank Pearce were at the home of Mrs. Emmit E. Green in Little Kentucky last Friday afternoon to attend a “Stanley” Party. Others there were Mrs. Tom Skria, Mrs. M. Bolton, Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. Earl Anderson of Ganado; Mrs. Ralph Henderson of Louise, Mrs. Bill Vordick, Mrs. E. V. Stephenson and Mrs. Julie Jaranze of Little Kentucky. Mrs. H. L. Townsend of Rock Island was demonstrator, and Mrs. Emmitt Green was our gracious hostess. Everyone had a good time.

Mrs. Lily Upton and Sue Carolyn were business visitors in Houston on Thursday of last week.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, August 11, 1949

Francitas Facts

Miss Albina Walleck is home from an extended visit in Van Vleck.

Misses Ethel Ann and Peggy Allen spent all of the past week in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce are home again from a two weeks vacation. They visited in Corpus Christi, Austin, Kenedy, Houston and Galveston.

Miss Sue Carolyn Upton left Sunday for her school in Fort Worth. She is to enter the Masonic School there for the coming term.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stertz from San Angelo with their baby daughter, Linda, spent the week end here with his mother, Mrs. Ethel Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian and family and Mr. Linton of Houston are here for Labor Day. They are visiting their father, E. H. Linton.

W. R. Joines, who works in Houston, spends each week end here with his mother, Mrs. Ada Joines.

The social (Aug. 28) event of the past week was the birthday party given at the home of R. R. Joines for her daughter, Dollie Mae, and two of her grandchildren, Little Paula and Trent Joines. Paula was five August 26th, Dollie and Trent had same birthday—29th. Those from out-of-town who were served the delicious ice cream and cake were Mrs. Beatrice Joines and son, Jesse, of LaWard, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Guynes of Blessing. A very enjoyable event! Thank you Mrs. Joines.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long, who now live at LaWard, were here today (Monday) visiting his mother, Mrs. D. P. Long.

Work seems to be progressing on the Baptist Church building.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers and Miss Mary Young, who have spent a part of the summer here, have returned to their respective homes—the Summer to Nacogdoches, Texas, and Miss Young to Kansas City, Mo.

Hostess for the “Stanley” Party this past week, Sept. 2nd, was Mrs. Frank Pearce. Mrs. Townsend, our demonstrator from Rock Island, with Mrs. Emmet Green of Little Kentucky, and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were those from outside the community who were in attendance. After the demonstration by our friend, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Pearce served refreshments of punch and cake. We all enjoyed every thing very much; the friendliness of our demonstrator, the chatting with friends, and the graciousness of our hostess. We are looking forward to the next party with Mrs. P. L. Manning on September 26th.

The gathering of the cotton crop is now occupying most of our Francitians, but we are wishing for a rain which we need badly before fall gardens can go in.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg are home from Kerrville where they spent the summer as guests of Miss Kay Kellogg.

The school boys and girls are all excited about the beginning of school. The bus leaves here with all our scholastics Tuesday, June 6th.

Mrs. Frank Pearce was in Edna Saturday to attend the funeral of her grandfather, Mr. Will Terry. He had been ill for a long, long time, and his “passing” came as no shock to his friends and relatives. All his own living children and most of his other relatives were there. To this bereaved family we extend deep sympathy in their loss but his gain.

Word has just reached us that our friend and neighbor, Mr. Frederich Schmidt “passed on” last Thursday, September 1st. Services were held Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at the Deutschburg school house and interment was made in the Deutschburg Cemetery by the side of his wife who preceded him in death several years ago. Mr. Schmidt’s passing takes away on of the very earliest pioneer settlers of our Francitas-Deutschburg community. We extend to his family our deepest sympathy.

The Edna Weekly Herald, September 8, 1949

New Producer at Francitas.

The San Antonio Express had the following interesting item on its “Oil” page Friday:

Houston Oil Company has discovered new production in eastern Jackson County east of the Francitas field with the No. A-1 B. W. Trull that flowed at the rate of 61 barrels of oil daily through 1/8 inch choke, easing perforated at 7,952-58 feet.

It is not a final completion and was making a little mud with the oil and is continuing to test, but seems definitely a well. It is about 4,50 feet east of Francitas field production and gas-oil ratio was 2,397-1, tubing pressure was 40 to 800 pounds.

The new discovery is located in the Pat Green survey, and is 1,650 feet from the northeast line and 2400 feet from the northwest line of section of the George Williamson subdivision of the Pat Greer survey.

The Francitas field was discovered by the Texas Company in October, 1938 with the No. 1 J. F. Weed that came in for 165 barrels at plugged back depth of 7,476 feet. Skelly drilled a well in the area to 10,965.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, September 15, 1949

Francitas Facts

Our Mary Townsend was over here Monday, Sept. 26th, and met with her friends at the home of Mrs. Philip Manning for the “Stanley” party.

Mr. Jeff Stout was a business visitor to El Campo one day last week. We are all glad to know that he has regained his wonted health.

Mr. W. R. Abernathy, who has been quite ill, is also much better.

Mrs. Emily Patterson is recuperating from a recent operation.

Mrs. J. H. Currie is home again from the Victoria hospital, and is much better.

Mr. J. H. Currie made a trip to East Texas last week to be with his father who is quite ill.

Mr. C. W. Thatcher is in the Palacios Hospital critically ill.

We trust for each of our friends a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian of Houston spent the past week end here.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston were here over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola and Mrs. Frank Pearce, were visiting in Port Lavaca on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Reese were here to visit his mother last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowen of LaWard spent Sunday here.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty have moved to Brownsville, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long were here to leave little Mary Ethel with her grandmother, Mrs. U. P. Long, while they made a trip to Brownsville last week.

Mr. and Mrs. William Parrish were Beaumont visitors over the past week end. They say that our good friends, Mrs. Koch and Miss Helena, are both well and happy in their new home.

Marion Linton of Palacios spent a few days here with his father E. H. Linton, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bucky Green, who planned to be our Francitas neighbors, have now moved to Blessing.

Johnnie Reese went to Houston Friday and Friday evening he and Mrs. Patsy Morris were married. They are now at home here. They are to live on the southside, in the Vernon Griffith home. Congratulations, Johnny and Pat, and welcome.

Another wedding of unusual interest was when Mr. Will Thompson and Mrs. W. H. Linder were married in Port Lavaca on Sept. 14th. To these friends of ours we extend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are at home on the “Triangle T” Ranch south of town.

Mr. J. W. Wofford was quite ill one day last week, but is now on the job again.

These items seem somewhat like a hospital report, but we are very glad that all of these friends are much improved.

Thank you, Rose McColloch, I clipped that “poem” for my scrap book.


The Edna Weekly Herald, September 29, 1949

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones have moved their trailer house down on the farm owned by R. Green.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Currie are getting ready to be moved away. We trust for them much success in their new home.

Mrs. Bill Allen was here to visit her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford, one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffith and family, with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose, left last Thursday for a stay in San Antonio and Big Spring.

Mrs. R. R. Joines was visiting in Palacios on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines of Thompsons were here a few days last week.

Andgio Carillo is suffering from a broken collar bone, but he’s much better now.

Mrs. T. O. Allen had as her guests over the week end, her sister and son of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Swenson of Olivia visited relatives and friends here on Saturday.

Mrs. Cecil Bowen of LaWard (and children), visited her mother, Mrs. Omay Reese, on Tuesday of this week.

Mrs. Charney Walker of LaWard visited friends here on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walleck and family visited in San Antonio Monday of last week.

Mrs. John Koch and Mrs. R. L. Parrish of Palacios were visitors at the W. H. Parrish home a few days last week.

This community received a shock when it learned that our friend, young Jimmy Simpson of Palacios, was drowned on Saturday before the storm was reported for Monday. To this bereaved family we extend our sympathy.

Some of our townsfolk “took off” on Monday, the third. Some went to Yoakum, and others to points away from the coast. We are glad to report no damage done here.

The “Stanley Party,” given at the home of Mrs. Ben Pearce on Thursday, the 6th, was quite a success. We were glad to receive among our guests our new friend. Mrs. Lawrence Feldhausen. After our Mary Townsend had finished her demonstration, coffee, cookies and iced drinks were served.

The Edna Weekly Herald, October 13, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Ella Ferguson is home again from a week’s visit in Houston, Lufkin, and Pollock.

Our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bozeman called to tell us they were moving to Houston for the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Currie, who have been our neighbors here for the past few years, have moved to Victoria.

Mr. Connor, our new railroad section foreman, began his duties here on the 16th. We welcome our new neighbors, and wish for the Curries much success in their new home.

Mrs. Alton Richardson and Miss Loraine Joines are in Houston at this writing. They are visiting Mrs. Ryling Linton, and other friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford and family visited here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowen and girls of LaWard visited relatives here Sunday afternoon.

Word reached us Sunday that Mr. Chas. Thatcher “passed away” in the Palacios Hospital Sunday noon. He had been seriously ill for most a month and death was not unexpected. Mrs. Thatcher and his brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thatcher, of Oklahoma were with him at the end. Funeral services will be held next Friday from the Methodist church in Palacios.

Mr. R. R. Joines reports that his brother, Calvin Joines of LaWard, is very low. He is now in the hospital in El Campo.

Mrs. Mary Townsend and a friend of Rock Island were business visitors here Thursday of last week.

Miss Hope Thedford spent Sunday night with Miss Etta Jean Joines.

The people here are still gleaning the remainder of the cotton that’s still afield.

All of us are enjoying this “Bright Blue October” weather.

Mrs. Hulda Joines [Jones?] is home again from Holly, Colo.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, October 20, 1949

Francitas Facts

Mrs. Charles Polifka, from California, who is visiting in Deutschburg, was calling on Mrs. Ben Pearce on Thursday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Goosebey and Fran L. Vickers, from Angleton, are stopping in our town for a few months. They occupy the old Comstock home down on the corner. Messrs. Goosebey and Vickers are working at the Alcoa plant at Point Comfort.

Mr. Jeff Stant, who has been quite ill, is much better. He plans to visit with his sister, Mrs. Kaker in Kansas very soon.

Mrs. Lillie Upton visited in Ganado last Sunday.

Mrs. Margaret Richardson of Palacios was a week end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines.

Mr. and Mrs. Garland Long visited in Pierce Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce visited Mrs. C. W. Thatcher and Mrs. Edwin Cravatte in Deutschburg Sunday afternoon.

Those from here who attended the funeral of Mr. C. W. Thatcher in Palacios Friday, the 21st,  were: Mrs. Lilly Upton, Mr. Henry Walters, Mrs. G. C. Long, Mrs. Edna Langston and Mrs. Vernon Griffith. Also, Mr. and Mrs. William Parrish.

The girls of the Sunday School are sponsoring a Hallowe’en party to be held at the Francitas school house on Friday evening, Oct. 28th. Everyone is invited.

Come before eight,
Cause if you’re late
The spooks at the gate
Will you berate.
What? A Hallowe’en Party
Where? At the School House
When? October 28th
Time? 7:30 P. M.
Admission? A Baker’s dozen cookies
Costume? A mask, if you wish

Don’t forget the date of the Stanley Party at the home of Mrs. T. O. Allen on Nov. 5th (Saturday) from 2 till 5 p. m. We’ll look for you. Everyone is invited. Come and join the fun. You may win a prize.

Miss Frances Green from Bay City was a visitor at the T. O. Allen home over the past week end.

Miss Helena Koch writes us a letter of thanks for the “remembering that her birthday was Oct. 12th.” She had a very happy birthday. Many nice gifts from her old friends here and she was the honoree at a birthday supper prepared by her friends in her new home in Beaumont. October 12th has been for many years the day all of us here tried to bring Miss Helena happiness by a visit or by sending to her home some little token of “remembering.” Congratulations to our “Sunshine girl.”


The Edna Weekly Herald, October 27, 1949

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty of Brownsville were here for a few days visit over the week end.

Miss Donna Key Paris was among those from the Gas Camp Row who were here for the Hallowe’en party on October 28th.

Mack Griffith went to San Angelo Thursday last to visit with his mother’s family who is spending a few months out there.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Reese were Edna visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Edna Sunday afternoon to attend the wedding of Pfc. William Green and Miss Norma Wagstaff.

Does it pay to advertise? We think so, even for a Hallowe’en party.

Despite the inclemency of the weather last Friday (we invited the Weather Man), some of our friends here answered our invitation with—not 13—but bags full of cookies and Mrs. McMichiel from the Gas Camp Row, brought a great big cake, which covered up with chocolate icing. (Thank you, lady).

Mrs. Upton and Mrs. Pearce furnished the black coffee, Mrs. T. O. Allen sweetened and “creamed” the coffee, Mrs. Whorton came with her own delicious cookies, which were better than any baker can make.

Since Friday night was the regular prayer meeting time, we assembled a bit early and sang hymns for thirty minutes. Then we repaired to the north room where we found a big table all “Hallowe’ened” up with gold and black, and piled high with goodies. A spook stole our cake knife, so, with a pocket knife, Mrs. Parrish carved the cake and we each got a big bite.

Fortune telling, guessing games and a few tricks were enjoyed by our old and young. We all had fun.

We plan to repeat the get-togetherness on Thanksgiving evening. The “latch string is out.” Won’t you come?

The date? Nov 24th.

The Sunday School Young people had charge of the Hallowe’en Party. The Adult Class will have charge of the Thanksgiving Program.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, November 3, 1949

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Curtis were over from Victoria to attend church services Sunday last. They were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Omay Reese.

Mrs. Upton and Henry Waters went to Yoakum on Sunday afternoon to visit J. J. Rice who is very low. We trust for our friend a speedy recovery.

Word came to us on Saturday that our old friend, Walter Price of Lufkin, has passed away and was to be buried in Lufkin Sunday.

Word reached us on Saturday that another friend, Ira Cole, was buried in Edna on Sunday. To these families we wish to express our heartfelt sympathy.

Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Long were in El Campo on Monday, the 7th, to attend the funeral of Mrs. J. W. Griffith’s brother. To J. and his wife we extend much sympathy.

Mrs. Margaret Richardson of Palacios was here Monday to visit her mother, Mrs. R. R. Joines.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce visited a few days in Corpus Christi the past week.

The Stanley Party at Mrs. T. O. Allen’s was another success. We all enjoyed having our friend, Mary Townsend, here with us. The next party will be at the home of Mrs. W. H. Parrish on November 5th. You are invited.

Sunday, the 6th was enjoyed by all of us. Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. and two sermons at 11 and again in the evening. The pastor here was received into the church by letter. We are now working on a service program for one night during Thanksgiving week. We shall decide on the date this coming Friday evening. All members and all friends are invited to come “over in to Francitas (Macedonia) and help us.”

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, November 10, 1949

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish spent Saturday night and Sunday in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Allen and girls were Palacios visitors on Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines of Thompsons, Texas, were week end visitors here.

W. T. Joines is home from work at the Alcoa plant at Point Comfort.

Mrs. Annie Carmichael, with Mrs. Hicks and Miss Margaret Carmichael, stopped to chat with friends here on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clapp of Louise visited at the Ben Pearce home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Capak, with Mrs. Helen Rose, were visiting and shopping in Edna last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wyatt of Palacios spent Armistice Day with Mrs. Wyatt’s mother here.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and son were Yoakum visitors Sunday.

Mrs. Lily Upton began her new position as manager of the Hotel at Blessing on Monday, the 14th. We wish her much success.

We were very glad to have the two daughters of Mrs. Joe John of Deutschburg, with us in Sunday school last Sunday.

The members of the Sunday School are working on a program to be rendered at the school house Friday evening (7:30) November 24th. All the friends, who were once members are invited, and all boys and girls, moms and dads in our community plan to be there. Let’s make a home coming, and let’s be thankful for our being able to take a part.

After the program, the mothers have arranged to serve refreshments of cookies and cocoa. So mothers, bring your children and a bag of cookies. Thank you.

Mrs. Hollis, one of the Lolita teachers will be over here on next Friday evening to give our boys and girls and parents, too, a lecture. That’s next Friday, the 18th, at 7:30 p. m We shall look forward to you.

Mrs. Bryant Green was in Bay City to see his doctor Monday, the 14th. He was ill for a week.

Mrs. W. H. Parrish is among the ailing, but is much better.

B. H. Pearce was in Edna Saturday.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, November 17, 1949

The Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson, with Mrs. Charney Walker of LaWard, made a visit over to Alvin to visit Mrs. Robertson’s sister one day last week. Accompanied by her sister, they also visited in Galveston, Beaumont, and other points east.

Mr. and Mrs. Robesbeaux of Palacios were over here Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Langston.

Mr. H. Waters made a hurried trip to Yoakum Saturday, but was back on Sunday morning in time for Sunday School and preaching services, both morning and evening.

We are sorry to report that Mr. Will Thompson is among the ailing.

Mrs. Charney Walker and Miss Eva Lee Koch of LaWard were here last Friday evening to attend the lecture delivered by Mrs. Hollis of LaWard. I’m sorry you missed it. It was good. We trust to have Mrs. Hollis over here again soon.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Allen are getting moved into their own home over in Blessing. We are sorry to lose them as our neighbors, but with them well in their new home.

Don’t forget the Stanley-Party with Mrs. Wm. Parrish on Friday, the 25th, the day after Thanksgiving.

The program at the school house will be Friday evening, the 25th. We shall try to be there by 7:15. We’ve moved up all Friday and Sunday evening services to 7:30 for the winter. We trust you may be able to come and help us—“Refreshments.”

C. J. Reese of Houston is here to visit his mother, Mrs. Omay Reese.

Forest Yoas of Edna was a business visitor in our town on Friday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. King were visitors at the Ben Pearce home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce were in Edna Monday. Mrs. Pearce accompanied by her mother, Mrs. E. Green, to San Antonio where they will spend a few days.

The Edna Weekly Herald, November 24, 1949

Francitas Facts

[First paragraph illegible]

Mrs. T. O. Allen and girls of Blessing were visiting here Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones had as their guests last week Cecil’s aunt ___ Houston.

We are sorry to state that Mr. Jeff Stoutt is again ill in the El Campo Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Bowen were in Edna Saturday.

Gillus Reese was over here to visit his mother last Saturday.

C. J. Reese is at home again after spending a few years in Houston.

Mrs. L. W. Feldhausen is home from an extended visit in Houston.

Mrs. Ada Joines, with “Dub” and Etta Jean, spent Thanksgiving in Thompsons, Texas with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green of Edna, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce were all dinner guests at the Ben Pearce home Thanksgiving Day.

Mrs. Lillie Upton, who is the new manager of Hotel Blessing in Blessing, served more than thirty guests at her formal re-opening of the hotel on Thursday. We wish for her much success.

Mrs. David Graham is home from a week’s visit in Yoakum.

Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pearce of Austin were visiting in Edna last Saturday afternoon, and were dinner guests of their homefolks here on Sunday last.

Mrs. W. H. Parrish was hostess to another successful Stanley Party on the 25th. Our Mrs. Townsend, of course, was here as demonstrator. After the fun and work was over Mrs. Parrish served delicious refreshments. We had fun. Sorry you missed it. Come next time to Mrs. P. E. Bowen’s home on Dec 6th. You are all invited. No obligation to buy, but you may win a prize.

On Friday evening (our regular meeting night) at the school house, the Sunday School members put on a very nice program, and after the program everyone enjoyed cake and cocoa. We have planned for another get-to-gether in December. For the coming year, we have made plans to have something different each month, so if you missed our October and November meetings we trust you’ll come next time.

Those from out-of-town who were with us Friday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs, Mrs. Lena McMichiel and Mrs. Frank Pearce of Deutschburg and Plant.

The Program.

1. Candle Lighting Service
2. Prayer and Response
3. Game: “I Bring”—Little Ones
4. Reading: Isa. 12—Mrs. Upton
5. Poem: “Thy Child”—Hilda Jones, Jr.
6. Origin of the S. S.—H. Walters
7. Let’s Talk it Over: “What the Sunday School Means to Me?”
            “What are You Thankful For?”—Everybody
8. The First Thanksgiving—Mrs. Pearce
9. Five Salutes to:
            1. “Old Glory”—Frank Vickers
            2. “The Christian Flag”—Josephine Johs
            3. “The Bible”—Elizabeth McMichiel
            4. “The Sunday School”—Helen Rose
            5. “The Church”—Goldie Joines
10. “America”—Audience
11. Special Song: “Whispering Hope”—Joyce McMichiel and Dollie Joines
12. Prayer Song: “Father, We Thank Thee”
13. Closing Prayer


The Edna Weekly Herald, December 1, 1949

Francitas Facts

Watts Langston of Bronson is home for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Ella Langston.

Mrs. Lula Biezniski of Houston was here to visit her father, E. H. Linton, one day last week. Her father accompanied her home and then returned with his other daughter’s family, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian. The Christians visited here a few days before returning to their home in Houston.

Mrs. C. A. Bowen of LaWard visited her mother, Mrs. Omay Reese, last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose are home again after an extended stay in West Texas.

Mrs. Omay Reese was called to Corpus last Friday to be at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Bill Allen, who was in the hospital. We are glad to report that Mrs. Allen is now on the road to recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parrish were in Palacios Saturday evening. Their mother, Mrs. R. R. Parrish, came home with them for a few day’s visit.

J. V. Brocker of Deutschburg was chatting with friends over here on Friday last.

Mrs. Ella Langston visited in Olivia and attended church in Port Lavaca last Sunday. She also attended church in Palacios on Sunday evening. She tells me there is to be a revival at the Church of Christ in Port Lavaca, beginning Wednesday, December 7th. All day services on Sunday next. Everybody welcome.

Mrs. McMichiel, from the Gas Camp Row, visited friends here Friday.

Mrs. Merrifield of Palacios, with Mrs. Frank Pearce, were here Friday evening.

B. H. Pearce was among those from Francitas attending the funeral of Mr. Will Moody on Sunday the 27th. To all of Mr. Moody’s loved ones we extend our sympathy. He was our friend, too.

One of our neighbors, Mr. Jefferson Stoutt, passed away on November 26th in an El Campo hospital. Mr. Stoutt moved down here from Wyoming about two years ago. He was living all alone on his land just north of town, and was trying truck farming on a small scale. He had made many friends since coming here. He and his big white dog, Betty Jo, his constant companion, were quite a pair, and a very devoted two, we shall miss our friend.

Among those from here who attended Mr. Stoutt’s funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Koch, Mesdames Abernathy, Upton and Pearce. H. Walters, pastor of the Baptist Church here officiated. The funeral was held from the Wheeler funeral home in El Campo. Interment was in the El Campo Cemetery on the 30th. Two of Mr. Stoutt’s sisters, Mrs. Emma Baker of St. Johns, Kansas, and Mrs. Mary Rainey of Spartan, Kansas, with their niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stafford of Kansas City, were all here to attend the last rites. To these relatives and all his friends, we extend heartfelt sympathy.

Word reached us Sunday morning that Mrs. Maude Hawkins, of Houston, a long time resident of Francitas passed on after many months of pain and suffering. Mrs. Hawkins was our neighbor and our friend and to her loved ones we extend our heartfelt sympathy. We held memorial services here at our Church Sunday morning for her.

The Edna Weekly Herald, December 8, 1949