Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
January - June 1949


Francitas Facts.

The people of this community are literally crying for rain, but today, Tuesday, January 11th, the "dry" norther brings us no hope.

We are glad to note that Marvin Powers, who has been quite ill, is up and around again.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koch spent the past week end in Seguin with her mother.

A tiny baby girl came...via Bayside Hospital in Palacios to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Martin and little Floyd Ray out at the Gas Camp. Her name? Tell you next week.

Forest Yoas of Edna was chatting with friends here last Friday.

Mrs. S. B. Allen of Edna visited her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford, here on Friday of last week.

Messrs. Leonard Hodges and Bullard Grisham of Seadrift visited here on Friday. Mr. Grisham had not been here for many years.

Mesdames John Koch, H. L. Rose and Louis Capak were in Edna on Saturday. They were dinner guests of Mrs. Fanny Browning.

Only a few of our townsfolk went to Edna on January 8th for the free X-ray.

Mr. Hugh Mitchell of Edna was here Saturday with some posters and also some tickets for the Lions Club Dance in Edna on January 28. Tickets are on sale at Pearce's Cash Store. The proceeds, of course, go into the "March of Dimes." If you do not care to "dance" that our unfortunate little ones may "walk" just hand your donation to Mrs. Ben Pearce, or put your "dime" into the milk bottle at Pearce's Store. Thank you.

Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena write us from Beaumont they expect to be home early in the spring.

Mrs. A. T. Kellogg expects to spend a few days in Kerrville this week.


Edna Weekly Herald, January 13, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Claudius Branch of Edna were here on their mission of mercy--“March of Dimes”—on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Ben Pearce has appointed as her helpers Mesdames Robert Koch, William Parrish and J. C. Long. Our school teacher, Mrs. Jeanie Thedford, will solicit the children. In fact, each of the little ones in our school is asked to tell others. So, friends, if you have not helped “with your dimes” please help by your attitude. Let’s put Francitas on the “scroll” with a dime or a dollar for every man, woman and child here. Let your little ones drop in the dime, or if you have no little one, give a dime to some one else’s lad and watch the glow on his face as he gladly puts it into the can.

Thank you

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Graham spent a few days in Yoakum last week.

Uncle John Green has been ill again, but seems better today (Tuesday).

Mr. Matthew Matlock, who is now living I Houston, was here a few days last week to visit his niece Mrs. Lillie Upton and her boys.

The little lady, who arrived January 7th (via El Campo hospital?) to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, has been named Lonna Fay. Congratulations, little one, we trust you will like us.

Little Miss Virginia Koch is suffering from a bad case of ivy poisoning.

Lewis Capak is among the ailing at this writing.

Cecil Bowen and five little Misses Bowen were visiting here Monday.

Tony Reese, who is working in Houston, spent the past week end here at his mother’s home. Mrs. Tony and baby are here with his mother.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, January 20, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce had as their guests for Sunday evening supper, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bray, who are now stopping in Port Lavaca and their son, Floyd Bray, who is down from Washington State to do some work at the Alcoa Plant. As the Brays are also good friends of Miss Laura Compton, she came over and dined with us.

We are glad to hear that Louis Capak, who was quite ill last week, is able to resume his work today.

Word came to us Sunday last that our friend, Mrs. J. T. Browning of Lolita, had passed to her reward. We extend sympathy to her loved ones.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dahlstrom and Mrs. Lizzie Pearce were over here Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Jeff Stroutt, who recently moved here from Wyoming, and expects to make his home here, is a new subscriber to the Edna Herald.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green of Vanderbilt, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green, Jr. were guests at the Frank Pearce home Sunday.

All those who work with the soil are very pleased over the blessing of a good warm rain.

W. G. Gayle was a business visitor over here Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson were Bay City visitors Monday.

Joe Hadley, who lives down on the Veits Ranch, was a business visitor here on Monday.

Leon Wofford has been among the ailing, but is better now.

Our friend, Mrs. Sammy Allen of Edna, who is ill, would appreciate a shower of “Get Well” cards.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, January 27, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mesdames Lela Boles and Lillie Upton were Houston visitors on Wednesday of last week. They visited Sue Carolyn at the Blue Bird Clinic and report that she is busy and happy in her school work, despite her ailment.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roche of Houston visited Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Joines and W. R. Joines were visiting their mother Sunday.

We are glad to report that little Shirley Richardson is much better.

Mrs. Marvin Joines is at the hospital now with her youngest son, who has a stomach ailment.

Louis Capak, Jr. and William (Jr.) Parrish are both among the ailing.

Two of our popular young people, Miss Mildred Reese and Vernon Griffith, went to Palacios early Tuesday, Feb. 1st and came back Mr. and Mrs. Griffith. We congratulate these friends and wish them a long, useful and happy life on the road together. They expect to set up housekeeping in the little home on the southside of town recently vacated by the family of W. Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffith are now in their new home on their place just east of the Carroll home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Koch have sold their home here and will move into Palacios not later than March 1st.

We are glad to note that Mr. R. D. Carroll, who was ill last week, is able to be “up town” again.

Our “March of Dimes” funds were sent to Edna on February 5th. We had no set quota, but we feel that each one has done what they could. We wish to thank each contributor, and a special “thank you” to each of the young ladies, Mesdames Ruby Parrish, Anna May Long and Hazel Koch: also Mrs. Thedford and her school boys and girls, who worked as solicitors, helping our chairwoman Mrs. Ben Pearce.

If anyone wishes to contribute further, the “March” is still open. The “milk bottle” is still at Pearce’s Cash Store in the post office building. Thank you.

Edna Weekly Herald, February 10, 1949

Francitas News.

Mr. D. P. Long is home from the hospital and is improving.

But little Glenn David Joines had to be taken back for treatment on Sunday last. He seems some better.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wofford, is also among the ailing.

We are glad to report that Little Miss Shirley Richardson now seems to have fully recovered.

Louis Capak, Sr., has been in the Bay City Hospital for several days ill with pneumonia. He is better at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bray of Council Bluff, Iowa, are back here again. They spent a few weeks in Aransas Pass and Port Lavaca. After a few weeks here they expect to return to their home in Iowa.

Pierce Thedford is among the ailing at this writing.

Charles Armstrong is the name of the young man who is helping Mr. Thompson down on the Triple T Ranch.

Mrs. H. E. Coulter and her daughter, Mrs. Helen Winters of Vanderbilt were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Curry a few days last week.

Mr. Clay Robertson, who fell from his windmill tower and is suffering of a bad back, had to be taken to an El Campo hospital Sunday.

A card from Mrs. S. B. Allen, who is in Memorial Hospital in Houston, tells us she feels she is on the road to recovery. Congratulations!

Mrs. E. H. Linton was called to Houston Sunday to be at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Zetta Welsch, who is very ill.

Mrs. R. R. Joines and Miss Lorine were visitors in Palacios Monday.

We are glad to note that Mrs. Martin Green, who has been a shut-in for weeks is able to walk up town again.

Our school boys and girls invited all pre-school children here to the school house for s "Valentine" party. They reported a very pleasant hour and came home with their gifts clutched in their hands and a big smile for St. Valentine.

Edna Weekly Herald, February 17, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Heron, from Kansas, who spent a part of the winter in the Valley. They were calling on friends here last Saturday.

Mr. E. H. Sandlin from Deutschburg was chatting with friends here last Saturday.

Mrs. Chas. Thatcher of Deutschburg visited briefly at the Pearce home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Koch were Palacios visitors Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koch are visiting in Taft, Texas at this writing.

Say, did you read the tribute to little Tommy Ellison Clifton in last week’s Herald? Thank you, Aunt Jewel, that was a beautiful poem. The father, Ellison, Sr., was born on the Pearce “ranch” down at LaWard.

The social event of the past week was in the form of a surprise Wedding “shower” given by Mrs. Anna May Long for our new bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Griffith. Despite the inclement weather, quite a few friends here and elsewhere surprised the couple by meeting in their house, bearing gifts and refreshments on the evening of the 18th instant and they loved it. We, of Francitas, love to surprise when it brings a smile of joy to some one.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg are home again from a few weeks stay in Kerrville.

Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena are anxiously waiting spring so they can once more be at home.

We are glad to report that Clay Robertson is much improved.

Uncle John Green, too, seems better.

D. P. Long is recuperating at home from his recent operation. He is better, also.

Louis Capak, who was ill of pneumonia, is home from the hospital.

E. H. Linton tells us that his sister, Mrs. Welch of Houston, is also on the mend.

Our friend, Mrs. S. B. Allen of Edna, is much better.

We congratulate the above five friends.

Edna Weekly Herald, February 24, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beaty of Dickinson were here to visit homefolks a few days the last week in February.

Glenn Dorris of Bay City was over to see his uncle, Mr. John Green one day recently.

Little Miss Renee Wofford has been among the ailing, but seems fully recovered. The little sons, (David and Trent) of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines are both on the road to recovery.

Billy Green, who has been visiting homefolks at Vanderbilt and here, returned to his duties with the Marines on Tuesday. Billy is looking well and is happy for his work.

Mrs. J. T. Joines and her little daughter, Charlotte Arleen, are here to visit Grandmother Joines.

Miss Lorine Joines is home from a few weeks stay in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. David Graham, with Mr. and Mrs. John Abernathy, were business visitors in McDade a few days last week.

We are glad to note that Mrs. Howard Green has fully recovered from chicken pox.

Little Mary Carillo, who has been ill, is now back in school with her nice smile.

Aunt Ethel Green, who has been ailing, is again able to walk up town for a chat with friends.

The friends of Miss Elizabeth Koch are getting her little cottage in order for her early return from Beaumont, where she and Miss Helena have been spending the winter with Mrs. Guy Joines.

Mr. and Mrs. John Koch moved into their new home in Palacios Monday of this week. We are sorry to lose these folks, but with them much success in their new home. Mr. Phillips of El Campo purchased their home here, and will move it into El Campo.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bray, who are stopping here for a while, plan to return to their home in Iowa very soon.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, March 10, 1949

Francitas Facts.

On our Red Cross drive here, our workers are Mesdames Wm. Parrish, Howard Green and Quinton Thedford and Miss Helen Rose. Mrs. Ben Pearce is local chairman. Miss Rose is very enthusiastic about her soliciting all the young folks under 12 years of age.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Bozeman of Waco visited her sister, Mrs. Wm. Parrish, over the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green of Combes, Texas were here one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Otis Matlock of San Antonio, with Mrs. Conrad Walsh of Ganado, visited Mrs. Lillie Upton Saturday.

Mrs. Upton and boys spent Sunday in Ganado visiting her sister and brother, (Ottis) Bobby Upton, who is now in San Antonio, with his Uncle, Ottis Matlock.

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wofford of Dickinson were here to visit his homefolks over the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rasche of Houston were guests at the Robinson home on Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bray, with Mrs. Ben Pearce, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson Saturday evening.

Mrs. Elizabeth Koch and daughter, Miss Helena, who have been on an extended stay in Beaumont, are home again. Welcome home, friends.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Escalante were business visitors in Bay City on Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bray, who have spent the winter here, left Monday for Sulphur, Okla. From thence, they will go on to their home in Whiting, Iowa.

Edna Weekly Herald, March 17th 1949

Francitas Facts.

Miss Helen Parrish and friends from Palacios visited over here Tuesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Reese of Edna visited here a few days last week.

Johnny Reese visited his mother, Mrs. Omay Reese, a few days last week.

Mrs. J. H. Currie visited friends in LaWard last Tuesday.

Mrs. Jap Rowen and little granddaughter, Carolyn, visited Mrs. Howard Green Tuesday of last week.

Mesdames A. A. Siegfried, V. W. Roberts and S. E. Green of the Gas Camp Row, were chatting with friends here on Wednesday of last week.

Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena visited in Palacios Friday. This was the first time they had seen Mrs. John Koch’s new home.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green of Vanderbilt visited her daughter, Mrs. Frank Pearce, a few days last week.

Mrs. Emmit E. Green of the Little Kentucky community visited here Friday afternoon.

Mrs. George Burt of Corpus was renewing acquaintances in Francitas Thursday of last week. Mrs. But will be remembered as Miss Rosemary Girndt.

Mrs. Harvey Clapp “rode the star route” from Louise two days the past week and had a brief visit with friends here.

Miss Alice Clapp “helped” her father Saturday. We are always glad to greet these friends from Louise.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton and W. R. Joines of Houston spent the past week end here.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford and daughters, Donna and Renee, visited Mrs. Wofford’s mother in Luling last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Waco were here Sunday. Mrs. Bryant Green accompanied them home and will visit her sister there. Mrs. Green plans to visit her father and mother at Giddings before returning home.

Mrs. Robert Koch had her sister from Palacios as her guest Saturday evening.

Mrs. Mildred Vyvial and children were here Saturday evening to visit Grandma Koch. They also attended the Tiger Wells Show. Mr. and Mrs. Wells stopped here for one week and entertained our townsfolk each evening. They left Sunday for LaWard where they expect to stay for a few days.

We are sorry to report that Uncle John Green is very low at this writing.

The razing of the old Francitas church building is progressing under the supervision of Brother Shavers of LaWard Baptist Church.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, March 24, 1949

Francitas Citizen Passes Away.

The Death Angel passed again over the little city of Francitas on March 26th, 1949, and laid his finger on the brow of our good friend and neighbor, John W. Green.

Uncle John, as he was called by all of us, had been in ill health for many months, and was waiting for the summons with a quiet resignation. Saturday morning, March 26th, he feebly raised his hand and was gone.

Mr. Green was born in Lavaca County, the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Green, on February 16th, 1876. He had just passed his 73rd birthday.

He passed his boyhood days around Edna, lived for a while at Markham, Texas, but almost since there was a Francitas, Uncle John has been a citizen of our community. In early manhood, he was converted and was made a member of the Baptist Church. When the First Baptist Church was reorganized here at Francitas, Uncle John became a charter member in 1942. For the last years of his life, he made his home with his brother, Rowan Green. Never having a family of his own, he was especially near and dear to Rowan Green’s children. He was a very retiring man and never courted notoriety, but in his quiet way, was a central figure in his work as a Christian man.

Some one has said “Uncle John was a pure-minded, clean thinking man.” That is a tribute not paid to many.

Among those left to mourn his passing are three brothers, Bryant Green, Martin Green and Rowan Green, all of Francitas; four sisters, Mrs. Clara Dean of Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Mary Neely of Yoakum and Mesdames David Graham and W. R. Abernathy of Francitas.

More than forty of his nieces and nephews were here for the funeral services.

Services were conducted by four ministers, Brothers Shavers, Walters, Neeley and Mahler, all of Yoakum, at the school house chapel at 2:00 p. m. Sunday, the 27th. Interment was made in the Palacios Cemetery, where Mr. Green’s father and mother were laid to rest in years long gone.

The large number of friends and relatives who gathered to attend the last rites for our friend, and the large floral arrangement of beauty bore mute testimony to the deceased. Twenty-three of the forty cars at services followed the remains to Palacios, one of the largest processions ever leaving Francitas.

Among those who were here from out-of-town were: Mrs. and Mrs. Huddleston and family of Refugio, Mrs. Hortense Wyatt of Palacios, Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty of Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen of Texas City, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Abernathy of Waco, Mr. and Mrs. R. Linton and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Dorris of Pierce, Texas and many more from Yoakum and elsewhere.


Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, March 31, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen and Grady Gambel of LaPorte, Texas visited at the Reese home Sunday.

Mrs. Alice Sparks and children of Clemville, Texas, were here to visit her sister, Mrs. Omay Reese on Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Allen and children were here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston were visitors for the week end at the Pearce home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Green of Matagorda were here to visit his sister, Mrs. W. Griffith, and also to attend the funeral of his uncle on Sunday last.

Mrs. J. G. Bowen of LaWard was one of the out-of-town people here to attend the funeral of Uncle John Green.

Messrs. Welsh and Vaclavik of Yoakum were here to arrange the funeral of “Uncle John.” We wish to say a special “thank you” to these two men for their kindness and the very nice way they went about their mission of mercy.

Brother Walters, who has been called to fill the pulpit here for this coming year, has begun a series of meetings for all this week. The public is cordially invited to attend these services each night at 7:45. Come over into (Macedonia) Francitas and help us.” We shall look for you.


Edna Weekly Herald, March 31, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long and daughters spent a few days here last week.

Mrs. L. Compton visited in Lolita last Wednesday evening.

We are glad to note that D. P. Long is able to walk uptown again.

Mrs. Angie Knopp of Edna was here a few days last week.

Henry Walters of Yoakum, who has been here working on the church building, held an eight day series of preachings in the school house.

Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi spent Friday night in Francitas.

Mrs. Robert Koch spent the past week in Garwood, Texas, as the guest of her mother, Mrs. A. Kelly.

Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Thomas of Bay City were visitors at the Ada Joines home last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wingate of Houston with her sisters, Mesdames Pearce and Dahlstrom of LaWard, were here Sunday to visit at the Ada Joines home. Mrs. Wingate will be remembered as our very efficient correspondent for the Herald in the years long past. She is now a subscriber. She is now a subscriber.

Mesdames W. R. Abernathy and G. C. Long helped B. H. Pearce on the recent school election for trustees.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parrish were visitors in Palacios Sunday evening.

Little “Dickey” Parrish is in Palacios with his grandparents at this writing.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, April 7, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whorton are in Edna at this writing.

We are glad to report that those of our townsfolk who were ailing last week are much better.

Mr. David Graham spent a few days in Yoakum last week.

Ralph Henderson of Louise was a business visitor over here last Friday.

Mrs. Eugene Green, who is with Mrs. Frank Pearce at this time, was called to Edna to be at the bedside of her father, Mr. Terry, who is very ill.

Mrs. Ronnie Giggler of Yoakum, is here for this week as the guest of Mrs. E. B. Upton.

Henry Castell of Yoakum is here to visit with relatives, the Green families.

Miss Lorine Joines is out at the Gas Camp Row with Mrs. John Martin, who is ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi were here to visit at the Pearce home over the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long, with Mrs. Long’s mother, Mrs. R. C. Carvell, of Texas City, were here Friday. They with Mrs. D. P. Long were visiting in Port Lavaca Saturday last.

Mrs. Carvell is now in Bay City with her daughter, Mrs. Anna Lee Bollinger.

Mrs. Bill Abernathy is home again from Waco.

Messrs. Henry Walters and J. L. Upton are home again from Yoakum.

Mrs. Paul Wyatt of Palacios was over here Saturday to visit her father who was quite ill last week.

Edna Weekly Herald, April 28, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Joe Currie is now in Bay City hospital for a major operation. Mrs. Fred Fassett of Tivoli is here with her daughter, Mrs. Currie.

D. P. Long made another trip to see his doctor in El Campo on Monday. We are glad to note that Mr. Long is much better.

Little Jimmy Beaty is the guest of his grandpa, R. Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Langston from out in East Texas are here to make an extended stay at the J. D. Langston home.

Mr. and Mrs. Hanson with their “Drive Inn Show” spent most of last week here. Our townsfolk enjoyed their fine entertainment.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen of Texas City spent a few days here last week.

Both Mrs. Koch and Miss Helena who have been ill, are better. Mrs. Guy Joines of Beaumont is there with her mother for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Earl Gates, with Mr. Eugene Green, spent the past week here. Mrs. Green, who has been here, has returned with them to their new home near Orange.

Mr. and Mrs. Emmett E. Green of Little Kentucky were here Saturday evening to visit his sister, Mrs. Gates.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston spent the past week end at the Ben Pearce home.

Mrs. Luana Compton is in the clinic at Wharton for some medical care.

Folks do not forget Mother’s Day, May 8th. Here’s a poem arranged by one of our number, we used as a “Good night Song” at our Sunday program in days gone by:

Tune: Now the Day is Over

Mother’s Day is over
Night is drawing nigh--
Shadows of the evening
Steal across the sky.

As the darkness gathers
Stars begin to peep
Birds and flowers and children
Soon will be asleep.

So we to our mothers
Soon will say “Good night”
And we’ll sleep so sweetly
Till the morning light.

Comes to bring the new day,
And the clear blue sky
We’ll be safe, contented
With our mothers nigh.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, May 5, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. [Sylvia] R[yling] Linton and W. R. Joines of Houston spent Mother’s Day with Mrs. Ada Joines.

Messrs. Adolph and Willie Koch of Silsbee were here last week to arrange for the sale of their mother’s property. The little house was sold to William Parrish and Grandma and Miss Helena left Thursday for Beaumont where they will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Joines. We wish them success and happiness in their new home. We shall miss them sorely as they were some of our early Francitians.

Mrs. Lillie Upton was a dinner guest in the home of her sister in Ganado on Sunday last.

Mrs. Fannie Browning and son, Levi Browning of Edna, spent last Sunday here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford and daughters attended church in Blessing Mother’s Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross and son of Victoria spent Mother’s Day with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford.

Mr. Fisher and his sister, Mrs. Ola Priddy, of Port Lavaca were business visitors here Wednesday of last week. They stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Green.

Mrs. Lee, secretary of the Blessing American Legion Post, was over here last Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Collis Wright and niece, little Dianne, who are now living in Venezuela, S. A., were here to visit his sister, Mrs. Clay Robertson on Sunday, May 1st.

Mrs. J. B. Thompson and brother, Grady Wright of Angleton, were here Sunday last to visit their sister, Mrs. Clay Robertson.

George Green, Jr. (Rusty) was here from Corpus to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green on Mother’s Day.

Mr. and Mrs. William Parrish and little sons spent Mother’s Day in Palacios with their Mothers, Mesdames R. Parrish and John Koch.

Mesdames Harold Long and Lester Jones of Ganado spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long.

Pete Long, who works over in Markham, was here with his mother, Mrs. D. P. Long on Sunday last.

On May 2nd, Miss Violet McFarlane of Blessing was laid to rest in our Francitas Cemetery. Taylor Bros. of Bay City had charge of the funeral. Miss McFarlane is survived by her brother, Mr. R. H. Rhodes, at Blessing.

Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi was passing through Francitas last Saturday. He stopped briefly at the Ben Pearce home.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Beaty of Dickinson were here for a few days last week.

Miss Alice Clapp of Louise was here with her father, H. Clapp, on Saturday last.

Edna Weekly Herald, May 12, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Dewey Sampson was here Sunday to visit Mrs. Robert Long. She also visited Mrs. Ben Pearce. Mrs. Sampson says she and Dewey will leave shortly for Bellville, Texas where he has a new position. We wish them well in their new home.

Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Langston, with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Langston, were Ganado visitors last Saturday.

Mrs. J. D. Langston spent Saturday night and Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Paul Wyatt in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Wofford of Dickinson are here to visit at the J. W. Wofford home.

Mrs. Fannie Dorris of El Campo spent two days here last week with her father, Bill Green, who has been quite ill.

Messrs. Ottis and Ore Lee Green of El Campo and Bay City, were here to visit their father, Bill Green, on Sunday last. They also visited their sister, Mrs. W. Griffith.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Lolita on Wednesday evening of the past week to attend church services conducted by Brother Darbey.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce spent the past week end in Corpus Christi with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pearce.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen are home again from Texas City.

Mr. Robert Koch received a phone message to go to Bay City on Friday, 13th. There she found her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Arnold, had two new baby girls, born on their big brother’s second birthday. The twins are called Linda Loyce and Brenda Joyce. Congratulations.

Mrs. Frank Pearce was called to Beaumont Sunday to help attend her mother who is ill. We trust for Mrs. Green a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg were Bay City visitors one day last week.

Mrs. Ethel Green is our new subscriber to the Edna Herald. This “sub” makes twenty of our townsfolk who are now Herald readers.

We are sorry to report that Francisco Escalante is again among the ailing.

Mrs. Currie is home again from Bay City Hospital, and we trust on the road to recovery. Mrs. Fred Fassett (her mother) is here with Mrs. Currie.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, May 19, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Beulah Elliott of Matagorda was here Wednesday of last week to accompany Mrs. George Neely to her home in Yoakum.

Mrs. J. W. Wofford was in Edna one day last week to visit her sister, Mrs. Peagler, who is again very ill.

Mrs. Omay Reese and Tommy, with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Griffith, went to LaPorte on Monday, the 23rd, to attend the graduation exercises there. Mrs. Bill Allen, nee Miss Dorothy Reese, was among those finishing LaPorte School. We congratulate Dorothy.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen have moved into the Comstock home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green.

Mesdames Frank and Ben Pearce were in Edna last Sunday to attend church services.

Mesdames Upton and Boles were business visitors in Ganado one day last.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty and boys are here from Dickinson.

Even though our Grandma Koch is in Beaumont, the members of our old birthday club did not forget that May 16th was her birthday. Small gifts were mailed from here and she had a great many nice gifts, and her daughter, Mrs. Guy Joines, had friends in for a birthday dinner. Congratulations to you Grandma Koch! Are you really 84?

Edna Weekly Herald, May 26th, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Pierce from Arizona were here to visit his sister, Mrs. J. B. Compton, over the past week end.

Mrs. Hugh McCollough and daughter of Alto, Texas, were here a few days last week to visit her niece Mrs. Lillie Upton.

Mrs. Eugene Green, with Mr. Green and Mrs. Frank Pearce, were in Galveston on the 26th.

Mrs. A. T. Kellogg is in Houston at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Blair of Lake Jackson, Texas visited at the Pearce home here on Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Fannie Browning of Edna was here to visit her daughter, Mrs. H. L. Rose, last Sunday.

We are sorry to report that Mrs. Louis Capak is among the ailing.

Mr. Clay Robertson was taken to the Nightingale Hospital in El Campo on Thursday of last week. He underwent a major operation on Monday the 30th. We learn he is better today and we trust he will soon be up and home again. Mrs. Robertson’s sister, Mrs. J. B. Thompson of Angleton, came in Sunday to be here with her while Mr. Robertson is ill.

Mr. A. Robertson of Ganado is here to assist Mrs. C. Robertson in her dairy.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jentry of the Rich Square community were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford Sunday evening.

Robert Ray Linton of Palacios visited over here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton and W. R. Joines of Houston were here over the week end. Ryling had to make a trip to Palacios to see his old family physician on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Allen and girls visited over here the Memorial Day holiday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers spent a few weeks here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Sielfried, from the Gas Camp Row, visited the Ben Pearce home Friday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, were in Edna Sunday to visit the cemetery and to attend church services.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, June 2, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stafford of Kansas City, Mo., were here last week to spend a few days with her uncle, Mr. Jeff Stout.

Mr. Sam Linton of Picola, Texas, was here last week to visit relatives and friends here and in Palacios.

Mrs. Lester Jones and little Lester, left Thursday to join her husband in Laredo.

Mr. Charney Walker of LaWard visited Mrs. Clay Robertson here on Wednesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Christian and children of Houston are visiting here this week.

Miss Helen Rose visited all last week in Edna, returning home Sunday, accompanied by her uncle, LeRoy Browning, and his family.

We are glad to report that our friend, Leon Smith, son of Mrs. Bill Abernathy, is again home from the hospital and is very much better.

Mrs. J. W. Wofford spent last Sunday in Edna with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Peagler, who is very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty spent the week end in Dickinson.

Mrs. Bill Allen of LaPorte is here to spend a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Omay Reese.

Mrs. Paul Wyatt of Palacios spent Friday of last week with her mother, Mrs. J. D. Langston.

Mrs. Eugene Green of Little Kentucky was shopping here Friday.

Miss Sue Carolyn Upton is home from Houston for her summer vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Burch, with Mr. and Mrs. Beets of Frankfort, Kentucky, were here last Monday on a combined business and pleasure trip.

Mrs. A. T. Kellogg is home from a few days visit in Houston.

W. Griffith and family were in Edna Sunday evening to attend the revival meeting at the Church of Christ.

Edna Weekly Herald, June 9, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Enjoyable Family Reunion

On Sunday, June 12th all of the W. L. Linton family, save one, were home for a family reunion. They invited some of their friends here to spend the day at LeTulle Park in Bay City. Mr. Linton’s children who were home were: Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Linton, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Linton, Mrs. Thelma Linton Young, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Puckett, Erie and her husband live in Palacios and Robert Ray is still in the home nest. The only two who were not with them were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Linton, who are now in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joines and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce and little Miss Virginia Koch from here, enjoyed the picnic dinner with this big family. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clapp and Alice of Louise.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Linton and boys from California are here on their vacation. They are spending the time at Louise and Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Linton have moved back to Palacios from Houston. Marion was over here for a few days visit last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green are with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce for the week.

Our sympathy goes out for the J. W. Wofford family in their bereavement. Mrs. J. F. Peagler, Mrs. Wofford’s sister, passed away June 7th in Edna.

Mrs. J. G. Bowen of LaWard is here to visit Mrs. Preston Bowen and Mrs. Howard Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Bozeman of Waco were here Saturday and Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parrish.

Today (June 14th) is Flag Day. Unfurl Old Glory and give thanks for America and don’t forget Father on Sunday, June 19th. You remember that the third Sunday in June is Father’s Day—the next Sunday after Children’s Day which is always the second Sunday.

Edna Weekly Herald, June 16, 1949

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. W. L. Linton of Palacios, with her children who were home for the family reunion on Sunday the 12th, all spent the day last Wednesday over in old Buhler, LaWard and Francitas.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green, Sr., with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce, were Galveston visitors on June 10th.

We are glad to note that Mrs. Ruby Capak, who was ill last week, is much improved.

Mrs. Joe Currie and mother, Mrs. Fossett, spent a part of last week in Victoria. Mrs. Currie is now in Matgorda County Hospital in Bay City. We trust for her a speedy recovery.

Mrs. Bonnie Giggs of Yoakum spent the past week here as a guest of Mrs. Lilly Upton.

Mr. Jeff Stoutt, who has been in the Nightingale Hospital at El Campo for an operation, is very much better.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Green of Little Kentucky, were visiting here Thursday. With them was Mrs. Green’s uncle from Victoria.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lee of LaWard were business visitors over here last Friday.

Russell Green is home again from Waco to spend a few weeks with his father, R. Green.

Mrs. T. O. Allen and girls are here with her father, Mr. Bryant Green, for a few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green of Victoria were here for Father’s Day.

Mrs. Charney Walker, Tessie Lee and son were visiting her Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bowen (they were married Saturday) with a picnic Sunday. Among the other out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gillus Reese and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jones. Virgil’s wife is the daughter of Mrs. Gillus Reese. To this young couple we extend wishes for much happiness.

We learned Sunday that our good friend Mrs. John Neuszer of Deutschburg is home from the hospital, and we trust for her complete recovery.

We heard from Mrs. E. Koch. She tells us that she and Miss Helena are now in their new home, and are very comfortable and happy.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Capak, were in Edna Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Rose’s niece, LaVerne Browning, who was killed in a car wreck. To LaVerne’s family and relatives we extend much sympathy.

Mrs. Ryling Linton and girls of Houston are here this week with Mrs. Linton’s mother, Mrs. Ada Joines.

Miss Sue Carolyn Upton is visiting her auntie, Mrs. Conrad Walsh, in Ganado.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg left for Kerrville Tuesday of this week to spend the summer months. They will be guests of Miss Kay Kellogg while her mother is away.

Card of Thanks.

Our loss of LaVerne, in all her youth and promise, was almost more than we could bear, but the many, many kindnesses of her friends and ours—the thoughtful acts, the beautiful flowers, the help in time of need—all these have helped to make it possible to carry on.

Your many expressions of love for her mean so much to us. May God bless you for them.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Browning and Family.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, June 23, 1949