Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
July - December 1948


Francitas Facts.

Mesdames Fred Cornelius and Brinkley of Ganado stopped for a short visit at the Pearce’s last Tuesday.

Miss Pearl Koch was visiting friends in Houston a few days last week.

Sue Carolyn Upton was a business visitor in Houston the past few days. She visited at the Hawkins home and came home with Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton on Sunday.

Miss Frankie Jones spent the past week with homefolks here.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Linton are here to visit E. H. Linton.

Little Albert Ellison of Edna is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Al Chivers, at this writing.

We are glad to note that little Junior Parrish is well on the road to recovery.

Mrs. Paul Wyatt and little Paul of Palacios were here Friday to visit her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Langston.

Mrs. Eddie Reese was visiting in Edna on Thursday last.

Mrs. Lester Jones took their baby to an El Campo hospital where he had to undergo an operation. He is much better now.

Little Johnnie Morris is home again from Bayview Hospital in Palacios where he had an operation for the removal of his appendix. He, too, is now on the road to recovery.

Little Hilda Long is among the ailing at this time.

Card of Thanks.

To all of our friends and relatives here, who were so kind and helpful during the illness of our baby, we wish to say: “Thank You, very, very much.”

Mr. and Mrs. W. Parish and Sons,
Francitas, Texas

Edna Weekly Herald, July 8, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy spent a few days of last week in Texas City.

We are glad to welcome Mrs. Eddie Reese home again. Eddie is now working with Mr. Currie on the Missouri Pacific.

Mesdames Robinson and Upton with Carolyn Sue, were visiting in Houston on Thursday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Toni Biezneski of Houston visited her father, E. H. Linton, here over the past weekend.

Mrs. Ellen Rose spent a few days in Palacios last week.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose, with Mrs. Lewis Capak, were Palacios visitors last Saturday.

Mesdames G. C. Long and W. Griffith spent Friday in El Campo visiting W. W. Griffith, Sr., who is very ill.

Robert Manning, who has been helping with the meeting in LaWard, is here to enjoy “fishing” with “Uncle Bill” for a few days before returning to his home in Yoakum.

Donald Bozeman came in from Houston Monday. We are happy to make the first visit from these two young men happy. They made quite a few friends here in the “meeting.”

Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Mayers, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Schomburg, and others of Ganado were here on Monday evening to visit with Grandma and Miss Helena Koch.

Little William Parrish and his mother are home from the Bay City hospital. We are glad to note that Junior is some better.

Mrs. Omay Reese spent Friday night in LaWard with her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Bowen.

The Baptist pastor, Mr. Rice, of Yoakum, filled his regular appointment here on Sunday last. He baptized two more and received them into the church, making 15 new members by baptism.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Emley were business visitors in Palacios last Friday. Mrs. Emley is very much better.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston, with their daughter, Mrs. Donald Heinemann, of Boulder, Colo., spent Sunday at the Pearce home.

Both R. L. and Gene Long are among the ailing at this time.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Thedford of Lolita visited here Sunday.

Edna Weekly Herald, July 15, 1948

Francitas Facts.


Little Larry Eugene, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, arrived at the Bay City Hospital on Thursday, July 15th. He is home now and thinks he shall make his home in Francitas. Congratulations to Cecil and Dorothy.


Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rasche of Houston spent Saturday here with her sister Mrs. Clay Robertson.


Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Waco spent the past week end here.


Mrs. Lily Upton and children met her aunt, Mrs. McCullough of Kountze in Houston Sunday. They visited the Battleship Texas and then Mrs. McCullough accompanied them home to visit here.


Mr. and Mrs. Tony Beinznski of Houston visited her father, E. H. Linton, the past week end.


Miss Dorothy Reese and Mr. Bill Allen of Texas City were here to visit Dorothy's mother, Mrs. Omay Reese, Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Thomas of Bay City visited at the Pearce home Sunday, July 4th.


Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beaty of Texas City spent the week end here, July 10th and 11th.


Henry Castell was over here from Yoakum Saturday, July 10th.


Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Anderson and his mother were here to chat with friends on July 4th.


Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wofford of Dickinson spent the Fourth here.


Mr. and Mrs. "Buckey" Green of Bay City were here July 4th.


Mrs. H. L. Rose and Miss Helen were visiting in San Angelo for a few weeks in July.


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green of Brownsville were here recently to visit relatives.


Miss Frankie Jones was home from Victoria for a week visit with homefolks.


We are glad to note that little Miss Hilda Long is home from the hospital.


Mrs. J. W. Griffith, who underwent an operation in the Nightingale Hospital, El Campo, is now on the road to recovery.


We congratulate those two friends.


Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg spent a few days in Palacios last week attending the encampment.


Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena, with Mrs. Guy Joines, also spent a part of last week in Palacios.


The friends of Mrs. B. H. Pearce will be glad to know that her brother, L. D. Dorton, who is in the Santa Fe Hospital, Temple, is much better.


Mrs. Wm. Parrish went to Houston Sunday to be at the wedding of her sister, Miss Pearl Koch and Mrs. Donald Bozeman.


The Edna Weekly Herald, July 22, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Johnnie Reese was over here to visit homefolks last Sunday.

Brother Rice of Yoakum was here to fill his regular appointment last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fenn, of Hemlock, Ind., visited at the Pearce home last Saturday.

One of our home girls, Miss Dorothy Reese, and Bill Allen of Texas City were married on July 22nd. Mrs. Omay Reese, mother of the bride, was in Texas City to be present at the wedding.

Mrs. Ada Joines and Ettie, with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Saturday evening.

Mesdames Anna Mae Long, Eugenia Thedford and Agnes Wofford helped Mr. Ben Pearce to hold the election on Saturday, the 24th.

Mesdames Frank and Ben Pearce attended church services in Palacios last Sunday.

Mrs. Eugene Green and son, Billy, of Vanderbilt were visiting here last Thursday.

Little William Earl Gates who spent the past week with his grandmother, remained here with his aunt, Mrs. Frank Pearce.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beaty and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen of Texas City, spent Sunday here.

Russell Green, who is just home from Germany is spending a few days in Texas City.

Mrs. Beatrice Joines reports that she has a new grandson born to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Joines, over in Mobile, Ala. Congratulations!

The writer received an announcement from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Puckett that they have a second son, born July 11th. They call him Billie Clark. Mrs. Puckett will be remembered as Miss Flossie Linton of Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Bozeman were honored by a wedding shower on Tuesday evening, July 27th. Mesdames Upton and Robert Koch hostesses.

Mesdames Bill Abernathy and B. H. Pearce, with Miss Mildred Reese, have planned a miscellaneous “shower” for Mrs. Dorothy Reese Allen on August 2nd, next. Those who wish to remember Dorothy will please leave the gifts at the home of Mrs. Perce any day this week. Thanks.

Edna Weekly Herald, July 29, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy spent last week in Yoakum.

L. I. Sanford of Ganado, was chatting with friends here on Thursday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fenn, who are spending the summer in Palacios, were visitors here Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce visited in Beaumont Sunday and Monday.

Mrs. Omay Reese is home again from Texas City, where she spent a few days to attend to wedding of her daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. Bill Allen of Texas City. Mr. and Mrs. Allen expect to spend the coming week end here.

Johnny Williams of Markham was a business visitor here August 2nd.

We are glad to note that Mrs. Clay Robertson is well on the road to recovery from a tonsillitis operation.

Mrs. Gus Lee was a business visitor in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee now live out at the “Clark” farm here.

Mrs. Laura Compton is spending a few days in Lolita.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers of Nacogdoches and Miss Mary Young of Kansas City, Mo., are here to spend a few weeks at the Schwind home.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Reese were Edna visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Bozeman are now at home in Sublime, Texas.

Mr. H. G. Whorton was called to Edna by the death of his uncle on Tuesday.

Edna Herald, August 5, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mr. J. D. Langston made a trip to Houston Sunday and we are glad to know that our friend is much improved.

Jack Upton and John Hawkins were here over the past week end.

Miss Mildred Reese is now over in Texas City to visit her sister, Mrs. Bill Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Allen spent the past week end here. They were entertained Saturday evening by a party at the home of Mrs. J. H. Currie, at which time they were “showered” by many nice gifts. Several who were unable to attend the party left gifts with Mrs. Pearce at the post office. Congratulations, Bill and Dorothy.

Mesdames Jones of Edna and Young of Houston were here Thursday to visit their sister, Mrs. R. Emley.

Mrs. D. P. Long with her little granddaughter, Mary Ethel, went to Texas City Tuesday for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Long brought them home on Friday.

Mr. and  Mrs. T. O. Allen and children spent a few days here last week.

Russell Green was home from Texas City the past week end.

Miss Lula Hawkins of Houston and Miss Beatrice Joines of Buhler were chatting with friends here last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish, with Mr. and Mrs. John Koch, visited in Houston one day last week and from there went on to Sublime, Texas, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Don Bozeman.

Mrs. Omay Reese spent ___ of last week in Markham.

Mrs. Harvey Clapp of Louise visited here, briefly, last Friday.

Did I tell you that Mr. and Mrs. James Page have a new baby son? or daughter? I do not know.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rose and Ed Rose at San Angelo are visiting in the Hugh Rose home and enjoying some fishing trips.

Louis Cepak spent a day or two in the Palacios Hospital last week, and on Monday of this week he was taken to Kingsville Hospital. We trust for Louis a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus were here Saturday night and Sunday. B. H. Pearce accompanied them home for a week’s visit.

We wish to congratulate Miss Shirley Carvell who has been studying piano. She now helps with the music in the church.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers of Nacogdoches, and Miss Mary Young of Kansas City, are here to spend a few weeks at the Schwind home.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 12, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. E. Koch and daughter, Miss Helena, are visiting in Beaumont.

Frank Boultinghouse of Bay City is here to visit Gene Long.

Mrs. Mary Alcorn of Houston was here last week to be at the homecoming at the R. R. Joines home. Among the other guests were Clarence Joines and little daughter of Octonto, Neb., Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Choate and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Joines of Beaumont, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Joines of LaWard, and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rose and Grandpa Rose, all of San Angelo, are here for a few weeks visit with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, with Mrs. Frank Pearce were visiting at the West Ranch in Vanderbilt on Sunday afternoon. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Whitworth in Vanderbilt.

Mr. Grady, of Sweeny, was over here with his tent show to entertain Francitas people for a week.

Mesdames Dollie Bryant, Gertrude Jones and Miss Maurine Bryant were here on Friday of last week to help Mr. Emley to get his house in order after his wife was laid away on Tuesday. (See the “write-up” for the other relatives who were here.)

Miss Mildred Reese is home from an extended visit in Texas City.

Mrs. A. T. Kellogg is in Kerrville to visit her daughter, Miss Gertrude Kellogg, at this writing.

Mr. Rice of Yoakum filled his regular appointment at the church Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Currie are on their annual vacation.

Mrs. Fred Fassett of Tivoli is here to visit her daughter, Mrs. Joe Currie.

Mrs. Robert Koch spent a few days in Palacios the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jones and boys are moving up near Hallettsville. Mrs. Jones has joined the faculty of the Hallettsville school for the coming school term. We are sorry to lose this family, but wish them success in their new home.

Mrs. J. W. Wofford was called to Edna Monday to be at the bedside of her sister, who is very ill.

Eddie Reese received a message to rush to Bay City last Monday night to be at the bedside of his brother, Calvin, who is in the Matagorda County Hospital.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, August 26, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Opal Thompson and girls of Angleton were here one day last week to visit her sister, Mrs. Clay Robertson.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish, with Mr. and Mrs. John Koch, visited in Sublime last Sunday.

We are glad to note that Calvin Reese, who has been in the Bay City Hospital, is much better.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen, of Texas City, were here to visit her mother, Mrs. Omay Reese, over the week end.

Mrs. Gus Lee is home from the hospital and is recuperating nicely. Congratulations!

Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Griffith of Olivia were visiting over here last Sunday.

Miss Mildred Reese is home again from an extended stay in Texas City.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffith of El Campo visited homefolks here on Sunday last.

The home coming of the Pearce family for the first time in years was complete Sunday. Those from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pearce of Austin, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pearce of Corpus and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Howell of Kingsville. The family dinner was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce out in the Gas Camp Row.

Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena are now visiting in Silsbee, Texas. They are enjoying their vacation very much.

Mrs. Wesley Rose and children, who were here to visit her mother Mrs. D. P. Long, have returned to San Angelo.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, Mrs. Lily Upton and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Currie and others from here went to Palacios Monday evening to see “Red River,” the new movie. It is very, very good.

Miss Harris of Blessing spent a few days here last week with her cousin, Mrs. Cecil Jones.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers, with Miss Mary Young, left Wednesday for their respective homes, Nacogdoches, Texas and Kansas City, Missouri.

A card from Mrs. C. W. Thatcher tells us she is vacationing in Seldon, Kansas, and will go to visit her son out in California before returning home out in Deutschburg.

Little Miss Peggy Ann sent the writer an “announcement” card telling us she has decided to make her home in Waco with Mr. and Mrs. James Page. She arrived at their home on July 23rd. Congratulations!

Those who missed the barbecue dinner at the Deutschburg school house really missed a very enjoyable occasion.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, September 2, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mesdames Lillian Jones and Gertrude Jones of Edna were here on Wednesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Bozeman of Sublime spent a few days here the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Pearce visited in Louise on Wednesday evening.

Sue Carolyn Upton visited her cousin, Becky Walsh, in Ganado a few days last week.

Marvin Joines, Bobby and Kenneth Upton were Houston visitors the past week.

Mrs. George Kirby and her daughter, Mrs. Charney Walker, visited Mrs. Clay Robertson over here last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnell of Houston visited at the Pearce home here last Sunday.

Joseph Watson of Houston was a business visitor here one day last week.

Our older boys and girls were here waiting for the school bus early Tuesday morning, Sept. 7th. Some go to LaWard, others to Lolita.

Mr. and Mrs. John Koch are moving into Palacios this week. We wish them much success. We shall miss them.

Mesdames Currie and Fossett visited in Tivoli and Aransas Pass last week.

Mr. Currie got his leg hurt on the works, and had to call Mrs. Currie home. We trust for him a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Alton Richardson are now in Alvin, but little Miss Shirley Richardson remains here with her grandmother, Mrs. R. R. Joines.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Linton of Houston spent the week end here.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, September 9, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mr. Joe Currie spent a few days in the Kingsville Hospital last week, but is home again now.

Miss Gladys Linton of Houston spent all of last week here with her grandmother, Mrs. Ada Joines. She returned to her home Sunday to be ready for school Monday, the 13th.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian of Houston were here over the past week end as guests of her father, E. H. Linton.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish were in Palacios Sunday helping Mr. John Koch get settled in the residence recently vacated by Mrs. Kelly.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rasche of Houston were week end guests at the Robertson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long visited here over the past week end.

Neil Joines and Bobby Upton each suffered minor injuries by a car wreck near Blessing while enroute to Bay City last Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Eugene Thedford and her boys and girls will begin school here Tuesday, September 14th.

We hear that our friend Leonard Yoas is in the Nightingale Hospital at El Campo. We trust for him a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Reese of West Columbia visited relatives over here last week.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, September 16, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Elizabeth Koch and Miss Helena are home from an extended visit in Beaumont. They had a very vice visit, but are glad to be back at home again.

Junior Whorton was home to visit with homefolks over the past week end.

Mrs. King and her daughter, Mrs. Henry Sibley, with little Miss Candy Marie Sibley, were visiting friends here on Monday of this week.

The rainy weather kept our cotton pickers out of the fields for a few days, but they began again Monday.

Sgt. F. E. Lockman, of Bay City, was over here on Tuesday. He asked us to tell all our would-be-soldiers to see him in Bay City about enlisting in our army. Go see him, boys, if you need instructions as to the advantages of enlistment. It’s worth your while.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce were business visitors in Edna Tuesday.

Russell Green is home from Texas City for a few days.

Cecil Jones was in Texas City on Saturday to bring back his trailer-house.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose and Helen Mae are visiting in San Angelo at this writing. R. L. and Gene Long are also in San Angelo this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines were Victoria visitors last Monday.

The write had a “note” from little Carson Wayne Wofford, telling us he came “via stork” to the Palacios Hospital on Sept. 13th inst, and decided he would like to make his home in Francitas, and selected as his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Collis Wofford. Congratulations.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, September 23, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose and Helen Mae were Edna visitors last Saturday.

...Upton and son, Kenneth, went to Houston to visit with Sue Carolyn Sunday last.

Mrs. Elizabeth Koch and Miss Helena are now in Beaumont with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Joines. They expect to spend the coming winter  there. Before they left for Beaumont, Miss Helena enjoyed her birthday on October 12th. As usual, there were many nice gifts from friends here and elsewhere. She wishes to thank, especially her brother, John Koch and family, her nephew, John Koch and family, her nephew, Johnnie Cook and wife, and her niece, Mrs. William Parrish, for their kindness. Her...friends, here who never forget her birthday, came and brought over a nice birthday supper, and the gifts which made her face smile with a great big thank you.

...the past week was the birthday supper given at the...for Mrs. Lillie Upton, Joe Currie, Quinton Thedford,...and Miss Ethel Griffith, all of whom have birthdays in October. More than thirty guests were present, among them was little Charles Willoughby of Lolita. A very delicious supper was served, then the gifts presented, after which came cake and coffee. Hostesses were Mesdames Compton, Thedford, Currie and Fossett.

...and son, Billy, of Vanderbilt were over here Thursday of last week. Billy is on his...furlough. He is stationed at San Diego, California training with the United States Navy.

Word just came that Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green have a baby girl. She came via Matagorda County Hospital in Bay City. They call her Vera Elaine. Congratulations.

 Mrs...of Houston, Friday, took her mother, Mrs. Ethel Green to her home, where she can be near her doctor. We trust for her a speedy recovery.

Mr. B. H. Pearce spent the week of October 4th-10th in Corpus Christi as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce. Then went on to Houston for another visit with her sister, Mrs. W. R. Tobola, and her niece, Mrs. R. H. Carnell. She also visited her brother in Galveston.

B. H. Pearce began his duties as school bus driver on Oct. 18th.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce were in Vanderbilt Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Reese are now living in LaWard.

Mrs. Anna May Long has moved out to San Angelo.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Texas City visited here a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines have moved into Palacios for the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Waco were called here last Friday to be at the bedside of Mr. John Green who is very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty, Mrs. T. O. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen, all of Texas City, were here last Sunday also to visit Mr. Green.

Mesdames Neeley and Graham of Yoakum, Mr. Green's sisters, were here also. We are glad to note that Mr. Green's condition is somewhat improved at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rasche of Houston visited her sister, Mrs. Clay Robertson on Sunday the 10th of October.

Edna Weekly Herald, October 28, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Bill Abernathy spent the past week end in Yoakum.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Graham of Yoakum have moved to Francitas. They will occupy the Schwind residence recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones are now in their “trailer house.” He is working in Buckeye.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Herren of Kansas are here to spend the winter. Welcome to our town.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bray of Whiting, Iowa, who have been camped here for a few weeks, expect to go on down in the Valley for the winter. We are always glad to have our friends here even for a few weeks.

Mr. Jeff Stout of Washington State has sold his sheep ranch there and expects to settle on his holdings here.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morris have moved back to Palacios. We are sorry to lose these good people, but wish them success in their new home.

B. H. Pearce and Charles Bray were business visitors in Edna on Saturday last.

Harvey Clapp, Jr. was on the Louise-Francitas mail route the 12th.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines of Thompson were all here over the past week end.

Word has just reached us that Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford have another little girl. She arrived on November 14th via Nightingale Hospital in El Campo. Congratulations!

Quite a few of our townsfolk rode the bus into Bay City on the 12th, compliments of the Missouri-Pacific. We hope to have the bus routed thru here, as the day time trains do not take on passengers from here.

Word reached us Friday that our friend, Mr. A. P. Ward, had passed away at Luling, Texas. He was enroute to San Antonio to consult his doctor when death took him. To his bereaved family we extend sympathy. Mr. Ward was our good friend and neighbor for many years.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hopper of McKinney are here to visit his sister, Mrs. D. P. Long.

Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin of Blessing were over here Monday to visit Mrs. J. L. Patterson.

Mrs. Bill Green is home from Houston where she had been on a visit at her daughter’s home. She seems to be much better.

We are glad to note that Uncle John Green seems to have regained his wonted health.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Koch were down here from Sublime, Texas last week to visit homefolks. Mr. Koch is a brother to Robert W. Koch, and Mrs. Koch is a sister of Mrs. Robert Koch. We wish these young folks much happiness. Yes, they were married last month.

Mrs. ___ Reese of Arkansas is here to visit Mrs. Omay Reese.

Our friends Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena are pleasantly situated in Beaumont for the winter, but do not feel at home unless they get the Herald with the “letter from home” each Friday.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, November 18, 1948

Francitas Facts.

A little daughter came via El Campo Hospital, on Nov. 21st to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford. They call her Janis Renee.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bray of Whitig, Iowa, who have been stopping here for the past month left the 22nd for Aransas Pass. They expect to spend the winter in the Gulf Coast Country.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg spent Thanksgiving in San Antonio.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long and daughters were here for a few days last week.

Mr. Oscar Hopper and daughters of McKinney spent a few days here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Powledge and Mr. and Mrs. Lark Jones of Victoria were guests of the Robertson home on Thanksgiving Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Herrin from Palacios were business visitors here on Saturday last. They will leave for Corpus this week.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Long have moved into the residence recently vacated by Mrs. Anna Long. Mrs. Long is in San Angelo at this time.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, with Mrs. Frank Pearce, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green over in Vanderbilt on Thursday evening.

The Q. R. Thedford family and Mrs. L. Compton ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. Thedford’s mother in Lolita.

Mrs. Lillie Upton and sons were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Walsh in Ganado on Thursday.

A message was received here telling us that our friend Tony Bienzensky of Houston had died quite suddenly Nov. 23rd. Tony was a son-in-law of E. H. Linton of Francitas. To his family and to Mrs. Bienzensky (Lula Linton) we extend sincere sympathy.

A message came from Oconto, Neb., on November 26th that our friend Clarence Joines had passed away, also. Clarence was the oldest brother of Robert R. Joines. Mr. Joines is survived by five sisters and seven brothers. He had three daughters, also, who are left to mourn his passing. One brother, Clyde, preceded him in death. Clarence was the big boy in the old Buhler school when the writer was teaching there way back in 1909. To the bereaved family we extend deep sympathy.

Edna Weekly Herald, December 2, 1948

Francitas Facts.

On Thanksgiving Day, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Langston, there was a family reunion with all the children and grandchildren present. They were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wyatt and little son of Palacios, Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Langston and children of Houston, Mrs. Lucile Langston and son, George, of Kerrville, Watts Langston of Bronson, and Mrs. Arvid Swenson of Olivia. Mrs. Buck, Mrs. L. Langston’s mother, was also a guest at this home over the week end.

We congratulate these boys and girls for bringing smiles of happiness to the faces of their mother and father. We need more family reunions.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston visited at the Pearce home Wednesday night and Thursday of the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rhodes and children of Houston visited at the Wm. Parrish home Friday and Saturday. They also visited Mrs. Rhodes’ mother in Palacios.

Mesdames Josie Green of Houston and Carey Hammonds of Palacios were guests at the Pearce home here on Saturday, the 4th; also called on Mrs. Lily Upton.

Mrs. Merrifield of Palacios, who is now with her son, M. R. Powers at the Gas Camp Row, visited over here Friday.

We are sorry to state that M. R. Powers is now in the hospital at El Campo. We trust for him a speedy recovery.

Mr. Jeff Stout has moved out onto his tract of land north of town and will try farming.

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Linton in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. John Koch are back home again, after spending a few months in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Starwald of South Dakota, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sphonard of Nebraska are here to visit at the T. G. Whorton home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green of Brownsville are visiting at the Bryant Green home.

Edna Weekly Herald, December 9, 1948

I. C. I. S. D. Takes In Francitas and Inez

The question of the consolidation of the Industrial Consolidated Independent School District (formerly Vanderbilt, Lolita and LaWard) with the Inez and Francitas Common School District became a reality as a result of the elections held Saturday, December 4, 1948.

218 votes were cast at the various schools with 214 votes for consolidation and 4 against.

It is felt that the consolidation will be of mutual benefit to all groups concerned, especially since the Inez children have attended the Vanderbilt school previously and the Francitas children have attended LaWard and Lolita School. They election was a formality to legally combine these schools.

The new district is known as Industrial Consolidated Independent School District. Its boundaries extend to the eastern line of Jackson County and several miles into Victoria County on the west. It will border on the bay and Calhoun County line on the south. The district will have schools operating in Vanderbilt, Lolita, LaWard, Inez and Francitas. All schools will operate for full nine months and be fully accredited with the State Department of Education. The new district will have approximately 900 scholastics and 50 teachers.


Edna Weekly Herald, December 9, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Bozeman were here on December 10th to help celebrate her father’s (John Koch) birthday.

Johnnie L. Koch had a few of his friends in one evening last week to a “42” party. I believe he, too, had a birthday in December.

Mesdames Fleeman and Meyers of Little Kentucky, with Mr. Fleeman, were chatting with friends here last Sunday. Mrs. Fleeman tells us that her father is visiting at their home.

Messrs. Everett Griffith and J. Berry, of Lufkin, visited at the W. Griffith home a few days the past week.

Mrs. John Long of Texas City is a guest of Mrs. D. P. Long at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Long were down from Ganado Sunday, the 12th.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffith of El Campo visited here Sunday.

Mr. Clay Robertson received word that his brother, A. Robertson of Ganado, was badly hurt when a train hit his truck at a crossing in Edna Monday night. Two other people who were riding him were killed. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson are now in El Campo (Tuesday) where his brother is in the hospital. We trust his injuries are not serious.

Mr. Charney Walker of LaWard visited over here Monday last.

Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna visited her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford, on Tuesday of this week.

E. H. Linton spent a few days in Houston the past week.

Mr. Linton of Houston was here a few days last week.

Little Kenneth Light “rode the route” with his grandpa, H. Clapp, Saturday.

We are pleased to learn that our friend, Rev. Neely and wife of Yoakum expect to be here sometime during the holidays. Mrs. Neely, as you know, is a sister to five of our townsfolk and she is always interested in the Facts From Francitas.

Since next week is Christmas week, let us say, “Merry Christmas to all our friends, here and elsewhere, the staff and to you other writers. Let’s make the Herald for 1949 the very best paper ever.”


Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, December 16, 1948