Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
January - June 1948


Francitas Facts.

[There is a large crease running diagonally across the lower half of this column. Some blanks have been inserted when the word was impossible to ascertain from the context of the sentence.]


Mr. Wingart's nephew, Mr. Brinkman, from Ohio, was here for a few days in December.


Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vickers of Beaumont spent a few days before Christmas here with his sister, Mrs. Raymond Emley. Mrs. Emley has been quite ill during the holiday season, but is much better at this time.


Mrs. Edna Wood of Los Angeles, California is here with her sister, Mrs. Emley.


Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wofford and children of Dickinson spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford.


Our friend, Bailey Summers, who is stationed at Matagorda was chatting with friends here on Monday of last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Langston of Houston ate Christmas dinner with his mother, Mrs. J. D. Langston.


Mrs. Lillie Upton and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Walsh in Ganado on Christmas Day.


Mr. and Mrs. Guy Joines and daughter, Miss Birdie of Beaumont, visited Grandma and Miss Helena Koch.


Mesdames Jones, Allen and Knopp, with Mrs. Jones' daughter, Vera Jewel, were guests at the Emley home Dec. 21.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce attended the school program and community Christmas tree in Deutschburg on Tuesday evening, Dec. 23rd. Mrs. Hill and her little group of school boys and girls presented a very entertaining program, then Santa stormed in and made the little ones very happy by presenting each one a gift from the beautiful tree in its traditional corner. The unique decorating of the stage brought many compliments to the little school.


Our townsfolk here enjoyed the school program and community tree on Wednesday evening, Dec. 24th. The entire school presented a playlet, "Christmas Carols," singing familiar Christmas hymns while decorating the tree on stage. Very ____ and very appropriate for Christmas. Mrs. Thedford was assisted by the older girls who now attend school over in Lolita. Sure, we had Santa, too. That's why we always have our programs (Deutschburg and Francitas) on different evenings--gives Santa a chance and all of us also. Yes, our tree stood in the accustomed place, a very nice "salt cedar" gaily dressed and ladened with gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. John _____ and Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy? and son, Leon, of Texas City were here for Christmas.


Mr. R. Green spent Christmas in Yoakum.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, with Mr. and Mrs. Francis _____ ate supper with the Eugene Gr_____ family in Vanderbilt Christmas evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston spent the holidays with Mrs. Linton's mother, Mrs. Ada Joines.


Mrs. Beulah _____ of Seadrift spent Christmas day as the guest of Mrs. Emily Patterson.


Mrs. Angie _____ of Edna was a guest of the W___ton home over the Christmas holidays.


Junior Whorton who is in school at A. & M. College Station, was home for Christmas.


Mrs. Fannie _orris of El Campo visited here Christmas.


We are glad to note that our friend Mrs. Clay ___erson is home again and very much better.


The postmaster here says that in the outgoing mail since Dec. 6th over sixteen hundred "greetings" have been mailed. This gives some idea of how many were sent through the state.


Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Green spent Christmas with their son, Ernest and family of Brownsville.


Mrs. _ R. Powers and Darrell were Houston visitors over the past week end.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce spent last Sunday in Houston.


Word just reached us that Mrs. Nellie Morrow of Houston "passed on" in the Memorial Hospital at 2 a.m. Dec. 29th. Mrs. Morrow was the sister of Mrs. Nathan Dahlstrom, Mrs. Lizzie Pearce and Mrs. A. J. Stayton of LaWard. She made her home in the Buhler community for many years and has countless friends here who mourn her passing. More suitable information next week.


To each and everyone of those associated with the Herald staff and to all our readers you, and you, and you, the writer extends

"Happy New Year" Greetings.




The Edna Weekly Herald, January 1, 1948


Facts From Francitas.


We are sorry to note that Mrs. Emily Patterson is among the ailing.


Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pearce of Wosley, N. D. are guests at the home of H. G. Whorton this week.


E. B. Linton was a business visitor in Houston a few days last week.


Mr. Rice, the pastor of the Baptist Church, spent a few days here the past week teaching Bible school.


Santos Mancho of San Benito, was here last week to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Escalante.


Mr. and Mrs. Garland Long have moved back home again. They now live south of town, out on the Deutschburg road.


Eugene Long, from Port Lavaca, visited relatives here last week.


Mrs. Edna Woods, who has been here for the past several weeks at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. E. Emley, is now in Edna with Mrs. C. R. Jones. We are glad to note that Mrs. Emley is very much better at this time.


Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Swenson of Olivia visited at the Langston home here over the past week end.


Johnnie Reese, who has been out in Jal, New Mexico, was home over the past week end.


A wee little note from Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sibley of Bellaire, came to the writer to say that a little baby girl came to their home on Dec. 28th. They call her Candy Marie. The little girl likes them so much she's going to stay. Mrs. Sibley will be remembered as Miss Dorothy King of Francitas.


Mrs. Bill Jones is home again from an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Gilius Reese of Nashville, Ark.


Russell Green writes home that he is now with Uncle Sam's boys somewhere in Austria.


Folks of Francitas, the "March of Dimes" is on till January 30th. I notice the postmaster here has a couplet up by the "milk bottle" which reads like this:

"If your child had polio,

How far do YOU think

A dime would go?"


I wonder if we can't make the Francitas "donors" 100%--even if only a "dime apiece?" What do you think?


Mrs. Florence Pearce, Local Chairman


The Edna Weekly Herald, January 22, 1948

Facts From Francitas.


Johnnie Williams, who now resides at Port Lavaca, was here to visit his sister, Mrs. Omay Reese last Thursday.


Mesdames Chas. Weber and Edyth [were visitors] on the Weber farm here last week. [A portion of this paragraph was missing.]


Mr. Omay Reese, with C. J., Dorothy and Calvin visited Mrs. C. A. Bowen in Danbury Saturday. Calvin and Dorothy went on to Pasadena to accompany C. J. to his home.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce were El Campo visitors Wednesday of last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford left again for Luling on Sunday. Mrs. Wofford's father, who has been quite ill is much worse.


We are glad to report that Mrs. Raymond Emley is regaining her wonted health after several weeks illness.


A card received by the writer tells us that Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierce, who visited here a few days, are now established at Harlingen. We trust for Mr. Pierce that the climate there brings him better health.


Little Rufus Rutlidge of Louise made the "route" last Saturday with Mr. Clapp. He had a very pleasant chat with the Francitas postmaster.


Mrs. D. P. Long received a phone call from Rosewell, Oklahoma, that her mother, Mrs. Hopper, was very ill. She, with Mrs. John Long left for Boswell Saturday afternoon.


Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines of Thompson spent the past week end at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ada Joines.


Little Bobby Ray has come to stay with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hicks, so says a tiny card received by Great Grandmother, Mrs. E. Koch. Mrs. Hicks will be remembered as Miss Erma Koch of LaWard.


Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Koch, Jr., of LaWard were over here recently to let Great-grandmother Koch get acquainted with their little son. They call him Dallas (?). News comes from little Richard--at Beaumont--that he too claims to be a great-grandson. Congratulations! You three boys and to Grandmother.


Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rose, out in San Angelo, announce the arrival of a new son.


Our Pentecostal friends of LaWard came over (last week) and held evening services at the home of Mrs. E. Koch. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, but next time let us know, and we'll meet with you. We do appreciate your consideration of our Sunshine girl and her mother.




The Edna Weekly Herald, January 29, 1948

Facts From Francitas.


Mrs. Raymond Emley is again among the ailing.


Mrs. E. B. Upton and boys, visited her aunt, Mrs. M. C. Collough, while in Houston last week.


We are glad to note that little Carolyn Upton is much better and is enjoying her school work at the Blue Bird Clinic.


Mrs. Clay Robertson is again able to visit with her friends in town.


Mrs. Zora B. Page, her brother Mr. Cleveland of California, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Page and Miss Elsie Beise were chatting with friends here on Monday last.


Mrs. Louis Capak was among the ailing last week.


Alton Richardson was here Friday to visit his family.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce were in Victoria to visit Mrs. Pearce's brother, Billy Green, who is in the DeTar Hospital. We trust Billy a speedy recovery.


We have heard that our good friend, Mr. J. C. Hansen, who has spent several days in the Palacios Clinic, is now back at home.


Mrs. D. P. Long is home from Roswell, Oklahoma, where she was called to attend her mother, Mrs. Hopper. The mother "passed on" on Friday, February 6th and was laid to rest on February 7th. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Long.


The school children plan on a Valentine party for Friday afternoon, February 13th.


Mrs. Anna Mae Long has moved back home.


The Edna Weekly Herald, February 12, 1948

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Baily of Bay City were here last Wednesday to visit at the Chivers home. Mr. and Mrs. Chivers are now living at the old Landin place, out on the Clark farm.


Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Texas City visited here on Wednesday last.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were Wharton visitors last Sunday.


Mrs. R. L. Parrish of Palacios reported to us here that she had a new grandson--the little boy of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhodes, who now live in Houston.


Word just reached us that Grandma (Mrs. Henrietta Schultze) of Deutschburg, "passed on" at her home this morning, February 17th. She was laid away in the Deutschburg Cemetery on February 18th. Grandma had been ill for many months and death was not unexpected. To her loved ones and her many friends, we extend our sympathy. (More next week.)


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce visited in Corpus Christi on Monday and Tuesday of this week.


Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty of Texas City, were here Sunday.


Word reached us recently that the baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen over in Texas City, is very ill. We trust for the babe a speedy recovery.


R. L. Long is home from the service and is here with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Long.


Mrs. Cecil Bowen and children are here at this writing.


The Edna Weekly Herald, February 19, 1948

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. "Shorty" Mayers of Ganado were here Sunday to visit with Mrs. Elizabeth and Miss Helena Koch. They had as their guests in the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. John Koch and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morris. Mrs. Koch and Miss Lena were very grateful to Mrs. Mayers for the good "home-made" sausage that they brought along with her.


We are glad to hear that Mrs. Koch's grandson, Carson Joines is on his way home from "service" in California. Carson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Joines of Beaumont.


Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geffert and son of Chicago, with Mrs. Geffert's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Manson of Palacios, were here on Wednesday, the 3rd to visit at the Pearce home.


Mr. and Mrs. George Whitworth of Vanderbilt were business visitors at the Pearce home on the 4th inst.


Messrs. Watts and Wilburn Langston were here last week to be at the bedside of their father, J. D. Langston, who is still very ill. We trust for our friend a speedy recovery.


Ernest Green of Brownsville was here last week end to visit his parents' household, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Green.


Miss Lula Maud Hawkins of Houston was chatting with friends here Saturday last.


Miss Sue Upton is home from the Blue Bird Clinic in Houston where she has spent the past several months. We are glad that "Bebe" is much better and is now back in school here. Congratulations to you, Bebe.


Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Capak were in Edna last Saturday.


The little son, William Junior, of Mr. and Mrs. William Parrish was taken to the Wilcox Clinic in Palacios early Monday morning for treatment. He had swallowed a small amount of kerosene. We are glad to note that he is now out of danger.


Mr. and Mrs. Junior Thedford are the proud parents of another little son, who came via the Clinic in Palacios on February 5th. They call him Gerald Parker, but when he arrives home we just might possibly rename him "Johnnie." (I got this information from Gerald's grandmother, so don’t tell.)


The new subscriptions for the Herald this week are T. A. Hawkins of Houston and Guy Joines of Beaumont.


Mrs. Ben Pearce has asked me to announce that she, as local chairman of the Red Cross Drive in Francitas has asked Mrs. William Parrish to assist her. These two ladies will try to contact each person in Francitas, but if you are willing to help put this drive over, you will find the pins and cards, and even the stickers for your windows at the post office. Francitas people have received quite a bit of help "from" the Red Cross in the days past. So now we are asking you to give help "to" the Red Cross. Will you and you?


The Edna Weekly Herald, March 11, 1948

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Thomas of Bay City visited here on Monday of this week.


Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were business visitors in Wharton Monday.


The writer has received an invitation to attend a birthday party given for our friend, Mrs. Julia Ann Hawkins, who will be one hundred years old on March 21st. Grandma is now living at 111 Griffin St., Houston, Texas.


Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty of Texas City, were visiting here the past Sunday.


C. A. Bowen, who is now working in Texas City, visited his family here Sunday.


Mrs. Ethel Green was taken to Houston Tuesday to receive medical aid. She is suffering form a carbuncle on the back of her neck. We trust for her a speedy recovery.


Mrs. Thedford and little Gary Parker came home from the Palacios Hospital on Tuesday, March 9th.


Mrs. C. K. Walker of LaWard visited Mrs. Clay Robertson over here one day last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Linton and little sons, Gerry and Ronny, who are now living in California, are back in Texas for a visit with homefolks at Louise, Palacios and Francitas. It's Ronny's first visit to Texas.


Mr. J. D. Langston is home again from the El Campo Hospital. He and Mrs. Langston are both better.


Mrs. R. Emley was "walking uptown" on Friday last. She's looking fine.


The Edna Weekly Herald, March 18, 1948

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers of Nacogdoches were here for a few days last week.


C. H. Wilson of Deutschburg was a business visitor over here on Saturday last.


Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Sweeny were over here a few days of last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long of Ganado visited here Sunday.


Miss Loraine Joines is visiting in Houston at this writing.


We hear that our friend, Mrs. Charney Walker of LaWard, is very ill. We trust for her a speedy return to health.


Mrs. C. A. Bowen was in Bay City a few days last week while her little daughter was in Matagorda County Hospital.


Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton and family visited over here Sunday last.


Mrs. Q. R. Thedford resumed her duties at the school here on Monday of this week.


Mr. J. D. Langston is in Houston at this time at the home of his son, Wilburn Langston.


Mrs. Anna Mae Long was taken to the Palacios Clinic on Wednesday of last week where she had to undergo a very serious operation. We are glad to note that she is now on the road to recovery.


Mrs. H. Clapp, with Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Linton, were visiting our town on Monday of this week.


Mr. Lloyd Hendon was chatting with friends here Friday.


Mrs. Bill Green, who was taken to Houston for medical treatment, is home again and very much better.


Mr. J. L. Koch was a business visitor in Edna last Friday.


The Morris family were Palacios visitors Saturday evening.


Mrs. D. P. Long, with her daughters-in-law, Anna Mae and Louise, were in Palacios Friday to visit Mrs. Anna Mae (C. D.) Long, who is in the Clinic.


We are made sad by the news that our Pentecostal minister, Brother Lee, is very ill. We trust that he is much better.


The Edna Weekly Herald, March 25 1948

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bienenski of Houston visited here on Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roach and son, Donald, of Houston were guests at the Clay Robertson home on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson had, also as their guests for Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce.


John Green spent a few days in Refugio last week. His sister, Mrs. George Neely, accompanied him home on Saturday to spend the Easter Day here with her sister and brothers.


The Thedford family, with Mrs. L. Compton, were visiting in Lolita Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen were here Sunday. They enjoyed the "outdoor" luncheon with her parents and the other Wofford families, down on the river--the Francitas playground.


Mr. and Mrs. William Parrish and little sons, were Houston visitors on Easter to get acquainted with their new nephew, little Robert Rhodes, Jr.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were Wharton visitors on Monday last.


Mr. and Mrs. Louis Capak are the Francitas new subscribers for our Herald.


Mrs. Jack Langston was in Houston for a few days to visit with her husband, who is spending a few weeks in Houston. We are glad to know that Mr. Langston is improving, and hopes to be home in a short time. Congratulations!


Mrs. Elizabeth Koch and Miss Helena enjoyed the Easter tide. They, as usual, were made happy by the receipt of many greetings and were thrice happy by the privilege of sending sweet greetings to their friends here and elsewhere.


The Edna Weekly Herald, April 1, 1948

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowen have moved from our midst over to LaWard. We wish them well in their new home.


Joe B. Allen of Blessing was chatting with friends here on Saturday last.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna were here last Thursday.


Mr. and Mrs. Guy Joines, Mrs. Christy Sparks and her brother, Carson Joines and Mr. Holt of Beaumont were here to visit Grandma Koch's a few days last week. Carson had not been here since he joined the "colors" a few years ago.


Mrs. Clay Robertson was visiting at the C. K. Walker home in LaWard on Friday. Mrs. Walker was taken to an El Campo hospital on the following Sunday. We trust our friend a speedy return to health.


Mrs. Anna Mae Long who has been in the Palacios Clinic for more than a week was brought home last Friday. We are glad to note that she is very much improved. Congratulations!


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Yoas of the Little Kentucky community were visitors at the Pearce home on Sunday last.


On Thursday of last week, Mr. Eddie Reese and Mrs. LaVon Green of Edna were married. To these young people we extend congratulations, and best wishes. They are now at the home of Eddie's mother, but will make their home in Bay City.


Mrs. Bernie Eldred of Wharton was a visitor here Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce were in El Campo Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. George Whitworth of Vanderbilt who is a patient at the Nightingale hospital.


The Edna Weekly Herald, April 8, 1948

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Louis Capak was very ill last week, but we are happy to note that she is much better now.


In the recent school trustee election here, Mr. Robert Koch was re-elected as the new trustee.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy were visitors in Texas City a few days last week.


Mr. R. Green was visiting in Texas City a few days last week.


Mrs. Carol Young of Houston, with her sister, Mrs. C. R. Jones of Edna, were here last Thursday to visit their sister, Mrs. E. Emley.


Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Reese were in LaWard last Friday.


Mesdames G. C. Long and W. Griffith were in El Campo last Friday to be at the bedside of Mrs. J. W. Griffith, who is in the Nightingale Hospital. We trust for Mrs. Griffith a speedy recovery.


Miss Violet Thedford of San Antonio, and her mother, Mrs. Thedford of Lolita were here Sunday to visit in the home of Quinton Thedford. Miss Thedford had not seen her new nephew, little Gary, till this visit with homefolks here.


Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston were here Sunday last.


Mrs. Marvin Powers and son, Darrell, spent a few days in Shepherd last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy were calling at the Thatcher home in Deutschburg last Sunday afternoon.


Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnell, all of Houston were here over the past week end as guests of the Ben Pearce home. They all visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce Sunday, and had a picnic dinner down by the river side.


The Edna Weekly Herald, April 15, 1948

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty have returned to their home in Texas City after a few days visit here with homefolks.


Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen were here to visit over the week end.


Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Texas City visited here last week.


Mrs. Lillie Upton with Kenneth, Sue, and Hope Thedford, were in Houston one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Long went up with Mrs. Upton, and came back in their new car they purchased on the trip.


Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Landers of Waco were here last week end to visit with Leon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy.


Mrs. Marvin Powers and Darrell were in Kingsville one day this past week.


Mr. and Mrs. McMichiel, from the Gas Plant, visited over here on Sunday.


Mrs. Elizabeth Koch and Miss Helena were made happy by the visit from her two sons and wives, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Koch and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koch of Silsbee, Texas. With them were Willie's son, Benny, and wife and little daughter, Katherine. They all enjoyed a fishing trip and had a fish supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Koch. After supper they had fun playing 42. Mrs. Koch and Miss Helena enjoyed the outing very much, as they have been shut-ins most all of the past winter. We understand that Benny and wife will make their home at Silsbee for the coming year. Welcome back to Texas!


Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rice of Yoakum were here last Sunday to hold services at the church. That reminds me that the 4th Sunday in each month is church day here.


Mr. and Mrs. Willie Adolph and Benny Koch left Monday to visit with Mrs. Willie Koch's brother, Floyd Goodman, near Ganado, before returning their home.


The Edna Weekly Herald, April 22, 1948

Francitas Facts.


Messrs. Roy Bean and Hudson, two friends of the Pearces, were here this week. They enjoyed chatting with friends about the old days in Francitas.


Mr. W. H. King of Bay City was shaking hands with friends over here Saturday.


Mrs. Gene Martin of LaWard visited the Pearce home here on Saturday last.


Mr. and Mrs. B L. Pierce of Farmersville visited his sister, Mrs. L. Compton, and family over the past week end. They also visited relatives and friends over in Lolita. Mr. Pearce held services in Lolita on Sunday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Thedford and family attended Church in Lolita Sunday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, with Mr. Frank Pierce, were in Palacios Sunday evening to attend church services.


Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus were here over the past week end.


Mrs. Gertrude Price of Houston and Mrs. Robert Parrish of Palacios, were callers at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Koch on Sunday.


Mesdames Walter Griffith, William Parrish, and John Koch were also at Mrs. Koch's Sunday afternoon. Just a gathering of old friends, talking over ye olden days.


Mrs. Koch reports that her grandson, Raymond Joines, of Beaumont, is home again from the hospital, after a very serious operation. Congratulations to you--Raymond.


Just happened to find, among some old papers, a copy of The Lariat, published in November, 1940. In reading one article, "Our Objectives" I find, quote "The last set of objectives--civic responsibility, teaches students to be Democratic, to be tolerant, and to be well educated, citizens." Made me wonder if anyone knows just how many of the 1940 students who were called to the colors In the past eight years and just how they have been called upon to test this teaching?


The gardeners and farmers are needing some April showers or they may not have any flowers."


The Edna Weekly Herald, April 22, 1948

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Reese of Edna were week end visitors here.


Mrs. Maude Herren of Williamsburg, Nebraska, was a business visitor here last Thursday.


Mesdames Gertrude and Lillian Jones of Edna were here to visit with Mrs. Raymond Emley on Saturday last. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Emley is on the ailing list again. Better at this writing, however.


Mrs. Wm. Light and her sons, and Miss Alice Clapp visited briefly at the Pearce home on Saturday last. Mr. Light is over in Baton Rouge, La., at this time.


Mrs. Hilda Jones and little Loretta Jones were here to visit with Mrs. Lester Jones and Mrs. Robert Long, a few days last week.


H. G. Whorton, Jr., was home from College Station to spend the week end with homefolks.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers of Nacogdoches, and Mrs. A. P. Cowgill of New York State, were here for a few days last week. Mrs. Cowgill had not been in our town for many years. She is the younger daughter of the late Mr. W. F. Schwind.


Mrs. E. H. Linton was called to Bay City one day last week to bring her little grandson, James, home with her. The mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Reese, were in an auto accident. Each of them suffered a broken arm. We trust for them a speedy recovery.


The Edna Weekly Herald, May 6, 1948

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton and W. R. Joines of Houston were here over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. William Parrish were in Palacios Saturday to visit with Mrs. Robert Parrish, who is ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhodes of Houston were here last Saturday to visit at the William Parrish home. They also visited in Palacios.

Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Swenson of Olivia were here to spend Mother’s Day with Mr. and Mrs. Langston.

Word came to us that Wilburn Langston of Houston was injured in an auto wreck. We did not learn just how badly he was injured.

Frank Boultinghouse of Bay City is here to visit Eugene Long this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna were here to see her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford, on Mother’s Day.

Among those visiting at the R. R. Joines home last week were Mrs. W. R. Linton of Palacios and her son, Cecil and wife of Jacksonville, Fla.

Mr. Robert Long went to Kingsville last Friday to receive treatment for his foot, which was injured while working on the railroad.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy, with Mrs. M. A. Long, were business visitors in Ganado last Friday. Mrs. Hilda Jones was also a Ganado visitor.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Reese of Bay City were here to visit with Tony’s mother, Mrs. Omay Reese, over the past week end.

Johnnie Reese of Houston spent the past week end with his mother here.

The writer received a wedding announcement which announced the marriage of Charles Jashelski of El Monte, California on Aril 13th. Charles Edwin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Thatcher, our neighbors here. Congratulations to you, Edwin and Clara!

Correction—In last week’s items there was an error which read “Mrs. E. H. Linton went to Bay City. Did the paper slip? Anyway, this should have read “Mrs. Omay Reese,” and the item that was omitted was this: Mr. E. H. Hinton was called to Houston by the illness of his daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Christian. Mr. Linton is home again and says that Mrs. Christian is much better.

The post master here asked me to announce that there will be a re-enactment of an airmail flight made from Galveston to Lamarque in 1912, as part of the local observance of the 30th anniversary of Air Mail Celebration May 15-21. If anyone wishes to get a copy of the cachet he may do so by sending a self-addressed envelope to Galveston, bearing regular airmail postage (5c) with his request. Send to Postmaster, Galveston, Texas. The request must reach Galveston before May 15th.


Edna Weekly Herald, May 13, 1948

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Chambless and little granddaughter of Burleson, Texas were here last week visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Compton and family. They also visited friends and relatives in Lolita


Lee Martin of Ganado was chatting with friends here one day the past week.


Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whorton are home from Edna. They both have been ill and were at the home of Mr. Whorton's mother, Mrs. Angie Knopp. We are glad to report that they are both much better.


Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dahlstrom, with Mrs. Lizzie Pearce of LaWard, were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Ada Joines last Sunday. They also visited at the Ben Pearce home.


News was brought to us that Mrs. Sam Clifton of Damon had passed away. This good lady had many friends here and at LaWard as she was a long time resident in LaWard. She lived, and loved, and laughed, and lifted all of us to higher ways of living by her kindness. To know her was to love her. She could say as Saint Paul wrote: "For me to live is Christ, but to die is gain." Yes, that was Nora, our friend. She was a sister to Mrs. Charles Koch, Sr., of LaWard, and to Phillip Manning, at Gas Camp Row. To these and to all her family, we extend sympathy.


Mrs. Elizabeth Koch was very much pleased to get a greeting from our friends, the B. F. Lees on Mother's Day. They are now in Hodge, La.


She was also made happy by the friends and relatives here who visited her and Miss Helena, and grateful for the greetings from friends elsewhere. Then--just a few days down the May calendar--there was the 16th, her birthday. From early morn until late in the day, she received visitors, coming to her with greetings and gifts. She received a special greeting from her home "Lodge" at Cuero, sent by Mrs. George Smith, the secretary, which made her very happy. In the afternoon, the boys and girls went down with the Francitas baby, little Gary Thedford, and took the baby's picture with Miss Helena, for an extra gift for the mother. Mr. and Mrs. John Koch had dinner with them, most of which was prepared from fruit and vegetables that were gifts from the others of Grandma's family. To one and all, Mrs. Koch says: "Thank you, my friends, and my children."


The last report from Palacios Hospital says that Mrs. Raymond Emley is much better.


Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jones, from the Rich Square community, were here Sunday. Lester Jones, who is working in Victoria, was here also to spend the day with his family.


The Edna Weekly Herald, May 20, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers of Nacogdoches were here for a few days the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford and daughter, Donna Beth, were visiting in Luling on Sunday, May 23rd.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston visited at the Pearce home on Sunday, May 23rd.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green of Vanderbilt visited at the Pearce home on the 23rd.

Mr. and Mrs. Dee Robertson of Ganado, with Mrs. Courtney Abernathy of Corpus Christi were visiting at the Clay Robertson home Sunday, the 23rd.

Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Green of Elizabethtown, Ky., are here to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Green.

Quite a few of our townsfolk attended the closing exercises at Lolita school.

Ben H. Pearce and Mrs. Frank Pearce are in the Nightingale Hospital at El Campo, where they each underwent a major surgical operation on May 25th. We trust for both a complete recovery.

Little Lester E. Jones, Jr. who came via El Campo Hospital on May 25th, is home now with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Jones. Congratulations, Junior!

Mr. and Mrs. David Graham and Henry Castell of Yoakum spent the last week end here.

Mrs. W. L. [Addie] Linton of Palacios is visiting at the W. R. Joines home.

Watts Langston of Orange, Texas and Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Langston and children of Houston visited at the Langston home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dahlstrom with Mrs. Lizzie Pearce of LaWard, and Mrs. Ben Pearce were at the El Campo Hospital on Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson and Mrs. Lily Upton were in El Campo Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi were here Tuesday of last week, and also spent the week end here.

Mesdames H. L. Morris and J. L. Koch were called to Ganado Sunday to be at the bedside of their sister, who is very ill.

Misses Gertrude and Kay Kellogg of Kerrville, are here for a visit with homefolks.

Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, June 3, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Robert Koch spent a few days in Palacios last week.

Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hawkins and family visited at LaWard and here over the week end.

Robert Manning of Yoakum and Donald Bozmann of Sublime are here holding a two weeks revival. We trust they will have much success and strengthen the church.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Watts have moved to Palacios. We wish them success in their new home.

Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Meyers of Ganado were here to visit Mrs. E. Koch one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty of Texas City spent a few days here last week.

The family of J. L. Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Jerges of Ganado all enjoyed a barbecue with Mrs. Koch and Lena at the home of Robert Koch on Sunday, June 6th. Mrs. Koch and Lena wish to thank all those who helped to make the day enjoyable.

Mrs. Herbert Koch of Beaumont sends us word that her sister was killed in an auto wreck in Lubbock on the 9th inst. She was laid to rest in Beaumont. The friends and relatives here extend sympathy to Mrs. H. Koch.


To all our friends here, and elsewhere, who were so kind and helpful during the illness of Mr. Ben Pearce and Mrs. Frank Pearce, let us say “Thank You, every one of you.”

Francitas, Texas

Mrs. L. Compton spent most of last week in Lolita.

Bro. Jesse Rich of Yoakum was here over the past week end to assist the boys in their meeting.

Little Linda Hafner of Houston is here to visit her aunt, Mrs. M. R. Powers.

Misses Kay and Gertrude Kellogg returned to Kerrville on Sunday, the 13th.

Edna Weekly Herald, June 17, 1948

Francitas Facts.

Following the two weeks’ meeting here, the Baptist people had 15 added in the church by Baptism.

Most of the people of this community had dinner “down on the river” Sunday, and the baptismal services in the afternoon.

Robert Manning has gone on to LaWard to assist the singers in the LaWard revival which began Sunday.

We are sorry to report that little William Parrish, Jr., is in the Bay City hospital suffering of fever.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson were El Campo visitors on Saturday last.

Mr. and Mrs. George Neely of Yoakum, who were here to attend the “meeting” have gone to Matagorda to visit their daughter.

We are glad to note that Mrs. Raymond Emley seems to be very much better.

Mrs. Elizabeth Koch heard from our friend, Mrs. H. Dunham, out in Salinas, California, that she is much better. As her friends know, she has been a wheel chair patient for over five years.

Mr. H. Clapp tells us that his son-in-law, William F. Light, will sail for Caracas, Venezuela, in the near future. He has accepted a position which will keep him there for the next two years or longer. His wife and sons will join him later.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carvell of Houston were supper guests at the Pearce home Saturday evening.

Miss Georgie Marie Linton of Houston spent the past week here as the guest of Miss Ettie [Etta Jean] Joines.

Edna Weekly Herald, June 27, 1948