Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
July - December 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce spent the last week end of June in Corpus.


The two new section hands on the Missouri-Pacific here are Virgil Price and L. H. Morris of Palacios. Mr. and Mrs. Morris have moved into the home "up in the Mott" west of town.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koch are back home again down on the Comstock Corner.


Another ball game was played here Sunday, June 29th. Who won? I did not learn.


Mrs. Page of Palacios, with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James Page, visited over here Friday last.


Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ainsworth of Texas City and Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Markham visited at the Reese home over the 4th.


Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford and family visited in Lolita on the 4th, and they also spent Sunday afternoon in Lolita as guests of Quinton's brother.


The J. W. Wofford family had a 4th of July picnic over on the Navidad (?) River.


Mrs. J. H. Currie is now with her mother in Tivoli.


Messrs. L. D. George and Banks Dorton spent a few days here visiting their sister, Mrs. B. H. Pearce.


C. J. Reese of Houston visited at his mother's home here over the past week end.


Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier of the Gas Camp Row have a new baby girl. They call her "Janis Carol."


Mrs. Phillip Manning is in the Palacios Hospital this week. We are glad to note she's much better today.


O. I. Harris from the Midway community was chatting with friends here on Tuesday.


Mrs. Bryant Green is with her son in Wharton this week.


The series of meetings held here conducted by Mr. Rice of Yoakum came to a close Sunday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen of LaWard visited here Sunday.


Mrs. W. R. Joines and Miss Betty Joines and Miss Ettie [Etta] Gene [Jean] are home from a few weeks visit in Tennessee.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, July 10, 1947

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Lon Smith of Waco visited relatives here last week.

Leonard Hodges of Seadrift, who has been here a few days, returned home on Tuesday of this week.

I. Yonet, of Galveston was a business visitor here on Wednesday of last week.

Mrs. Masterson, our "old age pension" lady was here for her last visit on Wednesday last. She's moving to Wharton, Texas.

Eugene Green, Sr., was over here from Vanderbilt on Sunday.

Little Douglas Griffith was injured last week by a barb wire cut. He's recuperating nicely.

Both Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Rampmeier are home from the hospital, and both are well on the road to recovery. Congratulations! Of course, little Janis Carol Rampmeier is the "littlest"  girl in camp. She weighs 5 pounds now.

The Thedford family was in Lolita Sunday evening.

Another ball game! Yes, and Francitas won over Midway again. Several out-of-town people were here Sunday to cheer the boys in the game.

Mrs. E. Koch tells us that her great grandson, Douglas Wayne Burns, is in the hospital at Orange Grove. He was injured in a car wreck.

Mrs. Koch also tells us that she has three "new" great-grand children in June. Triplets? No, they each have his own special birthday.

The friends here of Luther Ragsday (Hardy) will be interested to know that Luther and Miss Mary Bates were married in Elk, New Mexico on June 13th. They were in Oklahoma on their honey moon, but did not get into Texas.

We are glad to note that Mrs. Bryant Green is able to come to "town" again. She is beginning to feel her own self again.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green were among those from Francitas who attended services in LaWard Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston were here over the week end. They tell us our good friend Mrs. Nellie Morrow, is very ill.

We are glad to note that Mr. and Mrs. Emeley, are both much better at this writing.

The nice rain that fell here Monday has made the gardens and crops look much fresher here.

Mrs. Lucille Conley, who is recuperating from a recent operation (in Victoria) at the home of Mrs. Frank Pearce spent Saturday with the Pearces. She is much better.

Mr. Thomas, who lived at LaWard a few years back, was chatting with friends here on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty have moved into the Summers' residence up by the old Schwind home. Mr. Beaty is now bringing us our cold drinks (refreshing "7 Up's") from Bay City.

Edna Weekly Herald, July 17, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mesdames H. Clapp and N. D. Linton, with Miss Alice Clapp and little Jerry Linton, of Louise visited here last Wednesday.


Miss Joyce Pruitt of LaWard visited here last Thursday.


Mrs. Ruby Parrish is in the clinic in Palacios where she underwent a major operation.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce visited Mrs. Parrish Sunday evening. Have you, her friends, been down to visit the nice, new hospital?


Among the ailing here the past week were Goldie Joines and Hope Thedford. We are glad to note they are much better at this writing.


Mrs. J. B. Compton has been "laid up" nursing a bad knee caused from a fall.


Mr. and Mrs. Ellis of Dallas were over here last Thursday evening with our LaWard friends to hold services.


Mr. and Mrs. Roskydall of Arkansas are here with their crew to do some work on our Missouri Pacific Railroad.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers and Miss Mary Young of Kansas are here to spend a few weeks at the old home place.


Mrs. Bryant Green's brother, Mr. Dorris, is here for a few days' visit.


Mr. and Mrs. Wingart had as a guest a few days last week, a nephew of Mr. Wingart's from Ohio, Ward Seery.


C. D. Long is home from Galveston to visit with his family a few weeks.


Mrs. Louise Long and sons were down here from Ganado last Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones form Grapeland stopped for a chat here last Saturday. They will be remembered as those who helped to "build" our gas plant.


Mrs. Clay Robertson received a phone message last Sunday night that her father, Mr. W. R. Wright, of Houston, had passed away. Our sympathy is with our friend.


Mrs. Fred Fossett of Tivoli spent a few days here last week with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Currie.


Mesdames Frank Pearce and Clarence Conley spent Sunday night and Monday in Vanderbilt with their father.


The Edna Weekly Herald, July 24, 1947

Francitas Facts.


R. G. Green spent last week in Wharton with her son, Ernest.


Mr. and Mrs. Beaty of Houston visited at the James E. Beaty home here a few days last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Kelly of Palacios visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Koch Sunday. Mrs. Kelly also called on Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena.


Mrs. E. Koch tells us that her cousin Richard Saur of Cuero, "passed away last week." We extend sympathy to Mrs. Koch and Lena.


Mr. and Mrs. Cuppenger and daughter were over here from Palacios last Saturday. They are spending a few weeks in Palacios while looking after business interests here. Mrs. Cuppinger will be remembered as the daughter of the late Byron Clark, an old Francitian.


Mrs. Marion Linton is visiting in Cisco, Texas at this writing.


Messrs. Marion and Emit Linton were Houston visitors last week.


Mr. Frank Haidusek of LaWard passed away in the hospital at El Campo last week. He was laid to rest in the Hillje Cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by the priest of the Hillje Catholic church. To the Haidusek family we extend sincere sympathy.


Mrs. Clay Robertson was called to Houston Sunday, the 20th, by the death of her father, Mr. J. R. Wright. To this friend we extend sympathy in her sorrow.


Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whorton and son, Roger, with Mrs. Angie Knopp, are on an extended visit with relatives in Colorado, Washington and Minnesota. Grant, Jr., is home to see after things at the ranch.


Mr. Grady of Sweeny spent all of last week here with his tent show. He and his daughter are now stopping at the Gaines Fig Farm where he's "showing."


Sue Carolyn Upton was taken to Houston for an examination at the clinic on Thursday last. Her mother took her back Sunday. She expects to remain there for treatment. We wish for Bebe a speedy recovery.


Mrs. R. Emley is able to be "up town" again. Congratulations.


The Edna Weekly Herald, July 31, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Clay Robertson visited in Houston last week.


Mesdames Jetton (Edna) and Cumby of Ganado were here last Wednesday to visit Mr. Wm. Jones who is very ill.


Mrs. Henry Smith of Holley, Colo., is here to be at the bedside of her father, W. M. Jones, who is very ill.


Jack Upton is home for a few days.


Mrs. Upton and boys with Virgie Rice were in Houston to visit Sue Carolyn Upton who is being treated at the Blue Bird Clinic.


Messrs. Calvin and Wheeler Joines of Houston visited homefolks here last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus spent the past week end visiting relatives here.


Mrs. Lydia Carvell of Beaumont is here to visit her brother Robert W. Koch, who is quite ill. We are glad to report Robert is much better.


Mrs. Thelma Hunnicutt with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. (Billy) Jones of Nashville, Arkansas, were here last week. Mrs. Hunnicutt also visited in LaWard Sunday.


Mrs. Hunnicutt and the Billy Jones [family] left for their home. Mrs. Marshall remained here with her husband.


Mrs. Bryant Green is visiting in Giddings, Texas.


Port Lavaca boys and Francitas played ball here Sunday afternoon.


Church of Christ announces that there will be a Bible Study at the church every Sunday afternoon until further notice.


Mrs. M. Linton is expected home this week from a visit in Cisco.


Mr. and Mrs. Garland long of El Campo visited at the Griffith home Sunday.


We are glad to note that Mrs. Compton is able to walk up town again.


Mrs. Clarence Conley was a dinner guest at the B. H. Pearce home on Monday last.


Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Morris and children visited in Ganado Saturday night.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers with his nephew, Mrs. Bill Summers are again here for a few days.


Services at the church (Pentecostal) will begin one half hour later (8:30 P. M.) on this coming Thursday evening.


The Edna Weekly Herald, August 7, 1947


Francitas Facts.

Mrs. M. Linton is home from a visit with her sister in Cisco.

Marvin Joines spent a few days in San Antonio last week.

Mrs. Bryant Green is home again.

Mesdames Herrin and Brother of Houston visited their mother, Mrs. Martin Green, here for a few days last week.

Johnnie Reese, from Joe, New Mexico, is here to visit his mother, Mrs. Omay Reese.

Misses Alice Clapp and Irene Chatman of Louise were here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Texas City visited relatives here over the past week end.

Gene Green of Louise was here Saturday. He visited briefly at the home of Mrs. E. Koch and spent Saturday night at the home of his sister, Mrs. Francis Pearce.

Mrs. Lillie Upton and sons, with Rosewald Thedford, Miss Pearl Koch and Virgil Rice were Houston visitors Sunday last.

Mrs. Lucille Conley is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Ralph Henderson, in Louise.

Mesdames Boles and Thatcher of the Gas Camp community visited at the Pearce home Sunday.

Robert Ray Linton of Palacios visited his aunt, Mrs. Robert Joines, a few days last week.

Mrs. E. Koch reports that her cousin, Otto Bergman, of Houston, passed away in Houston last week. She also received word that Charles Arnecke, another relative, died in Cuero. Mr. Arnecke was postmaster at Arneckeville since 1919. He was the son of the late Dr. Arnecke of Arneckeville. Funeral services were held in Meyersville. To Mrs. Koch we extend sympathy in her loss.

On Monday, August 11th, a little daughter was born at the Bay City hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Alton Richardson. They call her "Linda Jean," (or is it Gene?). Congratulations. Friends will remember Linda's mother as Margaret Joines.

Mrs. J. W. Wofford is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jack Ross, in Victoria.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long have purchased a home on the southside of town owned by Mr. and Mrs. M. Linton.

Mrs. Edison Carvell of Beaumont visited relatives here a few days last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Thedford visited his mother in Lolita Sunday afternoon.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 14, 1947

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green of Wharton visited at his father's house here a few days last week.

Mrs. J. W. Wofford is home again from Victoria where she has been at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Ross. We are glad to report that Mrs. Ross is improving.

Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna was here to help in the store while her mother, Mrs. Wofford was away.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Joines and daughter, Birdie, and little Steve Sparks (grandson) are visiting relatives here. Guy has enjoyed a few fishing "trips."

Mr. and Mrs. R H. Carnell of Houston spent Saturday and Sunday at the Ben Pearce home.

Richard Hopson from East, Texas, is here to visit his uncle, W. Griffith.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bienewski of Houston visited her father here a few days last week. They are in Palacios at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines, with her brother, Buddy Anderson, visited here over the past week end.

Mrs. Lillie Upton went to Houston Sunday and brought her daughter, Sue Carolyn, home. All Sue's friends are grateful and happy to have her home.

Mrs. H. B. Long of Ganado was called Monday to be at the bedside of her father, Mr. Jones, who is very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Garland Long of El Campo were business visitors here Monday.

Mrs. Lucille Conley is home again from Louise.

Mrs. R. Henderson of Louise visited briefly at the Francis Pearce home on Wednesday of last week.

Edna Weekly Herald, August 21, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Summers with Miss Mary Young left on the 20th for their home in Nacogdoches. Miss Young will leave the first of September for Kansas City, to resume her duties as teacher in the Sunset Hill school.


Miss Ida Mae Wilson from the Gas Camp community visited Mrs. Ben Pearce last Thursday.


Mrs. C. K. Walker and her mother, Mrs. Kirby of LaWard visited friends here Thursday.


Mrs. W. L. Linton of Palacios visited her brother's household here on Thursday, the 21st, to get acquainted with her little grand niece, Shirley Richardson (It's "Shirley," not  "Linda").


Mr. and Mrs. Roskydall left for Dallas on Friday last. They made many friends while here and we hope to have them here again.


Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Langston of Houston visited his mother, Mrs. J. D. Langston, here a few days last week.


Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty were in Texas City one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy accompanied them home. We understand the Abernathy's are now living in Texas City.


The election Saturday here was held by Mr. Ben Pearce, with Mesdames C. J. Wofford and Quinton Thedford assisting.


We notice from a clipping from the Houston Chronicle that fire of uncertain origin destroyed the office of Dr. C. A. Arnecke and other buildings at Arneckeville on Aug. 15th. Dr. Arnecke's cousin, Mrs. Elizabeth Koch, reported this to us.


Mrs. W. R. Wright of Houston visited her daughter, Mrs. Clay Robertson here a few days last week.


A telephone message brought us the alarming news that Mrs. Wright has a severe case of pneumonia.


Little Paula Joines had her first ride on the "choo-choo" train on August 26th--her third birthday.


Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rhodes of Houston were here last Monday.


Our friends from LaWard did not get here last Thursday for services due to the fact that they were in a revival at their LaWard church. We expect them this coming Thursday.


The Edna Weekly Herald, August 28, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Fanny Browning and son of Edna visited her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Rose, over the week end.


Little Louis Capak, Jr., who has been ill is very much better at this writing.


Mrs. Lily Upton and children spent Saturday night in Ganado at the home of Mrs. Conrad Walsh.


Jack Upton left Saturday for his duties on his ship.


Mrs. Ida Hill of Yoakum is here to visit relatives.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davis spent the past week end here.


Little Miss Kay Kellogg who has been spending her vacation here, left Friday for Houston where she had her first "air ride" from Houston to her home in Dallas.


Mr. and Mrs. Mike Strauss of Ganado visited at the Wingart home Sunday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce visited at the Dahlstrom home in LaWard Saturday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffith (who are now in El Campo) announce the birth of a little daughter August 21. They call her Kathryn Ann.


Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines are wearing smiles over the arrival of a little son August 29th. He has the name of Trent Dexter. Congratulations to this girl and boy!


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce, with Mrs. Lucile Conley, spent the Labor Day holiday at the home of Mrs. Eugene Green in Vanderbilt.


Mr. and Mrs. Linton, who are now living in Palacios, were over here Monday. We are glad to note that Mrs. Linton has completely recovered.


The Edna Weekly Herald, September 4, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Long were visitors in Old Ocean on Wednesday of last week.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers spent a few days at the Schwind home last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Tony Beinensky of Houston spent the week end here.


We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Guy Joines of Beaumont was in the hospital suffering from a bad burn. She's much better at this writing.


Mrs. Koch tells us that her cousin, Dr. Chas. Arnecke, who lost heavily in the recent fire at Arneckevile, passed away on the 3rd of September. He was __ [illegible] years old.


The school bus "picked up" our school children who will attend the LaWard-Lolita schools on Monday, Sept. 8th. Marvin Joines is the new bus driver.


Wednesday Sept 3rd, our friend Mr. William Marshall Jones "passed away" at his home here. He had been ill for many months and death was not unexpected. He was 66 years of age. He was born in Virginia, and for the past 18 years he and family lived here among us. He numbered his friends by ___ acquaintances. Mr. Jones for the past several years had suffered from ill health, and was a retiring, kindly good man. We shall miss him sorely. He was buried in El Campo Cemetery Sept. 6th. Surviving him beside his wife, Mrs. Hilda Jones, are his seven children, Mrs. Henry Smith of Holly, Colorado; Mrs. Roland Hunnicutt of Nashville, Ark.; Wendel Jones of Kansas; Lester Jones of Lewsiburg, Penn.; Billy Jones and Mesdames Harold and Robert Long of Francitas. To the bereaved ones we extend sympathy.


Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Reese and Eddie Reese from Bay City were here to visit the home of Mrs. Omay Reese Sunday last.


Our friends from Midway were over here with their base ball team on Sunday afternoon. Did not get the score on the game, but the "social" hour was enjoyed by the onlookers.


The Edna Weekly Herald, September 11, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Beam of Dallas is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lela Boles.


Mrs. Becky Finley of Corsicana visited her sister, Mrs. J. L. Langston, for a few weeks this month.


Mrs. D. P. Long is in Oklahoma to be at the bedside of her mother, who is very ill.


Mrs. Garland Long of El Campo visited homefolks here Sunday.


Mrs. Lily Upton was in Houston last Thursday, September 21st.


Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford and family visited in Corpus on Sunday.


Little Miss Hope Thedford entertained a group of her friends Monday, September 22nd, the occasion was her 12th birthday. Congratulations to Hope.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers were here from Nacogdoches over the past week end.


Miss Sue Carolyn Upton has returned to the Blue Bird Clinic in Houston. We trust for her a speedy recovery.


A wedding of unusual interest took place on Sept. 20th when Cecil Ira Jones and Miss Dorothy Green were quietly married in Edna. Cecil is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Jones and has been an outstanding farmer since before he entered service at 18. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Rowan Green, born and reared in Francitas, a special "favorite" of our townfolk. To this young couple we extend congratulations. They will make their home in Bay City. We wish them much joy and happiness.


The Edna Weekly Herald, September 25, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Milburn Green from Elizabethtown, Kentucky, is here to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Green.


Mrs. Tom Sifford of Blessing called on friends here Friday.


Mr. and Mrs. David Graham of Yoakum visited relatives here last week.


Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty, who have moved to Texas City were here over the past week end.


Mrs. D. P. Long, who was called to be at the bedside of her mother, who was very ill last week, in Oklahoma, is home again. She reports her mother is much better.


Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen of LaWard visited here Sunday.


Quite a group of our school boys and girls were in Port Lavaca Friday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish, with Bill's mother and sister of Palacios visited Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rhodes in Houston Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. George Neely of Yoakum are visiting here. They are also attending the revival in LaWard conducted by Mr. Shavers, the pastor of the Baptist Church at LaWard.


Mr. Rice of Yoakum filled his regular appointment here last Sunday, both morning an evening services.


Mr. and Mrs. Thedford and family were supper guests at the home of Mrs. L. Boles in Deutschburg on Monday evening, the 29th.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were out at the Gas Camp Row Monday evening to enjoy the birthday supper for Frank Pearce.


Mesdames Upton and Robertson were Houston visitors Monday of this week.


Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Reese of Bay City and A. J. Reese of Houston were chatting with friends here Tuesday.


All our townsfolks are asked to observe 'Fire Prevention Week.'


"October's bright blue weather, promises us some more dry weather, and Old Sol is shining fiercely hot and drying."


The Edna Weekly Herald, October 2, 1947

Francitas Facts.

Among those from Francitas who attended the meeting of the Rural Electrification Co-op held all day day at LaWard on Oct. 4th were: W. H. Wingart, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Whorton, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, Mesdames J. W. and Leon Wofford, Mrs. Marvin Joines, Miss Hope Thedford and Mrs. Lillie Upton.

Mr. Bill Green is visiting in Galveston this week.

We are glad to note that Mr. John Koch is recuperating nicely from his recent surgical operation.

Mrs. Dee Long and children are back in her home here after a few months in Ganado.

Mr. Long is back on his duty with the shipping company in Galveston.

Cecil Bowen of Sweeny was over here this week-end

Miss Doris Boultinghouse of Bay City visited over here Sunday.

Edna Weekly Herald, October 9, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mesdames Upton and Robinson were Houston visitors, and on October 17th, at which time Little Miss Sue Upton underwent an operation, and there is now hope for her complete recovery. Congratulations to Miss Sue! She is now about to enjoy her studies in the Blue Bird Clinic while recuperating.


Mrs. John Koch is in the Westbrook Clinic at Palacios. We hope for her speedy recovery.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish, with Miss Pearl Koch, were in Palacios Friday evening to visit her mother, Mrs. John Koch.


Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones were honored by a "wedding shower" given by Miss Pearl Koch at the home of Mrs. L. Upton from 7 to 9 o'clock October 14th. They received many nice useful gifts.


Mrs. Nathan Dalhstrom of LaWard visited over here Thursday of last week.


Mrs. Laxton of Wharton is a guest of her granddaughter, Mrs. Robert Koch.


Miss Frankie Jones, who is attending training school in Victoria, was home over the week end.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy of Texas City visited here Saturday and Sunday.


Mrs. Francisco Escalante is among the ailing this week.


Mr. and Mrs. R. Thedford and children of Lolita visited at the Thedford home here Thursday.


Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones of Lewisburg, Penn., are here to visit Lester's homefolks.


Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were in Corpus over the week end.


Gene Long, who is working on a dredge boat in Port Lavaca, is home for this week.


Miss Helena Koch wishes to give a vote of thanks to all who contributed to her happiness on her birthday, Oct. 12th.


Mrs. Bailey Summers and sons are in Palestine this week.


The Edna Weekly Herald, October 23, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mesdames Sonnin and Weber of Houston called on Mrs. Ben Pearce Monday afternoon. They have been here to look after their ranch in the old Buhler settlement.


Mr. Rice of Yoakum filled his regular appointment at the church both in the morning and evening services. He was a dinner guest of Mrs. Boles in Deutschburg. Mrs. Boles had also as her guests Mrs. Chas. Thatcher and Mrs. Upton and son, Kenneth.


Johnny Reese is home again from El Paso.


Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna paid her weekly visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford, on Wednesday last.


Mr. and Mrs. Cecil I. Jones are home again and have established residence in the Schwind house north of town.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koch have their new home near completion, and will move into it very soon.


We are glad to note that both Mesdames Koch and Escalante are very much better.


Mr. and Mrs. Garland Long from El Campo were here Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Emeley are having their home re-decorated.


Mrs. Joe Currie is visiting her mother in Tivoli at this writing.


Mr. and Mrs. Emmit Vickers of Beaumont visited his sister here one day last week.


The people of the Deutschburg community are meeting the Hallowe'en witches at the school house on next Thursday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Polifka, who are now living in California, were business visitors here Tuesday.


The Edna Weekly Herald, October 30, 1947

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Capak and Miss Helen Rose spent the past week end in Houston as guests of Miss Lula Mae Hawkins.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koch are now in their new home on the southside of town.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stiriz of San Angelo (with Baby Linda) were here to visit Thomas' mother, Mrs. Martin Green, the past week. It was little Linda's first visit with her grandmother.

We are glad to report that Mrs. John Koch seems now on the way to complete recovery.

Calvin Joines of LaWard was a business visitor here last Saturday.

Miss Lula Maud Hawkins of Houston visited at LaWard and here  few days last week.

Mrs. Clay Robertson was an Angleton visitor one day last week.

Mrs. Hilda Jones, who is now with Mrs. Louie Griffith, in Olivia, spent the past week end here.

Mrs. A. T. Kellogg is in Houston this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Lee of LaWard visited over here Tuesday of last week. Mrs. E. Koch wishes to thank Mr. and Mrs. Lee for praying with her for Miss Lena Koch who had suffered a badly sprained foot. She (Miss Helena) is very much better.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, with Mrs. E. Compton were in Edna last Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ira Cole.

Those who did not accept the invitation to be present at the Pentecostal Church on Nov. 5th, to hear Mrs. Irby's "lecture" surely are the losers. We feel very grateful to Mrs. Irby for stopping at LaWard. She had been in China for twenty-six years, and has something to tell us that none should miss. She was impressive by her very simplicity. Those who heard her will never forget.

The Thedford family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thatcher in Deutschburg on Sunday last.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 13, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mesdames Upton and Robinson, with Bobby and Kenneth Upton, were Houston visitors Thursday of last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were business visitors in Bay City on the 13th instant.


Mrs. Billy Allen of Edna was here on Thursday last.


Mr. Hugh Mullen of Columbia, S. A., brother of Mrs. A. T. Kellogg, visited here a few days last week.


Mrs. Anna May Long and children are now in Post Lavaca.


Mr. J. D. Langston was among the ailing last week. We are glad to note he's much better this week.


Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Swenson of Olivia were here Friday to visit her father, Mr. J. D. Langston while he was ill.


Mrs. D. P. Long has as her guest this week, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Long's niece, Juanita Hopper, of McKinney.


Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Texas City visited here Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Lee and Mrs. Carol Lee of LaWard, with Mr. Kinsfather who is holding a series of meetings at LaWard were visiting over here Monday last. They extended an invitation to all of us to attend the meetings. We always enjoy worshipping with our friends in their home church.


Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long of Ganado visited homefolks here Sunday.


The Edna Weekly Herald, November 20, 1947

Francitas Facts.


The social event of the past month was the wedding of Mr. Howard Green of our town and Miss Joyce Pruitt of LaWard. To this young couple we extend our best wishes.


Little "be-ribboned" packages are already arriving at the home of Mrs. L. M. McFeron at LaWard to show this young lady how much we extend our greetings. They will make their home in Francitas.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were pleasantly surprised by a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kopnisky of Cleveland, Ohio. Victor, in years gone by, was the special "Big Boy" of our Deutschburg school. Yes, we all loved Andy and we welcome Victor and Helen. Wish they might make their home here.


Mrs. Omay Reese was in Danbury to visit her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Bowen, for a few days last week. We are glad to note that Mrs. Bowen is much better now.


Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Allen of Blessing visited relatives here Thursday.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy of Texas City were here for a few days last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce, with Mrs. Pearce's mother, Mrs. Eugene Green, visited in Beaumont last week. Little William Eugene Gates accompanied them home.


Mrs. W. H. (Billy) Jones and daughter are visiting her mother, Mrs. Gillus Reese, in Nashville, Ark., at this writing.


Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Langston were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Swenson of Olivia on Thanksgiving Day.


Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Thedford and children visited in Lolita Thanksgiving Day.


Mrs. Clarence Larson and Miss Phillips of El Campo were guests at the Leon Wofford home for Thanksgiving.


Mr. and Mrs. Joe Currie made several visits to Victoria last week to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Fred Fassett of Victoria. Mrs. Fassett is back home in Tivoli at this time.


Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones were supper guests at the Ira Jones home Thanksgiving.


Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson were among those of Francitas who attended the funeral of our friend, Mr. C. K. Walker of LaWard last Friday.


Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna was here to visit her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford Thanksgiving Day.


The guests at the Ben Pearce home Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnell of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi and Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Pearce of the Gas Camp Row.


The Edna Weekly Herald, December 4, 1947

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koch, Sr. of LaWard, with their two daughters, visited Mrs. Koch's mother, Mrs. E. Koch, here Saturday.

Mesdames C. K. Walker and G M. Kirby and Miss Lily Walker of LaWard were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Currie were in Kingsville Saturday on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mrs. Currie remained down there for a few days Christmas shopping.

Mr. and Mrs. McMichel of the Gas Camp Row were here Sunday night.

Mrs. Ethel Green is in Houston at this writing visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. O. Butler.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Reese were here Friday. Tony, Johnnie and Eddie Reese left for Jal., New Mexico Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines of Thompsons, Texas were here to visit homefolks Friday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Light were here last week. They tell us they are now located in Palacios.

Mrs. A. T. Kellogg received a message Tuesday morning that her brother, Mr. Hugh Mullen, had passed away at San Marcos. She and her husband left immediately for San Marcos. Mr. Mullen's funeral was held from the Catholic Church there. Interment was made in the San Marcos Cemetery Thursday. To our friends we extend heartfelt sympathy in their loss.

A little note came to the writer saying a little son the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Linton in Albany, California. They call him Ronald Allan. Congratulations to this second son.

Mrs. Raymond Emely has been very ill, but we are glad to note she is much better.

The friends of Miss Helena Koch will be glad to know she is up (in her chair). She was confined to her bed for a few weeks, caused by a bruised foot. Congratulations, Miss Helena.

The Hart family of Lavernia came to our town on Dec. 3rd and have been giving us some very good entertainment with their tent show. Despite the inclement weather on more than one evening there were as high as 70 persons in attendance. The Harts will be in LaWard after Tuesday. We have enjoyed every evening of their stay with us.

Mrs. Marvin Powers and Darrell of the Gas Camp Row, with the Misses McMichels, were here to see the show on Friday night.

Mrs. Powers visited her mother at Shepherd, Texas, a few days last week.

Edna Weekly Herald, December 11, 1947