Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
January - June 1947

Facts From Francitas.


Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen and family have moved to Goliad, Texas, where Preston has a position. We wish them much success in their new home.


Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty of Palacios visited at the R. Green home (over here) one day last week.


Mrs. W. H. King of Bay City was the guest of Mrs. Lily Upton one day last week.


The Jackson County "March of Dimes" is under way. We were very glad to have a visit from our county chairman, Mr. Claudius Branch, last week. The local chairwomen here are Mrs. Gene Thedford, school, and Mrs. Florence Pearce for the "grown-ups." Won't you help? January 31 is the "deadline."


Mrs. Lily Upton and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Walsh in Ganado Saturday night, last.


Our friend, J. C. Hanson, of the Deutschburg community was made happy on is 86th birthday by his friends, the Pearces. He and his wife were taken to Palacios to see "Two Guys From Brooklyn," on Friday night, after which they enjoyed refreshments at the F. D. Pearce home. The Hansons expect to move into Palacios soon.


Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wofford are moving into their new home down south of town. Cecil Bowen is home from Corpus Christi where he has spent a week having his eye treated for a serious iniury. We are glad to note that Cecil's eye is much improved.


Messrs. Emmitt and Frank (Jim) Vickers of Beaumont visited their sister, Mrs. Raymond Emery, a few days last week.


Miss Ettie [Etta] Gene [Jean] Joines, who has had an attack of the flu, was back in school Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Koch of Beaumont are visiting over here at this writing.


The Edna Weekly Herald, January 30, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bowen visited at the R. Green home Sunday.


Jeff Stout of Upton, Wyo., is spending a few weeks here, looking after his business interests.


Mesdames T. O. Allen and Jas. Beaty of Palacios visited relatives here last Sunday.


Mrs. C. D. Long has moved into her new home south of the track.


Marion Linton of Houston visited his father, E. H. Linton, all of the past week.


Mrs. R. L. Parish of Palacios visited at the Wm. Parrish home one day last week.


Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna visited her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford, Saturday last.


Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Dahlstrom of LaWard were chatting with friends over here Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. Clay Robertson were Angleton visitors one day last week.


Mrs. W. H. King of Bay City called on friends here last Friday.


Mrs. Beulah Hodges of Seadrift is here to visit Mrs. J. D. Langston for a few weeks.


Mrs. Howard Cook entertained the 4-H Club ladies at her home on Thursday, January 20. Those present report a very interesting meeting.


Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Dahlstrom of LaWard were supper guests at the R. R. Joines home Tuesday evening February 4th.


The Edna Weekly Herald, February 6, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Our friends of LaWard are still coming over every Thursday evening for services. Come on over and worship with us.


Mr. W. L. Linton, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Linton, was over from Palacios Friday of last week.


Mrs. Lillie Upton and Kenneth were in Bay City Friday of last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were visitors in El Campo on Friday.


Mrs. D. P. Long spent a few days in Old Ocean last week on account of her son, John's illness. We are glad to note that John is well again. He and Mrs. Long were over here Sunday last.


Mrs. C. H. Wilson of Deutschburg visited at the Pearce home here last Wednesday.


We are glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Marion Linton and daughter, Joyce, back home again. Joyce started to school at LaWard on Feb. 24th.


Robt. W. Koch has rented the little "Comstock" home down on the corner.


Mrs. Fred Fossett and daughter, Billie Ray of Tivoli, are here visiting Mrs. J. H. Currie.


Mr. and Mrs. Garland Long of El Campo, visited relatives here last week.


Mrs. L. E. McCullough of Alto visited her niece, Mrs. Lillie Upton here all last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen of Goliad visited here over the past week end.


Mesdames Christy Sparks and Guy Joines of Beaumont were here on Sunday last to bring Grandma Koch and Miss Helena home. They had a very enjoyable visit in Beaumont, but they were glad to be home.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, with Mrs. Frank Pearce, visited the Hansens in their new home in Palacios last Sunday afternoon.


Friends, did you read the letter written by Anton Zella, Jr., on the front page of our Herald of February 27th? And did you try to think that it might have been your own boy, or mine who had the curtain of darkness drawn down over his precious eyes while his good right arm was wounded and very painful? And, then did you read down the page and see what he said about the Red Cross? Did you see how his loneliness was somehow erased by the Red Cross workers? How many of you felt that you would like to send this boy a message of thanks? And did you take time to send a greeting or did you say: "Oh, I guess the Red Cross will do it for him?" The writer thinks a post card "shower" might bring this young man world's of cheer. How about it, folks?


This reminds me that our Red Cross drive has begun. The Francitas chairman, Mrs. Ben Pearce and her helpers have asked me to note that the membership cards and pins are at the post office.


On the Red Cross here: Mrs. Ben Pearce, local representative; Mrs. Hugh Rose?, solicitor. Let's put Francitas over the top. We can you know by the help of each of you. Just hand your dimes or your dollars to either of the ladies.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, March 6th, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Vatslovic of the Gas Camp settlement were business visitors in Francitas last Thursday.


Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena are smiling over redecorating their little home. Thanks go to Mesdames C. Sparkey and Guy Joines for doing the work and to Mrs. Koch's other boys and girls for their help.


Mesdames R. R. Joines and Alton Richardson were Edna visitors on Tuesday of this week.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were visiting in Corpus Christi over the past week end.


Mrs. James Beaty of Palacios was over here Monday.


Mrs. E. B. Upton was an El Campo visitor Tuesday last.


We are glad to note that Mrs. Laura Compton is much better.


We are glad to note that C. A. Bowen has regained his health and is back at work again.


Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines are now in Rosenberg.


Mrs. D. P. Long is among the ailing this week. We trust for her a speedy recovery.


Both Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Green, who have been ill, are much better.


Mrs. Wm. Jones went to Baytown last week to take little Ruth Ellen home, and to get acquainted with her new granddaughter, Ruth Ellen's baby sister.


The Red Cross Drive is progressing here. Those who have not donated please hand your money to either Mrs. Ben Pearce or Mrs. Hugh Rose. We have no set goal, but as was our cry in World War I, "give till it hurts" and wear your Red Cross pin with pride.


The Edna Weekly Herald, March 13, 1947

Francitas Facts.

Watts Langston of Bronson visited his mother here for a few days recently.

Mr. Robert Koch and Miss Hazel Kelly of Palacios were married on Saturday, March 15th. The wedding took place in the Baptist Church in Palacios with the members of the two families and a few close friends present. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Koch will live here in town at the little house we still call the "Comstock" home down on the corner. Welcome!

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green are home from a few weeks visit in Houston.

Mrs. Bryant Green is again in the hospital in Wharton, but Mr. Bryant Green seems to be much better.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A.  Bowen visited in Palacios Saturday evening.

Mrs. T. A. Hawkins, with Miss Lula Maud and her cousin of Houston visited here and at LaWard over the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose were Edna visitors on Thursday of last week. We are glad to note that their grandson, Lewis Capak, Jr., is again well. Little Lewis has been very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Capak of Edna visited here last Sunday.

Mrs. W. H. King of Bay City visited friends here last Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wyatt are here from Wilkesboro, N. C. to visit Mrs. Wyatt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Langston.

Mrs. J. H. Currie has as her guests Mrs. Fred Fassett and daughter of Tivoli.

Mesdames John Rampmeier and Chas. Thatcher and Mrs. Lelia Boles of Deutschburg were dinner guests at the Upton home Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Binford of Edna were also guests of Mrs. Upton Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce, with Mrs. Frank Pearce visited in Vanderbilt Sunday afternoon.

Those who called at the home of Mrs. Koch and Miss Helena Sunday last were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Koch of Palacios, Mesdames Thatcher, Rampmeier and Boles of Deutschburg community, Mrs. W. H. King of Bay City, Virgie Rice of Palacios, Mrs. T. A. Hawkins, her daughter and her niece of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. L. Capak of Edna, and quite a group of friends including the John Koch family. Mrs. H. Rose and Bill Green, Johnny Koch and wife, our own townfolk who had not had a chance to properly extend a welcome home to Grandma and Lena. Yes, our two friends' home coming was made happy and the little home that looked lonely all winter was buzzing with good will. Thank you, friends.

Mrs. Lucile Conley from Indiana is here as guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Pearce, Mrs. Conley expects to join her husband in Yakahoma sometime in the near future.

Marvin C. Joines is in San Antonio at the Veterans' Hospital. We trust for Marvin a speedy recovery.

Mrs. Angie Knopp of Edna is visiting at the Whorton home at this writing.

Lester E. Jones, who had been in an El Campo hospital for the past week, ill with pneumonia, is back as home with his sister, Mrs. H. B. Long.

We are glad to note that Mrs. Omay Reese is up and around again.

Mrs. E. B. Upton, Francitas, and Mrs. Guy Joines, Beaumont, are our two new subscribers to the Herald.

Mrs. H. L. Chambless of Corsicana is here for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Laura Compton.


Edna Weekly Herald, March 20, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Wm. Jones, with little Robert Long, Jr., were Ganado visitors Saturday of last week.


Mrs. R. L. Parrish of Palacios visited in the W. H. Parrish home here over the week end.


Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Allen and children of Palacios were visiting here Sunday.


Mrs. James Beaty and little sons of Palacios visited relatives here Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Jensen of Palacios were guests at the Whorton home Sunday.


Marvin Joines was home from San Antonio to spend the week end with his family.


Wheeler Joines is in Houston at this writing.


We are glad to see our friend, Mrs. Langston, uptown last Friday.


Mrs. J. W. Wofford tells us her daughter, Mrs. Jack Ross, is now living in Victoria.


We are sorry to state that Mrs. Bryant Green is still very ill.


Misses Dell and LaVerne Bowen visited in Bay City a few days last week.


Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena spent a few days in Palacios last week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Koch. While there Mrs. Koch and daughter visited Mrs. Bob Starr. Mrs. Starr is an old neighbor of ours since the old "Buhler Days" when we all gathered at the Little Church in the Buhler settlement and had all church services, socials and "good" times.


When Mrs. Koch and Miss Helena came home Sunday a group of our townspeople paid them a call. Mrs. Riese of Palacios was also grandma's guest Sunday.


The social event of the past week was the "miscellaneous shower" given at the home of Mrs. Lillie Upton (Miss Pearl Koch and Mrs. Upton as hostesses) for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koch. Early Friday evening, March 21st, the friends who were invited began gathering, each bringing a gift. Games were played and a real "Welcome Party" was enjoyed by both honorees, and then quite a time was had guessing what each package held. Mr. and Mrs. Koch received many nice, useful gifts for their little home down on the "Comstock" corner. Refreshments were served, and all went home happy. Congratulations to you, Robert and Hazel, and may your life in our midst be very, very happy. Welcome!


Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wyatt, with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Langston, attended church in Palacios Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Swenson.




The Edna Weekly Herald, March 27, 1947

Francitas Facts.

Milburn Green of Elizabethtown, Ky., was here to visit his mother, Mrs. B. G. Green, who is very ill.

Mrs. Beulah Hodges made a trip to East Texas to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grisham, a few days last week. Mrs. Hodges also accompanied her son, Louis, to Seadrift to spent the past week end.

Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parrish, on the south side, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce attended church services in LaWard last Sunday evening. The revival at the Pentecostal Church over there began Sunday. All the friends here are invited to go and worship with them each evening at 8 p. m.

Mrs. D. P. Long, another Francitas subscriber who "sent in" for one more year to our Herald.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Koch, who are stopping in Palacios were over here Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce.

Yes, last Sunday was "Palm Sunday" and quite a few of our neighbors dropped in on Mrs. Koch and Lena, taking bouquets and kindly little notes to help them enjoy the day. We all love to remember Palm Sunday and our good friends to whom it means to much.

Mrs. Clay Robertson tells us that her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wright, are back home from South America. They expect to visit at the Robinson home in the near future.

James Paul Wyatt, Jr. is the name of the little son on Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Wyatt, who came...via Nightingale Hospital, to make his home in Francitas. Congratulations, baby, and to you, Paul and Hortense.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines, with his sisters, Mrs. Lorine, were San Antonio visitors a few days last week.

Edna Weekly Herald, April 3, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. John Long and daughters of Sweeny visited at the D. P. Long home over the past week end.


Messrs. Preston and Virgie Bowen from Goliad were here Saturday evening. They tell us their father, Mr. J. G. Bowen is very ill.


Mr. E. G. Green of Wharton was here Sunday. We are glad to note that his mother, Mrs. Bryant Green, is much better.


The Thedford family, Mrs. Upton and daughter, Mrs. Omay Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce and Mrs. Frank Pearce were the ones from Francitas who attended church in LaWard on Sunday evening. The revival closed on Tuesday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi were week end visitors here.


Mrs. D. P. Long left Tuesday for a visit with her mother in McKinney.


Mrs. B. Koch of Beaumont was among those who visited at the home of Mrs. E. Koch during the Easter holidays. The little home on the corner has again become center for callers from all over our town. Mrs. Koch and Miss Helena are still enjoying the Easter flowers, eggs and vegetables contributed by their many friends.


Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parker from Palacios were business visitors in Francitas Monday and Tuesday.


Mr. and Mrs. James Beaty, with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Allen of Palacios, visited relatives over here last Tuesday.


Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna spent Friday of last week here at her mother's home (Mrs. J. W. Wofford.)


Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston were here over the past week end.


Mesdames Thedford and Rose were chaperones for the young people who went to Yoakum last Friday night.


The Edna Weekly Herald, April 17, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Al Chivers from Edna are our new neighbors down on the Triple "T." Welcome.


Mr. Marshall Jones is in El Campo Hospital where he underwent a major operation last week. We are glad to note that he's getting along fine.


Miss Joyce Pruitt of LaWard was over here Sunday. She tells us her grandfather, Mr. J. G. Bowen, is recovered from the serious case of flu.


W. R. Joines, who is working in Houston, was home over the week end.


Messrs. Ryling Linton and Ben Dunn of Houston (with their families) were here Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baily of Bay City called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green Sunday afternoon.


Mrs. E. Koch received a letter Sunday telling her that her brothers' wife, Mrs. George Karnes, had died at her home in Gonzales on April 16th. Interment was made in the cemetery at Cuero on April 17th with most of her family present. To Mesdames Koch and Fulencheck (her sisters-in-law) we extend sympathy. The last mentioned lady lost her son-in-law in Hallettsville recently, so she is in Hallettsville now with her daughter, Lillian.


Mrs. Bill Green has been among the ailing the past week, but is now feeling much better.


Mesadames Harper, Cherry and Baker of Edna were in Francitas Sunday afternoon. They visited Mrs. J. W. Wofford briefly and chatted with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce (over in Deutschburg). Mrs. Harper's many friends here always enjoy a visit from her and hers.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers of Nacogdoches are here for a brief stay at the home place.


Mrs. Clarence Conley, who is now with her mother, Mrs. Eugene Green, at Vanderbilt, came over here Monday to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Frank Pearce.


Mrs. D. P. Long is home (Tuesday) from a visit with her brother and her mother in McKinney.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, April 24, 1947

Francitas Facts

Entire column illegible.

Edna Weekly Herald, May 8, 1947

Francitas Facts

Mesdames Tinsley and Conley, who are with their mother, Mrs. Eugene Green, in Vanderbilt at this time, were over here for a few days last week as guests of their sister, Mrs. Frank Pearce.

Mr. Cantu [Cantrell] of Harlingen, Texas, visited his sister, Mrs. Marion Linton, a few days last week.

Mrs. Robt. Koch's brother, Mr. Kelly of Palacios visited here last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish are in Palacios at this writing. We are sorry to know that Bill is very ill.

Mrs. Anna Mae Long is a business visitor in Galveston this week.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnell of Houston spent Mother's Day here as guests of her aunt, Mrs. Ben Pearce.

Mr. and Mrs. Al Chivers were Edna visitors Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford and daughter, Donna Beth, spent Mother's Day with her mother, Mrs. Jackson of Ganado.

Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Thedford and children, with Mrs. J. B. Compton were among the guests at Mr. Thedford's home in Lolita. There were eight of Mrs. L. Thedford's ten children present at the celebration, namely: Miss Violet Thedford of San Antonio; Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Absher and family of Houston; Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen and family of Bay City, Bryant, Roy, Vernon of Lolita (with their families), Mr. and Mrs. Doc Moody, Lolita, and our Thedfords of Francitas. There were twenty grandchildren present. In the afternoon several old time acquaintances dropped in to congratulate Mrs. Thedford, and the day was complete. We congratulate our friend.

On Mother's Day we, whose mothers are living, begin to "take stock" as it were of the wonderful abundance of their untiring love, and try to make them feel that their patience and understanding and love for us is not unrequited. The joy that shines in the mother's eyes is quite enough to repay us for a greeting, or a ribbon-tied gift. It means so much. On each Mother's Day we have found it "pays" to select some "childless" mother or one whose own children are far away and "adopt" them for the one day. Try it sometime.

One of the "special" mothers here just wrote down a list of her children, eight of them: grandchildren, thirty-two, and great-grandchildren thirty-four, and sent her blessings wherever they may be. This mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Koch, will be 80 years old on May 16th. She wished to extend thanks to all her big family and to each of the friends who made "Her Day"--Last Sunday--a very happy occasion. Her little cottage was aglow with blossoms gathered by loving hands to take to Grandma as a greeting. Every gift, every greeting card and every smile brought joy to her and her daughter, Miss Helen, who love special days and always feel a great disappointment if they are denied the privilege of doing something nice for someone else. We salute you, Mrs. Koch and Miss Helena.

Russell Green, who is now stationed at Fort Ord, California, is home for a few days.

Mrs. Clarence Conley was one of the out-of-town guests a the Pearce home Sunday.

Jack Upton, who is with the Merchant Marines, is home to visit his mother, Mrs. E. B. Upton.

Mr. Paul Wyatt is in Dallas this week.

Edna Weekly Herald, May 15, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jones and children are on a vacation tour thru' Missouri and Kansas.


Miss Alice Clapp of Louise was chatting with friends here last Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton, with Mrs. T. A. Hawkins of Houston, were here the past week end.


Mr. Linton with Mesdames Hawkins and Bill Green returned to Houston on Monday, but Mrs. Linton and girls plan to stay here while her mother, Mrs. Ada Joines, makes a trip to Tennessee to visit her brother who is very ill.


Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bowen left for Sweeny on Monday of this week. Mr. Bowen has been assigned to duty on Missouri Pacific as section foreman at Stagg Station near Sweeny.


J. H. Currie is in Kingsville at this writing for a check up at the railroad hospital.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Edna Sunday, June 8th to attend the funeral of Robert Bolling, who passed away in Houston Friday of last week. Robert will be remembered as the son of the late Mr. Alfred Bolling, a pioneer settler of lower Jackson County. To Robert's family and to all of his many relatives and friends here the writer extends sympathy. Robert was a manly man, whom to know was to respect and love.


Mrs. J. G. Bowen visited over here a few days this last week.


We are glad to note that Mrs. Bryant Green was able to be "down town" for the first time in many months. Congratulations.


Mrs. Mattie Chambless of Corsicana is here visiting her sister, Mrs. M. B. Compton at the Thedford home. Quite a few friends visited with Mrs. Chambless on Monday evening.


Yes, the little tent down on the corner brings a thrill to the hearts of the youngsters--the tent show is here again.


Mrs. Guy Joines and daughter, Miss Birdie Joines of Beaumont, are here to visit Grandma Koch and Miss Helena.


Darrell Powers was home from Houston to spend the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Powers in the Francitas Gas Camp Row.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, June 12, 1947

Francitas Facts.


Harvey Clapp, Jr., was down here from Louise on Friday last.


Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Linton were here Sunday. Nathan is just home from a trip (Navy) from Cuba. He tells us he is on a two month furlough.


Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna was visiting at the J. W. Wofford home Friday.


Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Yoas of Texas City visited Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce Friday of last week. They are now at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Yoas.


Calvin Joines of Houston visited friends and relatives here last week.


John Martin, who now lives in Carancahua, was here Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Manning of Bay City called on Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena and other friends over here Saturday last. Their friends here will be glad to know the Mannings are now making their home in Bay City. They are our long time friends of LaWard.


Mrs. Guy Joines and little grandson, Steven, and Miss Birdie Joines of Beaumont visited Grandma Koch and Mrs. Helena a few days the past week.


Midway Baseball team came up to play Francitas Sunday afternoon. Quite an exciting game was played on our new diamond up on Main Street.


Mrs. Kelly of Palacios called on Mrs. Koch and Lena Sunday. None of the "on-lookers" enjoyed the ball game Sunday afternoon more than Miss Helena Koch.


Some of our townfolk are attending the Baptist Revival at LaWard.


Mr. Clay Robertson was in Yoakum to be present at the funeral of his sister. To our friend, we extend sympathy in his loss.


Mrs. Fred Fassett and her daughter, Mrs. Winnifred Praschek of Tivoli are here to be at the bedside of Mrs. Joe Currie, who is very ill. We wish for our friend a speedy recovery.


An out-door barbecue dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines was enjoyed Sunday by a large crowd of relatives and friends. Among those from out-of-town were: Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dahlstrom with Mrs. Lizzie Pearce of LaWard, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Linton of Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton and family and Calvin Joines of Houston, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Linton and family of Palacios, and Mr. and Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Betty Richardson of Midfield, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Puckett and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carvell of Old Ocean.


We extend sympathy to our friend, Mrs. Lee Martin, who lost her mother by death on Saturday last.


Bobby Upton spent a few days in Ganado last week with his aunt, Mrs. C. Walsh.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, June 19, 1947|

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koch have moved to Palacios. We wish them well in their new home.


W. R. Joines is home from Houston for a few days.


Both Mr. and Mrs. Joe Currie are home from hospitals. We are glad to know that they are each feeling much better.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce visited Mrs. Ed Vadaken at Blessing Sunday evening. Mrs. Vadaken will be remembered as Miss Mary Lou Kopnicky of Deutschburg community. Her home is now in Cleveland, Ohio.


Miss Dorothy Green visited relatives in Yoakum last week.


Mrs. C. J. Reese and son, Calvin, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bowen over at Sweeny on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Bowen is M. P. section foreman at Stagg at this time.


Mrs. Frank Pearce, with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were in Victoria Saturday evening to visit Mrs. Lucile Conley, who is in the Victoria Hospital.


Our friend, Mrs. Eugene Green is home again (Vanderbilt) from the hospital in San Antonio. We are glad to report that Mrs. Green now seems to be on the road to recovery.


Mrs. Raymond Emley is among the ailing this week.


Quite a few friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Marvin Joines Tuesday afternoon. The occasion was a "story-shower" given for Mrs. Margaret Richardson and Mrs. M. C. Joines.


News comes to us that Mr. Jim Fitzpatrick of Lolita, passed away in Edna Friday. The friends here extend heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends.


Some of our townfolk attended the Baptist Revival in LaWard last week.


Our friends of the Pentecostal Church at LaWard have extended an invitation to the public to come worship with them in their series of meetings all of this week at 8 p.m.


Mr. and Mrs. Lily of Blessing were over here last Sunday morning.


Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford with Mrs. Laura Compton were at the funeral of Mr. Fitzpatrick on Tuesday afternoon. He was laid away at the Red Bluff burial grounds.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, June 26, 1947