Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
July - December 1946

Facts From Francitas.


Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Langston of Houston visited at the Langston home a few days last week.


Miss Margaret Joines visited in Palacios a few days this past week.


A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Weber tells us they are now in the northern part of Minnesota. They are enjoying fishing even with their coats on, because it's so delightfully cool. Yes, they went over into Canada, also. They expect to be home some time in July.


Mr. and Mrs. Tony Briezensky, with Tony's brother, all of Houston, visited relatives here Tuesday and Wednesday. We are glad to note that Mr. Briezensky is fully recovered from his recent illness.


A note from Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hunnicutt of Beaumont tells us that they have not forgotten Willis' home town. They now live in Beaumont.


Mesdames W. R. Pounders and Eugene Martin, with Miss Gail Pounders, were visiting friends here last Wednesday.


Mrs. Viva Metcalf, who has been our Blessing "Telephone" lady for several months, is home now in Francitas. Welcome to you our friend.


Mrs. Joe H. Currie is home again from a visit with her mother, Mrs. Fred Fossett in Tivoli, Texas. We are glad to note that she is very much better at this writing.


This town was saddened on Sunday of last week by the death of one of the long time residents of Francitas Mrs. Sadie Miller. She had been living in the "little house on the corner" since Francitas was young and we shall miss the kind, friendly lady.


Mrs. Miller had been in failing health for the past few years, and had made her home with her son, George Miller in Palacios, for the past several months. Funeral services were held Thursday. Interment was made in the Palacios Cemetery where her husband, Mr. T. N. Miller, was laid to rest about 15 years ago. She is survived by her six boys and girls and several grand children. Mrs. Miller was a "Mother in Israel." One of the outstanding traits of her character was her implicit trust and faith in her children. She often said, "I expect them to do right, and I know they will." To all the Millers we extend sympathy--because we loved her, too.


Mack W. Griffith has opened a new store on the southside of town. His friends wish him success in his new undertaking.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, July 4, 1946

Facts From Francitas.


Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Linton of Corpus Christi were up to visit her mother, Mrs. H. Clapp, at Louise on Sunday, June 30th. Nathan is now on "shore duty" for the next several months.


Watts Langston was here to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Langston, most of last week.


Mrs. Zora B. Page, with her daughter, Mollie, and her granddaughter, Elsie, passed thru' here enroute to Port Lavaca on Thursday last.


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green of Victoria visited at the Bryant Green home on July 4th.


A message from Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wingart tells us they are now in Canton, Ohio visiting Mrs. Della Schwartz.


Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Drake of Yoakum visited at the R. Green Home July 4th. This was Mrs. Drake's first visit to Jackson County. Her home is way up in Canada.


The other visitors at the R. Green home for the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Dean of Bay City.


PFC Milburn Green is home from Fort Know, Ky. He and Mrs. Green plan to move to Victoria while he is at home on his furlough.


Jim Vickers of Beaumont was here to visit his sister, Mrs. R. Emley, on July 5th.


Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Weber are home from a vacation tour in Minnesota and Canada. They had a wonderful trip, but their smile broadened when they again felt the arms of Texas enfold them.


Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnell of Houston spent the week end of last week in the B. H. Pearce home here.


Mrs. Bryant Green tells us she has a new step-mother. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Dorris.


Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pearce of Corpus spent Sunday here and at the F. D. Pearce home at the Gas Camp Row.


Mrs. R. L. Pierce of Corsicana are here to visit his sister, Mrs. Laura Compton. We are very glad to have Mr. Pierce with us at Sunday School and wish to thank him for conducting preaching services Sunday morning.


The R. R. Joines family spent the 4th in Bay City.


The young people of our town enjoyed singing last Sunday evening. They expect to organize a Young People's Club next Sunday. Yes, they have already gone to work on the lessons for next Sunday. We shall have a few minutes' discussion on Paul's letter to Titus.  




The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, July 11, 1946


Facts From Francitas.


The two visitors at Sunday School classes last Sunday were Mrs. Viva Metcalf and Miss Linda Langston. Mrs. Metcalf will be here for the rest of the summer and has promised to help us both in Sunday school and the Young People's meeting each Sunday evening.


Misses Alice Clapp, Mildred and Helen Cross and Irene Chatman, all of Louise, were here Tuesday forenoon.


Mr. Binford of Edna, with his wife and her sister, Miss Schmidt of Houston were here for services both morning and evening on Sunday last. Mr. Binford will preach for us every 2nd Sunday of each month till further notice. Next time August 11 at 10 a.m. and 7:45 p.m.


Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines have moved into Houston. J. T. is now working at Tomball.


Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rhodes were business visitors in Houston last week.


We are sorry to note that little Pierce Thedford is ill. We trust for him a speedy recovery.


Mrs. Q. R. Thedford left Monday for Kingsville where she will attend Teachers' Training School for the next six weeks.


Jack Upton is home to visit his parents for a few days.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, July 18, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, with a group of our Pentecostal friends from La Ward, were over here to have services on July 18th. They plan to visit with us every third Thursday of each month. They will be here again Thursday evening August 15th.


Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Swenson of Olivia were here Saturday, July 20, to visit her mother, Mrs. J. D. Langston. We are glad to report that Mrs. Langston is much improved.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers of Nacogdoches, with Miss Mary Young of Kansas City, are here for a few weeks. We are glad to have Mrs. Summers and Miss Young as visitors with us last Sunday at Sunday school.


Just to remind those who are interested in our Sunday School--we are meeting at 8:45 for classes during the--warm weather--just an hour earlier.


Mrs. Ernest Yoas and the boys visited Mrs. B. H. Pearce Friday afternoon.


Forrest Yoas of Texas City was chatting with friends here on Saturday.


Miss Joyce Pruitt of LaWard is visiting over here. She visited the Young People's meeting Sunday evening.


Miss Viva Metcalf is visiting in Houston this week.


Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. Garland Long visited here last week.


On July 21st another little girl came to stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bowen. They call her Wanda Lea.


Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffith have a new baby girl. She came via Nightingale Hospital, El Campo.


The last election day here was very quiet. B. H. Pearce, Mesdames Leon and Collis Wofford and Mrs. Frank D. Pearce sat on the board.


F. D. and B. H. Pearce were visitors in Edna Tuesday night.


Mrs. E. B. Upton and children visited in Ganado Sunday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen visited over here Monday.


Mrs. Francis Pearce is visiting her mother, Mrs. Eugene Green and sister, Mrs. Earl Gates, over in Vanderbilt.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, August 1, 1946

Facts From Francitas.


A wedding of interest took place last Sunday when Miss Margaret Joines of Francitas was married to Mr. Alton Richardson of El Maton. The wedding took place in Bay City with a small group of friends present. Margaret is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines.


Mrs. Dee Long and children of Ganado visited relatives here last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Garland Long were here over the past week end to be at the bedside of Mrs. Long's mother, Mrs. W. Griffith, who was very ill. We are glad to note that Mrs. Griffith is much better.


Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Walsh of Canada visited at the Upton home here Sunday afternoon.


Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy of Waco, Mr. and Mrs. Graham of Yoakum and Mrs. Jim Harris of Blessing were visiting at the R. Green home last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green, with Mrs. Milburn Green of Victoria, visited at the Bryant Green home here a few days last week.


Mrs. Beaty of Houston visited Mrs. Jas. Beaty here a few days last week.


Mrs. Ed. Koch and Miss Helena had as their guests last week Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mayers and Mrs. Allie Jarvis of Ganado, one day. Mrs. Harvey Clapp and Miss Alice Clapp of Louise with Mrs. Lena Clapp Light of Goliad, spent the afternoon with Mrs. Koch.


Since our last writing another little son has come to live with Mr. and Mrs. William Parrish. He arrived here early Sunday morning, Aug. 11th. They call him William Junior. He is the great grandson of Mrs. Elizabeth Koch, and counting the little miss who came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Lendecke of Houston, Mrs. Koch now has 20 great-grandchildren.


Mr. and Mrs. Collis Wofford have begun construction on their new home just south of town.


Mr. K. Binford of Edna was here to fill his regular appointment the second Sunday. He preached for us both in the forenoon and evening. He was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Pearce, and also visited other of our townsfolk. He will be here again on September 8th for two services.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, August 15, 1946

Facts From Francitas.


R. L. Long is home from his training camp in Virginia for a few weeks' furlough.


Pfc. Ernest Koch, who has been somewhere in the Pacific for several months, is home for a visit with his parents.


Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Koch of Beaumont were here last week to visit Grandma and Lena Koch.


This company was saddened by the news that Mr. Reuben Hall of Port Lavaca passed away in Corpus Christi on August 16th. Mrs. Reuben Hall will be remembered as Miss Virginia Carvell, who spent her childhood here at Francitas. To you, Virginia, and little son, we extend sympathy in your hour of sorrow.


Mr. and Mrs. Alton Richardson of Bay City visited her mother, Mrs. R. R. Joines, here a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Long are moving from San Marcos to Blessing to be near Mrs. Long's mother, Mrs. W. Griffith, while she is ill.


Major and Mrs. Morgan Pearce, now of Austin, Texas, spent the past week here with homefolks. While here they visited at the Gene Martin home and also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce in Gas Camp Row.


Mrs. Marvin Power had as her guest for a few weeks her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hafer of Shepherd, Texas.


Sgt. and Mrs. Clarence Conley are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green of Vanderbilt. They were over here to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce.


Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford and daughter visited Mrs. Wofford's mother in Ganado last Sunday.


The ladies of Francitas gave Mrs. Alton Richardson (nee Margaret Joines, a miscellaneous "shower" on Tuesday of this week. She received many "bride" packages containing many useful gifts.


Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen are visiting over here at this time.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, Thursday, August 22, 1946

Facts From Francitas.


Sgt. and Mrs. James Beaty are happy over the arrival of a second little son who came via Bay City Hospital on August 29th. They call him Donald Earle. Of course, Sgt. Beaty has not yet met his son, but is expected to soon.


Joyce Pruitt of LaWard spent the past week end over here.


Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne from the Valley country were chatting with friends here last Saturday. Yes, it's 'Mutt' Payne, one of our Francitas boys. They were enroute to Temple to visit Matt's mother, Mrs. Mary Payne Croft.


Mr. Banks Dorion and son, George, of Triumph, La., spent a few days here last week visiting his sister, Mrs. B. H. Pearce.


Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kennerley and daughter of Dallas visited here last Friday. Mrs. Kennerly will be remembered as Miss Lucile Cole, a niece of B. H. Pearce.


Mrs. Eugenia Thedford, who has been attending teachers' college in Kingsville, came home on Saturday, August 24th.


Mesdames Dahlstrom and Pearce of LaWard, were here August 20th to attend the bridal shower given for Mrs. Margaret Joines Richardson. Among the  other out-of-town guests were Mesdames F. D. Pearce and M. R. Powers from the Gas Plant Row. Mrs. Richardson was the recipient of many nice gifts, both here and at a "shower" given for her at Bay City.


The "absentee" stork shower for Mrs. Ruby Lee Capak, held at the home of Mrs. B. H. Pearce (Mesdames Pearce and Robinson, hostesses) was literally showered out. But even the rain did not delay the gifts, which were many.


Mrs. Elizabeth Koch and Miss Helena were visitors at Midway on Sunday, August 25th. This was their first visit to this beautiful coastal area for many years, and they enjoyed the outing very much. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie L. Koch.


Mr. and Mrs. Joe Currie are on vacation for the next two weeks.


Mrs. Viva Metcalf of Houston is here on a business visit.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, Thursday, September 4, 1946

Facts From Francitas.


Sgt. James Beaty was home last week to visit his family and to get acquainted with his little son, Ronald Earle.


Mrs. Beaty of Houston was here Wednesday to visit her new grandson.


John Green visited relatives in Yoakum last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rose and family and Edwin Rose are visiting the Hugh Rose family here this week.


Mr. and Mrs. K. Binford of Edna were business visitors here on Saturday last. They were here all day Sunday as guests of the Pearce home. Mr. Binford ministered for us both in the forenoon and evening. They plan to be here on Sunday, Sept. 22 for two services.


Messrs. Clovis and Arthur Scarborough of Houston, Pete Scarborough and Mrs. Ida Johnson of Dibold were guests at the John Koch home over the week end.


Bennie Koch, son of Wm. Koch of Beaumont, visited his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Koch, one day last week. Bennie was enroute to California.


Mrs. Francis Pearce left Sunday for Houston to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Eugene Green, who is in the Heights Hospital.


Mr. and Mrs. Gillis Reese and Calvin Reese were here to visit their mother, Mrs. Omay Reese, Saturday and Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parrish have moved to Palacios. Mr. and Mrs. William Parish now occupy the R. L. Parrish home.


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carnell of Houston visited Mrs. Carnell's aunt, Mrs. Ben Pearce, over the week end. Mr. Pearce accompanied them back to Houston Monday, Sept. 9th.


Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines visited in Palacios Sunday afternoon.


Mr. D. O. Wright of Ganado bought the Sadie Miller home out on West Main, Francitas. We are glad to know that Mr. Wright does not plan to move the home away from our town.


The LaWard school bus left early last Monday morning with our High School boys and girls who will attend school at LaWard. Mr. Q. R. Thedford is driver.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, Thursday, September 12, 1946

Facts From Francitas.


Mrs. James Beaty, who has been quite ill, is now much better.


Mrs. Elizabeth Koch is among the ailing this week. We trust for her a speedy recovery.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Koch of Beaumont visited his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Koch, a part of last week. We are glad to know that Mr. Koch is much improved in health.


Mrs. Joe Curry is home again and was able to attend church services on Thursday evening of last week. Congratulations, Emma.


Our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs of LaWard (with quite a group of their members) were here on Thursday evening, Sept. 19th, to fill their regular appointment. Mr. Jacobs holds services on each third Thursday. Come over and worship with us.


On Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. K. Binford of Edna were here to hold services, and will be here again Sunday 29th, for two services. Forenoon at 10:45 and at 7:30 p.m.


Sunday School classes convene at the regular hour each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. We met earlier during the summer months, but have resumed the regular hour again 9:45 a.m. Come! We need you. You need us. The first Sunday in October we shall make a new roll call. Won't you join with us?


Mrs. Eugenia Thedford and her school children opened our day school on Monday, September 10th.


We are glad to note that the two small sons of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish are fully recovered from a slight illness.


Mrs. F. D. Pearce returned from Houston last week. Her mother, Mrs. Eugene Green, who was in Heights Hospital, is very much improved.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Pearce at the Gas Camp Row Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford and children were visiting in Bay [City] on Sunday last.


Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Thomas of Bay City were business visitors here one day last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian of Houston visited here over the past week end.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers are here for a few days.


Mrs. Ira Jones has joined the faculty of the Blessing school. We wish her much success in her new work.


Mrs. Emily Patterson has moved into her new home on West Main (the old Miller home). Welcome to you, Mrs. Patterson.


Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wingart, who made an extended visit in Ohio and other states are home again.


Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Langston of Houston visited his mother, here last week end.


The Edna Weekly Herald, September 26, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Margie Green and daughters of Victoria are visiting the Bryant Green home.


Mrs. Alton Richardson of Bay City visited over here Sunday.


Miss Lula Maud Hawkins and Mrs. Ben Guynes of Houston visited friends here and at Buhler last week end. They had come by way of El Campo to see the baby daughter of Mrs. Ralph Brown who came via the Nightingale Hospital on Friday, Oct. 3rd. Mrs. Brown is remembered as Miss Florine Joines.


Mrs. Marshall Jones and son, Billy, of Baytown were here to visit homefolks over the week end.


Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce, with Mrs. J. W. Wofford and Curtiss were Corpus Christi visitors over the week end of September 28th.


Tommy and John Hawkins of Houston visited Jack Upton for a few days.


Mrs. Elizabeth Koch reports that her son, Mr. William A. Koch of Beaumont has gone to California for a few months. We are glad to report that William is much better, and we trust the climate out there may work a complete cure.


Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Binford were here Sunday for two church services.


We are sorry to report that Lewis Capak is among the ailing at this time.


Mrs. E. Koch had a nice visit with Mr. and Mrs. Skralla in Palacios recently. The Skrallas now hare nicely situated in their new home on the bay shore. They lived a few years back on the old Marshall place.


Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Kellogg are Houston visitors at this time.


Santos Mancho of San Benito was here to visit his grandparents a few days last week.


Our friend Mrs. Eugene Green who underwent a major operation at the Heights Hospital in Houston recently, is now recuperating at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Henderson, in Louise.


Mrs. Frank Pearce, with Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Pearce, were supper guests in the Ralph Henderson home in Louise Saturday evening.


Mrs. T. W. Griffith is among the ailing this week. We trust for her a speedy recovery.


Vernon Griffith is home from "somewhere" in the Pacific war zone and expects to get his discharge soon. He is looking fine and his "little boy smile" tells us how glad he is to be home again.


Mr. and Mrs. D. Griffin, with the Misses Revels of LaWard, visited at the Pearce home last Sunday. They tell us that the "special" meeting of the Young Peoples' Circle will be held at the Pentecostal Church of LaWard on Friday evening, Oct. 11, 8:00 p.m. All interested young people are urged to attend. The friends of the Griffins appreciate their efforts in the interests of our Youth Movement. "Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth."


Little Mary Agnes Whorton celebrated her first birthday September 28th. She has won many friends here by her sweet, cunning smile. By the way she grips your hand, she walks right into your heart. Congratulations, Little Mary.


The Edna Weekly Herald, October 10, 1946

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston visited here over the past week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Alton Richardson of Bay City were over here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Blant Wofford of Ganado visited at the J. W. Wofford home here Sunday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green visited in Yoakum a few days last week.

Mrs. Raymond Emley visited her sister in Edna last week.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Clapp of Louise were here last Sunday.

Mr. John Green visited relatives in the Valley country last week.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce attended Church in Edna last Sunday.

Mrs. W. Griffith is in an El Campo hospital at this writing. We wish for her a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Linton, E. H. Linton and W. R. Joines spent a few days at Odem last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Capak are in Edna this week. We are glad to report that Lewis is much better.

The spotlight was on Miss Helena Koch on Saturday last. In the early morning a group of her friends, with dainty little gifts in hands, gathered at her door and sang "Happy Birthday." Amid happy tears Miss Koch dished out a treat to each and every one. All the day friends came and went to wish her many happy returns. Our "Sunshine" girl deserves very much. Congratulations! Miss Helena.

Edna Weekly Herald, October 17, 1946

Francitas Church.


There were thirty-nine attending Sunday School at Francitas last Sunday. Only eleven more and her goal for fifty in Sunday school will be reached. So don't fail to be present and may everyone keep a good record of remaining for the preaching service.


Our Sunday School literature should be here Sunday as it has been ordered by Air Mail, so don't stay away from your classes due to the lack of literature for your teacher will do the best she or he can to make the lesson interesting as each teacher has a Sunday School quarterly.


We want to thank the many visitors who were with us for the evening service as most every seat in the auditorium was filled for the preaching service. Only the front bench was vacant, so let's more come out Sunday, Nov. 3rd, so as to fill that front bench, also. Please do not stay away due to lack of seating space as plans are being made to build more benches for the auditorium as soon as material is available.


Everyone is cordially invited to attend our Sunday school at 10:00 A. M. and preaching at 11:00 A. M. and 7:00 P. M., every Sunday.


Let us reach our goal of 50 in Sunday School next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Nov. 3rd.



The Edna Weekly Herald, October 31, 1946


Francitas Sunday School.


In the latter part of September the pastor and his wife, with two of the church members, took a religious census of Francitas to see what the possibilities were for an enlargement of the Sunday School program.


The following Sunday, Oct. 6th, the church went into conference for the purpose of electing sufficient teachers to work on the possibilities shown on the census list. Seven teachers were elected: One for Adult, Young People, Intermediates, Juniors, Primaries, Beginner and Nursery. A Sunday School superintendent was also elected and they set a goal for 50 to enroll in their Sunday School.


Their Sunday School attendance toward reaching this goal was a follows: 31-Oct 13; 38-Oct. 20; 39-Oct. 27; and 55 Nov. 3rd.


The Church wishes to express her heartfelt appreciation and thanks to each teacher and officer who helped in reaching this goal by contacting each person assigned to each teacher from the census list and for making each lesson period interesting for the class by well prepared lessons.


The church believes in setting a goal and working to reach it, so they have now set a new goal for 70 to attend Sunday School. Some may think that a rather high goal, but Dr. S. P. Brooks used to say in his chapel lectures to students "Hitch Your Wagon to a Star, Keep You Seat and There You Are."


We want to express our appreciation for the splendid record the Sunday School has made in church attendance. The Sunday School is the backbone of the Church, and if any part of it does not attend the preaching service, then naturally it fractures the back bone. Every one knows how their body would suffer from a fractured back bone and likewise the church also would suffer. So let every teacher and S. S. pupil continue the good record of Church attendance.


There were two from our Sunday School enrollment who united with the church last Sunday. Our recent census list shows a number of unsaved persons, so may every one who reads this and believes in prayer be much in earnest prayers for every lost person of our census roll be won to the Lord in the near future.


The building in which we worship was badly wrecked by a storm some years ago, which blew it from the blocks and broke out most of the windows and since winter is approaching there must be some real extensive repair work done and since we are not financially able to buy material for this work, if any one, anywhere wishes to make a donation for this purpose please give or mail your donations to Mrs. E. B. Upton, Francitas, Texas.


Remember we have Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Let's try to reach our new goal of 70 for Sunday School next Sunday morning, Nov. 10.


The public is cordially invited to attend every service. We shall expect you to be with us at every opportunity.


Mrs. Bonnie Binford...


The Edna Weekly Herald, November 7, 1946

Francitas Facts.

Jesse Joines, who now resides in Mobile, Ala., visited relatives here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Capak, with little Lewis are home from Edna.

Miss Lula Maud Hawkins of Houston visited here over the past week end.

Mrs. Joe H. Currie is in Tivoli to be with her father, Mr. Fred Fassett, who is very ill. We trust for Mr. Fossett a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston spent Armistice Day with her sister, Mrs. B. H. Pearce and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Richardson of Bay City spent Monday--Armistice Day with the R. R. Joines family.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parrish pent the week end with the Wm. Parrish family here.

Edna Weekly Herald, November 14, 1946

Francitas Facts.


The people of the Pentecostal Church of LaWard, with Mr. and Mrs. Lee of Louise began a series of meetings here on Wednesday, Nov. 6th. They did not come over on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings on account of the death and funeral services for Mr. Green. They resumed on Monday and hope to continue on thru' this coming week. Services are well attended and we trust that much good shall be accomplished.


We are grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Lee for their visit with Mrs. Green in her time of sorrow.


Messrs. Clyde Matthews, senior and junior, of San Antonio are visiting at the home of Charles Weber. Clyde junior, is just home from service.


Our sympathy goes out to our friend, Mrs. Charles Weber in the death of her father, Mr. Sonnin of Houston. He passed away on Nov. 4th. Mrs. Weber is in Houston with her mother at this writing.


Neil Joines got home today. He's still in khaki, but expects his discharge soon. All our Francitas boys who "served" are now back on "this side" of the world.


The Edna Weekly Herald, November 21, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Mr. Oscar Hopper of McKinney, Texas, spent a part of last week here visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. D. P. Long.


Mrs. F. D. Pearce visited her mother in Vanderbilt last Thursday. Mrs. Green accompanied her home for a few days visit. We are glad to note that Mrs. Green has regained her wonted health.


Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Havlik of Houston were guests at the Wingart home over the past week end.


Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steriz of Houston visited Mrs. Steriz's mother (Mrs. Bill Green) here Saturday and Sunday.


Mrs. James Beaty and little sons are visiting Mrs. Belle Beaty in Houston at this writing.


Mrs. Annie Hunnicutt and her daughter, Mrs. B. A. Buckhorn of LaWard were here to attend church services Friday evening.


Our hearts go out to our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, who are conducting services here, in the death of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas of Louise, Texas, who were the victims of a car wreck from which four persons have died.


Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clapp, with Harvey, Jr. and Alice, of Louise, visited here last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Garland P. Long have moved to El Campo.


The writer received a tiny letter announcing that a young man named Kent Delvern, came via strorkland Nov. 8th, to make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howell of Bell, California. Mrs. Howell will be remembered as Miss Kathryn Yoas of the Little Kentucky community. Congratulations!


Meeting still in progress at the church every evening at 7:30. Come on over into Francitas and help us.




The Edna Weekly Herald, November 28, 1946

The Francitas Church Building and S. S.


A number of interesting articles have appeared in recent issues of the Herald about the Francitas Sunday School. Some thirty odd years ago the Methodists erected the Francitas Church, a handsome wooden structure; the only church in town. The building has served as a community church since the foundation of the town, therefore the history of Francitas interlocks itself with the history of the Francitas Church.


The outline of the church building stands against the skyline, a tribute to good architecture. Many broken stained panes have been replaced by plain glass, the change is not apparent at a distance on a dark night. The beautiful stained windows still glow with warm colors at night, bringing a note of cheer in the small town. The storm of 1945 blew the building off its blocks and damaged its chimneys.


A few years ago, the Methodists at Corpus Christi needed seats badly to accommodate soldiers in a tabernacle in that city. A Methodist minister came to Francitas to see if the pews of the old church were in use. Unhappily, the Union Sunday School had disbanded for the first time in the history of Francitas. This Methodist preacher interviewed two or three former Sunday School leaders. Mr. Walt Griffith asked him to leave four pews. One day a shocked townspeople saw the church benches sitting at the railway station, billed for shipment. The men of the town reacted by placing the pews back in the church.


The removal of the seats stimulated the Sunday School into renewed activity. In an effort to save the pews, a committee visited the Methodist minister who had just billed the seats for shipment. No second action had been taken by the Methodist authorities to ship the seats. The committee waited too long. The Methodist minister could have helped them at an earlier date. He felt that his first investigation had been fair. He left the four pews as requested by Mr. Griffith. The other leaders consulted made no effort to hold the seats. The Rev. Binford has built some very nice benches for the Francitas Church building. The problem now is how to fill the benches. They say Sunday School is growing.


The Francitas Methodist Church was erected during the land boom at Francitas. People of all denominations attended their Sunday School from its inception. As time elapsed, the Sunday School became more inter-denominational in nature. Many boom town Methodists moved away. The late Mrs. William F. Schwind and Mrs. Charlie Thatcher were Methodist members of the Sunday School in the 1920s. A thriving union Sunday School characterized Francitas for many years. The school used Cook's Union Literature. Recently the present Sunday School voted to use Cook's Union Literature, also. The only Methodist active in the Francitas Sunday School today is Mrs. Quinton Thedford. Mrs. Compton, her mother, belongs to the Methodist Church in Edna. Mrs. Compton's health dies not permit her to attend church in either Francitas or Edna.


Statistics show that 256 denominations worship in the United States. There are not 256 denominations in Francitas, nor perhaps that many people. Active in the Union Sunday School one finds Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Church of Christ members. For example, in the Reese family, Dorothy is a Pentecostal, but Mildred and Tommie Reese are ardent Baptists.


When the various denominations hold meetings in the old church they have, in the main, the same people to preach to. It can be seen that the small town sometimes becomes the melting pot for denominations. Iago, in Wharton County, has developed a Union Church. The various denominations in the small town church have a sacred obligation to lift up Christ. If Christ is not lifted up, the young and even the old will look at the denomination and not at His Sacred Face. It is my belief that an analysis would reveal about 1 % disagree among denominations and 99 % common ground. Human nature betrays even churches into altercations and conflicts. Only Christ can help us overcome these differences.




The Edna Weekly Herald, December 5, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Mr. Lee and the other church folks from LaWard were over for his regular appointment on Thursday evening. We are glad to note that they will be here each Thursday. A nice crowd was present and much interest was manifested.


Joe B. Allen of Palacios is here as a guest of the R. Green home.


Mrs. J. C. Bowen, who is visiting Mrs. June Green Bowen here, was a visitor in Sunday School last Sunday.


Mesdames Dahlstrom and Pearce of LaWard were visiting over here last Sunday.


Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena are planning on spending the coming holidays in Beaumont.


Mrs. Clay Robertson went to Angleton Monday to visit her sister.


Howard Green is home for his vacation.


Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Weber are home from Houston. Mrs. Weber's mother, Mrs. Sonnin, is here to spend a few days with them.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Currie were called back to Kingsville Hospital to be at the bedside of her father, Fred Fossett, who is very ill. They left Monday on the midnight train.


Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Koch left early Tuesday morning for Beaumont. His mother and sister, Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena, accompanied them.


Mrs. J. B. Compton visited in Lolita a few days last week.


Dear Santa Claus:

I have been a very good boy, but I know I have asked for too many nickels. Please bring me a pair of mittens and a tricycle or a little wheel barrow to haul kindling in for mama. Santa, I have two sisters and two brothers. They have been very good children.

Hoping you get my letter.

Your little friend,

Dennis Thedford,

Francitas, Texas.


The Edna Weekly Herald, December 12, 1946

Francitas Facts.


A winsome little miss, named Sharon Earline, arrived at the Bay City hospital on Dec. 12th. She's just waiting for the weather to be just right, then she's coming over to live with Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen and her big sister, Carolyn. Congratulations.


As we all know, International Bible Sunday fell on Dec. 8th (second Sunday), so following the old custom here in our Sunday School we gave a Bible to some one who needed it. Miss Dorothy Green was the recipient this year. Mrs. B. H. Pearce was the donor.


The R. R. Joines family visited Mr. and Mrs. Alton Richardson in Bay City Sunday afternoon.


Virgie Bowen, with Mrs. Ralph Brown and her brother, Clifford Joines, visited relatives over here Sunday.


Miss Hazel Kelly of Palacios was the guest of Miss Pearl Koch Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pearce visited Mrs. Pearce's sister, Mrs. Ralph Henderson in Louise Sunday evening.


Jack Upton is home for a short visit with his parents.


We are sorry to report that the father of Mrs. Joe H. Currie, Mr. Fred Fosset, passed away last Friday. Mr. Fossett had been very ill for many weeks and his death was not unexpected. Still to all of us Death is tragic, and dark and sad. To our friend, we extend heartfelt sympathy.


Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Capak of Edna visited her mother, Mrs. H. L. Rose one day last week.


The Edna Weekly Herald, December 19, 1946