Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles
January - June 1946

Mrs. Nellie Carvell Died Christmas Day


(Francitas Correspondent)


Christmas Day dawned clear and bright and everyone in our small town awoke with a feeling that the blessed Spirit of the One whose birthday we revere and love was very close to our hearts. The children seemed to "celebrate" in a more quiet, subdued manner, as they were about their play, for our friend who had been very ill for many months, had spoken: "Jesus come for me at Christmas Time."


When the day was almost over, while the quiet, friendly voices, whispered that she must be near the "crossing," the Death Angel took the hand of Aunt Babe, and she quietly slipped away at 5:30 just as the dusk met the earth at the close of the day. (December 25, 1945)


There was no shock, no commotion, and she, herself, had prepared her family and she was ready and willing, yes, eager, to meet her Savior over there where there's no sorrow, nor pain. She had suffered long and was so tired that it seemed she just laid down her burden and stepped over to the Master on whose broad breast she could find peace and rest.


Mrs. Carvell who was "Aunt Babe" to all of us was born in Tennessee almost 75 years ago. She would have been 75 on May 13, 1946. Her maiden name was Nellie Duncan. At an early age she united with the Free-Will Baptist Church, and a simple child-like faith in the goodness of God and a trust that was beautiful made her life sincere.


She was married to J. B. Carvell, also of Tennessee, at the age of 16 years. To this union were born one son and three daughters. They are Robert C. Carvell, now of Old Ocean, Mrs. Reda Thomas of Bay City, Mesdames Nettie Joines and Mackie Manning of Francitas. At the time of her death she has 14 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.


Her four children and their families were all there when the end came. This good lady was a "Mother in Israel" for many years as she was able to attend the ailing and bring cheer to the down-hearted. She was ready, with willing hand, and her jovial, cherry smile to administer help right here in our midst, and this cheerfulness never left her, even after she had tears mixed with laughter. It was good to feel her warm hand-clasp and hear her hearty greeting. During her long illness she seemed never to long for sympathy. She wished only that her friends love her. A good mother, a staunch friend, a friendly neighbor, so shall we remember Mrs. Nettie Carvell.


Funeral services, conducted by Rev. George Neely, were held at the church. Pall bearers were her three grandsons: John E. Martin, Marvin Joines, Phillip Manning, Jr., and W. R. Joines, Jr., Nathan Linton and Nathan Dahlstrom.


Interment was made in the Palacios Cemetery where her husband was laid away several years ago.


The beautiful floral offering and such a group of friends who gathered at the church bespoke love and esteem more eloquent than words.


To you who grieve, let me say:

"She's not dead, she's just away.

Over yonder where there's no sorrow.

You will meet her in that tomorrow."


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, Thursday, January 3, 1946


Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Fred Fossett of Tivoli is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Curry.


Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Weber have returned after spending the Christmas and New Year holidays in Houston.


Mrs. Marvin Powers and son, Darrell, came home Friday from Sheppard where they spent the holidays with Mrs. Powers' mother.


Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bowen and son, Virgil, who is home from "oversea" service, spent a part of the holidays here as the guests of Mrs. June Bowen.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long were visiting here last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long have moved to Ganado.


Mr. A. T. Kellogg is home from an extended stay in Houston.


Mr. and Mrs. Mike Martin plan to move onto the Mauritz Ranch near Ganado.


Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Boeker are in Houston this week.


Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna visited her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wofford, a few days last week.


Santos Mancho is home from several weeks visit with his sister in San Benito.


Miss Doris Boultinghouse of Palacios is here with her grandmother, Mrs. W. R. Green.


The R. R. Joines family were in Palacios last Saturday evening.


Howard Green spent Sunday in Bay City.


Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Green of Bay City visited his mother, Mrs. Bryant Green, Saturday last.


Mrs. Francis Pearce, accompanied by her mother, went to Kuntz on Sunday last to visit her sister, Mrs. Opal Gates.


Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford, with Mrs. J. B. Compton, were Edna visitors last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Linton and Mrs. W. L. Linton of Palacios were here to visit friends and relatives Thursday last week. Nathan plans to take his wife and son? back to California when he returns to his duty. Yes, he's still with the "boys in blue."


Eugene Jr. and Billy Green of Vanderbilt were here to visit their sister, Mrs. F. D. Pearce, Saturday night.


Miss Wanda Thedford spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Patricia Compton in Palacios.


Frank Pearce enjoyed a visit from his former school master, Mr. Jack Compton, Sunday evening.


W. H. Wingart is "laid up" this week by injuries received in a fall.


Mrs. Elizabeth Koch had a letter telling her that Mrs. Rosalie Earenhart had a new baby girl. This one makes 23 great grandchildren. Congratulations Mrs. Koch.


Since Mrs. Koch and Miss Helena are "shut-ins" they wish to thank all the friends who made the holidays cheery by greetings, and gifts, and to all those who called to inquire after their welfare. One especially nice surprise for them was when John Koch, and his son, Johnny (who had a birthday on the same day) brought their families and friends, and of course, the birthday treat up to Grandma's home and had a party--a real "get-together."


Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hansen of Deutschburg spent the afternoon at the Pearce home on Jan. 2nd.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas January 10, 1946

Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green and daughters of Victoria visited relatives here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hawkins and son, Tommy (who is just home from Okinawa) of Houston were business visitors here last week.

One of the social events of the past week was "open house" on Friday, January 18, at the home of Mrs. P. L. Manning. the occasion was a "miscellaneous shower" for her nephew, John Edward Martin, and his bride, the former Miss Thelma Harris. To you and your bride, John, we say "congratulations."

Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford, and family visited in Lolita last Sunday.

Russell Green is home again from the hospital recuperating from pneumonia.

Mrs. R. L. Parish, with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rhodes, was a business visitor in Bay City Monday.

The R. R. Joines family were Palacios visitors Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines were over here Tuesday.

Eugene Green visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce Sunday last.

C. W. Boeker was here briefly Saturday.

Have you joined the "March of Dimes?" See your postmaster.

Edna Weekly Herald, January 24, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Mesdames Anna Lou Walsh and Lily Upton made a trip to Galveston last Sunday where they placed Bobby Upton in the John Sealy Hospital for medical attention. We trust for Bobby a very speedy recovery.


Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carvell, with Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston, spent Sunday and Monday here as the guests of the Pearce home. Mrs. Tobola recently returned home from Boulder, Colorado, where she visited her new granddaughter.


The Saturday's election on January 26th, went solid for our county hospital. We, of this community, feel very grateful for the gesture made by the Mauritz Brothers.


Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford visited Mrs. J. W. Wofford here Tuesday last.


Mrs. W. L. Linton of Palacios visited over here Monday last.


Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian of Houston were business visitors here last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Marion Linton visited relatives here Sunday last.


Gene Green, Jr. of Vanderbilt visited relatives here last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cooke entertained last Sunday, January 27th, with a three o'clock dinner, honoring Mr. C. J. Hanson on his 85th birthday. The table was laid around a tastefully arranged center piece of sweet peas in a pure white container, and as soon as the guests had finished the tastey dinner course, Mrs. Cooke brought in, and served a big white birthday cake. The gesture of the Cookes was more than repaid by the quite dignity and graciousness of the recipient and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were among the invited guests. To complete the day, Mr. and Mrs. Cooke took the Hanson's to Palacios to attend church services on Sunday evening. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Cooke for your sweet gesture and congratulations to Mr. Hanson.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, Thursday, January 31, 1946

Francitas Facts.

Our young people who go to school at LaWard, came home with smiling faces on January 30th telling us they had won the volley ball game at Lolita.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Boultinghouse and family of LaWard visited Mrs. Boultinghouse's mother over here last Sunday.

R. L. Long was here last Saturday getting signed up for Uncle Sam's Army.

Visiting at the Thedford home last week were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chambless of Corsicana and Rev. P. L. Pierce of Sheppard, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long of Louise and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long of Ganado visited here Sunday.

Quite a few of our school boys and girls attended the Fat Stock Show in Houston last Saturday.

Rev. and Mrs. Neely were Yoakum visitors last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Green of Palacios are here to visit his mother. Milburn will be on his way back to the Armed Forces in Germany Feb. 19th.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines were among the people from here who attended the Fat Stock Show in Houston.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Linton have bought the H. P. Thomas home and are now living in Francitas. Welcome.

Edna Weekly Herald, February 7, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Carmichael of Rich Square and her brother, Mr. Staerker, of California visited friends in Francitas on Wednesday last.


Everett Yoas of Dickinson visited relatives here last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Waco, visited in Francitas a few days last week.


Mr. and Mrs. G. _. Neely and son have moved back to Yoakum, leaving last Thursday. We are sorry to lose the Neelys as neighbors, but wish for them success in their home community of Yoakum.


Mrs. E. B. Upton spent last Sunday in Galveston visiting Bobby who is in John Sealy Hospital.


Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parrish and little son are home again after a few weeks in Houston with Bill's brother, G. A. Henson.


Mr. and Mrs. Thedford and Mrs. J. B. Compton were in Palacios Sunday to attend services at the Nazarene Church. Mrs. Compton's brother, P. L. Pierce of Dallas is holding a meeting there.


Mrs. E. Koch tells us she had a chatty letter from her granddaughter, Miss Shirley Carvell of Beaumont telling of her birthday party. A wonderful list of gifts and good wishes too many and too long to list here. Congratulations, Shirley, and to your mother as a gracious hostess.


Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Pearce, with Mrs. Pearce's brother, Eugene Green, were in Palacios Saturday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Capak have bought the T. A. Hawkins home and are busy getting all "fixed up" for housekeeping.


Friends here of Luther Hardy, who, as we all know, was taken prisoner by Japs early in 1942 (he was with General Wainwright thru "the three years of torture.") will be glad to know he is now recuperating in the Government Hospital at Santa Fe, New Mexico.


It's good to see the smiling faces of our returning soldiers as they don the civilian garb and begin life anew. We especially are thinking of Robert Koch, Tommy Hawkins, Preston Bowen, Virgil Bowen and others of our Francitas boys who are back.


Mr. and Mrs. Johnny L. Koch are now home again and are in their new home just south of the track. Welcome home.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, February 14, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Parrish have moved into the home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Neely.


Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines, with Mrs. Bea Pearce, were El Campo visitors on Monday last.


Miss Margaret Fassett of Tivoli with her mother, Mrs. Fred Fassett, is visiting Mrs. J. H. Curry this week.


Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bowen have moved to Edna. We are sorry to lose these young people, but wish them success in their new place of abode.


Mrs. F. D. Pearce, with her mother and sister, of Vanderbilt were business visitors in Port Lavaca last Tuesday.


Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Capak were visitors in Port Lavaca last Tuesday.


Despite the inclement weather, the Sunday school members gathered at the church for "Classes." But we need you, too. "Come over in Macedonia, and help us." The lesson for next Sunday is found Deut. 6. For Memory Lane it's Psalm 84.


Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Linton and R. L. Parrish were business visitors in Palacios Tuesday.


The Red Cross begins on March 1st. We, of Francitas, have already gotten our "helpers" in readiness and our slogan is "Francitas, Over the Top."


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, Thursday, February 21, 1946.

Francitas Facts.

Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton, Lawson Christian and Mrs. A. T. Hawkins, all of Houston, visited here last Sunday.

Mrs. Conrad Walch and E. B. Upton and Messrs. R. R Joines, Dudley Long, Robert Koch and W. R. Joines, Jr. were among those who spent Sunday in Galveston.

W. L. Linton of Palacios visited relatives and friends here Sunday.

Mrs. Lewis Capak and Mrs. H. L. Rose were Edna visitors Sunday last.

Miss Alice Clapp of Louise was the guest of Miss Margaret Joines Sunday.

Mrs. J. H. Currie went to Angleton Monday. We are glad to report that Mrs. Currie is much better.

Virgil Bowen was chatting with friends here Sunday.

Jack and Lonnie Green of Aqua Dulce, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Green, and Mrs. Bessie Boultinghouse of LaWard were all here to visit their father, Mr. W. R. Green, who has been quite ill. We are glad to note that Mr. Green is much improved.

Messrs. Q. R. Thedford and B. H. Pearce were in Edna last Monday.

Miss Audrey Mae Joines and her brothers, Jesse and Ray, of LaWard were in Francitas Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Long of LaWard spent a few days here last week.

We are glad to note that H. Clapp (our "star" mail carrier), who was ailing last week, is again on the job.

Mrs. Edith Linton and little son, Jerry, just home from California, visited briefly in Francitas last Monday.

Mr. J. W. Wofford was very pleasantly surprised last Sunday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen of Edna came down and, with his other boys and girls, "laid out" a delicious birthday supper. Congratulations!

Jack Compton of Lolita visited his mother, Mrs. J. B. Compton over here on Monday evening.

On Monday evening about 8:00 o'clock, a group of Mrs. Compton's friends gathered on the porch of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thedford and entered after singing "Happy Birthday To You." Mrs. Thedford acted as hostess, serving delicious refreshments. Not only Mother Compton, but each one present, went away with a lighter heart. Congratulations, Mother Compton.

A message from Brother Neely tells us he and Brother Chavers of Yoakum, will be here Sunday, March 3rd, to hold services at 11 o'clock forenoon and, possibly, in the evening. The public is cordially invited to worship with us.

The members of the Sunday school are working on a special program for Sunday next. Please try to be on hand early to get your assignment. We are going down "Memory Lane" for March by reading Ephesians 6:10-17 each day.

Edna Weekly Herald, February 28, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beaty are in Waco at this writing.


We are glad to note that Miss Helen Parish, who has been quite ill, is back on her job in Palacios.


Mrs. W. H. Wingart had as her guest last week her niece from up in Ohio.


Mrs. A. T. Kellogg was a business visitor in Houston last week.


F. A. Dorris of McDade, is here to visit her daughter, Mrs. Bryant Green.


Miss Joyce Pruitt of LaWard was a visitor in the R. Green home over the week end.


Jack Koch of Beaumont, son of the late Theodore Koch, was here Sunday to visit his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Koch. Jack also visited relatives at LaWard.


Sgt. J. T. Joines, who has been overseas for many months, came in Saturday night to visit his mother.


Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Houston visited relatives here last Sunday.


Russell Green is in Yoakum at this writing.


Little Donna Beth Wofford has just recovered from measles.


Mrs. Collis Wofford and little daughter, Vivian, are ill of measles.


Little Dennis Thedford is also a victim of measles.


We are sorry to note that our friend, W. R. Green, is now in the hospital at Galveston. Lonnie Green of Agua Dulce, and his sister, Mrs. R. Boultinghouse, of LaWard were called to be at their father's bedside last Sunday. We trust for Mr. Green a speedy recovery.


On Sunday, March 3rd, Bros. Chayers and Neely, of Yoakum were here to hold services for us. Preaching services were held Saturday evening and both morning and afternoon on Sunday.


Sunday school classes convened a bit early on Sunday last (March 10.) Bros. Barrett and Binford of Edna came down and gave us two splendid talks in the interest of the Sunday School work.


E. B. Upton returned home Monday from Galveston where he has been with his son, Bobby, in John Sealy Hospital. We are glad to note that Bobby stood the operation well and is now on the road to a speedy recovery.


Miss Loraine Joines who now is working in Houston, spent Sunday at her mother's home, Mrs. R. R. Joines.


Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber are in Houston this week.


Our new neighbor, Mr. Howard Atkinson, visited briefly at the Pearce home Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Derris of El Campo visited at the W. Griffith home on Sunday last.


Darrell Ray Powers missed school today. No not measles, mumps.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, March 14, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Upton and children, with Roswell Thedford, visited their son, Bobby at John Sealy Hospital at Galveston on Sunday last. Bobby is very much improved and has hopes of being brought home at an early date. Congratulations to Bobby.


One of our townsfolks, Mrs. Charles Weber was among the prize winners in the contest the naming of the McCarthy Hotel in Houston. She suggested and submitted the good old Irish name "Shamrock." Sure, and Mr. McCarthy is Irish himself. Congratulation to our friend, Mrs. Weber.


Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs were visiting at the Pearce home Sunday. We are glad to know they plan to bring their three children over to help in our Sunday school. Welcome.


Little Dennis Thedford had his Grandmother Thedford of Lolita as an overnight visitor while he was laid up with measles.


Mrs. A. T. Kellogg and Little Kay, are visiting in Houston this week.


The R. R. Joines family were Houston visitors over the past week end.


Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford and Mrs. Francis D. Pearce were business visitors in Edna on Saturday last.


Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bowen, with Mrs. June Bowen of Palacios were visitors at the R. Green home Sunday.


Two weddings took place last week of much interest to our town. James T. Joines and Miss Juanita Anderson were married in Ganado on Thursday, March 14th, and Mr. G. Tipton of Edna and Miss Mildred Jones (one of our girls) were married at Port Lavaca. To these young people we wish to extend best wishes for a long and happy life together.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, March 21, 1946

Francitas Facts

Hazel and George Green, who have been staying here with their grandfather, Mr. Bill Green, have returned to their home in Corpus

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ward, with Mr. Eugene Green, of Vanderbilt were over here last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jones and children were in Hallettsville on Sunday last to attend the wedding of Mrs. Jones' sister.

Q. R. Thedford was a business visitor in Lolita Sunday.

J. W. Griffith and wife were visiting his aunt, Mrs. Dorris, in Pierce last week.

Milburn Green has returned to Fort Sam Houston for re-enlistment and will, possibly, go back to the Army Occupation in Germany soon. Mrs. Green and children have moved from Palacios to Francitas. They have rented the upstairs apartment of the residence now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish. Welcome to our town, Mrs. Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Garland Long are here for a visit with homefolks.

Gillus Reese spent the past Sunday with homefolks here.

Mrs. H. Clapp and little grandson, Jerry Linton, visited briefly with us Monday.

Mrs. Joe Johs and children of Deutschburg were here last Sunday forenoon to enroll with our Sunday School workers. Welcome.

Mrs. J. H. Currie is again in the El Campo hospital. We wish for our friend a speedy recovery.

Mrs. W. L. Linton of Palacios, one of our Francitas friends, is now recuperating from a major surgical in the Rugeley Hospital at Wharton. To you, Addie, we are sending wishes for a quick recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines were in Wharton last Monday to be at the bedside of his sister, Mrs. W. L. Linton.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pearce were visiting in Vanderbilt over the past week end.

The writer has had work that our friend, E. H. Mahler of Yoakum, is holding a series of meetings in the Red Bluff Church, and also an invitation to our townsfolk to go over and worship with them Thanks, Miss Hamilton

Edna Weekly Herald, March 28, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Sgt. and Mrs. Jas. Beaty, who are now stopping in Palacios, visited over here Sunday last.


Mr. and Mrs. John Long are visiting at the Dea P. Long home at this writing.


Jack Upton and Q. R. Thedford were in Lolita last Sunday. Jack left Monday to resume his duties as Merchant Marine.


We are glad to note that our friend H. P. Thomas, who was quite ill last week seems to have recovered.


Mrs. J. H. Curry, who spent several weeks at Nightingale Hospital in El Campo was released last week and is now recuperating at the home of her mother, Mrs. Fred Fossett, in Tivoli.


We are glad to report, also, that Mrs. W. L. Linton is now at home in Palacios after a week in the hospital in Wharton.


Mr. and Mrs. Frances D. Pearce moved into the Kellogg resident, presently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Boeker. The Boekers are now living in Channel View.


Mr. and Mrs. Neely of Yoakum were here Monday, April 1st, enroute to visit his daughter. They were unable to be here Sunday on account of the illness of Mr. Neely.


The five little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bowen, who have had a siege of measles, are now on the road to health again.


Chas. F. Brown of Houston is visiting at the Kellogg home at this time.


Mrs. Milburn Green, and little Nancy visited in Palacios last week end.


At the recent school board election here (April 6) held by Mesdames Ira Jones and Collis Wofford and Mr. Ben Pearce, R. R. Joines was re-elected for another three years.


One of the social events of the past week was the "reception" for Mrs. Hoffer and her little daughter, Linda, at the home of Mrs. Howard Cooke at the Gas Camp Row. Mrs. Hoffer is the favorite sister-in-law of Mrs. Marvin Powers.


Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs and children visited in Palacios Sunday afternoon.


Mrs. Ive Johs and children were here Sunday forenoon for Sunday School classes an Mrs. Johs was appointed the teacher of the Cradle Roll Class.


Mrs. Elizabeth Koch reports that her uncle, Mr. John Hotz of Cuero, died recently. Mr. Hotz had visited here just a few weeks before his death and had made many friends who mourn with Mrs. Koch. Mr. Hotz was born Sept,. 1856, so he would have been 90 years old next September. Mr. Hotz had become blind several years ago, but was still active and loved life. He had five girls and four boys, twenty-five grandchildren and one great, great grandchild. His wife and three of his children preceded him in death. Mrs. Koch tells us that he had served almost 40 years as constable around his hometown, Cuero. This good man will be sadly missed by his host of friends. To the relatives and friends of Mr. Hotz we extend not sympathy, but consolation for Grandpa Hotz had a full life and lived to the ripe old age of those whom God loves.


The Red Cross Drive here was a bit short of our goal, but those who "helped" were:

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wingert

Mr. and Mrs. Pearce

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Thedford

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines

Mrs. J. B. Compton

Mrs. E. Koch

Wheeler Joines.

The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, April 11, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Henderson of Louise visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Pearce here Sunday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines, with Miss Ettie Joines, attended church services in Ganado last Sunday.


Misses Lula Hawkins and Loraine Joines of Houston visited here one day last week.


Ryling Linton of Houston was here Sunday last.


Mrs. B. B. Gayle, with Mrs. F. E. Pryor, visited briefly over here last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Swenson of Olivia, with Mrs. Paul Wyatt of Palacios visited the Langston home Sunday.


Mesdames Compton and Thedford visited with Mesdames Wyatt and Swenson while they were here at their mother's home.


Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pearce of Corpus visited here over the week end.


Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bienewski of Houston spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Linton last week.


Mr. and Mrs. McMichiel of the Gas Camp Row visited over here Thursday evening.


The members of the Sunday school plan to meet at nine o'clock on Easter for Sunday School classes, as several of our townsfolk plan to attend Easter services elsewhere. They shall have a song-service of Easter hymns. The decorating committee will arrange the mass of flowers on Saturday evening.


We had "greenery" only for Palm Sunday.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas, April 18, 1946

Francitas Facts

Mrs. McMichiel and little daughter from the Gas Camp Row, came over Sunday to help in our Sunday School. Welcome.

Russell Green was in Bay City Saturday.

Howard Green was a visitor in Victoria last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robertson have moved into the Hawkins home, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Capak. The Capaks are stopping temporarily at the Hugh Rose home.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Long visited here Sunday.

Mrs. D. P. Long left Sunday for a visit with her mother in Oklahoma.

Mrs. R. L. Rhodes is among the ailing at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jones and children were called to Hallettsville on Friday last to attend the funeral of Frank Kleminseck, who died Thursday, April 18.

Mrs. J. H. Currie is home again from Tivoli. We are glad to note that our friend is much better. We trust for her a speedy regaining of her wonted health.

Mrs. Hortense Wyatt, who teaches in Palacios, spent the Easter holidays with her mother, here, Mrs. J. D. Langston. Mrs. Langston is at this writing visiting relatives in East Texas.

News came from Pvt. James E. Page from "deep in the heart of Germany" that he lost a foot in an accident and is now in the Army hospital in Munich. Those who have his address might send him a card. To us here Jimmie is just a little boy who is "hurt" and a long ways from home. And, do you know, he reads the "Facts" from Francitas over there?

The teachers of our school had the Annual Egg Hunt at the school house on Good Friday afternoon, after which the children and visitors were "treated" with delicious punch and Easter cookies. All went home happy.

The Francitas Sunday School, assembling very early Sunday morning, presented the program below. An old rugged cross stood in a far corner of the Church. In the stage center were the Easter blossoms (the children's offering). Over the piano, on the other side, was displayed our Christian Flag.

In The Garden

1. Prelude--"There is a Green Hill Far Away."
2. Opening Hymn: "A Garden of Prayer."--School.
3. Prayer--Lead by Superintendent.
4. Hymns: "Alive Again" and "In the Garden."
5. Reading: "In Joseph's Garden."--Imogene Johs.
6. Reading: "The Master's Voice.--Wanda Thedford.
7. Poem: "The Voice in the Garden."--Mrs. Thedford.
8. Song: "List to the Voice."--Young Ladies.
9. Readings: "The Resurrection Story." (as told by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).--Read by three of the teachers--Mesdames Pearce, Johs, and Thedford.
10. Talk: "Jesus Crucified."--Mrs. Pearce.
11. Prayer Song: "Easter-Tide."--Little Ones.
12. Closing Hymn: "Christ Arose."--School.
13. Postlude: "Praise Him."--Piano Music.

Edna Weekly Herald, April 25, 1946

Francitas Facts

Mrs. June Bowen, of Palacios, spent Sunday with homefolks here.

Misses Alice Clapp, Mildred Chatman and Irene Cross of Louise visited in Francitas Saturday forenoon.

Junior Whorton, who has been several years with the boys in "Blue," came in last week to get acquainted with his little sister, Mary Agnes.

Messrs. Dee, Harold and Robert Long and families of Ganado visited here Sunday.

Mrs. John Long and daughters are guests of Mrs. D. P. Long at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines and Miss Margaret, were Wharton visitors Monday.

B. H. Pearce spent the past week end in Corpus as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pearce.

Mrs. C. K. Walker, Sr. of LaWard visited Mrs. Clay Robertson here on Thursday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Waco visited relatives here last week end.

Sgt. James E. Beaty left this past Friday for Fort Sam Houston to resume his duties with the boys in "khaki."

Mrs. Annie Carmichael and Miss Margaret of Rich Square were with us in Sunday School last Sunday. They were dinner guests of Mrs. J. B. Compton.

Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Thedford and children were dinner guests of Mr. Thedford's mother in Lolita last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wofford were made happy on Easter Sunday by having all their seven children, and seven grandchildren at home. A picnic dinner, down by the riverside, and Sunday night supper at their home. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wofford of El Campo, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross of Corpus, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Allen of Edna, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines of Palacios, besides the families of Collis and Leon who live in "our city."

Miss Joyce Pruitt of LaWard was the week end guest of Miss Dorothy Reese.

Our good friends, Miss Helena (the Sunshine girl) and her mother, Mrs. E. Koch, are again on our Sunday School roll, as honorary members of the Jolly Juniors' Class. Yes, the "Juniors" are again active. They are now on a membership drive.

The teachers of our Sunday School are planning a program for Mother's Day on May 12th. We'll look for you.


Edna Weekly Herald, May 2, 1946

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. Jas. E. Beaty spent a few days in Houston last week.

Mrs. J. G. Bowen and Joyce Pruitt of LaWard visited at the R. Green home here last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines were Wharton visitors Saturday.

Mrs. Carey Homerds of Palacios  visited her mother, Mrs. Robert Green, over here last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Joines of Palacios were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Joines last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford were in Edna last Saturday.

Mrs. C. K. Walker visited Mrs. Clay Robertson here Saturday.

Mrs. Bill Green tells us that she has a new granddaughter, little Linda Katherine Steriz, who has come to live with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Steriz in Channelview, Texas. Congratulations.

Miss Gertrude Kellogg of New York is here to visit her mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce visited in Vanderbilt over the week end.

Eugene Green from Louise was the supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hanson [C. J. Hansen?] of Deutschburg were over here Tuesday. They were winners of the "King's Prize" in the flower show held in Palacios on April 27th.

The teachers of the Sunday School met with Mrs. Ben Pearce on Wednesday evening, May first. After a discussion of the ways to win "attendance" and "attention" of the members, and a brief talk about the Mother's Day program on May 12th, three members of the Jolly Junior Class--Misses Carolyn Upton, Hope Thedford and Josephine Johs--served refreshments.

Mrs. Lena Fullencheck of Edna is here to visit her sister, Mrs. E. Koch.

Edna Weekly Herald, May 9, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Miss Alice Clapp of Louise was helping her dad run the route on Saturday last.


Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wofford, with Mrs. Lena Carroll were Ganado visitors Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jones and family were visitors in Hallettsville on Mother's Day.


Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford, with Mrs. J. B. Compton, spent Mother's Day with Mr. Thedford's mother in Lolita


Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Anderson of Houston were here to see her mother, Mrs. Bill Green, on Sunday last.


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green stopped here last Sunday enroute from Houston to Victoria. Ernest will return immediately to resume his duties at Fort Sam Houston.


Jack Upton was here last week from Houston to visit his homefolks.


Despite the "absentees" at our Sunday School we had a very interesting lesson and songs woven about the three words: "Mother, Home and Heaven," on Mother's Day. The two beautiful bouquets, prepared by our friend, Mrs. W. H. Wingart, were presented to Mrs. Koch, oldest mother, and Mrs. Wm. Parrish, youngest.


Word comes from Mrs. Milburn Green and little Nancy that they are now "established" near Milburn's Camp and are liking Fort Knox, Ky.


Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford and Donna Beth spent Mother's Day with Mrs. Wofford's mother in Ganado.


Mrs. James Beaty and "Jimmy" are in Blessing at this writing.


Mrs. Carey Hammonds and children were over form Palacios Saturday last. She tells us her nephew, Marion Green, who has been in John Sealy Hospital, Galveston for several weeks, seems to be some better.


Mrs. C. J. Reese, Jr. of Houston, is here to visit C. J.'s mother, Mrs. Omay Reese.


Mr. and Mrs. Joe Earle Gates, who are now living in Kountz, announce the birth of a little daughter, on May 8th. Mrs. Gates will be remembered as Miss Opal Green, one of our Francitas girls, congratulations.


The Edna Weekly Herald, Jackson County, Texas May 16, 1946

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Lena Fullencheck, who has visited her sister, Mrs. E. Koch, for several days, left Friday for Woodsboro to visit her daughter.


Raymond Griffith was taken suddenly ill on Thursday last and is now in a hospital at El Campo. Last reports are that Raymond is much better.


Mrs. Garland Long was called home from San Marcos to be at the bedside of her brother, Raymond Griffith.


Mrs. J. H. Currie is visiting her mother, Mrs. Fred Fasset in Tivoli.


Mr. Currie was in Tivoli last Sunday and says that his wife is much better.


Eddie Reese, who is working in Bay City, spent Sunday with homefolks here.


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pollman of Santa Rosa, with Mr. and Mrs. Bush of LaWard, were chatting with old friends here on Sunday afternoon. Yes, she's our same "preacher" lady who "ministered" for us here when she lived among us in years gone by. The Pollmans are enroute to Michigan on a much needed vacation.


Several of our townsfolk attended the baccalaureate sermon at LaWard Sunday evening.


Mesdames M. C. Joines and S. B. Allen sponsored a picnic for the "Seniors" of LaWard School last Saturday. Their brother, Curtis Wofford is in the class, "Thanks to you ladies. We enjoyed it." Signed the Seniors.


Mrs. Elizabeth Koch who was 79 years old on May 16th, tells us that beginning on Mother's Day her whole week was made into gala days of receiving showers of cards, letters, gifts and flowers on all the intervening days for which she wishes to thank each and every one who remembered her. Those here and elsewhere brought her much cheer and comfort.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Jones of Baytown visited homefolks here Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce attended church in Palacios Sunday.


The Edna Weekly Herald, May 23, 1946

Facts From Francitas.


Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Weber are now on their vacation in the North.


Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wingart left Monday for an extended visit with relatives in Ohio.


Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Thedford were Ganado visitors on Saturday last.


Miss Doris Boultinhouse of La Ward visited at the Reese home here last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton, with W. R. Joines (who had spent a week in Houston) were here Sunday. Miss Georgie Linton, who had spent a past week here, accompanied them home.


Miss Loraine Joines is now in Houston with her aunt, Mrs. Ryling Linton.


Mrs. Hortense Langston Wyatt is now in Wilksboro, N. C., with her husband.


Mrs. Arvid Swenson of Olivia is here with her mother, Mrs. J. L. Langston, who is ill. We trust for Mrs. Langston a speedy recovery.


Miss Margaret Joines, with Miss Annie Carvell left Monday for Sweeny.


Mrs. T. O. Allen of Palacios visited her mother, Mrs. Bryant Green, last Saturday.


Mesdames Bill Green and J. B. Compton visited relatives in Houston all of the week before last. Mrs. Green saw her new granddaughter, little Linda Steriz, for the first time.


T5 Milburn Green, who is now in Fort Knox, Ky., expects to be here on a furlough very soon.


Mr. Binford of Edna was here to minister for us on Thursday evening. He expects to be here each second Sunday forenoon and evening. Everyone invited to come worship with us.


Our friends of LaWard of the Pentecostal Church, are in a series of meetings here. Services each evening at 8:00 o'clock. Come over and help us.


Mr. John Koch was rushed to the hospital on Monday last. We are glad to note he's much better at this writing.


Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Lee of Raymondville, while visiting his parents at LaWard, were over here for services several evenings. Mervin's old friends have learned that he is now pastor of his church at Raymondville.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce are moving this week out to the "Gas Camp Row" at the Francitas Gas Plant.


Our friend, Mrs. C. W. Boeker, of Channel View, was chatting with friends here Monday evening.


Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena wish to thank their friends of LaWard and here for making it possible for them to attend services for several evenings.


Yes, we are all grateful the members of our Sunday School decided to meet just one hour earlier while the warm weather continues. The hour of assembly is now 8:45 A. M. Come over and help us.


The Edna Weekly Herald, June 20, 1946

Facts From Francitas.


Mesdames C. A. McFeron and Harrell of LaWard were over here Tuesday evening to attend services at our church.


Mesdames C. K. Walker and George Kirby of LaWard, with Mrs. Robinson were visiting friends over here last week.


Guy Joines, his daughter, Birdie, and two sons, Carson and Raymond, of Beaumont visited here last week. Despite the showery weather, Guy visited his old fishing hole on the river. Big catch? Ask him.


Pfc. J. W. Griffith and wife, with Mr. and Mrs. Garland Long of San Marcos visited homefolks here a few days last week.


Mesdames Opal Price Benedict and Virgil Griffith of Houston visited briefly here this past week. They were enroute to San Antonio.


Mrs. Gertrude Price is here to visit at the Griffith home.


We are glad to note that Mrs. J. D. Langston is much better this week. Her daughter, Mrs. Arvid Swenson, who spent all of last week here with her mother, returned home Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rose were visitors in Edna Sunday and Monday.


Word came to us that our friend, Mrs. Sadie Miller, a long time resident of Francitas, passed away at the home of her son, George Miller, in Palacios Sunday, June 23rd. To this bereaved family we extend sympathy.


To our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Murvin Lee of Raymondville, we extend sympathy in the death of their little son, who died Friday. The remains were brought to Louise, Texas, and laid away on Sunday afternoon. Murvin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lee of LaWard.


We had no services at the church on Friday nor Saturday evening, but a new crowd was present on Sunday evening for the last service of the two weeks' meeting.


Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew of Lolita were over here on Thursday evening renewing acquaintances with old friends. They attended services, also.


Dr. Renke Lubben, with Miss Gail Pounders of Austin, visited at the Pearce home Tuesday. They are here for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Martin.


Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Powers visited down in Old Mexico while he was on his vacation.


Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cooke and Johnny, are now vacationing in Oklahoma.


Some of the mothers of our town have asked that the young people meet at the church on next Sunday evening to organize a Young People's Society in the Cause of Christ.


The Edna Weekly Herald, June 27, 1946