Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles


Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Essie Walker? of Houston visited the home of Mrs. W. H. King Thursday and Friday.


Mrs. Carney of Grapeland, Texas, visited her sister, Mrs. W. A. Palsey here last week.


Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were supper guests at the home of J. A. Howell in Edna Sunday night.


The friends of Mrs. C. E. Langston will be proud to learn that she and baby Phillip will be back in time to answer roll call at S. S. Class Sunday the 21st.


We shall be sorry to see our new friends the Fishers, leave us next week, but Uncle Sam is sending Sgt. Fisher some where in the Pacific and Mrs. Fisher will be returned to her home in Seattle, Washington.


Mr. and Mrs. C. Latham, who have made their home for the past few months at the R. L. Parrish home, returned to their home at Buna, Texas.


We wish to thank Mesdames Long and Pasley for the nice collection of newspapers for Uncle Sam's Christmas gift that we children and Mrs. Pearce are planning to send to Edna very soon. If you and you and you care to help, bring us all your papers. They are to be collected in the Pearce store on the east side of the post office building. Let us also say we are very grateful to those who have contributed their bit to the donations (in cash) toward our treat for the community tree which we shall decorate for the night of the 31st.


Mesdames John Koch and R. Green were in Yoakum Saturday.


Miss Hortense Langston was home Sunday to visit her parents.


Mrs. Sadie Miller is in Turtle Bay at the home of her son, George Miller.


Fred Connor, evangelist of Palacios, on Sunday, the 7th, began a series of meetings at our church here for the coming week. Services each evening at 7:30.


Among the 4000 boys in khaki being sent from Palacios to enter active service, includes three Francitans, Leon Smith, Sergeant Paul Fisher and James Beatty. Our heart goes with them.


The Edna Weekly Herald, December 11, 1941


Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles


Francitas Facts.


Miss Virginia Cherry of Liberty is visiting her auntie, Mrs. A. G. Mayers here.


Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ashley are stopping here with Mrs. Ben Ashley for a few days.


Mr. and Mrs. Perry Downs are the proud parents of a new baby boy. Mrs. Downs also has taken in four of her brothers and sisters (the Collins children) to care for. These new children and little Calvin Ray (her year old baby boy) makes six for her to care for.


Milburn Green and Perry Downs went to Fort Worth to "sign up" for their new job with the oil company.


Frank Pearce was home for visit last Sunday.


Eugene and Lily Bell Green were visiting over here last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Pearce were business visitors in Bay City Saturday.


Ernest Yoas was here Saturday to have the Home Defense leaflets filled in by our volunteers here last Sunday. He also appointed B. H. Pearce local chairman of the Defense Guard here.


Mrs. Calvin Joines and children of Buhler were visiting Mrs. Ada Joines here Sunday last. We were glad to have Audry May with our Sunday school classes.


Miss Gladys Harper was over here for the week end.


Mrs. Paul Fisher is our "volunteer" to take the Red Cross course in Edna with the view to serving as instructor to our class of ladies here.


Dr. and Mrs. Hood of Palacios visited Mrs. Mattie Campbell last Sunday.


Mr. W. B. Brooks, who has been quite ill, is able to be around again.


Mrs. E. Koch reported she has a new great granddaughter making her tenth one.


Mrs. D. P. Long returned home Monday night from a visit in McKinney, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. John Long, who accompanied her did not return, but are prolonging their visit at that place and in Oklahoma. Mrs. John Long will be remembered as Miss Mary Carvell of LaWard. She and John were married on December 28th. To these young people the writer extends best wishes for a life full of happiness and in this time of the world's turmoil we trust they'll make their life together very useful.


The Edna Weekly Herald, January 15, 1942

Francitas Facts.


Harold Whorton, Jr. was home from Victoria for a week end's visit with his parents.


Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton were in LaWard to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Carvell and family were visiting over here Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Girndt visited Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Meyers here last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce visited with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pearce in Edna Saturday evening.


Mesdames Guy Joines and Edison Carvell, with little daughters, Birdie and Shirley of Beaumont were here Saturday to be at the bedside of their mother, Mrs. E. Koch, who has been quite ill for more than a week.


Miss Helena Koch is among the ailing. She is suffering form a severe tooth ache.


Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Koch and little daughter, Virginia, visited relatives here Sunday.


Mrs. Paul Fisher and boys will leave soon for San Diego, Calif., to visit her husband who is serving Uncle Sam over there, for a few weeks and will go from thence to Seattle, Washington to live at her old home. Mrs. Fisher has surely been a very helpful friend here and we shall miss her very much.


William Parrish and Ruby Koch surprised quite a number of their friends here when they went into Edna one day last week and came back man and wife. Ruby and Bill are very popular and well loved "children" of our community and we wish them long years of happiness and usefulness in their life together.


Mr. and Mrs. Parrish visited a few days with his brother in Goliad last week.


Mrs. Paul Fisher visited Mrs. Bill Green in Turtle Bay community Tuesday of this week.


We are sorry to report that John Long is among the ailing at this time.


Mrs. J. D. Browning who was here to attend Mrs. Campbell['s funeral], returned to her home in Edna Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bryant of Buhler were here for the funeral of Mrs. Mattie Campbell.


Mrs. Sadie Miller, who has been visiting her son in the Turtle Bay section, returned home Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. King and Dorothy were in Bay City Saturday evening.


Frank and Morgan Pearce were home briefly Sunday.


Our friend, Mrs. Mattie Campbell "passed on" last Saturday, Jan. 31, at 6 p.m. Her "going Home" was like her life had been, very peacefully quiet while her friends were at her bedside to attend her. Funeral services were conducted by our pastor, Rev. C. I. Kelly of Edna. A more suitable mention will be made next week when more facts about her have been collected. She was 81 years, 1 month and 26 days of age.


The Edna Weekly Herald, February 5, 1942

Francitas Facts.


On Monday, March 9th, Mrs. Della Sanders was laid to rest in our Francitas Cemetery. A more suitable mention will be made next week.


Mesdames Guy Joines and Edison Carvell of Beaumont were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Sanders.


Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Mays of Lolita, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dahlstrom were here Monday to attend the funeral.


Mr. Green Scarborough of Houston was here to attend his sister's funeral.


Roy Lee Hamil, our friend who peddles Lee's bread out of Victoria, was showing his A-1 card Saturday so we shall be looking for another "bread" boy. He will enter the service at once.


Mrs. Robert Rhodes and children, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parrish have been here the past week end on account of the illness and death of Mrs. Parrish's grandmother.


Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pearce visited homefolks here Sunday afternoon.


Tommy Hawkins was also home from Foster Field for Saturday and Sunday.


We feel justly proud of our townspeople who responded so willingly to the signing of the Civilian Defense cards. We had 60 whose names were listed.


Frank Pearce and his uncle of Edna were home over Sunday.


Yes, our Sunday School children are working still, helping to collect newspapers for Uncle Sam. So if you wish to "donate" please let the children know and they will call and pick up the papers.


Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green handed us a dollar apiece for the "I Gave" Red Cross donations. If you, too, still wish to help you'll find the receipt buttons at the post office here. Mrs. Ben Pearce is the local worker.


Little Pedro Carillo, age 6, is a staunch patriot. When he gets hold of a silver dime he immediately rushes to the post office and as he fumbles in his little pockets he says: "here's my dime, please put a stamp in my book and let me see it, please."


Mr. John Kopecky, the Hallettsville postmaster, was here Monday, taking subscriptions to the Post Master's Gazette.


Mrs. Jim Knopp of Edna passed through Francitas Tuesday enroute to her son's home over by Blessing.


The Edna Weekly Herald, March 12, 1942   

Francitas Facts.


Miss Helen Parrish spent Sunday with homefolks here.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parish, with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Parrish were visiting in Palacios Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Brown and children of Houston were guests at the homes of Mesdames R. Linton and Ada Joines Sunday. We were glad to have their little daughter, Margaret Ann, in Sunday School here last Sunday.


A winsome little miss came "via storkland" on June 3rd to take up her abode with Mr. and Mrs. R. Linton. They call her Gracie Luella.


Mrs. James Beaty is in Fort Bliss at this writing.


Mrs. Garland Long visited her husband in Camp Barkley at Abilene this past week.


Mr. and Mrs. Collis Wofford are in Hondo at this writing.


Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian and children of LaWard were visiting over here Monday.


Marion Linton was over here from Bay City Monday to fill in his occupational questionnaire. He tells us that he is now married to Miss Fayerene King of Palacios. Congratulations.


Mrs. Pearl Corse of Freeport is home for a visit with her mother, Mrs. A. W. Barlay.


Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Siegfried are in Grapeland for a few days.


Mrs. Eugene Green and Billy visited at the R. R. Joines home Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce, with Miss Lily May Green, visited in Edna Sunday afternoon. They were the supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pearce.


The friends of Miss Helen Jones will be interested to know she is in Houston attending nurses' training school at the Methodist Hospital. She is very enthusiastic about her work. We are wishing for her much success.


C. D. Long is home for a few weeks visiting with his family. He has just returned from a trip to Pearl Harbor with an oil tanker crew, but he says nothing looks so good to him as Texas--the grandest spot in the U. S. A. and they grandest place in all the world.


Several months ago a fund was started by donations from the Francitas citizenry, and others, which was to be used to improve our cemetery. Last week quite a group of our men and boys spent two or three days at the cemetery site, cleaning off graves, cutting grass and stubble. Some new wire was purchased for a new fence and a nice, new front gate was erected. The larger trees are to be white washed and some shrubbery set. We are indebted to our commissioner, Mr. Mays, for a new culvert and a nice "drive in" for the west side. Miss Edna Krenning of Fort Recovery, Ohio, who is a niece of the last Mr. and Mrs. Mattie Campbell, is among those who made the most liberal donations. We should like to hear from those who have relatives lying in our "city of the dead" who might be willing to help in this good work. If interested, see or write the Francitas postmaster.


Messrs. Jack Shandley and Allen Botard of Houston are conducting a revival here. Last Sunday evening, our friend Geo. Fields, was here again to preach the evening sermon. He was unable to stay for the coming week.


Mrs. Herman Hen__ and little Billy were among the new members in our Sunday School last Sunday. Mrs. Henry has promised to take charge of the Cradle-Rollers for the coming quarter.


Mr. and Mrs. Botard and Messrs. Shandley and Walter Meyers? were visitors Sunday morning at Sunday School. After the S. S. session, Mr. Shandley delivered his Sunday morning sermon.




The Edna Weekly Herald, June 11, 1942

Francitas Facts.

Miss Edith Linton and Miss Helen Parrish returned to Palacios Monday to resume their work.


Mrs. W. L. Linton was over one day last week to visit her new niece Gracie Luella.


C. D. Long has returned to his job on the oil tanker after a few days spent with his family here. A new baby boy has come to town and he decided to stay with Mrs. Long even though his daddy does sail around to different parts of the world.


Little Miss Elaine Crittendon of Van Vleck [is] spending a few days with Miss Dorothy King.


Miss Frances Rose is in Edna with her grandmother this week.


Mrs. Browning was released from her duties with Mrs. A. Carmichael who is much better and has returned to her home in Edna.


Grandma Hawkins, with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hawkins and John, spent a few days in Houston last week. Grandma Hawkins will stay for a visit with her children in Houston.


Little LaVerne Green has been among the ailing this week.

Banks and George Dorton spent a few days with the Pearce family last week.


Mrs. Sadie Miller is home again from Palacios.


The families of Collis and Leon Wofford are home again from Hondo. Collis and Leon returned to Hondo Sunday night after a brief visit here.


Miss Lily May Green visited her mother Saturday night.


Mr. and Mrs. John Long have moved into the Wingart apartment home across from the post office on Main. John is working in Palacios.


Marvin Joines and Robt. Koch are working at Camp Hulen Laundry.


Ellis Jenson of Palacios is here doing some repairing on Mrs. Brown's home.


Mr. and Mrs. Gene Martin, with Miss Elsie Lubben of Buckeye, were chatting with friends over here last Sunday.




The Edna Weekly Herald, June 18, 1942


Francitas Facts.


Messrs. Botard and Shandley have closed their meeting here and will go elsewhere to open another.


Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Thomas from Marshall are here to visit homefolks.


Mesdames Bokock and Havlik with Mr. Havlik of Houston, were here Tuesday. They had been to Palacios to visit the graves of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baer.


Mr. Glazener of Victoria visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Henry last week. While here, he made many new acquaintances. We are very pleased to note that the "1910" Clark farm (between our town and LaWard) has been made into a game preserve and Mr. Henry, the overseer is a Francitan by adoption.


Mrs. Garland Long visited in Olivia last week. She came home to begin work in the Camp Hulen Laundry.


Quite a few of our young folks, Marvin Joines, Anna May Long, Lily Mae Green, J. W. Griffith, Robert Koch and Milburn Green, are now employed in Camp Hulen Laundry.


Mr. and Mrs. William Parrish and Mr. and Mrs. John Long have moved to Palacios, so as to be near their work.


We feel proud of this group of young people who are willing to help on the home front even tho' it is not easy during the hot weather.


Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Green were Edna visitors Sunday. Mrs. Green's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Terry, accompanied them home to spend a few weeks down on the pleasant Crescent V. Ranch.


Frank Pearce, George and Banks Dorton spent Sunday with homefolks here.


We are glad to note that Mrs. M. B. Green, who has been quite ill, is able to be up.


Mrs. Bill Abernathy of Waco is here to visit her brothers, Messrs. Rowan and Bryant Green.


Mrs. Leon Wofford and little Donna Beth, visited in Ganado last week.


Collis and Leon Wofford were home from Hondo over the week end.


Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Paslay and Mrs. Susie Gable are on their vacation trip to points in East Texas.


Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Danner have just returned from a week's stay in Oklahoma.


Don’t forget that Sunday School classes convene at 9:45 a. m. each Sunday. A new quarter and a new book and new students so come next Sunday. We begin with Genesis 1:1. We'll look for you.



The Edna Weekly Herald, July 2, 1942

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen of El Campo visited at the J. W. Wofford home Thursday.


Miss Lula Maud Hawkins visited in Houston the Fourth.


Mrs. Wm. F. Light and Little Kenneth are here for a few days with her mother, Mrs. H. Clapp.


Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnell and Mrs. Tobola of Houston were guests at the Pearce home for the Fourth. Mrs. Carnell returned Sunday, but Mrs. Tobola will visit in Francitas for the coming week.


Mrs. J. G. Bowen reports that her little 12 year old granddaughter, Joyce Pruitt of LaWard, underwent an appendectomy at the Nightingale Hospital in El Campo last week. Joyce is doing nicely now. We hope for her a speedy recovery.


Mr. and Mrs. Herman Henry and little son, Bill, were dinner guests at the Pearce home Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers and Miss Mary Young are here for a month's stay at the Schwind home. We are always glad to have Miss Young and Mrs. Summers help us in our Sunday school work for the summer.


The pastor of the Austin Street Baptist Church in Yoakum, will be here July 6th to begin a series of meetings at the church. We'll look for you to come over and worship with us.


J. W. Griffith, who was very ill for a few days, is much better.




The Edna Weekly Herald, July 9 1942

Francitas Facts.


Little Miss Phillys Larson is home from a week's visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Armatta, in El Campo.


Mrs Roy Hawkins, with little Lucille and Roy of Houston are visiting at her uncle's home here.


Miss Lula Hawkins is home from a visit among relatives in Houston.


Mrs. Geo. Kirkwood and children are home from a visit in Oklahoma and other points.


Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton and children are visiting in Houston and Beaumont.


Mesdames Opal Gates, Rosalie Anderson and Annie Green from Crescent V. Ranch called on friends here last Sunday.


We are sorry to report that Mrs. E. Upton is ill at this writing. Mrs. Clarence Larson is helping Mr. Upton with the "store" work.


Mesdames Mayers and Ashley visited Mrs. Calvin Joines one day last week.


Grandma Rose of Allen?, Texas, who is visiting her son's household here, became very ill Friday night. Dr. Wagner was called to attend her. Mrs. Browning of Edna, our special practical nurse was also here to care for Mrs. Rose. We are glad to note that she is much better.


Mr. and Mrs. Paslay, Mrs. Gable and little Barbara Jean are home from a ten days vacation trip.


Mesdames Bill Abernathy and Bryant Green left Thursday for Waco (Mrs. Abernathy's home). Mrs. Green will visit with her for the coming week.


Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg retuned to their home in Houston after a few weeks stay here.


Mrs. J. V. Brown visited in Houston a few days last week.


Mrs. W. R. Tabola, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. B. H. Pearce, returned home last Thursday.


Mrs. Garland Long made a short visit to Abilene to spend a few days with her husband who is in Camp Barkeley.


Essie Adams, who has been with Mr. J. C. Knopp, is now with his daughter, Mrs. Breckel in Vanderbilt.


Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Thomas are now stationed at Bryan, Texas.


We are glad to note that Mrs. Sadie Miller is able to walk "uptown" and chat with friends.


Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bowen were visiting here Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Pearce of Edna were supper guests at the Pearce home Sunday.


Frank Pearce spent Saturday with homefolks here.


Those who contributed to the U. S. O. at this place were: Mrs. E. Koch, Mrs. Hugh Rose, Mrs. John Koch, Mrs. Bill Aleen, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Langston, Mrs. D. P. Long, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wingart, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jones, Johnny Koch, Frank Escalantez, Roger and Lola Payne.


The Edna Weekly Herald, July 16, 1942

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Edison Carvell and little Miss Shirley of Beaumont, are visiting relatives here and at LaWard.


Mrs. C. D. Long and babies went to Port Arthur to visit her husband who is stopping there for a few days.


Mrs. Roy Hawkins returned to her home in Houston Sunday.


Miss Barbara Wofford and Miss Lorine Joines visited in Palacios Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. Jack Diamond are vacationing this week.


We are glad to note that Grandma Rose, who has been very ill is much better. Mrs. Browning of Edna, who was her nurse, has also been ill and Mrs. Hugh Rose had to spend a few days in Edna at the bedside of Mrs. Browning (her mother).


We are glad to have Mr. H. H. Glowe with us in Sunday School last Sunday. We hope to get more of the grown-ups interested and our plan is to form an adult class soon. Won't you come over and help us?


This community was shocked and saddened when a phone message brought us word that Leonard Maurer had been drowned at Victoria. Leonard's friends here all extend sympathy to Mrs. Maurer and her loved ones. We feel sure there were few finer men than Leonard.


Mr. and Mrs. J. E. King were in Victoria several days to help make Mrs. Maurer feel that her friends are still standing by.


Those who were fortunate enough to find the "Search Question" assigned to members of the Sunday School were Pearl Koch, Mildred Jones, Frances Rose and Alice Clapp.


Miss Lily Mae Green was shopping in Edna Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce visited briefly with Sgt. and Mrs. Morgan Pearce last Sunday.


Mrs. Milburn Green and Miss Opal Green were in Palacios Monday.


Mrs. Bryant Green is home from a visit in Waco and McDade.


The friends of Mrs. Clara Middleton were sorry to hear that her husband has passed away in a Houston hospital last week. Mr. Middleton had been lingering between life a death for more than two months, so death was not unexpected. Mrs. Middleton is a sister of Rowan and Bryant Green and has lived here most of her life.


The Edna Weekly Herald, July 23, 1942

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Browning and children of Edna visited at the Hugh Rose home last week.


Mrs. Amanda Rose, with Hugh Rose and family, visited in El Campo Sunday. From there "Grandma" took the bus for San Angelo. We are glad to note she is much improved after her severe illness here.


Miss Fay Daniels of Blessing visited Miss Dorothy King several days last week.


Paul Wilkerson of Ganado is visiting his auntie, Mrs. A. G. Mayers, here.


Dr. Guffy was called over here Tuesday to attend Johnny Koch who became suddenly ill.


Misses Lorine Joines and Bobby Wofford went to Ganado last week to help Mrs. Macon in her café.


Miss Lily May Green, with her father's family, and Mrs. Opal Gates visited in Edna Monday.


Banks and George Dorton went to Houston last Tuesday. George will remain in Houston till his father is settled again. He expects to go somewhere near Corpus in the near future.


Grandma Hawkins and J. M. Cunningham came in from Houston Sunday. Grandma will stay here for an extended visit with her son's family. Despite her 94 years she is still active and can walk about the house with only a cane now.


Mr. and Mrs. John Bolling were chatting with friends over here Saturday.


Mrs. A. T. Kellogg is here from Houston to have some work done on her home.


J. H. Summers went to Nacogdoches Saturday to cast his vote.


Mrs. Gertrude Jones of Edna visited her sister, Mrs. R. Emeley, one day last week.


Mrs. W. M. Jones is home for an extended stay.


Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Green have moved to Palacios and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long are now living in the Wingart residence across from the Post Office.


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Yoas and little Howard visited Mrs. B. H. Pearce Saturday.


Mr. and Mrs. Herman Henry and little son visited in Hearne over the week end.


We are sorry to report that Mrs. to be an angel of mercy to those who need her.??


Mr. Hoyt Bailey of Edna was here to preach for us at 3 p. m. last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce were in Edna Sunday afternoon.


Little Dell Bowen, the youngest member of our Sunday School (16 months old) is right on time each Sunday and is very interested in her small part. Are we going to let Del do more than we?




The Edna Weekly Herald, July 30, 1942

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. L. C. Christian and children of LaWard visited Mrs. L. Linton here Saturday. Mrs. Linton made a hurried trip home to get things ready to establish her temporary stay in Houston.

Mrs. Raymond Emley spent Saturday night and Sunday in LaWard with Mrs. Lawson Christian.

Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Green spent a few days (last week) here with homefolks.

Mrs. Wayne Miller and little Beverly Ann of Edna spent Thursday here with Mrs. W. M. Green.

The friends of Johnny Koch will be glad to know that, after undergoing some severe treatment for his teeth, he is much better.

Mesdames Guy Garner and Clara Middleton of Bay City visited relatives and friend here Thursday evening. They enjoyed a fish supper at the Rowan Green home.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abernathy of Waco visited here last week.

Mrs. Orville Swenson of Olivia with her father, J. D. Langston, of Francitas visited in Navarro, Ellis and Hill Counties last week. The occasion was a family get-together of the Langston and Sheppard families.

Mr. Fields, of El Campo, is here to begin a series of meetings. He expects to begin services Tuesday, Aug. 26th at 8 p. m. Mr. Fields needs no introduction as he has been here before and made many friends. The public is cordially invited to come over and worship with us.

We were glad to have Misses Betty Cox and Kathryn Roberts from the Francitas Gas Plant, with us in Sunday School classes last Sunday.

Phillip Manning, Jr. is doing nicely after his operation for the removal of his tonsils.

Mrs. Robert Joines is in El Campo at the Nightingale Hospital. She was operated on for the removal of her appendix on Tuesday of last week. Her friends trust for her a speedy recovery.

Gathering cotton is the order of the day. Every man, woman and boy and girl, who is able, in our community has been busy for weeks. The harvest is white, and the gatherers are few, so that's why we are proud of our townsfolk from 6 years up as they go in all directions every morning and work like Turks to save the precious crop.

Sgt. Morgan Pearce and Mrs. Pearce were supper guests at the Ben Perce home Saturday evening.

Frank Pearce of Edna was chatting with friends here Saturday and Sunday. Frank is among the younger set who have turned in their questionnaires and are preparing themselves to don the Khaki and help Uncle Sam, perhaps in the hear future. The American Soldier! The most important man in all the world today! And--may God shed His grace on you!

Edna Weekly Herald, August 27, 1942

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. J. D. Langston left Monday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Becky Sunday in Lufkin.


Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wofford of Victoria are here for a few days.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhodes moved to Victoria where Robert has a new position.


Mrs. W. H. King and daughter have gone to Bay City to spend a few weeks with Mr. King who is employed there.


Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ashley have moved to Louise.


Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mayers are now living in the old Baer apartment home on Main.


Dr. Renke Lubben and his father of Austin were here Saturday. We are glad to note that Mr. Lubben has regained his wonted health.


Miss Hortense Langston is at home this week getting ready to resume her school work in Palacios, probably on September 8th.


Mrs. Stella Carney of Grapeland is on an extended visit with her sister's family (The Pasley's) here.


Wm. Birmingham is here again and pleased to be among his friends once more. He makes his home with Mrs. Willie Green.


Sherman Green spent Saturday night in Bay City and he reports the storm was not quite so severe as over here. Every home suffered some loss here. Some lost the windows, some the roofs, windmills, sheds, and other small buildings were all wrecked. Quite a few of the townsfolk took refuge in the brick school building. No one was injured and we are all very thankful to the God who remembers us even though we feel ourselves unworthy.


Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neuszer of Blessing were here Monday.


Mrs. E. Koch reports that her son, Willie, of Beaumont, expects to make a trip through West Texas and probably on into Arizona in search of health, and also for a short vacation.


Robert Koch, our boy, who was scheduled to keep guard at the Camp Hulen Laundry was transported to El Campo along with the soldier boys and spent the night there. All those who might have been tempted to break through and steal were among those who were "transported," also Palacios suffered some severe losses from the storm.


Miss Nola Henderson is here to visit Mrs. E. B. Upton for a few weeks.


Frank Pearce and Presley Betts from Edna were here early Sunday morning.


Louis Kopnisky and Louis, Jr., were business visitors in Francitas Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Polifka of Deutschburg were chatting with friends here Monday.




The Edna Weekly Herald, September 3, 1942