Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles


Francitas Facts.


Fred Baca of Bay City was here Monday chatting with friends.


Several of our townfolk were at the Baptist Church in Edna Sunday evening to attend services and also to witness the Baptismal services. Two of our popular young ladies, Eric? Linton and Lilly Bell Green, were among those who received baptism.


Miss Lena Clapp spent Sunday night with Miss Lula Maud Hawkins.


We are glad to note that Mrs. A. N. Middleton is up again after a severe attack of mumps.


The family of F. J. Price, of Houston, were here Saturday and Sunday. They were guests in the Langston household.


Miss Lula and Thelma Linton were dinner guests of Mrs. B. H. Pearce Sunday.


Bro. C. F. Connor of Palacios was through here enroute to LaWard one day last week. He told his friends here that he expected to begin a series of meetings next Monday at LaWard.


Mrs. Sadie Miller was in Palacios with her son, George Miller, this past week.


Mrs. Lubben and Miss Edna were visitors in Dickinson and Houston the last week end.


At a "special" meeting of the P. T. A. Monday evening it was decided to have a social at the school house on Wednesday evening April 28th. Come over all of you. We will try to entertain you and if you will, bring your extra nickels, we'll sell you some ice cream. Don't forget the date, April 28th.


The Birthday Circle will meet next Sunday at 2:30 with Mrs. Crisp. All members are especially urged to be there. It will do you good.


Mr. and Mrs. Clapp were in Blessing Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rampmeier of Deutschburg were guests of Mesdames Koch and Pearce last Wednesday.


Mesdames Martin and Manning were Edna visitors one day last week.


Mrs. Nellie Carvell spent a few days with Mrs. Ada Joines in Buhler last week.


Our school children are all going back and forth with a book or two under their arms now as we have only three more weeks of school and they are cramming.


What are we doing? Still gathering grey moss.




The Edna Weekly Herald, April 22, 1937

Francitas Facts.


Gene Martin of Ashwood was here Saturday, enroute to Ganado to visit homefolks.


Misses Sophia and Edna Lubben went to Austin for the past week end.


Miss Lula Linton and her father spent Sunday with Mrs. Lawson Christian in Deutschburg.


Mr. and Mrs. Rainoshek, Horace Rainoshek with Jack and Irene Potts, were Palacios visitors Sunday.


Harold Ben Pearce spent the week here with his mother.


John Beard of Palacios was here Saturday.


Morgan Pearce is home from Edna this week confined to his bed by flu.


The Birthday Circle met with Mrs. Pearce last Saturday to celebrate for our May members Mesdames N. Carvell, E. Koch, E. Linton and John Koch. All the members except three were present and all enjoyed it very much. Of course, when the gifts were presented we had lots of fun and then the delicious punch and cake finished the "good time." We will meet in June with Mrs. W. L. Linton.


We are glad to see Mrs. A. Carmichael and Miss Margaret back at Sunday school last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Crisp spent a few days in Port Lavaca last week.


Messrs. Crisp and Thatcher went floundering Monday night.


The Edna Weekly Herald, May 20, 1937

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Price of Houston with Fred and Lloyd, were here Friday to enjoy a hunt and to take their sister, Miss Opal Price, back to her home in Houston. Miss Lily Bell Green accompanied them to Houston.


Morgan Pearce went back to Edna Monday where he expects to spend the summer.


Mr. and Mrs. R. Green were visiting "in town" Monday.


Mrs. Letta Linton of Lufkin was the guest of her brothers and sister here last week.


M. Linton is back for his extended summer visit here among relatives.


Miss Lula Linton and Miss Opal Price visited Mrs. Christian down on the Viets farm last week.


Frankie Pearce is recuperating from a severe attack of measles.


Mrs. Neil Bacock and Billy of Houston were here Monday to bring home her father, Wm. Baer, who had been in Houston for a week.


Mesdames Martin and Manning were Edna visitors Monday.


Mrs. C. D. Lubben and Miss Edna Lubben were in Dickinson Saturday. Miss Elsie Lubben accompanied them home. They came by way of Houston calling on Mrs. J. A. Howell.


Mr. and Mrs. Hansen of Deutschburg were calling on Mrs. B. H. Pearce one day the past week.


We are sorry to note that another one of our Deutschburg friends, Mrs. J. M. Hillyard, is very ill.


D. C. Page made a business trip to Palacios Monday.


The Misses Lubben, Mrs. Pearce and the King family went to Bay City to see "Romeo and Juliet" Wednesday evening of last week.


Miss Hortense Langston is at home for a few days from Kingsville. She will return Wednesday to resume her studies for the summer.


Mr. Stern is visiting the Hawkins home at this time.


Ed Rose returned to his home in Arden last week.


We are glad to note that Mrs. E. Koch is muchly improved.


Mrs. Koch and Lena visited at the home of John Koch Sunday.


The Bryant Green family have moved back to Francitas.


Miss Anna Belle Mays was the guest of Miss Lena Clapp for the past week end.


Mrs. A. N. Middleton and James visited Mrs. J. J. Harris in Blessing Sunday.




The Edna Weekly Herald, June 2, 1937

J. C. Hayes, who has held a position as assistant to Depot Agent Ray Tol and for the past two years, has resigned to accept a position with one of the seismograph crews recently working out of Edna. J. C.’s many Edna friends regretted to see him leave but all wish him well in his new field of labor. He is succeeded at the depot by Morgan Pearce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pearce of Francitas and a member of the graduating class of the Edna high school the term just closed.

Edna Herald, June 3, 1937

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Ruby Hale of Sinton has been visiting her mother, Mrs. R. O. Rhodes. Sunday she went to Bay City to visit her sister, Mrs. Landin Uher, before returning to her home.


Mr. and Mrs. Joe Katzmier of LaWard were over here with Mrs. Cumby of Ganado to attend the funeral of Mr. D. C. Page.


The Grim Reaper made two visits to our town early in June. His icy fingers touched the brow of Mr. Wm. Baer on June 1st, early in the morning. Then on the morn of June 8th, he took Mr. Baer's next door neighbor Mr. D. C. Page. From here he went to Deutschburg and called our very dear friend, Mrs. John Hillyard. She passed thru the portals almost at the same hour that Mr. Page went.


Mesdames Bocock and Havlik of Houston were here several times recently on account of the illness and death of her father, Mr. Wm. Baer.


Mrs. Mollie Best of Victoria was called home last Monday by the death of her father, Mr. D. C. Page.


Mrs. Ruth Griffin of Kenedy was here to console her mother, Mrs. Page in her grief.


Miss Dorothy Thompson of Conroe was chatting with friends here one day last week.


Miss Gertrude Kellogg of New York City is spending a part of her vacation here with her parents.


The Misses Lubben and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Martin were at the shower given for Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Yoas last Sunday.


A. N. Middleton of Corpus Christi visited his family here Saturday night and Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long are stopping in town for a few days while Harold works with the "moss."


Geo. Miller of Palacios visited his mother, Mrs. Sadie Miller, Sunday and Monday.


Mrs. W. H. King and daughter are visiting relatives in Alba, Texas, this week.


Miss Sophie Lubben and Mr. Gene Martin (with the other Lubben sisters) went to Houston Tuesday and came back as Mr. and Mrs. Gene Martin. Congratulations.


Mrs. Chas. Thatcher came in Monday from an extended stay in California with her daughter.


Miss Lily Belle Green is home again from Houston.


Still a few cases of measles here.


Frankie Pearce is in Houston this week.




The Edna Weekly Herald, June 17, 1937

Francitas Deaths

Mr. Wm. Baer

Mr. Wm. Baer was born November 28th, 1854, in Pennsylvania. Rather late in life he was married to Miss Mary Cover, also of Pennsylvania. They lived in Nebraska for a few years. About twenty-five years ago they moved to the then new town of Francitas and opened up a general merchandise store.

Mrs. Baer preceded her husband in death almost 20 years. He is survived by two daughters, Mesdames Bobcock and Havlik and one grandson of Houston. Interment was made in Palacios after services were held here in our church, conducted by Bro. Metcalf.

The writer having known Mr. Baer intimately for several years, can scarcely find words to express the esteem and love in which he was held. He was a member of the Christian Church and was a very conscientious Christian gentleman: a modest little man whose character seemed to grow sweeter as the years went by. Someone has said that he was the “Angel of Francitas,” meaning by that that he was one of the most unselfish men.

He really would deny himself comforts to make the way easier for his neighbors.

“We shall miss you, dear, kind man,
You ever offered a helping hand.
In as much as the Savior said,
By His rule your life was led.
Your deeds of kindness were not a few
We know a reward is waiting for you.”


Edna Weekly Herald, Thursday, June 17, 1937

Mr. Dee Cleveland Page

As stated elsewhere, Mr. Page passed away on Tuesday morning, June 8, 1937. Mr. Page was born September 16th, 1885 in Platte County, Missouri, and resided there until 30 years of age. In December, 1915, he was married to Mrs. Zora B. Whitaker of Atchison, Kansas, and removed to Francitas in December, 1916 where he had lived since.

Death came to Mr. Page after two months illness immediately preceding his death. He had had treatment at the cancer hospital in Weston, Mo., several months before this time.

He was a member of the Methodist Church, a conscientious, helpful man. He catered not to those high up, but was ever ready to do even the menial tasks—if need be—for any one who needed him.

Surviving him are his mother, three sisters and three brothers at his old home in Missouri; his wife, four step children and one son, two daughters and three grand children.

Services were held at the Francitas Church conducted by Sister Cumby of Ganado. Interment was made in the Francitas Cemetery.


Edna Weekly Herald, June 17, 1937

[Tombstone indicates the date of birth is December 16, 1885]


Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles


Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Beatty, of California, who are making an extended trip with several places in Texas on their itinerary were in Palacios, Wednesday and Thursday for a short visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Beatty formerly lived in Francitas where he was agent at the depot in the early days of that place, and where the Beacon family became acquainted with them. We acknowledge a pleasant call from our former friends and find the years have made little change in them.

Palacios Beacon, September 22, 1938

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Homer Anderson of Ganado spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Agnes Morrow.


Mr. A. T. Kellogg and his brother-in-law, Hugh Mullin, came in from Houston two weeks ago. Mr. Mullin spent a week here with his sisters.


Our old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Beaty, of California passed through here last week. They stopped for a chat with old friends. Mr. Beaty was for a number of years our railroad ticket agent.


Miss Ada Medford of Louise visited with Mrs. J. A. Howell Friday a week ago.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers are here for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Schwind, whose health is rapidly failing.


J. A. Brooks is home from Abilene to visit his father.


Miss Vlasta Parincia spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Agnes Morrow.


Miss Lula Linton was home Saturday and Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Hansen visited Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce Saturday last.


Mrs. G. Cumby of Ganado was here Sunday to hold services for us. We are always glad to have her.


Mr. and Mrs. Clapp were in Kenedy last Friday to be at the bedside of their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Light. They report her much better at this time.


Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola and Mrs. Sam Cloyd of Houston visited at the Pearce home Sunday.


Mrs. Fannie Holcomb and son, Mr. Jack Holcomb and Roy Howell were all here Thursday to be with J. A. Howell at his wife's funeral.


Those friends from Houston who were here to attend Mrs. Howell's funeral were Mrs. Sam Cloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Will Adams and daughter, Mrs. Nellie Morrow and Mrs. Blanche Tobola and Edward Morrow.


Among those who came from Ganado were Mrs. Paul Boepple and Mrs. Ira Cole.


Mrs. E. Koch received a message Friday evening that her son, T. H. (Teddo) was killed in an auto wreck. She, her son and wife, her daughter, Lena, R. R. Joines and R. C. Carvell, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Koch of LaWard left during the night to be at Beaumont at the funeral Saturday. To the bereaved ones we extend our deepest sympathy.


The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Matthes of Blessing were shocked to learn that they lost their only daughter last Wednesday. Mesdames Swaria and Fleeman of our community attended the funeral.


Mr. and Mrs. Honea Warnock visited friends here Friday night.


The friends of Mary Pearce Howell do appreciate the gesture made by our Little Kentucky school. Thank you Mrs. Fulk and Miss Huseman.


The passing of Mrs. Mary Pearce Howell last Wednesday, Sept. 28th, at high noon cast a cloud over our community and all her friends around. But since she went when the sun was high in God's heaven we must feel she was happy and glad to go.


The Edna Weekly Herald, October 6, 1938



Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles


The Francitas-Deutschburg Land Owners Ass'n. Adopts By-Laws

President P. J. Gerhard held a called meeting of the Francitas-Deutschburg Land Owners Association at the Deutschburg school house the second day of February, 1939. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and adopt by-laws for this Association. Also for a general discussion on all matters of interest to its members.

The following by-laws were adopted:

Be it resolved that the land owners of the Francitas-Deutschburg oil field shall form an association, the name of which shall be Francitas-Deutschburg Land Owners' Association.

The officers shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.

These officers shall be elected for one year at the annual meeting to be held the second Tuesday of January of each year.

The membership shall be composed of land owners and royalty owners of the area.

The place where the principle business of this association shall be transacted is the Deutschburg school house in Jackson County, Texas.

All meetings, except the annual meeting, shall be at the call of the president, vice-president, or five of the members.

A quorum shall consist of ten members present.

Notice of annual meeting shall be sent by the secretary to resident members ten days before date of meeting; non-resident members, thirty days before date of meeting.

All committees shall be appointed by the presiding officer.

The membership fee or dues shall be $2.00 per year, due on January 1st of each year. All other money needed shall be raised by donations. Each member will be expected to contribute according to the acreage owned by such member.

The purpose of this Association are:

To bind ourselves together to better protect our interests, and get this area developed to the best interest of all, such as the best recovery of all minerals under our land. To be represented at all hearings before the Railroad Commission of the State of Texas, pertaining to this area. And to conduct any other business such as requesting a hearing on spacing, or allowable, pollution, confiscation, or any other business that requires a decision of the Railroad Commission.

These rules and regulations may be amended by majority vote of the members present at any annual or called meeting.

And be it further resolved: That we invite and urge all non-resident land and royalty owners to become members of this association, that we may help protect their interests and have their assistance in protecting the interest of all.

Be it resolved: That all monies paid out by the treasurer shall be on order of at least three members of the board of directors.


Mr. P. J. Gerhard explained to the satisfaction of all present the Railroad Commission Bulletin No. 129 in regard to the 50% on acreage and 50% on well allowable. A general discussion was had on spacing of 466 feet of property line.--Reporter

Palacios Beacon, February 16, 1939

Francitas Facts.


Mr. Young of Springtown, Texas, is here visiting friends and fishing on the bay.


Mrs. Chas. Thatcher has returned from an extended visit to points in California.


Misses Una Roberts and Agnes Koch of LaWard spent Wednesday night with Mrs. E. Koch.


Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Koch of Blessing were over here Saturday to visit his parents and grandmother, Mrs. E. Koch.


Mr. and Mrs. Clapp and children spent Saturday and Sunday in Aransas Pass as guests of their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Light.


Mrs. A. T. Kellogg was a business visitor to Palacios Friday.


Farmers in this immediate section are in need of rain on their crops and gardens.


Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Johs and Henry Johs were chatting with friends here last Sunday. They told us that the derrick was going up on the farm of John Kopnisky over in Deutschburg. So, of course, we are all excited here, too.


Have you heard that Mr. W. H. Wingart has re-opened his store down in the old bank building and has a new stock of goods?


The Parent Teacher Association held the regular business meeting at the home of the president on Feb. 27th. We discussed our library, our P. T. A. Quilt and a home demonstration club we are planning to form.




The Edna Weekly Herald, March 2, 1939

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Gene Martin, with Miss Elsie Lubben, visited in the Lubben home Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Crittendon and children of Bay City have moved into the residence just west of the post office and will make their home here for the present.


Mesdames Anderson and Morrow were Ganado visitors over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Watts Langston and Harold Ben Pearce of Corpus Christi were visiting homefolks here Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Langlois of McFaddin visited Mr. and Mrs. Wingart here Sunday.


Mr. I. Woodall and Morgan Pearce of Edna attended church services here Thursday night of last week.


Mesdames Cumby of Ganado, and Dutont of Edna were here Sunday to hold services. They had with them some friends so they went up and got Grandma Hawkins and took her with the crowd for a picnic dinner.


The P. T. A. Ladies gave the play Mrs. Apple and Her Corps on Wednesday evening. From the comments heard the P. T. A. really can act (silly). Anyway, it was a howling success and a very fitting finale to our year's work.


Mrs. Nervie Sampson, one of our past year's members of the P. T. A. was back with us to attend the play.


Our new lumber shed manager is over from Bay City to take charge of the selling here.


Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mason of Edna came down last Friday evening and gave their demonstration supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce. Those who missed the supper and the interesting lecture on preparation of foods were the losers. For Mrs. Mason put up as good a talk as Mr. Mason did a supper. We feel that it is a compliment to our town as some one said "The Masons were like old friends."


Saturday, April 29, Messrs. C. D. Lubben, M. Linton, A. Linderstedt and R. H. Pearson enjoyed a birthday dinner at the home of the last mentioned.


Mr. Lindstadt, I understand, was invited to the Thatcher home on Sunday and Mr. Linton's daughter, Mrs. R. L. Parrish, went to his home and had another dinner on Sunday. I heard Messrs. Linton and Lindstedt have decided to have birthdays more often.


The Edna Weekly Herald, May 4, 1939

Francitas Facts.

Mr. Sam Cherry of Edna, with his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Meyers, of Little Kentucky, visited relatives here Saturday.

Mesdames R. C and Nellie Carvell visited Dr. Wagner Sunday. We are glad to state they are both feeling better.

Mrs. Orville Swenson (Jewel Langston) took the train here Sunday, enroute to Kingsville where she will enter school for the second summer semester.

Miss Elsie Lubben is home from Kingsville.

Our old friend, Joe Price, was thru town Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clapp and family visited Mrs. Edith Clapp in Olivia Sunday.

Mrs. J. H. Summers came in Monday to visit with her father and sister.

Miss Barbara Wofford is home from a visit in Ganado and Cordele.

The one social event of the week was a birthday dance at the home of R. R. Joines last Saturday night. Friends from over here and LaWard gathered quite early in the evening and enjoyed a "home" dance. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Meyers of Little Kentucky were among the "out-of-town" guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Koch, Misses Agnes Carroll and Ruby Koch and Robert Koch visited at the Gaines farm Sunday night.

Singing at the church Sunday night was well attended. We've added a round-table story telling to our Sunday night program so we all will begin to dig up facts about Old Testament folks. Come over and join us.


Edna Weekly Herald, July 20, 1939

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. W. H. King and little daughter, Dorothy, visited the Simpson family in Yorktown last week.


Mr. and Mrs. William Langston of Fannin visited his parents here last week.


Ervin and Ernest Lee Koch of Beaumont are here visiting their grandmother, Mrs. E. Koch.


The young folks enjoyed a dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Koch last Saturday night.


Mr. J. P. Fisher of Bay City visited friends here Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Jack King of Deutschburg were chatting with friends in Francitas Sunday afternoon.


Mr. and Mrs. Appling of Buckeye and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dahlburg of Luling were here last Thursday. Mrs. Dahlburg will be remembered as Miss Frieda Dye.


The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Deane Rucker of Alamogardo, New Mexico, will be interested to know that a little baby girl came to live with them on August 2nd, 1939. Mrs. Rucker will be rememberrd as Miss Vesta Hardy.


Cotton picking is the order of the day here. The townfolks are awakened every morning by rumbling of a loaded truck of laughing workers going to the harvest fields.


Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Long were called to L__ky, Texas Friday to attend their son, Pete, who was very ill. They returned Monday bringing the boy with them to recuperate.


Bro. Kelly still comes to preach for us every Thursday evening so come over and worship with us.


Nothing preventing--Bro. L. Davis of Lolita will be here next Sunday to preach at 11 A. M. and also at night. He comes each 4th Sunday.


Mesdames Summers and Pearce were shopping in Bay City Monday.


The Edna Weekly Herald, August 24, 1939

List of Jackson County Rural Teachers.


Every year we have many requests for the names and addresses of the teachers from the many local business concerns. The Herald has requested this list several times as they consider it good news and everyone is anxious to know who is going to direct their school the ensuing term.


Francitas--District No. 13:

Carlton Flowers, Francitas

Miss Langston, Francitas


The Edna Weekly Herald, August 24, 1939

Francitas Facts.


Miss Elsie Lubben spent a few days in Ashwood visiting her sister, Mrs. R. E. Martin last week.


A. M. Anderson spent Saturday night in Bay City.


Mr. and Mrs. Tom Purvis of Blessing visited friends here Sunday.


Frank Pearce was home from Edna Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Christian of Sweeny were home for the Labor Day holidays. Mrs. Christian remained for a visit with her mother. Mr. Christian, with E. H. Linton, went back to Sweeny to resume work.


Mr. and Mrs. Watts Langston and little son are visiting at the J. D. Langston home here.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long of Little Kentucky visited homefolks here Sunday and Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. E. Girndt of Little Kentucky called on Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Pearce Monday.


Miss Louise Carvell spent Monday with her father's household in LaWard.


We are sorry to note that Lily May Green is very ill at this writing. She was taken to the DeTar Hospital in Victoria Friday night.


Miss Mary Young and Mrs. J. H. Summers left for Nacogdoches Friday. Miss Young to proceed to Kansas City to resume her work in the Sunset Hill school for the coming term.


Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joines spent the last week end in Beaumont.


Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Manning with Mrs. R. Martin, were in Bay City Saturday night.


Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Carillo are the proud parents of a little baby girl, born on August 25th. They call her Gerardo Maria.


Our hearts stood still with we heard over the radio that the awfulness of the raging war was causing so much anxiety right at our door. Annie Katherine Wells, our next door neighbor, as you know, was thought to have been on the Athenia. Mr. and Mrs. Wells, we are with you in your anxiety.


All the children are dancing around on one foot anxiously waiting for school to begin. We expect to hear the bell next Monday morning.




The Edna Weekly Herald, September 7, 1939

Bentz-Burgdorf Wedding
Palacios Beacon, October 5, 1939

Jackson County Good Roads Issue Voted

By a majority of 39 to 2, residents of the Francitas section voted to issue $30,000 in bonds to build hard-surfaced roads in that district. The sum is said to be sufficient to build a system of connecting roads with other districts which have voted bonds. Good road bond issues have carried in every district in Jackson County in which they have been held except one.

Palacios Beacon, September 28, 1939

Francitas Facts.


Mesdames Edison Carvell and Guy Joines and children of Beaumont visited relatives here over the past week end. Mrs. E. Koch and Miss Helena accompanied them home and expect to spend a few weeks in Beaumont.


Mrs. Zettie Welch of Goose Creek, who has been here at the bedside of her father, Mr. M. Linton, returned to her home Thursday evening. We are sorry to state that her son, Cleo Welch, is very ill.


Mrs. Lawson Christian is visiting her brother's family in LaWard.


We were glad to see Eugene Green back in Sunday School last Sunday. He was been with his sister, Mrs. J. E. Lane in Corpus for the past few months. Mrs. Lane and children are visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Green, here.


Frank and Morgan Pearce were home from Edna for Sunday dinner.


Several of our townsmen were in Edna Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg were home from Houston for a few days last week.


The social event of the week was the birthday dinner party given at the home of Mrs. John Koch in honor of her mother, Mrs. Della Sanders. Several friends were there for dinner and others went for the afternoon to enjoy cake and coffee. Mrs. Sanders received several nice gifts from those who delight to call her "friend." We often wonder whether the donors or the honorees get most pleasure from "gifts of love."


We are anticipating a special treat on Sunday the 26th as the Red Bluff Quartette has promised to come over and join our Sunday night singing. Of course, you know we still meet each Sunday night and practice hymns. Right now, we are working on our Christmas cantata, "The Bethlehem Babe."


We are glad to note that a storage oil tank is being installed over by the Alamo Lumber Co.


Charlie Hurta and Leon Smith went to Houston to enlist in the U. S. Navy last week.


Mrs. W. R. Abernathy returned to her home in Waco Saturday after an extended visit here with her brother, Rowan Green.




The Edna Weekly Herald, November 15, 1939

Monroe Linton

Rev. L. W. Crouch was called to Francitas last Thursday to conduct the funeral services of Mr. Monroe Linton, aged 86 years, and 7 months. He was born in Warrier, Ala., and came to Texas when 18 years of age. He married Julia Ann Trewilan and to this union were born 11 children, 8 of whom remain to mourn the going of a father. The wife and helpful helpmate left this earthly tabernacle in 1894, leaving to the care of her husband these several children.

Mr. Linton was a very successful farmer who lived as a law abiding citizen, a kind and courteous neighbor. He was raised in the faith of the Christian Church and lived true to its teachings.

He is survived by five sons, Elonzo, of Lufkin, Sam of Byers, John D. of Groveton, Emmett of Francitas, and William of Palacios; three daughters, Mrs. Minnie Dinkins, of Walter; Mrs. Zettie Welch of Goose Creek and Mrs. Kate Parrish, of Francitas. Besides the children, 44 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren and a large number of friends mourn his passing.

Palacios Beacon, November 30, 1939