Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles


Francitas Facts.


(Too late last week.)


Messrs. Wheeler and Calvin Joines are here from Baytown for the holidays.


Dr. Renke Lubben and Mr. Pounders of Austin came in Sunday for a few days visit with the Lubben family.


Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Howell left Saturday for Fort Worth to spend Xmas with his mother.


Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg are in Houston.


Mrs. Alice Cornish motored into Houston Friday.


Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clapp were visitors at the Pearce home Sunday.


Miss Lena Clapp spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Erie Linton.


Miss Sophie Lubben and several other friends from Little Kentucky were here Friday night for our school program and Christmas tree. Come again. We are glad to have you.


O. B. Price is here from Houston to be with his parents for Christmas.


Mr. and Mrs. Otis Joines of Houston visited his parents several days last week.


Luther Hardy was at home from Bay City for the holidays.


K. C. Linton came in last Thursday to spend the holidays with relatives.


The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton who was so very ill of pneumonia, is better, we are glad to state.


Misses Ruth and Myrtle Harris are at home for Christmas.


John Koch, who has been very ill for more than a month, is much better.


Miss Hortense Langston gave her Sunday school class a Christmas party on Monday afternoon, Dec. 23rd.


The Sunday School gave a very good Christmas pageant "The Quest of the Magi," at the school house on December 24th. After the program, a beautiful Christmas tree was unloaded of the dainty gifts, then a treat was enjoyed by all.




The Edna Weekly Herald, January 2, 1936

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Henson, with Mrs. Wilburn Langston, from Fannin, were visiting relatives here last week.


Thanks to the radio, Mrs. Cornish had news ahead of the biting norther, and got her lamps all lighted in her garden.


Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Howell were guests of Miss Elsie Lubben Saturday evening.


Mesdames Lubben and Carroll and Misses Green and Carroll were guests of Mrs. E. Koch Sunday.


[The following portion of the paper is torn. These portions were left.]

          ...oyce Koch of .....painfully last week.

          Lu....was home for the week end. He? had as his guest Sunday, Sherman Calhoun of Rich Square.


Miss Lily Bell Green and Opal Price spent Saturday night with Miss Hortense Langston.


Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Buhler were over here Sunday afternoon.


The "Sunshine Band" of little girls went over to sing for Aunt Mattie Campbell Sunday afternoon. Aunt Mattie has been ailing since Xmas.


Friends of John Koch will be glad to know that he expects to be home from Beaumont soon.


We are almost isolated over here on account of the rainy weather, but the brisk norther is drying the roads rapidly.


Did you hear about the little new babe, Josephine Isabella, who came to live with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johs.


We are glad to state that our friend, Mrs. C. J. Hansen of Deutschburg is much better.


Our school children are all working with grim determination to fit? themselves as "leaguers" this very near spring. Here's wishing you good luck, girls and boys.


Come over to the Young Peoples' meeting some Sunday nite at the church. It will do you good.


The Edna Weekly Herald, February 6, 1936


Francitas School News.


Mr. Thompson attended the County Teachers' Association meeting in Edna last Saturday.


The inclement weather of the past week has played havoc with our attendance record, but most of the pupils are in school again.


County fair and League is taking a prominent place in our school at present.


100% Spellers


First Grade: Elsie Basey, Neil Joines


Fourth Grade: Lena Page, Mary Louise Carvell, Lula Maud Hawkins, Ruth Hebel, Flossie Linton


Prize Readers: Elsie Basey, Margaret Joines, Dorothy King, John Edward Martin


The Edna Weekly Herald, February 6, 1936

Francitas Facts.


We extend sympathy to Mrs. Della Sanders and her brother in the death of her father, aged 89 years. They both were unable to go to the funeral on account of the weather.


Jo­­­___ Koch "braved" the bad roads to Edna Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Manning of Buhler were over here Saturday night and Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haidusek were also visiting here Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Clapp of Blessing were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pollman Sunday.


Mrs. Hardy and Miss Vesta were dinner guests at the W. L. Linton home Sunday.


Misses Lena Clapp and Lula M. Hawkins were dinner guests at the W. L. Linton home Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Howell were in Edna Sunday.


Mr. A. D. Thompson went to Bay City Friday afternoon.


Mr. and Mrs. Ryling Linton of Buhler visited relatives here Sunday.


Mr. D. C. Page will be going back to Weston, Mo. in the near future for more medical treatment.


Owing to the inclement weather Bro. Metcalf did not get here Sunday to preach for us Sunday afternoon, but several of us met at the church at 3 P. M. and sang hymns.


The Sunshine band meets each Sunday at 2:30 at the church.


The Edna Weekly Herald, February 13, 1936

Francitas Facts.


Miss Gladys Harper of LaWard spent the week end with Mrs. Fred Pollman. She was a visitor both at Bible Class meeting Friday evening and at Sunday School.


Mrs. J. I. Stahl of Blessing came over Monday on business.


Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Howell visited Harold Ben Pearce at Goliad Sunday. While sightseeing in historic Goliad, Mrs. Howell collected quite a bit of interesting facts for her Texas History Class.


Misses Sophia and Edna Lubben, Mrs. Mary Pearce Howell and Morgan Pearce were in Bay City Saturday.


Luther Hardy spent all last week at home here on account of flu. He returned to Bay City Sunday to resume his school work.


W. R. Joines and family were visiting here Sunday.


Mrs. Molly Besi? of Victoria was visiting her mother, Mrs. D. C. Page Friday of last week.


Messrs. Thompson, Parrish and Carroll were business visitors in Edna last Saturday.


The Sunshine Band met at the church Sunday at 2:30 p. m. for the purpose of organizing a junior Christian Endeavor. After a very interesting consecration meeting the little girls went over to Grandma Hawkins' home to sing for her.


The farmers and gardeners here are "holding" their hands very impatiently while they await the nice spring weather around the corner.




The Edna Weekly Herald, February 20, 1936

Francitas Facts.


John Koch is home from Beaumont where he had been for several weeks taking medical treatment. We are glad to see Mr. Koch so much better.


Mrs. Heisner, her daughter Mrs. E. Frels and Mrs. Annie Lindstrom of Gresham, Neb., spent a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Lubben while looking after business here last week.


Mike Brown and Morgan Pearce went to Goliad Sunday afternoon.


Mrs. A. T. Kellogg is in Houston at this writing.


Robert Carvell is among the ailing.


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Summers returned to their home Wednesday, February 19th.


Maurice Payne of Palacios is here visiting Tommy Hawkins.


Miss Sophie Lubben was home over the week end.


Lula Maude Hawkins spent Sunday with Cecile Louv___.


Mr. and Mrs. Clapp were dinner guests at the Price home Sunday.


The Ladies' Birthday Circle met with Mrs. R. H. Pearce last Wednesday afternoon to "make merry" for Mrs. Robert Joines as she had a birthday February 19th, and of course, she was "in the circle." Delicious refreshments were served and everyone had a good time. Mrs. Joines received several useful gifts. Going home rather late she found the families of Messrs. Frank Haidusek, Philip Manning and Ryling Linton all awaiting her with three big cakes. So she was made happy again. Two parties and one birthday.


Mrs. Hardy and her daughter, Miss Vesta, were dinner guests of Mrs. Annie Carmichael Sunday.


Another social event of the week was enjoyed Wednesday evening, Feb. 19th, when the Bible Class entertained the Friendship Class at Mrs. Fred Pollman's home. Those who were not there missed a good time.


Mr. and Mrs. Cumby of Ganado were supper guests at the Pearce home Sunday evening and were also in attendance at the Young People's meeting and church service at the church. We are always glad to have the Cumbys with us.


John Maynard and Miss Myrtle Harris are home again from Houston.




The Edna Weekly Herald, February 27, 1936

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Ed Price is visiting her son, O. B. in Houston.


Mrs. J. R. Hunnicutt was home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Jones for the past two weeks.


Mrs. Summers returned to her home in Nacogdoches last Friday.


Mrs. Georgia Havlik of Houston visited her father, Wm. Baer Sunday.


Misses Vesta Hardy and Opal Price, with Mrs. King, accompanied our volley ball girls to Ganado to the county meet.


Harold Ben Pearce was home from Goliad to spend Sunday with homefolks.


School was discontinued for four days last week on account of flu, but the majority of students were back "on duty" Monday morning.


Despite the flu and all the drawbacks our girls and boys made themselves "felt" at the LaWard County meet Friday.


We are glad to know that all of the John Koch family are up again.


Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Howell visited the Dahlstroms at Buhler Sunday afternoon.


The Schmidt brothers from Deutschburg were down at Glad Gardens Sunday to see what Mrs. Cornish has been so busy about. They came back with a bigger smile than usual--so you ought to go down, too.


The Edna Weekly Herald, March 26, 1936

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Langlois are here again for a few days.


Mesdames Rhodes and Uhr, with Miss Estelle Frazier, were calling on friends here Monday. The latter two are from Bay City.


We are sorry to report that Mr. H. Clapp and family were called to the bedside of his mother, who is very ill. Here's hoping for her speedy recovery.


Mrs. B. H. Pearce and son, Morgan, were in Floresville last week to visit Mrs. Mary Howell.


The Father's Day program rendered Sunday morning was enjoyed by all.


Misses Sophia and Elsie Lubben were in Dick[in]son? for the past week end.


Sherman Calhoun is home from Bastrop where he is serving in the C. C. C.


Mr. and Mrs. W. H. King and daughter were in Bloomington Sunday, the 14th.


Mesdames Cornish, Pearce and Carmichael, with Misses Margaret Carmichael and Lily Sedlacek, Morgan and Frank Pearce went to Edna Monday evening to see Will Rogers in "Connecticut Yankee."


We are glad to state that little Ruby Koch, Miss Vena Parrish and Mrs. Robert Carvell are all improving.


The Thatcher Grocery Store is moving onto Main street into the old Baer store building.


A nice crowd was in attendance at the church Sunday evening. Mrs. Pollman filled her regular appointment in the pulpit.


Mrs. Sadie Miller left Monday for Gravatte, Ark., to visit her daughter. She will go from there to Nebraska for an extended visit with her children.


Mr. and Mrs. Hansen were visiting Mrs. B. H. Pearce Tuesday.


Mr. and Mrs. Philpen of Palacios were down at Glade Gardens Monday.


Mrs. Cornish is still filling her orders for tomatoes in Bay City.


The Edna Weekly Herald, June 25, 1936

Francitas Facts.


Mrs. Reda Martin was a visitor in Victoria last Saturday.


Mrs. O. L. Harris and family have all had mumps but are able to be up again save Mrs. Harris, who how has malarial fever.


Messrs. Lee Martin, Mike Martin and Morgan Pearce attended the rodeo in Palacios Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Christian entertained the young folks Saturday night with a "play party."


Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Price and family have moved to Houston.


Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clapp from blessing will move into the residence vacated by the Prices.


Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnell of Houston motored down Saturday afternoon. They and Mrs. B. H. Pearce went to Kenedy Sunday to visit Mrs. J. A. Howell. Mrs. Howell's friends will be interested to know that she left Monday for Sanitorium where she will stay for a while.


Mrs. Lillie Choate and children of Beaumont visited relatives here last week.


Mrs. L. A. Bonnot of Pierce, Texas was chatting with friends here last week. She is visiting Mrs. Z. B. Gayle at present.


Miss Dorothy Thompson is home again from Kingsville.


W. H. Wingart is making things about his place look nice with a can of paint and a brush "down on the farm" by Palacios he's doing some renovating also. A thrifty vacation? Yes!


Mrs. Mary Bell of Deutschburg was visiting here last week.


Mrs. Alice Cornish spent a few days in Houston the past week.


Charbon has slain several head of cattle in our community lately. Some folks have lost their very best milk cows.


A. T. Kellogg is home again from several weeks stay in Houston.


D. C. Page is home from Weston, Mo., where he was been for several months undergoing treatment for cancer.


The Edna Weekly Herald, August 6, 1936

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joines and Mrs. R. Martin were in Palacios Friday.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haidusek were over here Sunday.


Mrs. Phillip Manning with Mrs. R. Martin and Mrs. Wm. Jones, were shopping in Edna Monday.


Our Sunday school was left without a shepherd again when Mr. and Mrs. Pollman moved away, but at the next meeting the members elected Mr. T. A. Crisp to fill out the unexpired term. Tommy Hawkins was made secretary to replace Morgan Pearce who has gone to Edna to attend school. Miss Edna Lubben was chosen to teach Mrs. Pollman's class of Junior girls. We are indeed glad to have our new members work with us and expect a good year both in Sunday School and the day school.


The members of our P. T. A. will give a program on Thursday evening, September 24th, at which time the new officers in that organization will be installed. The public is invited to come meet with us. Also on the 2nd Thursday of each school month at 1 P. M. we have our business meeting of the P. T. A. All interested persons are invited to all the meetings, both social and business.


The mothers and fathers of our school felt very muchly complimented when Miss Lubben invited us to help entertain Mr. and Mrs. Crisp and Miss Norris. So last Friday evening at 7:30 we all met at the school house and had a very nice evening.


Mr. T. A. Hawkins is in Houston at this writing.


Mrs. Carmichael and daughter are in Hillsboro this week.


Miss Irene Potts is a guest of Mrs. E. Koch this week. She goes to LaWard to school.


Our boys and girls who go to LaWard to school were all thrilled Friday morning as they intended going to Victoria with the football team Friday evening.


Miss Hortense Langston returned to Kingsville Sunday to resume her school work.


The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Watts Langston will be interested to know they have a teeny weeny boy living at their house.


Mr. Baer is doing some improving on his lot. He is having a warehouse built.




The Edna Weekly Herald, September 24, 1936

Francitas Facts.

Mrs. B. G. Green of Palacios was visiting over here Tuesday.

Quite a number of our townfolk went to LaWard to attend the P. T. A. carnival Saturday evening. Miss Norris and Misses Clapp stayed over for the night.

We notice some  of our LaWard neighbors were over to Sunday School last Sunday. We are glad to welcome them over here.

Mr. and Mrs. Delvin Carroll and sister of Deutschburg were over to Young People's meeting Sunday evening. Come again. We are glad to have you.

Our P. T. A sponsored a carnival on a small scale over here Friday, Oct. 30th. The proceeds were added to our treasury which is growing slowly but surely.

Miss Lena Clapp and her Sunday school class of little boys and girls had a picnic Sunday. They came trudging in at 3 P. M., tired but happy.

The Birthday Circle met with Mrs. T. A. Hawkins on Oct. 27th to celebrate her birthday. Owing to illness of some of our "crew" and others unable to attend those that were there did not make half our number but as usual we had a good time. The honoree was the recipient of several useful gifts. Since Tommy (their son) had a birthday on the same day we hid away some refreshments to be ready for his "surprise" party that evening and the "teen age" folks were let in on that secret so all the "Birthday Club" members were excluded. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Chas. Thatcher.


Edna Weekly Herald, November 5, 1936

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Thompson left Thursday for their new home in Conroe, Texas. We wish them well in their new location.


Mr. and Mrs. Peill of Corpus Christi were visiting her uncle, W. B. Brooks here last Sunday.


Little Dorothy King is among the ailing at this writing.


Miss Sophia Lubben spent the week end with homefolks here. She and Miss Edna were Bay City visitors Saturday.


Mrs. B. B. Gayle was here chatting with old friends Friday.


Little Kentucky School came down to watch a game of volley ball with our girls. Who won? Little Kentucky. Sure! They were our guests.


Mrs. Carl Fulk (nee Georgia Stoermer) of Ganada who has taken a position in the Little Kentucky school, was with their players. Miss Stoermer is one of our ex-teachers here. We are always glad to see her.


Mrs. Ellen Brown of Houston was here for a few days last week.


We notice Tommy Hawkins with is arm in a sling. But he smiles and says "football."


We missed our younger set from class meeting Friday evening, but heard later they helped (?) in a party at LaWard.


Mr. and Mrs. Crisp were in Victoria Saturday. Mrs. Crisp's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, accompanied them home. It is their first visit to our town. Mrs. Richardson was a guest at Sunday School.


Aunt Mattie Campbell was able to attend Sunday School last Sunday.


John E. Simpson spent Saturday and Sunday with his family here.


The P. T. A. will hold their monthly social meeting at the church Thursday evening. The public is invited.


The Edna Weekly Herald, November 26, 1936

Francitas Facts.


Mr. and Mrs. Guy Joines were over here Dec. 20th from Beaumont to visit Mrs. Joines' mother, Mrs. E. Koch. Mrs. Koch and Miss Lena accompanied the Joines back to Beaumont to spend the holidays.


Mrs. J. H. Summers of Nacogdoches and Miss Mary Young of Rose Hill, New York are here visiting their [Mrs. Summers'] mother, Mrs. Wm. F. Schwind.


Mrs. W. J. Rose of Turtle Bay was here on Dec. 20th calling on friends. She tells us she will be moving to San Angelo shortly. Ed Rose, who has been at Sanatorium in the hospital for the past three months, was home last week. We are glad to know Ed has so improved that he does not have to re-enter the sanitarium.


Mrs. Baca and daughter of Bay City were visiting here Saturday. Mrs. Pearce enjoyed a visit with them.


Renke Lubben of Austin spent Christmas with homefolks here.


Misses Elsie and Sophia Lubben were also home from their respective schools for the holidays.


Mr. and Mrs. Crisp spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Richardson of Victoria.


Miss Luallie Norris went home to K__ens for the holidays.


The Sunday school rendered its annual Christmas service on Dec. 29th. The little folks were foremost as it should be.


The school program and community tree were enjoyed at the school house on Wednesday evening Dec. 23rd.


Mr. Robert Long and Miss Alice Jones surprised all their friends by getting married on Saturday, Dec. 26th.


Messrs. O. B. and Fred Price of Houston were here Wednesday before Christmas. Miss Opal Price went to Houston for the holidays.


Miss Hortense Langston, Mr. and Mrs. William Langston and Mrs. and Mrs. Orville Swenson were all guests of the Langston household for Christmas.


Harold Ben and Morgan Pearce were home for Christmas.


Henry Parrish spent Christmas with homefolks here.


Mesdames Thatcher and Pearce are among the ailing at this writing.


Mr. and Mrs. P. Manning with Mrs. Reda Martin and son, visited in Damon Mound a few days during the Christmas holidays.


Mrs. Nellie Carvell spent Christmas with her son's family at Olivia.


To all those at the Herald office, especially the editor, we extend New Year greetings. May our paper grow better and bigger and more helpful every week in 1937. Happy New Year to each reader and you and you and you!




The Edna Weekly Herald, December 31, 1936