Francitas, Texas

Newspaper Articles


Francitas Facts

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tobola of Houston spent Armistice Day in Francitas with the Pearces and Howells.

We are glad to note that Mrs. R. Emley is much better.

Messrs. Jim and Emmett Vickers of Groves, Texas, visited their sister, Mrs. R. Emley, last Friday.

Our friend, Fred Baca, of Bay City, who is now in the CCC in New Mexico, spent a few days with homefolks last week. While here he visited old friends in Francitas, too. Fred looks well and he ways he enjoys life in the camps.

Mrs. Walter Griffith got a  phone message Tuesday from El Campo that her mother, Mrs. Bill Green, had passed way. Mrs. Green had been in ill health for many months and her death was daily expected. She was one of our old time Francitas friends. To Mrs. Griffith and all her loved ones we extend sympathy.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howell and mother of Anahuac spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. Zervell Howell.

Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Gayle and Bartlett spent Sunday in LaWard.

The young folks of the Sunday School enjoyed  a party at the Pollman home Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Christian Larson of Groveton announce the birth of a new, little son. They call him Emmett Henderson. Mrs. Larson will be remembered as Miss Beulah Linton of Francitas.

Miss Sophia Lubben was home from Little Kentucky for the week-end.

Mr. John Koch is very ill at this writing.

Miss Louise Jones is over in Danevang with her mother this week.

Mrs. Alice Cornish is having the Comstock filling station renovated. She will spend a part of the winter here in town. She is getting her farm ready to plant onions right now. She will put in other crops also. Welcome Mrs. Cornish, we need progressive folks here.

Mr. Rainoshek, our Louise-Francitas mail carrier, is very grateful for the work done on his "route" road by Mr. Langston. He makes Francitas on time now when it doesn't rain.

Come over Wednesday night and see a good play--The Turn of the Tide."


Edna Weekly Herald, November 21, 1935

Francitas School News.


Miss Edna Lubben attended the State Teachers' Association at San Antonio during the Thanksgiving recess. She also visited with friends in Austin.


Miss Dorothy Thompson was a caller at the school while home for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson took her back to Kingsville Saturday.


Thanksgiving has come and gone and now the Christmas program is being given consideration.


Lolita Volley ball team came over to visit us one day last week. The contest ended 2 to 1 in favor of Francitas. As it now stands Lolita has won one game and Francitas one. The next contest will settle the differences.


The pupils in Miss Lubben's room have a lot of new library books which are being enjoyed by the children.


The second six weeks examinations are over with varying results. If failures have occurred they are the result of neglect of work and lack of appreciation.


Miss Lubben reports the following prize readers in her room:


Low First--Angie Mae Martin

High First--Margaret Joines

Second Grade--L. E. Pryor

Third Grade--John Edward Martin


The Edna Weekly Herald, December 5, 1935