Victor Jean LaBauve
Jul 14, 1803 - Sep 1, 1870
Buried at LaBauve Cemetery
Husband of
Josephine Gonsoulin LaBauve
Sep 16, 1829 - Mar 29, 1900
Buried Memory Gardens of Edna
Cemetery, Edna, Texas |
Photos courtesy of Louis Keizer
of the LaBauve Family |
Odelon Joseph LaBauve was the son of Victor Jean and Elena Gonsoulin
LaBauve, descendants of the Acadian LaBauves that came to
Nova Scotia
and Francois and Marie
Louisa de la Gautrais Gonsoulin who came to
directly from
after having land
granted to them by their relatives, the rulers of
. Francois Gonsoulin
being a Chevalier in the Royal Army of France. (Just this past year the
family received nearly a million dollars from oil royalty on this land
that was granted to them prior to 1803). Victor Jean and his brother,
Dominique, were the two Frenchmen who founded and lived in the little
settlement of Francitas (meaning "Little France" in Spanish).
These two brothers had large families and contributed much to the
settlement of the lower part of the county.
Victor Jean LaBauve established the
near Francitas, and
until now the people of that area bury their loved ones there. He and
two of his older sons died before the founding of Edna, the remainder of
the family lived at the ranch of several thousand acres.
LaBauve ladies were true ladies, versed in the social graces of
Louisiana. When Edna was getting
started, Odelon Joseph LaBauve felt that his mother and sisters should
have some of the ways of life that they had been accustomed to; so he
built this house for them in Edna. The sisters married, with the
exception of one, Miss Ella LaBauve, who was a beautiful girl, very
proud of her ancestors, and very haughty to a great degree. Her sweet
lady mother used to say to her "My dear, you pick and pick and
finally pick a crooked stick." She didn't, because she never
married any one, being the same beautiful haughty spinster as she had
been as a girl. Due to the fact that they never had to do housework and
the life and their circumstances had altered greatly after the death of
their husband and father, they sold the house and went to live with
their relatives. I suspect so that they would not have the
responsibility of a house and such. The house was sold to the Simon
Young family about 1903. Even though the LaBauve ladies did not like to
work, they were loved and respected by all who knew them. They who
married, married into the pioneer families of
Written by: Louise LaBauve Edna,
LaBauve is the wife of Ervin B. LaBauve who was the son of Odelon Joseph
LaBauve and grandson of Victor Jean Labauve & Elena Gonsulin LaBauve)