Edna Commercial Buildings |
Black and white photos courtesy of Texas Historical Commission and The Portal to Texas History
Color photos taken April 22, 2018
Commercial Buildings on Main Street ![]() |
Allen National Bank Building ![]() |
110 East Main Street ![]() |
122 West Main Street 124 West Main Street |
Frank Milby Building ![]()
Joe Volkmer Sr. Building - 123 East Main ![]() Many brick business houses are in prospect; one is now under contract and will be built on the south side of Hackberry street by Mr. Joe Volkmer, it will be a two-story building, built after modern designs.--Houston Post, January 9, 1898 Edna, Texas, February 23.--Work on the Volkmer building has been resumed after some delay caused from a lack of material.--Houston Post, February 25, 1898 Edna, Texas, March 25.--The brick work on Volkmer's store building is about completed and it will be ready for occupancy soon.--Houston Post, March 27, 1898 Old Timers Miss “Edna Bakery” Sign Old Timers “blinked” their eyes the last week end when they saw the sign: Girndt’s Cleaners on the front of the Joe Volkmer Building on Main street. Such a sight to them was unusual as they had seen the sign: “The Edna Bakery” on that building for more than fifty years, and had naturally, grown accustomed to it. There are many people in Edna with grandchildren, and some few with great-grandchildren who, as children, bought their first loaf of bread from Mr. Volkmer’s Bakery. In fact, we heard one man state recently that he started buying bread from Mr. Volkmer when his little shop was located in the frame building now occupied by J. W. Weaver and he never bought a loaf of bread anywhere else until Mr. Volkmer retired from business a few years ago when out-of-town bread trucks made inroads on his business until it was no longer profitable. It was not only home town pride that caused this man to continue a regular customer of Mr. Volkmer so long, but because Mr. Volkmer turned out a quality product. But be that as it may—today Edna, a town of perhaps more than 4000 population does not have a home town baker. The chamber of commerce, in its laudable undertaking of trying to show people where it is to their interest to patronize Edna business firms, could well site the Edna Bakery as an example of what happens when any great number of our citizens buy outside of Edna things that they could just as well buy here. Mr. Volkmer had a good bakery in which a quality product was produced. Up until recent years the bakery furnished a livelihood for from three to four, and perhaps five families. The business paid taxes—state, county, city and school; helped to support our churches; and contributed liberally to every worthy cause. Today the revenue derived from the sale of bread in Edna is used to support the schools and churches in other towns and cities, some as far away as Houston. The Herald has nothing against the bakeries selling bread in Edna. We fells they are well established business concerns, each probably turning out a good loaf of bread and other products. Our reason for calling attention to this, is to show how much better off our little city would be if all the money that goes out of town for bread was spent in Edna. Edna Weekly Herald, March 17, 1949
118 West Main Street ![]() |
The large two-story frame Utzman building on main street is being razed this week by G. C. Manly to make room for a modern brick building, 37 X 75 feet to be erected on the south end of the lot by the Faires Drug Company, and a brick office building 37 X 55 feet may be erected by E. C. LaBauve on the north end of the lot. This entire lot is owned by Mr. LaBauve, but he and the Faires Drug Company have made a trade whereby the drug company erects the front building on their own expense and leases it for a number of years. It is expected that work on the building will begin about March 1st, and it is contracted to be ready for occupancy by July 1. Bill Mercer, local contractor, has the contract for the Faires Drug Company building. This building will have a glass front, will be air-conditioned and otherwise made one of the most modern and attractive store buildings in this section. The location is one of the best in the city. The Utz building is now occupied by The Variety and Gift Shop, Mrs. Louise LaBauve, prop., the W. A. Utzman offices, and a garage, while upstairs, Dr. W. E. Whitfield has a suite of offices and there are several bed rooms. The Variety and Gift Shop and Dr. Whitfield are moving to the new Ezzell building on east main street. Mr. LaBauve has let no contract for his building, but is now working on the plans.
Edna Weekly Herald, January 20, 1949 |
Copyright 2018-
Present by Carol Sue Gibbs |
Created Apr 26, 2018 |
Updated Apr 26, 2018 |