Cordele Churches


Cordele Methodist Church

Cordele Plans To Build Church Soon

Tuesday evening the Board of Stewards of the Cordele Methodist Church held a meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rolar Watson, at which time it was decided to have a free barbecue and covered dish luncheon to be held on the evening of Thursday, the 16th day of October, at 7:00 o'clock, at the Cordele school house.

The purpose of which is the beginning of a drive for the collection of funds to finance the building of the Cordele Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome and invited to attend.

The above "official" notice is good news to a large number of people, for this will be Cordele's first church building. The good people of that section, working with Rev. Don Westbrook, Ganado Methodist pastor, who holds regular services at Cordele, will have the cooperation of a host of friends throughout this section in this most worthy endeavor.

Edna Weekly Herald, October 9, 1947

Cordele Items

The initial service of the Cordele Methodist Church was held Sunday evening. Rev. Mr. Voges of Louise opened the service then turned the meeting over to Rev. Don Westbrook who gave a very nice opening sermon. The congregation was thankful to Mrs. R. L. Bronaugh of Edna for furnishing the music, and also thanks the Mauritz children for the use of their organ. In fact, we do not have space to enumerate the parts taken by or names of all concerned with the program, so just plain thanks to all.

The hard work and perseverance of the Methodist officials, combined with the good will and financial aid of members of the other denominations are to be greatly commended on the completion of a mighty fine church building which we hope will be appreciated and enjoyed by everyone.

Edna Weekly Herald, September 9, 1948

Edna Weekly Herald, September 30, 1948



Copyright 2018- Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Dec. 21, 2018
Dec. 21, 2018