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Alford, Harold F., Sr.
Allen, Adrian - Navy
Allen, Cicero
Allen, James M. - Navy
Allen, James T. - Navy
Allen, Leonard
Armatys, Max M. - PFC US Army
Arrant, William L. - 1st Lieut. US Army
Arrington, W. H., Jr.
Ashorn, Irvin
Backhus, Henry Anton
Bagby, Eugene H. - TX Pvt. U. S. Marine Corps
Bagley, Eugene H.
Baker, Jerrell M.
Baker, W. H.
Baranowski, J. P. - USN
Barefield, H. A.
Barfield, Walter E. - Sgt. U. S. Army
Bassett, Ira P., Jr.
Bassett, Mace L.
Bassett, Neodam
Bay, Ernest H.
Becker, Alfred
Becker, David
Becker, Louis, Jr.
Benkoski, Harold J.
Biggers, Willie W.
Biles, Henry B. - from Richards
Biles, William Thomas - from Richards
Blount, Rhea Hurschall
Blount, Talmadge Route
Blount, Waymon Boney
Boehm, Charles F. - Navy
Boehm, Chris F.
Boehm, Richard
Boggess, James
Boggess, Willie
Boney, Elmer G., 1st Lieut., Killed in Action
Borski, Adam C.
Borski, Harold J.
Borski, Thomas D.
Borski, Walter V. - Navy
Bradley, John A.
Brocksmith, Marvin
Brown, Cuthal Corionous, Tec 4 US Army
Buckalew, George Grady, S1 US Navy
Buckner, Bill F.
Buffinton, Edward A.
Buffington, George P., 1st Lieut., Died non-battle
Buffington, Thomas P.
Burns, Curtis Dean
Burzynski, Eugene
Burzynski, John F.
Burzynski, Steve F.
Burwell, Percy S.
Busa, Charles J.
Busa, Tony L.
Bushman, William F. - Navy
Casburn, Claude Phillip - Tec 5 US Army; buried in Waller Cemetery
Case, James Troy
Chacolla, Antonio V., PFC, Died non-battle
Chaney, Collier
Chaney, Jack C.
Chatman, Anderson
Chatman, Melvin
Chatman, Vernice
Chatman, William H.
Chatman, William M.
Clark, Andrew L., PFC, Died of wounds
Colburn, William E.
Colson, Howard L.
Colson, Nall H., Iola; US Navy
Colson, Willie Ray
Coneley, Carroll Clayton
Cook, Charles Norris
Crapp, Julian M., 2nd Lieut., Died non-battle
Creeks, Larry
Crenshaw, Lester
Crenshaw, Wesley W., of Iola
Cummings, Charle S.
Cummins, Aubrey Ray
Curry, Olen D.
Curtis, Leroy
Danford, Clarence E.
Darby, James H.
Darby, Otis Lee
Davis, Earnest W.
Davis, Harold
Davis, James
Davis, Leldon I.
He lost his left eye as a soldier in WWII serving in the US Army Air Corps. He was buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Grimes County, TX in October 1976.
Davis, Owen C.
Davis, Zeltee
Dean, Charles V.
De los Santos, Esteban, Jr. - PFC US Army
Dickson, Abner, Jr.
Dickson, Clifford L.
Dickson, Jasper
Diehl, Leo M.
Dobyanski, Frank F.
Dobyanski, John H.
Dobyanski, Rufus C.
Edwards, Leroy
Eickenhorst, Bernie; resident of White Hall
Eickenhorst, Claude T.
Ellison, Clad D., US Navy Korea
Elliston, Millard J., PFC, Killed in Action
Finke, Frederick William "Fred" - Frederick William "Fred" Finke was born 12 Jun 1924 in White Hall, Texas. He was a dairy farmer in White Hall all of his life. He died in Nov of 1979 and is buried in Salem Luthern Church Cemetary in White Hall, Texas. Fred served in the US Army. He was wounded (shot through the ankle) in Nuremberg, Germany.
Finke, Mark
Floyd, Dan I.
Floyd, Lewis Bernard
Floyd, Ralph M.
Floyd, Thomas
Floyd, Vernon
Freeman, Hermit, TXPFC US Army
Fridye, Adam L.
Fridye, Anton F.
Fridye, Steve
Fullerton, Leonard Harlin
Fuqua, Floyd
Garrett, Wayne, PFC, Died non-battle
Glass, Eury W., PVT US Army
Glass, William T. Dub, PFC US Army
Grant, R. P.
Graves, Melvin, Tech5, Died non-battle
Gressett, W. J.
Grupa, John
Grupa, Leon M.
Haferkamp, Alfred R.
Hair, Donald I.
Hair, George H. - Navy
Hall, William Edward - Ensign U. S. Navy
Hamilton, Archibald F.
Harmon, G. B., of Iola
Harris, G. C., Jr. MD
Captain U.S. Army Medical Corp. WWII. Landed at Normandy as a surgeon -Served in the European Theatre until 1945.
Harrison, Harold G. - Navy
Haynie, Ammett
Heintz, Eddie F.
Hensley, Fred L.
Herrington, Gene T.
Hester, Orval Thomas
Hetmaniak, Alex G.
Hetmaniak, Charles M.
Heuermann, Emmett W. - US Army; buried in Waller Cemetery
Hicks, John B.
Hines, William M.
Homeyer, Gilbert
Homeyer, Irvin
Horn, Harold - Navy
Hughey, Edward D., Jr., 2nd Lieut., Found dead
Humphrey, Elwood
Hurry, Ronell
Husky, Leon H.
Isbell, Cecil G., PVT, Killed in Action
Isbell, Clinton A.; killed 07 Apr 1945; from Navasota
Isbell, Grover C., PVT, Died non-battle
Jackson, Chester H., PVT, Killed in Action
James, Jesse H.
Johnson, Eddie C.
Johnson, Thomas F. Jessy
Johnson, Willie, Jr. - TX S1 US Navy
Kahn, Henry C.
Karcher, Clarence C.
Karonika, Clarence
Karonika, Lee Paul
Karonika, Sylvester H.
Karonika, Wallace
Katkoski, Paul P.
Katkoski, Peter S. - Navy
Keith, William J.
Kennard, Arthur, Jr.
Kennard, Chester
Kennard, George
Kennard, John H.
Kennard, Marion
Kennard, Robert L.
King, John Anson
Klawinsky, Steve A.
Klevenski, John
Klodzinski, Silvester E.
Kmiecik, Philip P.
Kolbasinki, Stanley, Toney
Kolodziezak, Ambrosius - Navy
Koronka, Rufus Victor
Kroll, John J.
Land, James V., 2nd Lieut., Died non-battle
La Salle, George W.
Lenorman, Joe Donald
Little, Dock M.
Little, John Rufus
Matelski, Charlie H.
Matelski, Frank J.
Matelski, John Harold
Mattern, Mike B.
May John Thomas - S2 US Navy; buried in Waller Cemetery
Mayfield, Herman
McAfee, John T.
McBride, Arthur C.
McCloskey, John D. - Navy
McCluskey, Wilbur T., PVT, Died non-battle
McCorquodale, Grady P.
McCune, George M.
McCune, James L.
McCune, Tom
McDougald, Coy, U.S. Army Air Forces; from Iola; son of Neill and Ethel McDougald
McDougald, Joe D., U.S. Navy; from Iola; son of Neill and Ethel McDougald
McDougald, Wiley D., U.S. Army Air Forces; from Iola; son of Neill and Ethel McDougald
McGee, Wesley B., Tec5, Died non-battle
McIntyre, Todd
Mentlewski, John P.
Merchant, Floyd, PFC, Died non-battle
Metz, Frank B.
Metz, Mike J.
Metz, Simon J.
Minor, Daniel, PVT, Died non-battle
Minsky, Elmore Fredrick "Jiggo"
Minsky, James Erwin "Jimmy"
Mitchell, Edward Curtis
U.S. Marine Corps., Hometown - Bedias, TX.
Mitchell, Eugene Angies
U.S. Army, Hometown - Bedias, TX.
Mize, Donald T.
Mize, Rubel Hafed
Mock, Anton G.
Mock, Martin P.
Mock, Philip George
Mock, Pius A.
Molitor, Fritz, Jr., PVT, Killed in Action
Mooring, Randolph - Navy
Morris, Clifton
U. S. Army, Hometown - Bedias, Texas. Signed up on June 13, 1944 in Houston, Texas. Ordered to report to Fort Sam Houston, Texas on November 22, 1944. Technician 5th Grade. Company C, 145th Infantry. Honorable Discharge on April 20, 1946.
Morris, Collins Earsel, Sr.
U.S. Marine Corps., Hometown - Bedias, Texas. Served in the Pacific. Basic Training at Camp Pendleton, San Diego, California from March 3, 1944 to August 14, 1944. Sailed aboard the USS General E. T. Collins from San Diego, California September 19, 1944 and disembarked at Saipan, Mariana Islands. Served with 17th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion, Fleet Marine Force Pacific, Tinian, Mariana Islands; Group subject to enemy bombing raids. On November 17, 1945 embarked at Guam, Marshall Islands and sailed to San Diego, California on the USS Baxter APA-94. Was discharged under honorable conditions as heavy gunner on December 19, 1945.
Morris, Dr. Glenn L.
Morris, Earl S., Jr.
Murphy, Horace G., Jr., S Sg., Killed in Action
Mussetter, William M.
Neason, William Eli
Newton, Samuel Levi, TxArmy SGT Air Force
Norwood, Ralph Earl
Odom, Maurice, PFC, Died non-battle
Page, Alton D.
Page, Tilman Carlisle
Palmer, Jeffre, PVT, Died non-battle
Pasket, George L.
Pasket, Harold John
Pasket, Tony Sam
Paskett, Stanley C., PFC, Killed in Action
Pavlock, Tony J.
Perry, Gardner D.
Phillips, Charles A.
Phillips, Edwards G.
Phillips, Henry Peter
Phillips, Larold E.
Pirtle, J. Q.
Pistler, Ernest
Pistler, George
Plaster, Amos Lee
Born 14 Jun 1902 in Georgia. Died 15 Oct 1959 in Bedias, Grimes County, Texas. Enlisted in Air Corp from Grimes County on Oct 10 1942. His gravestone says "Texas Pvt. 73 Flying Tng. AAF W.W. II"
Podraza, Albert H., PVT, Died non-battle
Podraza, David Mike
Podraza, Lee M.
Podraza, Mike Harold
Pointer, Harvey W., PVT, Killed in Action
Polocheck, John Floyd
Powledge, Charles Gordon
U.S. Navy, Hometown - Bedias, Texas. U.S. Navy Reserve, dates of service from June 14, 1943 - January 12, 1946 [2 years, 7 months, 5 days]. Received the American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal and Honorable Service Lapel Button, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal. Place of Entry: Houston, Texas. Place of Separation: Camp Wallace, Texas. Vessel or Station: Naval receiving station in Houston, Texas from June 7, 1943 - June 14, 1943; Naval Air Station in Corpus Christi, Texas from June 14, 1943 - June 8, 1944. Receiving Station in Norfolk, Virginia from June 12, 1944 - June 19, 1944. USS Kaasan Bay CVE-69 from June 19, 1944 - November 14, 1945; USS Midway CV-23 from November 14, 1945 - January 12, 1946.
Powledge, Robert Mack
U.S. Army, Hometown - Bedias, Tx. In the U.S. Army from June 14, 1944 to August 26, 1947 [3 years, 2 months and 12 days]. He was discharged in El Paso, Texas.
Powledge, Vernon Eugene
U.S. Navy, Hometown - Bedias, Tx. Dates of service from June 18, 1945 - November 28, 1947. Place of Entry: Houston, Texas; Place of Separation: Alameda, California. USS Boxer CV-21 from December 1, 1945 - November 26, 1947.
Powledge, Willie Brent
U.S. Coast Guard, Hometown - Bedias, TX. Electrician's Mate, First Class in the Seabees in Rhode Island. Has been in the service since December 1942 and has had 10 months overseas duty in the North Atlantic. He received his training at Norfolk, Virginia; Williamsburg, Virginia and Providence, Rhode Island.
Pool, John R., Tech5, Killed in Action
Post, Arbol James, US Army Korea
Reed, Edward, US Army
Reichle, Ernest C., PFC, Killed in Action
Richardson, Louis
Rigby, Jesse T., CPL Btry. C S 73 FA BN
Risinger, L. T. Thurman
Rosilier, John A.
Russell, Homer Zack, PVT US Army
Sage, Nick, PFC, Died of wounds
Schaefer, Clarence
Schroeder, Carl, Jr.
Schroeder, Edwin
Born 19 Sep 1918 in Anderson, Grimes County, TX. Died 18 Sep 1970. Son of Karl (Charles) C. C. Schroeder and Emma Wehmeyer
Schroeder, Vernon G. - Navy
Sechelski, David J. - Navy
Sechelski, Joe William
Sechelski, John T.
Sechelski, Lewis P.
Sechelski, Tony John
Seigle, Johnnie C. - Navy
Shead, Eugene T. Bud - MM1 US Army; buried in Waller Cemetery
Shead, Joe Dewain - Texas Pfc 351 Inf; buried in Waller Cemetery
Shead, John P. - Cpl US Army; buried in Waller Cemetery
Shead, L., T SG, Killed in Action
Shiflet, Grady W., T SG Air Corps, Killed in Action
Shook, Pete R., S SG, Killed in Action
Sikes, James S., Sr.
Singletary, Robert
Singletary, Vance I.
Smith, Mike
Snook, Dave
Snook, Jim
Snook, Joe
Snook, Julius
Snook, Ross
Snook, Van B., died in Belgium
Snook, Willie R.
Stanford, William H., 2nd Lieut., Killed in Action
Stewart, A. L. (Nuggie)
Stone, J. P.
Stoneham, Elliott E. - PFC Army Air Forces
Stoneham, Hal B, Jr. - SK1 US Navy
Stoneham, James Russell
Stoneham, Oliver Weldon
Stoneham, Wendell C. - Major US Air Force
Stuckey, William Ferrel
Swonke, Bennie
Swonke, Leo
Sylvester, Austin - Pvt US Army
Taylor, Eugene P. - Navy
Thomas, Henry O.
Thomas, James G., Jr. - Navy
Thomas, John K. - Navy
Thomas, Marion B. - Navy
Thompson, Thomas J.
Ubnoske, Manuel, Sr.
Ubnoski, Bernard
Upchurch, Raymond, TECH 5 US Army
Wagner, Adam - Texas Pvt. U. S. Army
Wagner, Edward D.
Wagner, Joseph L.
Wagner, Leo
Wagnon, Gerald Benton
Walkoviak, John, CPL, Killed in Action
Ware, J. O. - Navy
Ware, Uhland O.
Warson, Leon S. - Navy
Weaver, Harris Johnson
Weaver, John Thomas, Jr.
Weaver, Tilford "Tip" Haynes
Weaver, William C., SGT, Died non-battle
Wehmeyer, Fritz
Wehmeyer, William F. - Navy
Wells, Edgar E. - Navy
White, Kermit C.
Whitfield, Doctor Clarence
Born 12 Nov 1899 in Anderson, Grimes County, TX. Died 21 Apr 1973. Buried at Apolonia Cemetery, Grimes County, TX. PFC USAR
Wilcox, Donald Curtis
Wilcox, George K.
Wilson, Joseph
Wingard, Elmer James
Winkler, Fred W.
Wischnewsky, Adolph B.
Wood, R. B.
Worden, Frank, Jr., PVT, Killed in Action
Wren, Gaines W., Jr.
Wren, James William
Wrobleski, Lawrence W.
Yanchak, Kaspar
Yeager, Elbert F., CPL, Killed in Action
Yeager, Harold L., SSGT US Army Air Corps
Grimes County, TXGenWeb Project