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Ackerman, Verplank, Dr.
Buffington, Anderson
Corner, James
Corner, John
Goodrich, B. B.
Goodrich, John C.
Greenwood, Joel
Grimes, Alfred Calvin
Grimes, Rufus
Hadley, Joshua
Hadley, William B.
Son of Joshua & Obedience GRANTHAM HADLEY. T. K. Hadly/Hadley was in Capt. Borren's Company on the Somervill Campaign. Texas Claims Reel #197 for a claim of $53.00. Texas Claims Reel #039 Joshua Hadly signs a audit document for King dated Nov.1836 for $28.67 before A. Brigham. This has #1102 at the top, bottom of the item has B 1501 on it.
Also, the following muster roll information on T.K. Hadley:
Company Commander Last Name First Name Rank Date of roll Spy Co, 1st Reg
Tumlinson Hadley King 2nd Crp Oct-Nov 1839; transferred from Capt Hallum's Co
1st Reg Mtd Guns Young Hadley King S Pvt Sep-Oct 1839
Southwest Army Bowen Hadley T K 3rd Corp Nov 1842
Submitted by Vickye White
Holland, Francis
Holland, Tapley
Kennard, Anthony Drew
Kennard, Michael
Martin, John F.
McIntire, Robert
Montgomery, Andrew Jackson
Montgomery, John
Patrick, George Moffitt
Perry, A. G.
Peterson, John
Among the early settlers in Grimes County. He signed Austin's register of families in Dec 1822. His mother, Mary Peterson, was the sister of Francis and William Holland. The book Saga of Anderson tells of their migrations with the Hollands from Ohio. John and his brother William fought at the Battle of San Jacinto and are on the Honor Roll of the battle. They returned to Grimes County after the battle. His league of land was just south of the Francis Holland league near Anderson.
Submitted by Lynwood Peterson
Peterson, William
Pierson, John Goodloe Warren
Plaster, Thomas Phiney
Smith, Benjamin Fort
Zuber, William Physick