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Grimes County News Items - The Daily Examiner - 1899, Part 2

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06 Mar 1899
Page 4

Personal Mention

Earl Chinski is sick.
Sam Goodman came home today.
Gordon Boone went to Bryan at noon.
Elson Kelley, of Bryan, was here today.
Mack Meachum is up and about again.
Tom Buckingham spent yesterday in Retreat.
Judge Neal went back to Austin this morning.
Will Dunlap, of Millican, is in the city today.
Miss Annie Brigance went to Bryan yesterday.
J. W. Evans, of Brenham, spent yesterday in the city.
Ed. Binford went to Brenham this morning on business.
Will Sangster is able to be at his post after a few days' illness.
W. R. Ayers, of Yarboro, is in the city today on business.
L. J. Granary is able to be out again after a two weeks' illness.
Dr. Thompson, who has been sick for a few days, is able to be out again.
F. L. Vickers and John Henry, of Graball, spent yesterday in the city.
Miss Kittie Womack, of Anderson, is in the city, visiting Judge Forrester.

Miss Susie Saunders is able to be at school again, after a two months' illness.

D. E. Callahan spent yesterday at Prairie Plains - not so pleasantly as contemplated.

Miss Faith Harrison, who has been visiting Mrs. G. W. Saunders, returned to Austin yesterday.

Mrs. A. E. Parson, of Hartford, Conn., is in the city visiting her niece, Mrs. Robt. H. Schumacher.

Miss Ora Stewart came here from Brookshire Saturday night and was taken to North Grimes. She was quite ill.

J. W. Cuthrell and wife, of Roans Prairie, who have been spending a few days here with their sons, A. V. and John E. Cuthrell, returned home yesterday.

Miss Lewis, of Roans Prairie, spent yesterday in the city on her way home from a visit to her sister at Millican, who is very ill. She was accompanied by M. Taylor.

07 Mar 1899
Page 1

Personal Mention

B. B. Rollo is very sick.
Col. F. S. Roberts is sick.
O. B. Gooch is sick in bed.
Little Annie Madeley is sick.
R. Gross, of Brenham, is in the city today.
J. F. Thomas is reported to be ill at home.
Rufe Womack, of Anderson, is in town today.
H. A. Jacobs went to Galveston yesterday on No. 2.
Mrs. L. J. Wilson left today for Kosse to visit her daughter.
Miss Pearl Garvin returned today from a visit to Houston.
Aaron Smyth, of Plantesville, is in the city today on business.
J. F. Honx, of Hempstead, is in the city visiting Sam Madeley.
Tom Brooks is spending the day in Washington county on business.
Will and Jim Driscoll, of Prairie Plains, are in the city trading today.

Miss Kittie Womack left today for Bryan, to visit her sister, Mrs. D. E. Kelley

Mrs. Fannie Gooch, of Waco, is in the city, visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Keough.

Dr. Williams, with his wife and child, of Yarborough, were shopping here today.

Maj. Riddick has taken his run on the Santa Fe, after a two months' absence; caused by illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Sol Billitz, of Houston, returned home yesterday, after a short visit here to their daughter, Mrs. Sam M. Bock.

Mrs. Flournoy, of Hempstead, who has spent six weeks here with her daughter, Mrs. H. T. Fore, returned home yesterday.

Misses Emma Miller and Marie Tacque, who have been off to St. Louis and other northern points to purchase the spring stock of millinery for R. B. Templeman & Son, returned last night.

09 Mar 1899
Page 4

Albert Wedgeworth, an old colored man well known about town, died yesterday morning and was buried in the evening near Thos. Gool's, north of town.

13 Mar 1899
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For Alderman, First Ward -

For Alderman, Second Ward -

For Alderman, Third Ward -

For Alderman, Fourth Ward -

For City Secretary -

For City Assessor and Collector -

For City Treasurer -

For City Marshal -

Fell Dead Saturday

Justice Forrester went over near the City cemetery Saturday afternoon and held an inquest into the cause of the death of John Thomas, colored. It appears that the deceased had been troubled with a heart affection for some time; he had been working "in the bottom" and Saturday noon came home and ate a hearty dinner, after which his wife went to some neighbor's house and returning about 2 o'clock found John lying face down on the kitchen floor, where he had apparently fallen dead from a chair in which he had been sitting. He was 53 years of age.

Restaurant Changes Hands

Saturday L. J. Granary made a bill of sale transferring to R. A. Patout the Bon Ton Restaurant, with all fixtures, utensils, etc. The transfer was made necessary by force of circumstances and to protect the purchaser's financial interest. Don Rollo is at present in charge of the business.

16 Mar 1899
Page 3

A new little daughter arrived last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Henry.

Page 4

Sammy Williams, son of Gip Williams, colored, died at his home in this city yesterday and was buried at 10 o'clock this morning.

22 Mar 1899
Page 4

Another little son arrived last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lee.

25 Mar 1899
Page 4

Died From the Wounds

George Bell, who was shot Friday noon on Boone's farm by Henry Williams died last night, the gun shot wounds being too terrible for medical skill to coax life to remain in the same tenement with.

The cause of the shooting is briefly put down by Williams to have been Bell's prowling about his house at unseemly hours and maybe envy of his wife; while Bell is reputed to bear the reputation of a "conjurer," and which fact may have had something to do with his taking off.

12 Apr 1899
Page 1

A son and heir was born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom ? Owen Monday night.

15 Apr 1899
Page 1

Matilda Washington, a negro woman 75 years old, was buried yesterday afternoon in the colored folks' cemetery; having finished this life's journey at her home in the First Ward the night before.

Page 4

Death of Mrs. Skelton

At 11:30 o'clock this forenoon the earthly spirit of Mrs. Adell R. Skelton passed beyond the river of death to that land where pain and sorrow are unknown. She had been sick for a long time, but with christian fortitude bore the trials, in the same manner in which she lived her long life - quite, peaceful and patient; recognizing that the end was nigh and abiding in the wisdom of her Maker.

Mrs. Skelton was born 64 years, 8 months and 19 days ago in Ringgo county, Alabama, and came to Texas with her parents in early days. She married Will Stevens in Wharton county, of which union B. Lee Stevens, of Navasota, is the only survivor; and deceased's only child. Mr. Stevens died on Roans Prairie in Grimes county and the widow remained in that neighborhood till she was married to J. A. Skelton in 1878. Mr. Skelton passed away in 1889.

The funeral will take place from the home of Mr. Stevens at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and the interment will be made in the City cemetery; to which friends and acquaintances are extended an invitation.

Personal Mention

Miss Eloise Wood is quite sick.
S. Baker went to Plantersville this morning.
Mrs. Ivy Brooks is in Caldwell visiting her mother.
Col. W. W. Meachum was here from Anderson today.
Dr. Otto Howe, of Washington, was in Navasota today.

Mrs. Abe Blumenthal and children returned last evening from a visit to Bryan.

John Felder left for Brenham yesterday evening. He will return about Monday.

E. C. Hughes, Eugene Ewing and Dr. T. C. Hairston, of Whitman, are in the city today.

Isidore Goodman is taking a lay off, and going through a spell of illness in the meantime.

R. P. Siddall, of White Hall, and C. A. Stone, of Yarboro, are in the city today on business.

A. W. Morris, of Montgomery, who has been to Austin, passed through the city today en route home.

Mrs. Dr. Johnston and Mrs. J. R. Howell were in the city today from Anderson, on a shopping tour.

S. B. Rucker, Marshall Peterson and Ed Kelley are up toward North Grimes today on important business.

Mrs. J. E. Clarke and children went to Hempstead yesterday evening to spend a short while with relatives.

Mrs. Hal Holland and daughter, Louise, departed this morning for their home in Eminence, Ky., after a short but pleasant visit to relatives here.

Misses Lill Tuck and Egland Neblett, of Anderson, returned home today, after a few days' visit here to Misses Nannie Montgomery and Stella Easley.

Mrs. R. W. Wagoner arrived here yesterday evening from her home in the Indian Territory for the purpose of visiting her mother, Mrs. E. G. Owen, and other relatives.

How they Stood

In today's Galveston News appears a list of Texas counties grouped into the thirteen districts, formed by the United States census bureau and the number of inhabitants accredited to each of them. In this table old Grimes shows up quite well, which standing she will certainly retain when the 1900 census is compiled and given to the public. Grimes county's population was put at 21,312; the figures of our neighbors are: Waller, 10,888; Montgomery, 11,765; Walker, 12,874; Madison, 8,512; Brazos, 16,650. Washington leads Grimes a little, her figures are: 29, 161. . . .

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