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Submitted by Sandi Costa.
This is the cemetery in White Hall up on the hill. Also referred to McAlpine Cemetery.
Historical Marker 8600
About 1851 North Carolina native Dugald McAlpine (1795-1876) moved here to the pioneer community of Wallace's Prairie and purchased a large tract of land. Adjacent to his property and at this location were four burial sites associated with his neighbor's nearby "Alta Vista" (Spanish for Fair View) farm and farmhouse. McAlpine eventually bought Alta Vista and in 1866 his relative, Malcomb McAlpine, was the first of many McAlpines to be buried here. In 1873 the community's name was changed to Whitehall for George White, the postmaster at that time. Before his burial here in 1876, McAlpine fenced an area around the grave sites for use as a family graveyard. In 1886 descendants of McAlpine deeded three acres containing the graveyard for cemetery purposes. Eventually community burials began outside of the fenced McAlpine section on land donated by a Mr. Johnson. Descendants of people buried here organized and formed the Fairview Cemetery Association in 1949; the name of the association was later changed to the Whitehall-Fairview Cemetery Association. Burials here include former slaves, McAlpine family members, area civic leaders, and veterans of wars ranging from the Civil War to the Vietnam Conflict.
White Hall, Texas
Erected 1993
From the intersection of FM 362 and CR 305 in White Hall, take CR 305 E approx. .4 miles to White Hall-Fairview Cemetery Rd., then S on cemetery road approx. .2 miles to cemetery.
Last Name First Middle Maiden Birth Death Comments
Anderson Susanna 8/7/1872 Aged 82 yrs Died at Wallace Prairie, Grimes Co, TX, Born in Horry, District (Georgetown) District of S.C.
Bain Dolores Snow 3/31/1936 3/30/2005 Married Jimmy R. Bain 6/12/1953
Bain Jimmy R. 12/5/1934 8/1/1999 Married Dolores Snow Bain 6/12/1953
Bay Ernest Hulon 8/31/1912 3/21/1999 TSGT US Army WWII
Binford Wyatt H. 00/00/1867 00/00/1941 Married to Elma V. Binford
Binford Elma V. 00/00/1874 00/00/1939 Married to Wyatt H. Binford
Binford Alex Q. 3/24/1907 11/20/1988 Married to Catherine R. Binford
Binford Catherine R. 9/5/1909 2/10/1992 Married to Alex Q. Binford
Binford W. Neal 10/21/1934 10/29/1992
Binford John Q. 6/2/1932 N/A Married to Shirley P. Binford
Binford Shirley P. 11/1/1935 6/20/1997 Married to John Q. Binford
Binford Johnny (Dad) 11/11/1895 7/2/1974 Married Earl Binford
Binford Earl (Mom) 5/7/1888 4/13/1986 Married Johnny Binford
Binford Beatrice (Sister) 11/24/1919 9/21/1994
Binford Johnnie Ples 8/19/1922 7/23/1983 Married Ida Louise Binford, SSGT USA WWII
Binford Ida Louise 5/16/1928 N/A Married to Johnnie Ples Binford
Boles Chase W. 00/00/1876 00/00/1918
Brown Lya Lucy 00/00/1926 00/00/2002
Brown Shannon Rene 12/22/1974 6/13/1989
Brown Johnnie Jewel Johnson 2/13/1931 1/20/1990
Brown Margaret J. 6/19/1884 10/6/1977 Mother of Irene Sullivan
Cabeen Chancey W. 00/00/1918 00/00/1940
Cabeen Earl E. 00/00/1916 00/00/1943
Cabeen Ollie G. 00/00/1893 00/00/1961
Cameron Willie C. 4/14/1857 10/2/1937 Wife of Dr. Jno Anderson McAlpine
Cameron Mary Cabeen 12/23/1830 7/9/1988
Charles Michael Waylon 6/11/1982 8/10/192
Clepper William Morris 9/5/1906 11/9/1994
Clepper Rebecca F. 00/00/1883 00/00/1937 Married Alex M. Clepper
Clepper Alex M. 00/00/1879 00/00/1955 Married Rebecca F. Clepper
Clepper Grace E. 2/17/1904 11/1/1983 (as at her foot - PVT U.S. Army WWII), married John H. Clepper 7/5/1944
Clepper John H. 11/28/1911 11/6/2004T SGT USAF WWII, Married Grace E. Clepper 7/5/1944
Clepper Munford Leroy 00/00/1921 00/00/1989 MSGT USAF WWII
Clepper Mozella Mitchell 11/8/1924 8/23/2000
Clepper Irvin C. 9/23/1920 1/5/1975
Clepper Johnnie W. 5/23/1942 7/28/1967 TX A2C 666 Radar SO AF
Clepper Thomas L. 00/00/1947 00/00/1975 SSGT US Air Force, Vietnam
Clepper Michael Ray 5/17/1952 3/3/1999 Married to Sharon Elizabeth Clepper 7/5/1975
Clepper Sharon Elizabeth 9/17/1955 N/A Married to Michael Ray Clepper 7/5/1975
Clepper Vera L. 9/29/1929 7/10/1997 Married to Jerriel F. Clepper
Clepper Jerriel F. 4/11/1923 11/23/2005 Married to Vera L. Clepper
Clepper Thomas L. 9/1/1947 5/29/1975
Cook George W. 11/25/1842 3/22/1920 CO B 2 FLA CAV CSA
Cook Elmo L. 10/25/1903 7/5/1979 Married Vera Cook
Cook Vera 6/21/1911 6/4/1985 Married to Elmo L. Cook
Cook Martha 2/9/1883 10/22/1941 Married Columbus W. Cook
Cook Columbus W. 10/12/1870 10/23/1940 Married to Martha Cook
Cook L. W. 2/10/1884 8/21/1955
Cook Annie M. 2/10/1884 1/19/1968
Cory Willie 12/31/1862 6/20/1907
Danford Sue A. 5/7/1889 3/7/1908
Danford Thomas J. 45 ALA Ine CO A OSA
Danford Louisza 00/00/1815 00/00/1891
Dawson Eual Viola Waller 1/25/1911 2/28/1990
Dedmon Elliott Ellison 9/16/1898 1/1/1952
Duncan Dorothy R. 10/4/1932 7/19/1991
Dworsky Geraldine 8/13/1935 8/9/2005 Married Albert G. Dworsky
Dworsky Albert G. 2815/1931 1/21/2006 Married to Geraldine Dworsky
Evans Oscar L. "Poppy" 6/3/1913 1/29/1996 Married to Bernice Evans
Evans Bernice "Mimi" 4/16/1914 1/16/1996 Married to Oscar L. Evans
Evans Gary Wayne 5/19/1962 3/21/1982
Fleming John Robertson 12/23/1895 7/1/1982 PVT USA WWI
Fleming R. C. 00/00/1850 00/00/1931 Married Nancy L. Fleming
Fleming Nancy L. 00/00/1850 00/00/1932 Married R.C. Fleming
Fleming Artie Mae 3/19/1916 12/3/2005 Married Clyde H. Fleming
Fleming Hattie E. 00/00/1883 00/00/1957 Married Eugene J. Fleming
Fleming Eugene J. 00/00/1879 00/00/1923 Married Hattie E. Fleming
Fleming Charlie 3/5/1807 10/3/1908
Fleming Eugene 3/18/1809 7/31/1910
Fleming Travis Eugene 1/1/1922 2/24/1922
Flemng Clyde H. 9/5/1911 8/23/1971 Married Artie Mae Fleming
Folmar Patricia Mask/Lamber12/20/1936 N/A Married to Thomas Wayne Folmar
Folmar Thomas Wayne 10/30/1942 6/5/2003 Married to Patricia Mask/Lamberth Folmar, PV2 USA
Ford, Jr. Paul Thomas 00/00/1954 00/00/2005
Gregg James H. 3/8/1907 3/31/1976
Gregg Wesley No info, just wooden cross
Gregg Mary E. Cabeen 00/00/1910 00/00/1932
Groze Lang 00/00/1856 00/00/1902
Gunn Shirley Ann Post 9/21/1936 6/26/2004
Harville Bobby Ray 12/4/1933 7/31/2000 Married Bessie Nobles Harville 4/20/1951
Harville Bessie Nobles 3/11/1934 N/A Married Bobby Ray Harville 4/20/1951
Hatfield Jerriann Allen 11/3/1959 4/8/1988
Haynie Bebe 4/3/1902 5/4/1980
Haynie Margarete 9/23/1905 4/26/1908
Hearne Daniel W. 4/30/1879 12/21/1881
Heflin George W. 00/00/1905 00/00/1970 Married Anniew W. Heflin
Heflin Annie W. 00/00/1906 00/00/1994 Married Frank H. Heflin
Hickson Orville 00/00/1934 00/00/2006
Hill Alice Marie 6/6/1918 4/6/1995
Hogue Mary Ann 4/28/1852 9/11/1909 Wife of R.K. Hogue
Holderby James M. 2/10/1880 3/12/1953 Married Hester A. Holderby
Holderby Hester A. 1/10/1890 5/7/1949 Married James M. Holderby
Hubble William Paul 11/10/1914 1/23/1996 Married to Ethelee Hubble 9/14/1944
Hubble Ethelee Mask 9/14/1924 N/A Married to William Paul Hubble 9/14/1944
Huckaby Valerie 9/27/1925 11/4/1982
Hunter Lizzie 10/22/1865 6/11/1945
Johnson Ray 3/26/1926 N/A (no death date "Silent Sleep")
Johnson Britt 1/10/1888 6/17/1979 Married Nona E. Johnson
Johnson Nona E. 7/3/1890 10/1/1985 Married Britt Johnson
Johnson Lina 8/16/1907 (death date listed only)
Johnson J. J. 12/9/1858 6/3/1914
Johnson Jennie 8/11/1875 2/16/1946
Johnson Buster 1/31/1909 2/16/1935
Johnson Lyda 5/2/1912 10/18/1918 Daughter of J.J. & J. Johnson
Johnson Infant 5/4/1921, infant daughter of Monroe & Gussie Johnson
Johnson Monroe 4/27/1885 7/3/1947 Married Gussie Johnson, infant daughter died
Johnson Gussie 2/26/1892 5/2/1948 Married to Monroe Johnson
Johnson Jeff 1/27/1917 2/7/1982
Johnson Sarah Ellafair 2/26/1877 5/29/1891 Daughter of J.A. & Bettie Johnson
Johnson Edmond H. 10/16/1826 7/17/1905
Johnson Sarah 12/8/1828 4/14/1890
Johnson James Willard 12/18/1915 7/1/1969 Married Mary Frances Johnson
Johnson Mary Frances 12/12/1935 8/10/1997 Married to James Willard Johnson
Johnson John C. 4/1/1902 4/15/1974 Married Mable J. Johnson
Johnson Mable J. 11/6/1907 7/1/1969 Married to John C. Johnson
Johnson W.O. Dick "Sheriff" 9/15/1910 9/29/1972 Married to Frances Johnson
Johnson Frances 6/18/1915 3/20/2005 Married to Sheriff W.O. "Dick" Johnson
King Rufus Paul 00/00/1988 00/00/2005
Kitson Paul H. 2/6/1924 9/7/2001 SSGT USA
Kitson Anie Ruty Binford 10/12/1912 11/13/1985
Lake Thomas Nelson 12/10/1896 3/6/1982 PVT US Marine Corps WWI, Married to Estelle Lake
Lake Estelle 5/1/1905 9/27/1985 Married to Thomas Nelson Lake
Loftin Sue McAlpine 1/26/1862 11/17/1899
Long Albert Richard 5/28/1913 10/29/1997 USA WWII
Lucherk Bruno P. 10/16/1924 6/24/1987 Married GracieL. Lucherk
Lucherk Gracie L. 2/4/1926 N/A Married to Bruno P. Lucherk
Lyles Cora M. 00/00/1884 00/00/1976
Lyles James N. 00/00/1847 00/00/1934 Married Mary Ann Lyles
Lyles Mary Ann 00/00/1841 00/00/1927 Married James N. Lyles
Lyles Andrew Green 10/20/1878 8/26/1969 Married Claudia Sullivan Padgett Lyles
Lyles Claudia Sullivan Padgett 3/3/1883 12/22/1964 Married Andrew Green Lyles
Lyles Noah W. 00/00/1874 00/00/1951 Married Mary Estelle Lyles
Lyles Mary Estelle 00/00/1871 00/00/1939 Married to Noah W. Lyles
Martin Callie N. 00/00/1871 00/00/1930 Married to Virgil J. Martin
Martin Virgil J. 00/00/1865 00/00/1922 Married to Callie N. Martin
Martin Jim 11/17/1894 3/5/1919 PVT US Army, WWI
Mask Robert P. 7/24/1917 7/28/1955 AOM3 USNR TX, WWII
Mask Charlie E. 00/00/1896 00/00/1953 Married Blanche E. Mask
Mask Blanche E. 00/00/1896 00/00/1985 Maried Charlie E. Mask
Mask Charles Crittenden 12/26/1915 10/17/1952
Mask Ples A. 4/25/1851 3/20/1918 Married Eliza J. Mask
Mask Eliza J. 7/28/1851 11/6/1932 Married Ples A. Mask
Mask, Jr. Charles Crittenden 9/14/1939 9/26/1939
McAlpine Sarah Ella 9/6/1863 5/16/1902
McAlpine Daniel 8/7/1846 2/12/1873
McAlpine W. K. No other info on grave
McAlpine Malcom S. 9/0/1836 Age about 80 written on the stone: Age about 80 yrs. (could not see dates well)
McAlpine Alex(?) S. 1/16/1855 6/26/1870 Hard to read first name could be Alex'r, or Alexis? Married Elizabeth Jane McAlpine
McAlpine Elizabeth Jane 11/3/1827 7/8/1873 Wife of A. McAlpine
McAlpine Martha 4/27/1817 7/27/1878 Wife of John A. McAlpine
McAlpine John A. 2/15/1808 11/12/1881 Married Martha McAlpine
McAlpine Dugald 5/31/1876 81 yrs old Born in Robeson County N.C., Died at Wallace Prairie, Grimes Co, TX
McAlpine Perry 11/7/1873 11/16/1878 Son of W.K. & S.J. McAlpine
McAlpine Sarah Jane Perry 8/26/1837 4/17/1885 Married W.K. McAlpine 4/12/1853, Born in Washington Co, TX Died in Galveston, TX
McAlpine W. K. 12/9/1822 6/4/1901 Married Sarah J. Perry McAlpine, Born in Rockingham, N.C. Died in Calvert, TX
McAlpine Rodrick Ernest 4/1/1878 11/30/1935
McAlpine Luther Edward 8/22/1893 11/30/1935
McAlpine L. O. 8/26/1854 7/7/1922 Married to W.K. McAlpine Age 68
McAlpine Henry A. 2/14/1883 3/26/1958
McAlpine James A. 4/14/1861 2/20/1885
McAlpine Mary 8/30/1915 1/9/1971
McAlpine Ruby Willson 12/6/1892 5/7/1934 Married Dr. Alex McAlpine
McAlpine Alex "Dr." 2/3/1875 1/13/1953 Married Ruby Willson McAlpine
McAlpine Randolph A. 11/11/191 5/12/1990 Lt. Colonel - Married Judy L. McAlpine 3/3/1945
McAlpine Judy L. 8/23/1917 00/00/2005 Married LTC Randolph A. McAlpine 3/3/1945
McAlpine Marcus Randolph 2/16/1881 1/8/1973 Married Etoile M. McAlpine
McAlpine Etoile M. 2/21/1892 3/7/1974 Married to Marcus Randolph McAlpine
McAlpine Joyce 6/10/1914 5/13/1917
McAlpine Jno Anderson "Dr." 11/11/1842 4/23/1898 Son of Alexander & Eliza McAlpine, Born: Anson, County N.C., died: Grimes Co. TX
McAlpine Florence B. Kilpatrick 7/6/1884 5/10/1967 Married John Gwyn McAlpine
McAlpine John Gwyn 12/18/1881 5/14/1955 Married Florence B. "Kilpatrick" McAlpine
McAlpine Walter Cameron 1/5/18?? 1/11/1897 Death is either 1892 or 1897, hard to read.
McAlpine, Jr.W. K. 12/12/1843 6/9/1918 Married to L.O. McAlpine, died at age 75
McAlpine, Jr.W. K. 1/6/1843 9/29/1879
McCord Merl Thomas 4/29/1919 8/9/1993 PFC USA, WWII
McCulloch James Harvey 12/8/1814 4/20/1879 "In Memory of" Nancy Rachel Whitesides, Emily Whitesides (on stone)
McGee W. I. 9/1/1851 3/27/1912 Married M.A. McGee
McGee M. A. 6/22/1846 12/15/1903 Married W.I. McGee
McGee Lem L. 12/16/1879 10/17/1964 Married to L. Em McGee
McGee L. Em 9/16/1883 12/25/1966 Married to Lem L. McGee
McGee Wesley B. 12/26/1907 6/4/1945
McGee Earl 1/8/1897 7/10/1897
McGee Lois Lucille 9/23/1921 10/11/1921
McGee W. H. 11/28/1873 9/18/1924
McGee Susie Anner 12/28/1876 2/7/1937
McGee Anna 2/27/1904 6/17/2000
Mims Thomas J. 2/21/1904 10/29/1975 Married Anita D. Mims
Mims Anita D. 10/16/1906 9/8/1999 Married Thomas J. Mims
Mims Janice Gaye 2/18/1940 N/A Married James Donald Mims
Mims James Donald 4/29/1935 4/19/1983 Married Janice Gaye Mims
Mims Myrtle H. 00/00/1877 00/00/1969 Married Will C. Mims
Mims Will C. 00/00/1876 00/00/1938 Married Myrtle H. Mims
Mims Robert H. 4/21/1910 2/23/1961 Married Georgia "McPherson" Mims
Mims Gerogia McPherson 5/11/1911 2/14/1992 Married Robert H. Mims
Mitchell Grover 3/12/1907 6/30/1984 Married Ruby "McGee" Mitchell
Mitchell Ruby McGee 11/28/1912 N/A Married Grover Mitchell
Mitchell Era Edna 4/21/1964 8/12/1994
Mitchell Lonnie Eldon 3/10/1896 12/29/1971 Married Mattie Era Mitchell, PFC 316 Pack Train OMC WWI
Mitchell Mattie Era 9/8/1895 6/11/1969 Married Lonnie Eldon Mitchell
Mitchell A. J. 6/19/1896 3/19/1962
Mitchell Garvin 9/24/1917 12/2/1981 SSGT USA WWII
Mitchell Virgil A. 2/8/1908 3/30/1960 PFC 445 Bomb GP AAR WWII, Tx
Mitchell Daniel C. 1/9/1868 12/29/1934 Married to Ollievine Mitchell
Mitchell Ollievine 1/8/1874 9/27/1931 Married to Daniel C. Mitchell
Mitchell Minerva 00/00/1865 00/00/1903
Mitchell Wiley 00/00/1866 00/00/1930
Mitchell Charlie 11/24/1894 9/6/1918 PX, PVT Quartermaster Corps WWI
Mitchell Daniel F. 00/00/1886 00/00/1935
Mitchell Mildred F. 1/10/1921 3/9/1990
Mitchell Beulah Pearl 7/5/1894 5/26/1961
Mitchell Jo Joyce Daughter 11/27/1929 7/9/1941
Mitchell Patricia Clair Daughter 8/28/1940 10/15/1955
Mitchell Joe R. 8/10/1901 2/13/1974 Married Mabel C. Mitchell
Mitchell Mabel C. 10/26/1903 12/30/1961 Married Joe R. Mitchell
Mitchell Benita 6/22/1935 N/A Married to Robbie Mitchell 4/17/1970
Mitchell Robbie 1/28/1937 11/11/1995 Married Benita Mitchell 4/17/1970
Mitchell, Jr Lonnie E. 1/11/1926 1/17/1992 PFC US Army WWII, Married Lonnie E. Mitchell, Jr. 6/9/1951
Mitchell, Jr Earline B. 11/14/193 N/A Married Lonnie E. Mitchell, Jr. 6/9/1951
Mithcell Marion Aldon 1/3/1924 1/2/2000 SGT US Army, WWII
Mixon Brandy Smith 6/30/1976 9/6/2004
Mixon, Jr. Eli Wilford 8/27/1912 2/7/1985 Married Margaret J. Mixon
Mixon, Jr. Margaret J. 6/25/1918 11/6/1995 Married Eli Wilford Mixon, Jr.
Mueller Marvin Melbourne 5/11/1930 3/31/1990 MSGT US Air Force, Korea - Married Arda Mae Mueller
Mueller Arda Mae 7/5/1935 7/10/1998 Married to Marvin Melbourne Mueller
Nobles Eugene I. 9/14/1908 5/18/1978 Married Alma B. Nobles
Nobles Alma B. 12/16/1912 5/28/1993 Married Eugene I. Nobles
Nobles Floyd 2/9/1906 6/18/1969 Married Effie B. Nobles
Nobles Effie B. 2/16/1912 2/14/1988 Married Floyd Nobles
Nobles James Thomas 10/21/1873 12/7/21952 Married Liddia Ann Nobles
Nobles Liddia Ann 6/11/1870 6/2/1955 Married James Thomas Nobles
Nobles U. B. 9/14/1912 1/29/1996 Married Hannie Nobles
Nobles Hannie 11/30/1916 N/A Married U.B. Nobles
Nobles John Simon 7/9/1842 5/16/1880 Married Catherine C. Nobles
Nobles Catherine C. 11/12/1853 10/1/1913 Married to John Simon Nobles
Nobles Henry (Brother) 9/19/1907 4/22/1909
Nobles Flossie M. (Sister) 8/24/1909 4/15/1915
Nobles Edgar H. (Brother) 2/13/1905 5/7/1941
Nobles John S. (Dad) 1/7/1878 3/4/1942 Childred: Henry, Edgar, Flossie. Married Missouri Nobles
Nobles Missouri (Mom) 8/16/1882 11/13/1959 Childred: Henry, Edgar, Flossie. Married John S. Nobles
Nobles Ira 12/11/1903 8/30/1980 Married Wanda Nobles
Nobles Wanda 9/25/1911 9/4/1996 Married Ira Nobles
Nobles Arvin 2/27/1939 8/30/1996
Nobles Elliott 00/00/1896 00/00/1916
Nobles R. P. 00/00/1915 00/00/1917
Nobles Addie 00/00/1875 00/00/1923 Married to William E. Nobles
Nobles William E. 00/00/1875 00/00/1960 Married Addie Nobles
Nobles Preston V. 9/18/1921 4/19/1993 Married Gertrude M. Nobles 2/14/1942
Nobles Gertrude M. 6/4/1922 N/A Married to Preston V. Nobles 2/14/1942
Nobles Aubrey E. 10/22/1932 10/7/1972 TX SFC US Army, Korea/Vietnam
Nobles Lester 10/14/1926 4/18/1975 PFC US Army
Nobles Sol 00/00/1893 00/00/1970 Married Emma Nobles
Nobles Emma 00/00/1895 00/00/1970 Married Sol Nobles
Nobles Chester 10/14/1926 10/70/2004 Married Dora J. Nobles, PFC US Army, WWII
Nobles Dora J. Duncan 8/28/1930 N/A Married Chester Nobles
O'Dell Mary Grace Johnson 3/26/1926 6/9/1999
Olive Eula McAlpine 9/8/1881 1/9/1924 Married A.W. Olive
Olive A. W. "Jack" 1/11/1878 10/13/1956 Married Eula "McAlpine" Olive
Page Floyd F. 6/18/1915 10/11/1987 PFC US Army, WWII, Married to Evelyn Page
Page Evelyn 11/24/1916 1/17/1978 Married to Floyd F. Page
Page C. H. 4/11/1891 7/12/1947
Park Rachel H. 12/29/1909 4/24/1984
Park Pyerl L. 3/31/1910 12/24/1968 SSGT 845 OM Gas, Sup CO, WWII
Parker Doris Stokely 4/20/1922 8/4/1992 Married to Leon B. Parker
Parker Leon B. 9/8/1920 6/12/1963 Capt Combat Eng WWII, Married to Doris "Stokely" Parker
Poss C. W. 00/00/1881 00/00/1910
Pults Robert A. 6/25/1925 6/15/1999 TSGT USAF, 2nd LT, WWII, Korea
Rainey Ruby 00/00/1922 00/00/2004
Roach Lucy Lois 00/00/1905 00/00/1997
Roach Leonard D. 00/00/1902 00/00/1945
Rogers Florence L. Clepper 1/12/1929 5/26/2001
Rogers Mattie Danford 00/00/1847 00/00/1877
Ruddies Herman undated baby grave
Sales J. L. 10/20/1922 11/14/2003 Married to Dolores Sales 9/17/1947
Sales Dolores 7/1/1929 N/A Married to J.L. Sales 9/17/1947
Sales Pearl Nobles 9/22/1898 1/12/1991
Sales Louise 8/25/1925 5/21/1936
Sales Jessie James 6/20/1891 9/29/1959 PFC 101 Wagon Supply TN, WWI
Sales Garvin A. 4/25/1929 6/17/1988 Married Geneva Sales
Sales Geneva 8/6/1935 N/A Married Garvin A. Sales
Sanders Ernest 8/12/1896 1/1/1972 Married Alethia Sanders
Sanders Alethia 3/2/1897 4/10/1970 Married Ernest Sanders
Sanders Bette 00/00/1848 00/00/1932
Scott William R. "Bill" 4/25/1926 4/12/1992 PVT USA WWII, Married Ruby Mae Scott 5/22/1948
Scott Ruby Mae 5/15/1927 6/19/2000 Married William R. Scott 5-22-1948
Smith Sarah Wells 1/22/1818 6/2/1899 Wife of Rev. S.J. Smith
Smith S. J. 4/3/1820 7/9/1896 Married Sara Wells Smith
Smith Herman Dale 7/14/1931 9/6/1982 SSGT USAF Korea, Married Mary Margaret Smith 9/23/1960
Smith Mary Margaret 10/22/1918 3/22/1992 Married Herman Dale Smith 9/23/1960
Smith Albert Weldon 8/26/1908 4/13/1990 Husband of Elizabeth "McGee" Mask, SGT USA Air Corps, WWII
Smith Clara Elizabeth"McGee"/Mas10/9/1916 7/2/1991 Married Albert Weldon Smith
Smith Kathleen Trimm 9/6/1953 7/26/2000
Starkey Frank H. 1/25/1908 5/16/2001 Married M. Irene Starkey
Starkey M. Irene 11/14/1909 3/18/1998 Married Frank H. Starkey
Stewart Oliver L. 00/00/1888 00/00/1973 Married to Fay L. Stewart
Stewart Fay L. 00/00/1904 00/00/1988 Married Oliver L. Stewart
Stiles Elizabeth Johnson 1/21/1890 2/19/1976 Married John H. Stiles, Son John H. Stiles, Jr.
Stiles John H. 10/2/1885 9/3/1939 Married to Elizabeth Johnson Stiles, Son John H. Stiles, Jr.
Stiles, Jr. John H. 2/17/1925 10/14/2005 Son of J.H. & Elizabeth Johnson Stiles
Stokely William McAlpine 9/10/1886 10/7/1967
Stokely Lilyan Marie 00/00/1917 00/00/2005
Stokely William E. 4/14/1876 9/18/1956
Sullivan Mary J. 00/00/1870 00//00/1953 Married Charlie G. Sullivan
Sullivan Charlie G. 00/00/1870 00/00/1936 Married to Mary J. Sullivan
Sullivan Sallie 00/00/1863 00/00/1939
Sullivan Richard N. 7/11/1886 4/3/1973 TX SGT U.S. Army WWI
Sullivan Robert A. 00/00/1855 00/00/1905
Sullivan Sarah A. 3/19/1850 3/13/1885
Sullivan James N. 11/5/1898 10/10/1983 Maried to Betty B. Sullivan
Sullivan Betty B. 9/27/1899 8/14/1955 Married to James N. Sullivan
Sullivan James 12/16/1813 2/22/1905 PVT Co K 26 TX Cav CSA
Taylor Ruby Alixe 11/22/1913 9/26/1995 Married John Ewing Taylor, born: White Hall, TX, Daughter of Alexander Duncan McAlpine & Ruby Lee Willson
Taylor John Ewing 12/16/1913 5/11/1981 Married Ruby Alixe Taylor, 1st LT USA WWII, Born: Montgomery, AL, Son of William Henry Taylor & Era Irene Kennedy
Tommey Martha F. 3/7/1819 8/1/1885
Tyler Alma Sally 3/3/1933 2/27/1991 Married Robert Albert Tyler
Tyler Robert Albert 6/30/1922 N/A Married Alma Sally Tyler
Wait Bonnie Lee 00/00/1927 00/00/2000
Waller Lucy Jane 00/00/1925 00/00/1926
Waller Robert Lee 00/00/1870 00/00/1953 Married Martha Viola Waller
Waller Martha Viola 00/00/1870 00/00/1951 Married Robert Lee Waller
Waller Richard Lee 00/00/1892 00/00/1968 Married Ruby S. Waller
Waller Ruby S. 00/00/1870 00/00/1951 Married Richard Lee Waller
Waller Robert C. 11/6/1894 5/3/1963 Married Bertie N. Waller
Waller Bertie N. 9/22/1902 7/22/1980 Married Robert C. Waller
Weaver Jodie J. 12/29/1891 3/19/1920 Wife of C.N. Weaver
Whitesides Nancy Rachel 3/10/1827 4/1/1863 Name/dates listed on James McCulloch stone
Whitesides Emily 3/11/1847 2/00/1865 Name/dates listed on James McCulloch stone, could not read middle date
Williamson Zack 00/00/1855 00/00/1901
Williamson Reem 2/28/1876 44 yrs
Winzer Claire McAlpine 7/7/1887 12/13/1975 Married Claude McAlpine
Yeager Margaret Jane Winzer 9/5/1923 5/6/1995 Daughter of Claude & Clair McAlpine
Email from Robert L. Smith
"... It is strongly believed that you have an 'Old 300' buried in that cemetery.
It is believed that the four burial sites that are mentioned in the write-up for the McAlpine Cemetery are of Caleb WALLACE, his daughter Martha Ann Wallace MCLAUGHLIN and maybe his father James WALLACE and Martha 'Patsy' WALLACE, James' wife.
Caleb WALLACE was issued his land patent on May 14, 1828. Caleb WALLACE died on April 13, 1844. His wife Elvira, remarried a Joseph Taylor MARSHALL in 1845. The WALLACE heirs sold Dugald MCALPINE nearly 800 acres of the headright of Caleb WALLACE's league in 1858. Elvira MARSHALL and her husband then sold MCALPINE their portion which included the homestead about the same time and moved to Navarro County. If the four burial sites that were close to the homesite that eventually became the cemetery, then it is almost a certainty that they were of Caleb WALLACE "Old 300", his daughter and maybe his father and mother. His father James and his wife came to Texas in 1826 and I have a copy of their Spanish land grant. . ."
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