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Concord Cemetery |
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Submitted by Shirley Robison
Concord Cemetery, is located on Farm Market Rd.1696. Take Hwy 39 south out of North Zulch,Tx., go about 8 miles. To intersection Hwy 39 and Farm Market Rd. 1696 turning left. Coming from Iola,Tx, going North on Hwy 39 go 3 miles, make a right onto Farm Market Rd. 1696. Concord Cemetery sits on the right side of road about 2 miles.

Abshire ,Carlton John 4-5-1933/9-5-1995 {married 3-4-1955}
Abshire, Catherine I. 12-31-1927 w/o Carlton
Adams, Ola Winn,Henderson 7-9-1898/4-20-1982 {Love Our Second Mama}
Balch, Robert Guy 5-30-1917/6-6-1996 {TEC 5 US Army WW 2}
Balch, J.Marie 10-31-1920 w/o Robert
Barrington, Rubin Allen 8-28-1967
Bess, John Cecil 10-16-1919/6-7-1992 { PFC US Army WW 2}
Bess, Ida B. 11-17-1925 w/o John
Bess, James W. 3-26-1921 {married 7-3-1947}
Bess, Mary Lou 7-26-1921/1-10-1985 w/o James
Bess, Onzy Lillian 2-3-1898/3-18-1923
Bess, John Henry {no dates} concrete marker
Beckman, Arnold V. 12-22-1909/10-22-1980
Beckman, Hattie F. 11-25-1909/5-22-2001 w/o Arnold
Bennett, Daisy 4-19-1886/3-21-1960 w/o A.P.
Boney, James Elmer 10-3-1897/6-15-1988 {married 7-3-1918}
Boney, Nealie C. 11-3-1898/6-25-1987 w/o James
Boney, Elmer Glenn 4-15-1919/5-16-1944 {1 Lieut. 2AA Fighters Sq.WW 2}
Brock, William Harvel 5-22-1909/7-20-1980 {CSP US Navy WW 2}
Brock, Earline H. 3-7-1912/4-5-1998 w/o William
{Old Headstone} not legible
Brooks, Allen R. 1903/1922
Brooks, Jewel I. 1906/1984 w/o Allen
Brannon, Lotie 12-26-1887/7-18-1897 d/o M.A. and N.A.
Brannon, Rooney 7-6-1893/4-18-1999 s/o M.A and N.A.
Broussard, Clara Mildred 7-4-1912/5-27-2000 {Dolly}
Bunter, Ernest 1-19-1923/10-22-2002 {Funeral Home Marker}
Byars, Fount 6-23-1914/1-5-1988
Byars, Reubena 9-19-1918/2-8-1974 w/o Fount
Byars, Tom 3-4-1890/4-18-1966
Byars, Willie 2-17-1896/1-31-1979 w/o Tom
Byars, Ellis E. 1912/1957 {Mason}
Byars, Bernice 1913/2000 w/o Ellis {Eastern Star}
Calvert, Ona Bell 12-26-1909/11-5-1994
Calvert, William Bernice 11-14-1908/1-23-1990
Capps, M.Hood 12-22-1912/4-13-1986
Capps, Flossie 12-18-1911/8-26-1989 w/o M.Hood
Carnes, Willie A. 8-3-1865/10-22-1901
{Old Headstone} not legible
Carrell, Noval 6-22-1918/7-9-1929
Carrell, Elgin 2-18-1892/11-12-1977
Carrell, Evie 2-23-1894/8-1-1969 w/o Elgin
Carter, Marion A. 3-7-1909/6-14-1994 {married 10-24-1940}
Carter, E. Nettie 12-18-1915/1-3-1993 w/o Marion
Chesney, Ervin Wayen 5-12-1942/2-26-1983
Cline, Dallas P. 3-17-1929/10-10-2001 {PVT US Army,Air Force WW 2}
Cline, Linda 12-30-1941 w/o Dallas {married 7-30-1970}
Coffey, June Marie 12-30-1926/8-15-1988
Coody, Vivian 10-20-1919/7-26-2003
Copeland, Jesse F. 9-29-1889/11-10-1973
Copeland, Amanda E. 4-23-1911/2-21-2002 w/o Jesse
Corley, Elmer R. 4-15-1918/11-12-1994 {PVT US Army WW 2}
Cornelius, Andrew D. 10-9-1919/2-19-1987 { PFC US Army,SGT. US Air Force}
Cotton, Velma 10-31-1911/6-4-1918
Cotton, John T 9-20-1888/1-21-1913 {Woodman of the World}
Cousins, Sidney Ivan 6-13-1914/2-24-1989 {married 6-27-1937}
Cousins, Darthula M. 11-26-916/11-26-1991 w/o Sidney
Crenshaw, Walter 1898/1976 {Mason}
Crenshaw, Jessie Lea 1901/1991 w/o Walter { Eastern Star}
Crenshaw Lee N. 9-14-1911/9-9-1983
Crenshaw, Izola L. 8-5-1910/9-1-1992 w/o Lee
Daniel, Mary Alice 6-25-1910/5-21-1993
Day, Howell H. 4-30-1901/12-8-1987 {married 12-19-1920}
Day, Linnie L. 6-1-1901/4-6-1997 w/o Howell
Davis, James Earnest 12-11-1919/5-7-1992{Tim} {M.SGT.US Army WW 2}
Davis, Glenda 2-2-1917 {Bea} w/o James
{concrete marker}
Davis, Ira 9-11-1901/4-8-1966
Davis, Zula 10-11-1903/1-31-1977 w/o Ira
Demam, Roland W. 12-12-1918/2-4-1999 {US Army WW 2}
Demam, Ruby Othella 12-16-1908/5-5-1991
Demam, John Wiley 1886/1960
Demam, Addie Belle 1889/1989
Denman, Willie Ross 3-16-1916/5-25-1981 {Bill}
Denman, Lee Ora 11-22-1905/2-6-1985 {Sue} w/o Willie
Denman, J.W. 2-3-1914/10-23-1914
Doole, Sadie 1894/1931
Dooley, W.D. 1916/1984 {married 12-1-1941} {Dub}
Dooley, Ola Mae M. 1916/1994 w/o W.D.
Dooley, Hazel 5-30-1907/5-15-2000 {Our Beloved Auntie}
Dooley,Will D. 1876/1926
Dooley, Ruby B. 1883/1926 w/o Will
Douthitt, William G. 1900/1967 {due to ant bed could not read month or date.)
Douthitt, Oren 1-6-1908/6-26-2000 w/o William
Doyle, Billie Gene 9-19-1935 {married 7-15-1955}
Doyle, Ella Mae 5-21-1936 w/o Billie
Dudley, Leonard H. 8-24-1894/3-31-1948
Dudley, Mrs A.B. 2-26-1883/4-10-1920 w/o P.T.
Dudley, John Texas 7-22-1887/11-27-1945
Dudley, Zula Campbell 5-19-1895/5-30-1993 w/o John
Dudley John Junior 5-23-1924/106-1984
Dudley, Chester E. 9-7-1901/11-6-1964
Dudley, Lizzie 10-18-1906/2-18-1948 w/o Chester
Dudley, Rudolph 4-23-1912/5-19-1976 {TEC 5 US Army WW 2}
Dudley, Allen E. 1914/1956
Dudley, Preston 2-16-1904/2-21-1975
Dudley, Fbbie A. 2-17-1911/4-28-1942
Dudley, Dalton P 11-11-1915/12-18-1915 s/o.W.T.and M.E.
Dudley, William T. 6-11-1869/8-3-1923
Dudley, Mary E. 8-22-1879/1-17-1969 w/o William
{Old Headstone} not legible
Dulaney, Jim Neal 1927/2003
Dulaney, Melba 1933/1997 w/o Jim
Edinburgh, Joel M. 6-30-1900/7-3-1980 {Daddy}
Edinburgh, Resa C. 10-6-1902/5-22-1993 w/o Joel {Mother}
Edinburgh, Mary T. 1902/1993 {Funeral Home Marker this
Marker is on Resa C. grave}
Edinburgh, Warren H. 2-23-1877/7-25-1954
Edinburgh, Annie J. 10-16-1877/7-3-1965 w/o Warren
Edinburgh, Moses H. 2-22-1857/2-19-1936 {Grandfather}
Edmunds, James T. 1913/1954
Edmunds,Conny Glenn 9-9-1943/4-16-2001
Edmunds, Mildred 1917/1949 w/o James T.
Fitzgibbons, Tom B. 1-11-1897/1-11-1978 {PVT US Army WW 1}
Fitzgibbons, Emmt 1-19-1890/10-17-1980 w/o Tom {married 5-15-1921}
Fitzgibbons, Mary E. 3-31-1865/12-8-1932 {Mother}
Fitzgibbons, {3 concrete markers in a row} {no first name or dates}
Fitzgibbons, Nancy Jane 9-7-1904/6-19-1981
Foster, Jerry F. 4-29-1932/1-17-2000
Foster, Audrey 4-7-1930 w/o Jerry
Freeman, Blance E. 2-26-1918/12-1-2002
Freeman, Sidney W. 2-1-1918/11-15-1993 {CM3 US Navy WW 2}
Freeman, Sidney Lynn 7-26-1946/1-29-1998 {SGT US Army}
French, Hilliard Otis Jr. 5-3-1932
French, Ila Vivian E. 3-7-1934 w/o Hilliard
French, Vesta Joyce 12-30-1904/12-29-1989 {Mother}
Fuqua, Virginia 1942/2003 {Funeral Home Marker}
Fuqua, Jimmy A. 7-8-19-36/3-23-1951
Fuqua, Goree A. 1906/1977
Fuqua, Esta J. 1910 w/o Goree
Gladden, W.G. 9-6-1875/10-11-1909
{concrete marker}
Glass,Henry Lee 7-13-1924/1-10-1988 { PVT US Army WW 2}
Glass, Gary Lee 12-1-1951/1-11-1962
Glass, Linda Rae 1-11-1950/1-11-1962
{concrete marker}
Grant, Davis Barton 6-30-1921/8-14-1985 { C MOMM US Coast Guard WW 2}
Grant, Beverly Jean 5-5-1924/7-13-1995
{Headstone} no names or dates
Grant, Robert P. 1911/1978 {PFC US Army}
Grant, Argyle Owen 1-22-1897/5-13-1960 {Tx. F3 USNRF WW 1}
Grant, Mary L. 1870/1953
Grant, Marshall W. 1-26-1903/11-6-1950 {Mason}
Grant, W.N. 7-2-1869/3-20-1944
Grant, John W. 4-18-1863/2-22-1932
Grant, Amanda J. 7-16-1872/6-30-1926 w/o John W.
Grant, James 10-3-1901/8-24-1909 s/o Mr. and Mrs J.L.
Grant, James Auther 1-14-1906/1-30-1909 s/o Mr. And Mrs J.L.
Grant, Thomas 9-9-1900/2-25-1901
{Headstone} not legible
{concrete marker}
Gressett, Herma Louil 12-17-1911/5-4-1997
Gressett, Monta Earlene 2-3-1912 w/o Herma
{concrete marker}
Harmom, Aduis V. 12-26-1904/8-13-1969
Harmom, Levi O�Dell 8-11-1907/5-14-1990
Harmon, B.C. 4-16-1870/9-1-1928
Harmon, Mimie 1879/957
Harmonn, George Been 3-6-1918/2-16-1985 { TEC 5 US Army WW 2}
Harmonn, Mable 12-28-1921 w/o George {married 10-11-1941}
Hauptman, Aro 5-26-1927/12-8-1982
Hauptman, Syble 2-24-1927 w/o Aro
Hayes, Artie L. 1-3-1911/1-17-1911
Hayes, Ralphe 1850/1938
Henderson, Allen James 10-30-1923/not legible {Funeral Home Marker}
? James 12-18-1888/9-22-1959 {Bu. next to Allen}
Henderson, Travis A. 10-12-1893/8-31-1960 {Tx. MECH.Co.F39 Infantry WW 2}
Hensley, Jonas Rudolph 2-24-1897/6-6-1953
Hensley, Lorena Bell 3-22-1899/12-28-1989 w/o Jonas
Not legible 11-14-1902/11-21-1902 s/o G.H. and W.?
Hicks, Allen 2-24-1973/9-28-1951 h/o Neomi
Hicks, Neomi 10-20-1876/2-18-1923 d/o M.L and A.R. James
Hicks, Melton Floyd 8-30-1905/6-4-1997
Hicks, Helen Moers 10-24-1911
Hicks, Matidla Irene 11-11-1882/2-11-1977
Hicks, Jesse Walter 5-15-1875/9-25-1943
Hicks, Wallie Dee 1881/1967
Hicks, Maggie 9-9-1884/7-15-1971
Hicks, Raymond 10-23-1914/1-10-1974 {US Coast Guard}
Hicks, Lester Dee 1910/1977 {US Army}
Hicks, Olen Ross 12-27-1906/3-21-1991 {SGT US Army WW 2}
{Headstone} no names or dates
Hopkins, Isaac A. 10-3-1898/7-16-1987
Hopkins, Mary E. 11-6-1901/1-3-1968 w/o Isaac
Hopkins, Enoch J. 1-3-1896/5-8-1979 {married 1-27-1918}
Hopkins, Mable A. 8-30-1900/4-23-1993 w/o Enoch
Hogue, John Neal 12-4-1903/9-12-1999 Correct spelling is Hogue not Houge per Amber Kennedy
{Headstone} no names or dates
{concrete marker}
Hogue, Lizzie W. 1885/1939
Hogue, Robert U. 1874/1939
{Headstone} not legible
Hogue, Paul 11-16-1906/8-13-1923
Hogue, Cala 5-4-1883/12-2-1962
Hogue, W.P. 8-24-1872/3-26-1963 h/o Cala
Hogue, Mattie 3-17-1875/7-28-1922
Hogue, Claudius 12-20-1807/8-28-1898 h/o Mattie
Hogue, Donald Ray 3-04-1941/1-24-2011 s/o John Neal and Linnie Fulton Hogue [Info provided by Amber Kennedy]
Hogue, Robert Lee 12-6-1914/8-26-1983 {Daddy}; correct spelling is Hogue not Hough per Amber Kennedy
Hogue, Florence 4-28-1919 w/o Robert
Hunter, Ernest 1-19-1923/10-22-2002 {Funeral Home Marker}
Isbell, Olan Clarence 8-12-1915/7-14-1992 {CPL US Army WW 2}
Isbell, Willie D. Hayes 12-26-1921 w/o Olan {married 11-17-1942}
Isbell, Ray Shannon 1-13-1921/1-18-1991 {Love is Forever}
Isbell, Genora C. 3-15-1919/7-30-1998 w/o Ray
{concrete marker}
Isbell, Charlie B. 9-15-1900/2-7-1959
Isbell, Arvol B. 8-19-1926/5-2-1970
Isbell, Bodie B. 1892/1947 {Father}
Isbell, Ida Bell 1897/1990 {Mother} w/o Bodie
Isbell, Ada C. 11-4-1884/2-11-1944
Isbell, Jule 5-25-1881/6-30-1948 h/o Ada
Isbell, Alton M. 4-27-1910/3-25-1981
Isbell, T.G. 4-14-1886/522-1930
Isbell, Curtis Howard 1928/1971
Isbell, Clinton Alvin Jr. 7-13-1923/4-7-1945 s/o Clinton Sr. and Fannie
Isbell, Clinton Alvin Sr. 7-13-1882/3-25-1936
Isbell, Fannie Bell 10-2-1892/1-9-1995 w/o Clinton Sr.
Isbell, George F. 11-14-1854/6-28-1942
Isbell, Julia T. 6-26-1853/5-24-1943 w/o George
Isbell, Walter Jr. 12-10-1920/3-13-1991 {SGT US Air Corps WW 2}
Isbell, Sammie S. 12-5-1926 w/o Walter Jr.
Isbell, Audie A. 7-17-1917/4-7-1955 {Tx. PVT 244 Base Unit}
{AAF WW 2}
Isbell, David Gene 6-8-1945/2-14-1968 {Tx.1st LUT.US Army}
Isbell, No Frist Name 7-31-1949/only date infant
Isbell, Walter Andrew 9-12-1886/12-13-1966
Isbell, Sallie 3-12-1887/12-5-1967 w/o Walter
Isbell, Andrew P. 1860/1950
Isbell, Sara J. 1860/1947 w/o Andrew
Isbell, M.A. 1827/1904 w/o Jerry P.
Isbell, Tillmon G. 10-3-1879/6-18-1901
Isbell, S.A. 8-15-1852/5-277-1920
Isbell, Martha P. 12-8-1862/10-11-1941 w/o S.A.
{Old Headstone} not legible
Isbell, Otis Carroll 11-4-1908/2-27-1909
Isbell, V.B. 5-31-1858/6-19-1928
Isbell, E.F. 1-27-1860/11-15-1900
Isbell, Elie 8-6-1897/10-22-1897 s/o V.B. and E.F.
Isbell, Infant 11-6-1897/11-17-1897 s/o J.J. and Lizzie
James, Novel Bruce 3-9-1920/10-29-2003
James, Virginia 3-21-1924 w/o Novel
James, Edna 6-23-1900
James, Luther H. 5-18-1881/10-3-1939
James, M.L. 8-8-1845/6-19-1918
James, A.P. 12-16-1849/9-22-1910 w/o M.L.
James, Opal 1-27-1908/4-20-1925 d/o A.M. and M,V.
James, Allmon M. 4-9-1887/12-30-1955
James, Maggie V. 1-12-1878/8-5-1939 w/o Allmon
Jackson, Elmer W. 6-3-1934/3-1-1954
Jackson, Bernard 1-30-1932/4-18-1982
Jolly, W.M.Fred 10-25-1903/12-15-1991
Jolly, Ruby 1-10-1914 w/o W.M.
Kennedy, Mercedesey V. 1-9-1939/12-22-1991 {wife and mother}
{concrete marker}
{concrete marker}
Kirk, James E. 1-28-1921 {married 3-22-1941}
Kirk, Cladys M. 4-10-1921/10-29-1992 w/o James
Lane, John E. 1875/1933 {Mason}
Lane, Lula Bell 1878/1951 w/o John
Lane, Ruby F. 8-8-1912/1-24-1967 {Loved by All}
Lane, Frank P. 9-9-1905/1-7-1972 {Mason}
Lane, Clara M. 10-20-1909/12-20-2003 w/o Frank
{concrete marker}
{concrete marker}
Langley, Tammy Klimper 1-16-1964/11-6-2000
?, Johnny {not legible} {Funeral Home Marker}
La Salle, Minnie {no dates} { concrete marker}
La Salle, Minnie M. 12-8-1887/4-24-1977
La Salle, Chester A. 5-28-1884/6-13-1972 h/o Minnie M.
La Salle, Arthur {no dates} {concrete marker}
Lawson, Malcolm R. 8-22-1930 {married 6-3-1949}
Lawson, Helen D. 11-17-1931 w/o Malcolm
Lindsay, Frank Korell 1-6-1964/5-27-1986
Locke, John B. 11-25-1915/5-15-1987
Locke, Murel J. 1-23-1923/2-2-1976
Ma Hanna, Howard Allen 9-15-1909/1-17-1981 {S1 US Navy WW 2}
Ma Hanna, Ruben Ira 5-20-1918/11-20-1914 s/o S.M. and Eva
Marta, John 1-30-1910/3-1-1999
Marta, Frances Olivia 4-9-1919/2-3-1998 w/o John
Mayton, Maude L. 1-3-1893/2-21-1975
Mayton, Maggie I. 12-31-1919 w/o Allison{married 6-7-1941}
Mayton, Allison H. 5-3-1920/12-13-1984 {US Army WW 2}
Maxwell, Louis 1-1-1870/11-8-1967
Maxwell, Infant 1-10-1910 s/o Mr.and Mrs
Maxwell, Charlie M. 10-30-1880/5-7-1972
Maxwell, Leta J. 11-22-1886/6-7-1942 w/o Charlie
{concrete marker}
Maxwell, Olen { no dates} Baby
Maxwell, Infant {no name or dates}
Maxwell, Infant { no name or dates}
Maxwell, Preston O. 10-14-1915/11-2-1953 {Tx Tech 4 534 AMPH}
{Tractor BN WW 2}
Maxwell, Martha J. 10-15-1891/5-14-1939
Maxwell, Walter 8-8-1891/10-11-1982
Maxwell, Ella R. 12-3-1909/4-29-1993 w/o Walter
Maxwell, John Eddie 10-4-1947/7-28-1969 s/o Eddie and Loyce}
Maxwell, Curtis Wilford 8-15-1923/7-7-1997 {CPL US Air Force WW 2}
Maxwell, Mildred Dixon 1-23-1926 w/o Curtis{Honey! I Love You}
Maxwell, Travis L. 3-12-1916/8-23-1972 {Tx. SGT US Army WW 2}
{Korea and Vietnam }
Maxwell, James Floy 11-29-1900/5-12-1971
Maxwell, Maggie Mae 12-14-1904/11-13-1970 w/o James
Maxwell, Jeff D. 1-1-1862/3-19-1921 {Mason}
Maxwell, Barbara E. 7-11-1872/1-25-1941 w/o Jeff
Maxwell, George W. 5-9-1858/10-16-1918
Maxwell, Mrs S.J. 12-6-1858/6-9-1930
Maxwell, George Otis 3-27-1897/11-15-1951 {Tx. AS USNRF WW1}
Maxwell, Grady C. 2-1-1912/1-3-1995
Maxwell, Corine R. 2-20-1921 w/o Grady
Mc Clung, Rev. Sampson R. 1887/1976
Mc Clung, Ethel R 1887/1963 w/o Rev. Sampson
Mc Clung, George 9-10-1862/4-9-1902
Mc Clung, M.A. 7-27-1866/4-9-1916
Mc Dougald, Norman E. 4-5-1933/4-19-2001
Mc Dougald, Zula M. 12-26-1890/9-30-1976 {married 10-30-1907}
Mc Dougald, Birdie E. 4-22-1889/7-14-1967 w/o Zula
Mc Dougald, Molly 1868/1944
Mc Dougald, Infant 12-1-1920 {Son}
Mc Dougald, Lillian 1910/1959 {Mother}
Mc Dougald, Vivian 10-11-1920 {married 8-15-1945}
Mc Dougald, Cloroun Goree 4-25-1916/3-6-1985 w/o Vivian
Mc Dougald, Hugh 1873/1955
Mc Dougald, Carrie 1873/1974 w/o Hugh
{concrete marker}
Mc Dougald, Cutherel 11-3-1913 {married 12-1-1935}
Mc Dougald, Dora 10-23-1915 w/o Cutherel
Mc Dougald, Thurman, L. 12-31-1911/6-26-1953 {CPL 1852 SVE COMD.}
{Unit WW 2}
Mc Dougald, Marvin T. 8-11-1907/7-6-1978
Mc Dougald, Trannie W. 5-22-1910/10-29-1997 w/o Marvin
Mc Dougald, Lester L. 2-23-1883/1-24-1968
Mc Dougald, Mary A. 6-20-1886/11-19-1970 w/o Lester
Mc Dougald, Viola Myrl 1-9-1906/8-24-1910 d/o L.L. and Mary
Mc Dougald, Neal 2-14-1893/10-29-1962 {Mason}
Mc Dougald, Ethel 12-23-1892/6-20-1985 w/o Neal
Mc Duffie, Charles Oran 11-8-1909/11-30-1990
Mc Duffie, Mary Lillian 11-10-1914/6-29-1975 w/o Charles
Mc Duffie, Not Legible 7-6-1904/1-28-1905 s/o Charles H. and Harriett
Mc Duffie, Charles H. 9-24-1869/5-23-1969
Mc Duffie, Harriett Ella 12-20-1869/8-22-1942 w/o Charles H.
Mc Kown, Willie Ray 10-8-1916/1-21-2001 {hunter, fisherman, skipbo
Mc Whorter, David B. 1921/1942
Mc Whorter, Meek C. 1877/1942
Mc Whorter, William 2-16-1880/11-19-1969
Mc Whorter, Maudie I. 11-4-1882/8-17-1973 w/o William
Mc Whorter, Infant 10-9-1916 rest not legible
{3 Old Headstones in a Row} not legible
Mc Whorter, Gracie 6-7-1887/3-20-1942
Mc Whorter, J.Oscar 7-28-1886/8-20-1967
Mc Whorter, Infant 12-3-1900/2-29-1912 d/o Olga and Morve
Mc Whorter, William B. 8-4-1857/2-3-1918
Mc Whorter, Francis A. 11-24-1856/1-18-1925
Mc Whorter, Sammuel G. 12-26-1851/1-10-1941
Mc Whorter, Neta 12-25-1876/8-16-1962 w/o Sammuel
{Old Headstone} not legible
{Old Headstone} not legible
Mc Whorter, George Sam 8-16-1901/1-18-1982 {Mason}
Mc Whorter, Cora 9-16-1909/10-1-1998 w/o George {Eastern Star}
Mercer, William R. 3-17-1880/6-2-1970
Middleton, Joesph Lee 2-22-1908/10-22-1975 {Mason}
Middleton, Ruby 2-10-1910 w/o Joesph
Miller, Frank H. 9-14-1895/5-3-1977
Miller, Eleanor 7-6-1896/5-3-1973 w/o Frank
Miller, Clifford Garland 7-14-1917/9-27-198 s/o Mr. and Mrs F.H.
Miller, Jimmy Ray 4-22-1932/8-16-1954
Moore, Syevia Lucille 6-27-1925/10-2-2002
Moore, M.R. {no dates} {concrete marker}
{concrete marker}
{concrete marker} {letters HLG}
Montgomery, James L. 1874/1931
Montgomery, Mary Ida 2-5-1907/9-15-1916
Montgomery, Infant 8-15-1924 girl
{concrete marker}
Montgomery, Andrew J. 11-9-1850/10-15-1921
Montgomery, Adeline 8-18-1878/8-16-1919
Montgomery, Clyde {no dates} {concrete marker}
Montgomery, Bradly {no dates} {concrete marker}
Moran, Margaret 6-11-1895/10-30-1982 {m/o Beverly Grant}
Morgan, Cola B. 9-29-1900/1-29-1972
{concrete marker}
{concrete marker}
Morgan, Clyde 1917/1917
Myers, James Albert 7-2-1884/7-30-1969
Myers, Eula 9-30-1890/7-15-1979 w/o James
Myers, Charles 11-26-1921/7-14-1990 {married 10-12-1946}
Myers, Dolores D. 10-7-1923/11-29-1983 w/o Charles
Neely, Grady 2-6-1906
Neely, Annie Fay 9-11-1927/10-20-1929
Neely, James H. 4-6-1895/12-13-1940 {PFC Base Hosp.69 WW1}
Neely, Wills 11-5-1851/5-29-1927 {Father}
Neely, Rosa 2-22-1861/12-10-1931 w/o Wills {Mother}
Neely, Vera 1914/1917
Neely, Nettie Ruth 6-23-1902/5-19-1948 {Sister}
Neely, Jeff 4-5-1884/10-5-1943
Neely, Lucy 11-25-1888 w/o Jeff
Noble, Johnny Earl 11-26�1934/1-17-1979
Norman, J.P. 9-6-1917/6-26-1989
Norman, Pearl A. 1-27-1920/4-9-1978 w/o J.P.
Northrup, Kelly Lynn 8-25-1966/8-27-1966 {Our Little Angel}
Novak, Olga 3-11-1929
Novak, Stephen E. 3-26-1949/11-2-2001 {82n Air Borne Americans Honor}
{Guard-Paratrooper from the ski}
Novak, Stanley, Terrance 12-31-1945/8-1-1963 {Terry}
Outlaw, Josepine A. 1866/1939
Outlaw, Willard C. 12-3-1859-2-14-1902
Outlaw, William D. 1818/1902
Outlaw, Absylla M. 1823/1898 w/o William
Peters, E.R. 2-29-1859/10-18-1900
Peters, Cecie 10-1-1867/11-11-1900
Peters, Lecie B. 12-15-1899/11-11-1900
{concrete marker}
{concrete marker}
Pollard, Virgie H. 11-3-1900/6-20-1985 {Beloved m/o Wanda,}
Poss, Amanda 3-29-1907/3-31-1911 d/o J.B. and N.V.
Post, Thomas Earnest 5-2-1900/7-10-1963
Post, Sarah Emma 8-28-1875/1-30-1962
Post, George Blair 5-11-1858/8-27-1943
Post, John Pleasant 12-23-1851/5-1-1923
{3 Headstones in a Row} not legible
No name or dates {concrete marker} baby
No name or dates {concrete marker} baby
{Old Headstone} not legible
{Old Headstone} not legible
Powledge, Charles R. 1889/1987
Powledge, Sallie M. 1892/1978 w/o Charles
Powledge, Robert V. 9-21-1914 {married 10-12-1932}
Powledge, Rosa 1-24-1915/9-9-1969 w/o Robert
Powledge, James R. 11-21-1933
Powledge, Darleen E. 4-1-1944/10-5-2000 w/o James
Pritchett, Ernest C. 8-15-1902/10-17-1994
Pritchett, Edna Iren 4-8-1904/5-23-1997 w/o Ernest
Pyle, C.W. 8-9-1937/12-7-1978 {Chubby}
Pyle, Roy Lee 10-28-1927/6-29-2002 {US Navy WW 2}
{concrete marker}
{concrete marker}
Pyle, Richard 5-16-1908/9-4-1955 {married 8-3-1925}
Pyle, Ruby 10-26-1908/1-28-1987 w/o Richard
Pyle, Millard 9-12-1914/6-7-1992 {married 7-18-1936}
Pyle, Letha 10-30-1916/4-7-2001 w/o Millard
Pyle, James Marion 8-10-1856/10-21-1921 {Woodman of the World}
Pyle, Belle Z. 5-15-1866/4-18-1958
Pyle, Maggie 11-2-1892/8-28-1971 {Mother}
Pyle, H.M. 6-10-1886/7-28-1924
Pyle, Neal 1-15-1894/8-21-1976
Pyle, Stella 12-5-1894/1-3-1977 w/o Neal
{pole marker}
Pyle, A. {no dates} {concrete marker}
Pyle, David Holt 9-13-1927 {married 48 years}
Pyle, Mary Helen 4-6-1928/8-12-1998 w/o David
Pyle, Hugh M 3-7-1914/5-30-1983 {married 8-20-1938}
Pyle, Dorothy E. 1-7-1924/11-24-1985 w/o Hugh
Pyle, William L. 6-17-1900/7-12-1971
Pyle, Emma H. 11-16-1901/11-21-1974 w/o William
Pyle, Helen M. 3-27-1926/1-9-1927
Raley, Mary Jane 1-20-1840/8-10-1916
{Old Headstone} not legible
{concrete marker}
Ransom, Thomas A. 11-12-1910/4-9-1984 {SGT US Army WW 2}
Ransom, Juanita D. 11-16-1919 w/o Thomas
Ray, Jimmy 9-25-1945/12-19-1946
Reed, Martha Lou 4-24-1937
Revier, Elbert Sidney 8-7-1918/3-5-1919
Rice, John Monroe 9-12-1911/9-12-1983
Rice, Louise 11-17-1918 w/o John
Rice, W.M.Clarence 11-22-1908/7-20-1990
Rice, Evelyn H. 1-5-1911/8-6-1976
Rice, W. Everett 9-20-1906/ 4-14-1986 {married 10-4-1924}
Rice, Lillian 10-5-1904/7-27-1997 w/o W. Everett
Rice, Elzie Levie 1-17-1909/1-18-1990 {Mason}
Rice, Bonnie 4-6-1910/3-22-1971 w/o Elzie
{concrete marker}
Rice, Essie Marie 10-10-1920/6-16-1967
Rice, Kathryn Adaline 8-11-1943/8-12-1943 d/o Louise and Monroe
Rice, John Burbin 6-23-1886/1-14-1970
Rice, Addie 4-25-1891/9-28-1935 w/o John
Rice, Dan E. 6-2-1890/9-21-1972
Rice, W.M. 8-29-1857/7-21-1937 {Father}
Rice, No frist name 5-10-1853/1-8-1930 w/o W.M.{Mother}
Rogers, George W. 10-4-1895/9-2-1968
Rogers, Nealie J. 8-6-1897/2-12-1971 w/o George
Rogers, Mack E. 2-18-1906/9-13-1991
Rogers, Liddie L. 1-12-1906/9-27-1960 w/o Mack
Rogers, Clifford M. 6-23-1929 {married 2-16-1950}
Rogers, Dorothy C. 8-27-1943/2-24-2003 w/o Clifford
Scott, Arlie J. 12-22-1913/3-26-1935
Scott, Bessie 7-18-1884/1-13-1919
Sheffield, Thomas H. 9-27-1901/3-20-1976
Sheffield, Lessie E. 2-13-1905/6-12-1981 w/o Thomas
Sheflet, Walter Edward 7-18-1906/3-21-1984 {Daddy}
Sheflet, Oleta Lois 3-25-1908/7-13-1997 w/o Walter {Mama}
Smith, John W. 2-1-1923/8-1-1983
Smith Novella L. 6-29-1921 w/o John
Snook, Dave Maxie 2-9-1912/9-29-1999 {M.SGT US Army WW 2}
Snook Mary Francis 3-4-1928/2-2-1986 w/o Dave
Snook, Ruben 12-16-1874/6-18-1959
Snook, Lucy 8-7-1877/9-7-1933 w/o Ruben
? Cattie Julia {bu.next to Snook} tree growing up from grave
Soderquist, Emil John 9-17-1933
Soderquist, Sally 4-15-1941 w/o Emil
Sones, Louis E. 1911/1995
Stephens, Lisa Dawn 1-3-1962/9-9-1965
Stephens, Hardie Holt 4-1-1899/8-24-1982 {children Bobbie, Olga, Jerry}
Stephens, Annie 8-31-1908/11-25-1989 w/o Hardie
Taylor, Milton 1905/1977
Taylor, Annie Loree 1906/1989
Taylor, Mudie Ann 1941/1965
Taylor, Infant 1913/1914 d/o Mudie and Luthar
Taylor, Luthar Milton 1905/1977 h/o Mudie
Thielepape, Larry Lane Sr. 9-15-1919/5-18-1993 {US Navy WW 2}
Thielepape, Dorothy 9-1-1920
Thomasson, David C. 10-1-1885/11-19-1955 {SGT 8 Attack Sq.Air Corps}
Thomasson, Vallie J. 4-10-1906/3-18-1988 w/o David
Thomas, J.C. 11-15-1861/11-27-1936
Thomas, Mattie E. 1-8-1873/3-3-1929
Thomas, Barbara Joe 2-29-1929/4-13-1929
{4 Old Headstones in a Row} not legible
Tibbs, Effie A. 8-12-1893/11-1-1985 {Mother}
Tibbs, Earnest Sr. 7-6-1898/2-11-1988
Tibbs, Isabell A. 7-6-1899/7-24-1973 w/o Earnest
{concrete marker}
Turner, George S. 8-2-1885/6-29-1929
Turner, Zilla L. 11-10-1865/5-11-1948 {Mother}
Tyer, Willie L. 10-2-1925/6-19-1995 {married 8-18-1944}
Tyer, Norma F. 3-24-1926 w/o Willie
Upchurch, Marcus S. 1891/1964
Upchurch, Pearl A. 1899/1981 w/o Marcus
Vance, Jane June 6-7-1925/10-8-1926
Vance, Walter Nix 10-18-1892/6-26-1934
{concrete marker}
Vance, Bill Doyle 9-15-1926/6-14-1933
{concrete marker}
{concrete marker}
Vance, Francis 2-22-1846/1-21-1923
Vance, Sallie A. 3-6-1846/1-22-1922 w/o Francis
Vance, James E. 8-20-1917/3-16-1987 {Maj.US Army Air Corps}
{WW 2}
Vance, James L. 1886/1964
Vance, Bessie M. 1891/1973 w/o James L.
Vance, Caston F. 6-26-1913/11-2-1991 {SGT US Army Air Corps}
{WW 2}
Vaughn, Billie Joe 12-6-1957/3-4-1973
Vaughn, John Davis 3-5-1911/2-21-2001 {married 5-20-1938} Mason
Vaughn, Oma Lee 8-16-1918 w/o John{Eastern Star}
Wade, Olan G. 2-81921/11-24-1982 {married 11-3-1943}
Wade, Ruby L 3-5-1910/11-20/1992 w/o Olan
Wagnon, Ollie L. 7-26-1895/6-28-1967
Wagnon, Bessie 7-28-1900/1-10-1996 w/o Ollie
Warren, Pamel Kay 7-16-1949 Infant
Warren, Karen Sue 6-30-1955 Infant
Warren, Walter 7-3-1920/6-5-1992
Warren, Bobby 1-16-1926 w/o Walter
Watson, Erin Morgan 5-20-1917/8-24-1980 {b.JacksonPar d.Ft Bend,Co.Tx}
{married 6-19-1937}
Watson, Cleo 4-9-1912/1-7-1987 {b. Grimes,Co.Tx d.Ft Bend,Co.Tx}
Wells, John T. 5-18-1894/8-10-1973
Wells, Ruby P. 1-28-1901/2-10-1996
Wells, Howard L. 4-18-1921/4-2-1936
Wells, Elizabeth 12-29-1893/10-15-1915
Wells, Guy 1906/1907 s/o Mr.and Mrs S.D
Wells, Clyde 1899/1903 s/o Mr..and Mrs S,D
Wells, Sammuel D. 10-20-1874/8-7-1949
Wells, Delia 8-5-1880/12-8-1901
Wells, Lula 12-30-1872/7-14-1957
Wells, James Carman 9-7-1930/11-11-1931
Wells, G.Marson 12-20-1907/12-31-1980
Wells, Hugh J. 1878/1952
Wells, Effie 1878/1959 w/o Hugh
Wells,Infant 11-25-1933 s/o Mr. And Mrs V.R.
Whinery, Nancy Lee 1847/1918 w/o Joseph Davidson
{b. Oak Level,Al.}
{concrete marker}
White, Isham J. 1903/1942
White, Mattie 12-24-1883/1-18-1981
White, George W. 10-27-1886?3-2-1927
Williams, Vesta B. 3-6-1892/12-8-1968
Williams, Velva 10-11-1910/11-15-1910
Willis, W.M. Claude 6-28-1903/3-10-1994
Wills, Ila Fae 8-22-1906/2-10-1970 w/o W.M Claude
Wills, Jettie B. 1-11-1879/2-21-1963
Wills, Katie M. 9-17-1880/5-29-1968 w/o Jettie
Willis, Clyde C. 1905/1919
Willis, Ruby B. 1890/1923
Willis, Matilda 1859/1933
Willis, Ava Dale 1948/1951 {Our Darling}
Willis, Raymond 5-26-1920/12-19-2002
Willis, Docia B. 6-4-1925 w/o Raymond
Willis, Lula Mae 2-7-1909/5-26-1997
Wingate, James Kenneth 5-18-1914/3-12-1992 {Pawpaw Junior}
Wingate, Lucille 9-2-1915 w/o James {married 1-16-1936}
{concrete marker}
Worsham, Nannie Mae 2-4-1904/12-6-1992
Wren, Claudie Coree 8-21-1919 {Together Forever}
Wren, Doris Ethel 4-19-1921 w/o Claudie
Wren, William L. 10-28-1889/10-311964 {Mason}
Wren, Annie B. 2-21-1892/9-18-1966 w/o William
Wright, Beula Jane 11-15-1944
Burials from death certificates. Submitted by Eleanor Colson.
RICE, Annie 10 May 1853 08 Jan 1930
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