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Carter Cemetery Cotton, Texas |
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Cotton, Grimes County, Texas
Compiled by Melba Boney Wells
17 April, 2001
Directions: From Bedias go east on Hwy 1696. Turn left (north) on CR 134, go 2.5 miles. Turn left (west) on CR 132 and go .5 miles, turn right (north) on Bedias Road, follow this road and turn left (west) on Cross Roads, follow road then turn right (north) on Cemetery Road. Cemetery is on the right.
When I first copied the names in this cemetery, back in the early 1970, we had to walk to the cemetery from the wire gap and iron gate. Ora Bullard Corner went with Retta Linzy Smigala and me to show us the way. Ora told us of various family members that are buried there and some do not have head stones. There are signs of unmarked graves. Also, in compiling data on the Boney-Stutts Families, I found others that are buried there. Note that I have used full names if possible.
To view pictures of these tombstones go to Carter Cemetery
BAGWELL, Booker Son of P. V. & E. J. Bagwell
Jan. 19, 1889 Sept. 6, 1908
BONEY, Julia Ann Wife of Byrd William Boney and daughter
Jan. 5, 1862 Jan. 29, 1886 of George Stutts and Penelope Jones
Petrified stone for marker
CAIN, Joseph Samuel Texas Pvt 1 cl, 344 Field Arty, 90 Div
Dec. 18, 1892 June 4, 1935 Father is Bill Cain, brother to Frank Cain,
And mother is "Diddle", sister to "Goots" Stutts
CAIN, William "Bill" Marvin Husband of Virginia "Diddle" Stutts.
Nov. 1856 Oct.1942
No marker
COLDIRON Family One is a niece of Ora Bullard named Peggy
Buried on the back fence that married Vernon.
No markers
CORLEY, Fannie Lewis 2nd Wife of J. T. Corley
Jan. 6, 1882 Feb. 12, 1905
CORLEY, Sara E. 1st Wife of John T. Corley and daughter of
Sept. 8, 1872 Nov. 8, 1898 L. A. Corner & "Retta" Corner
CORNER, Garland (Garvin) Gardner Son of L. A. & "Retta" Corner
Jan. 29, 1893 Jan. 29, 1919
CORNER, Joe E. Son of L. A. "Bud" and "Retta" Corner
Aug. 2, 1894 Dec. 31, 1922 (Death records-Grimes Co., TX)
CORNER, Leondar A. "Bud" Husband of "Retta" Suttles and son of John Corner
Sept. 24, 1844 Nov. 11, 1907
CORNER, Magdaline & Little Brother Children of L. A. & "Retta" Corner
Mar. 5, 1879 1881
CORNER, Nancy Loretta "Retta" Wife of L. A. Corner and daughter of Mardis W.
Aug. 14, 1854 Feb. 18, 1913 Suttles and Sarah Frances Stutts
CULBURTH, Mary A. Wife of Warren N. Culburth
Sept 3, 1840 Feb. 10, 1912, age 72
CULBURTH. Warren N. Husband of Mary A. Bean
Aug. 4, 1834 Sept. 30, 1903
Buried on back fence
No Markers
JONES, Catharine E. Jane "Kitty" Wife of William "Billy" Jones and daughter of
Dide 16 Au 1869 G. F. Byrd Williams and Martha Wells
Age 45 years 7 mo. & 26 days
Hand carved stone
JONES, Catherine Jane Same as above. "Kitty" is sister to Nancy
Dec. 21, 1824 Aug. 16, 1869 Williams, wife of Felix Boney who is father of
45 days, 7 mo. & 25 days Byrd Boney
Newer stone
JONES, William "Billy" Husband of Catherine "Kitty" Williams
Nov. 24, 1810 Feb. 20, 1899 Mother is Martha ___
LAWLIS, Mattie UNDERWOOD Wife of Paul Lawlis
Jan. 4, 1853 Nov. 3, 1895
LINDSEY, James G. Son of David Elijah Linzy and Minnie Sons
B & D Aug. 26, 1918 "Dave" is the son of Benjamin Franklin
Lindsey/Linzy and Mary Elizabeth Boney
LINZY, Emma Frances and Son 1st. Wife of "Dave" Linzy and daughter of
1901 Mardis W. Suttles and Sarah Frances Stutts
LINZY, Rufus Chester Son of David Elijah Linzy and Emma Frances Suttles
Feb. 21, 1901 Feb. 21, 1901 (Note spelling - Linzy, Lindsey)
No Marker
MIDKIFF, Isaac Jesse Husband of Mary Ellen D. Jones
Apr. 3, 1810 July 10, 1851
Oldest stone inside fence
MIDKIFF, Mary E. D. Wife of Isaac J. Midkiff
Aug. 2, 1816 July 1870 Stone dedicated by their son, F. H. Midkiff
PHILLIPS, Penelope A. "Penny" Wife of Amantha Cornelius Phillips and
1858 1876 daughter of Felix Boney and Nancy Williams
No Marker
RANDALL, Infant son of
Jes & Ada Randall
"Come with the Angel"
Joseph A. REID Family
No Markers
STUTTS, Byrd "Goots" Stutts, husband of Ida Jane Culburth
1855 1938 and son of "Thomps" Stutts and Lurana Moore
STUTTS, Edd Son of Byrd Stutts and Ida Jane Culburth
1887 1939
STUTTS, Ida Jane Wife of "Goots" Stutts, daughter of Warren N.
1868 1932 Culburth and Mary A. Bean
STUTTS, Eula Clementine Daughter of William James "Bud" Stutts and
Feb. 20, 1895 Dec 20, 1899 Clementine Bullard
STUTTS, Ransom Bryant Son of George Stutts and Penelope Jones,
1859 abt. 1885 brother to Julia Ann Stutts
STUTTS, Richard "Dick" Garvin McGruder Husband of Nancy Penelope "Pinie" Linzy
Jan. 1865 1903/1904 and son of "Thomps" Stutts and Lurana Moore
STUTTS, Infant Son of " Dick" Stutts and "Pinie" Linzy, daughter of
Ben Linzy and Mary Boney
Located on the north and out side of the chain link fence.
Copied and compiled September 25, 1986 by John Ray Maxwell, Keith, Grimes Co., TX
For the Grimes County Historical Commission
MERCHANT, Mollie Rigsby KINNEY, Luther
June 9, 1909 Sept. 11, 1977 March 3, 1907 Feb. 20, 1976
RANDLE, Mr. Vernon L. Unmarked Grave
Nov. 10, 1928 Feb. 6, 1976
RIGSBY, Eddie KINNEY, Dechonis L.
Died 1968, Age 66 Yrs., 2 M., 27 D Feb. 8, 1921 March 11, 1968
1900 1965 Sept. 14, 1931 May 8, 1965
Unmarked Grave Unmarked Grave
KINNEY, Adwise KIZZIE, Lessie Mae
July 16, 1915 Feb. 19, 1964 Sept. 11, 1919 Jan. 4, 1955
GARRETT, H. G. Unmarked Grave
RIGBY, Emily K. E. (Next to Rigby, Emily)
B. 1834 - Deid Oct. 24, 1898
Age 64 Years (Oldest stone outside fence)
H. T. CARTER, Alex
70 years
55 Years Old Jan. 2, 1867 Sept. 17, 1912
(Wife of Bob Harrison)
P. O. ? HARRISON, Daisy
Feb. 10, 1887 July 22, 1900
MACK, Mrs. Ethel MACK, Mr. Sampson
Sept. 25, 1905 Oct. 16, 1982 March 10, 1907 Aug. 16, 1977
RIGSBY, Mr. John E. KINNEY, S. K. (Lucious "Skate")
Died Aug., 5, 1985, Age 60 Yrs. March 22, 1912 April 10, 1983
BRIDGES, Little Cynthia S. BRIDGES, SR., Maron
1953 Aug. 12, 1964 1918 Oct. 16, 1972
Nov. 1, 1971
Burials from death certificates - submitted by Eleanor Colson.
TAYLOR, Mrs. G. D. Phelps 18 Dec 1887 24 Sep 1926 Dau of Jno. and Kay Phelps
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