West Hill Cemetery Sherman, Texas O. C. Bivins 1835 - 1907 Elizabeth J. Bivins 1842 - 1925 w/o O.C. Bivins O.C. BIVINS DEAD Pioneer Resident of Sherman Passed Away Last Evening Thursday's Sherman Democrat With the passing of Oliver Cromwell Bivins, Grayson County loses another and one of its best known and most highly respected pioneers, a man whose name is closely identified with the laying of the mudsils upon which the present development rests. The death, while deeply regretted, was not unexpected, as he had been bedfast at his city residence, 708 South Travis street, for many weary months. The death occurred shortly after 8 o'clock last evening. His wife and children were with him. Oliver Cromwell Bivins was born in Bedford county, Indiana, October 20, 1835. He came to Texas as a youth of 19 and located near Sister Grove Creek where he engaged in milling. A little later he moved to the vicinity of old Farmington, where he built and operated an old-fashioned ox mill for years. This was one of the very first manufacturing plants in Grayson county, and for many years after it was no longer profitable to operate it in competition to more modern methods, it was an object of interest and the basis for many pleasing and reminiscent stories. On May 19, 1861, Mr. Bivisn was married to Miss Elizabeth Miller, daughter of Emory Miller, who settled in Grayson county in the days of the Republic. During the War Between the States, Mr. Bivins' mill was practically under the commissary department of the Confederate government. In the latter part of his life, Mr. Bivins was extensively engaged in farming, but had quite a commercial and banking interest in this city, to which he moved some years ago. His wife survives him, and the 4 children living of the 7 born to them are as follows: Messrs. Lee and Albert Bivins of Amarillo; Mrs. Alice Winters of Ft. Worth; and Mrs. Cora Halsell of Bonham. Mr. Bivins was a member of the Masonic and other fraternal order, but his burial will be private in its nature and conducted by Eld. O.A. Carr in absence of Elder Smith, pastor of the Houston Street Christian Church of which he was a member. The interment will take place at West Hill Cemetery following services to be held at the home at 3:30 p.m. Bonham News PIONEER MILLER DIES Oliver C. Bivins Passes Away at Home in Sherman Sherman, Texas, June 12 - Oliver C. Bivins, aged 78 years, a native of Indiana and for 45 years a resident of Grayson County, died at his home in this city tonight. He was one of the pioneer millers of North Texas. His widow survives him and he leaves 4 children as follows: Messrs. Lee and Albert Bivins, of Amarillo; Mrs. Alice Winters of Ft. Worth; and Mrs. Charles Halsell of Bonham. West Hill Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |