![]() West Hill Cemetery Sherman, Texas ![]()
![]() PIONEER DIES Charles William Batsell, 67, justice of the peace and a pioneer resident of Sherman, died at 6:30 p.m. Sunday at his home, 1511 South Travis. Mr. Batsell suffered a stroke of apoplexy at his office last Friday morning. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday from the Dannel-Scott funeral home. Dr. Roy H. Biser, pastor of the Central Christian church, officiating. Burial will be at West Hill cemetery. Pallbearers will be Joe Clark, Jess Wall, P.J. Waldrop, John Livingston, F.E. Starling and Carl Nall. A native of Grayson county, Mr. Batsell was born Jan. 25, 1869, at Pilot Grove, the son of the late C.W. Batsell, civil war veteran, and Mrs. Elizabeth Batsell. He came to Sherman with his parents March 16, 1874, when five years old and had resided here continuously. Mr. Batsell was educated at Austin college and at Carlton college at Bonham. He married Miss Estelle Reeves, daughter of the late W.A. and Louise W. Reeves of Sherman, and they were parents of one child, the late Mrs. Annie Batsell Noble. For several years, Mr. Batsell served as secretary of the Sherman Street Railway company, a mule car line owned by his father. He was associated for 18 years with the late W.H. Lankford of Sherman in the drug firm of Lankford and Batsell located where Dyer and Jones drug store is now operating. He retired from this business in 1907 and for a number of years was a traveling salesman. Later he became owner of the King and Queen theaters of Sherman and also had other motion picture interests from which he retired some years ago. He was serving his second term as justice of the peace at the time of his death. He was a member of the Central Christian church and a charter member of Sherman camp 9, Woodmen of the World. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Estelle; his step-mother, Mrs. Rosa Batsell and a foster sister, Mrs. Joe Rigby, all of Sherman. ![]() Batsell Family History West Hill Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |