![]() West Hill Cemetery Sherman, Texas
The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, March 18, 1894 pg. 1 Our citizens were startled with the announcement about noon Tuesday that Judge E.P. Gregg was dead. Few knew that he was sick, and no one thought he was dangerously ill. No man in Grayson county had more warm personal friends in Denison than did the kind-hearted and genial Judge Gregg. Everybody who knew him loved him, no matter what his station in life or what his color. In his death we all feel that one of our best friends is gone. The funeral took place at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday, and was largely attended, many going over from this city. There would been a larger attendance from Denison, had the services taken place in the afternoon, but we understand that was impossible. It is with pleasure mingled with feelings of sadness that the Gazetteer transfers to its columns the following beautiful tribute to the deceased, and short biographical sketch, taken from the Sherman Democrat on Tuesday evening: A great noble heart has ceased to beat. Judge Edward P. Gregg has passed down into the valley of Death's mystery, leaving behind him a memory few could command. Well and faithfully has he served his people who never failed to show their deep and unflinching confidence in the integrity, the intelligence and honor of their beloved fellow citizen. Since yesterday he has gradually succumbed to the invincible foe, and at a few minutes past 1 o'clock this afternoon the sturdy old oak that had withstood the brunts of war's most trying ordeals went down when all was calm, and the pall of a great sorrow fell over an entire city. Cold and pulseless are the hands so lately and so often held out to lift up a fallen brother, to clothe a shivering waif, to feed the hungry, to do so much for Sweet Charity's sake. Deaf are the ears that never grew weary at tales of sorrow. Silent forever the voice that had fallen as a balm upon many a bleeding, breaking heart. God makes few men who obey the golden rule, but in this grand, noble instance he gave to earth a man who did infinitely more for his fellow man than he ever expected in return, ten-fold more than he would have allowed done for hime. For some years past he has been the county and probate judge of Grayson county, and very favorable indeed was his mention for re-election. Most valiantly did he take up arms when Texas called her brave sons to rally around the crimson Southern cross. Whenever duty called there he was, wherever the bullets fell thickest he was seen at the front, as the gallant colonel of the 16th Texas Cav.; it was ever "Come on Boys," and when the last sad scene of the bloody drama was enacted he came back home worn out, ragged, penniless, but the bravery which made him a soldier, of whom the South was proud, was with him yet, and as a citizen, he has fought as loyally for the interests of his people as he did for the cause he loved so well, and for which he gave up the very flower of his young manhood. We cannot, in a commensurate way, even approximate the loss the mourning widow and 8 fatherless children have met. He was tender and kind to the world, but in his family circle he was all that was good; his loved family formed the very pulse of his heart. We would not intrude upon the grief that is so holy. He was a native of Kentucky but had lived in Texas nearly, if not quite, 40 years. His brother, Brigadier-General John Gregg, met death bravely at Gaines Mill. His life was insures for $6,000 in behalf of his family. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT At the meeting of the County Commissioner's Court Wednesday, the following order was spread upon the records of the court: Ordered that court be adjourned and a motion was made and seconded that the presiding officer appoint a committee to draft resolutions of their respect for their presiding officer, Judge E.P. Gregg, county judge, who died Tuesday, March 13, 1894, at 1 o'clock p.m. R.G. Lanham, then presiding officer, appointed H. Dennis and Ed. Sanders to draft said resolutions. The folowing are the resolutions, which are adopted by the court: Whereas, the grim master, death, has invaded this court and claimed for his victim our honored presiding judge, E.P. Gregg, and as members of the commissioners' court for Grayson county, Texas, we feel it to be a solemn duty to give expression to the sentiments of each individual member of the court for their departed presiding officer; therefore, be it resolved - 1. That in the death of Judge Gregg, the county judge, Grayson county, has sustained an irreparable loss and the members of the court have been deprived of a counsellor whose advice was always safe and conservative and whose devotion to duty was unceasing. 2. That in the character of our lamented friend we recognize the qualities of sincere friend, an estimable citizen both in public and private life, a conscientious, devoted husband and father, a just and upright judge. 3. That in the removal of Judge Gregg from the active duties of county judge the whole people of Grayson county have cause to mourn, and those unfortunates for whom a generous public are asked to provide have lost a liberal and sympathetic friend, the sorrowing widow has lost a faithful advisor and the bereaved orphan a fond father, whose cheering words always carried comfort to their hearts. 4. Resolved further, that out of respect to the memory of Judge Gregg, these resolutions be subscribed on the records of this court and a copy be properly engraved and presented to his family, and that the commissioners' court room be draped in emblem of mourning for 30 days. 5. That copy foregoing be furnished to the newspapers of this county with a request that they be published. R.G. Lanham, Com. Precinct No. 1 J.E. Howard, Com. Precinct No. 2 Ed. Sanders, Com. Precinct No. 3 H. Dennis, Com. Precinct No. 4 Attest: J.W. Hudson, Clerk by J.W. Westbrook, Deputy ![]() Edward P. Gregg, II 7 March 1878 - 8 July 1947 ![]() West Hill Cemetery Elaine Nall Bay ©2016 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |