& CO.
Mr. Mosse was a buggy and
harness maker at 126 W. Main. He was a Sovereign Commander of the
Woodmen of the World, a member of the Woodman Circle and a member of
the First Baptist Church. He was a Mason for over 50 years and a record
keeper for the Maccabees.
Maude Mosse was holder of honorary life membership as both state and
local "Grove Mother" of the Woodmen Circle, a charter member of the
First Baptist Church and a member of the Garden Club and the Woodmen
Circle, serving as Guardian (President) for several years.

M. Mosse: Manufacature of Harness, Saddles
and Strap Goods, General
Harness Repairing and Dealer in Buggies, Surreys, Carts, etc.
416 W. Main
St. (Horan's old stand)
Mr. Mosse has been established in this business for several years past
and has succeeded in placing his house at the very head of the list in
this line of business in the city. The secret of his success lies in
the fact that he has had long experience and desires in every way to
give genuine satisfaction to patrons. He deals in the highest character
of goods in his line, and gives special attention to high-class harness
repairing. His stock is very complete. Mr. Mosse is a well-known
resident of the city, and has always been a firm believer in the
greatness and future outlook of Denison. He solicits your patronage and
is worthy of your fullest support. For anything in this line, "Ask
Source :
Denison, the Texas Gateway : Busy, Progressive City with Golden
Opportunities, 1908
ca 1980s
& Mosse Building
300 Block West
Chestnut, north side.
Built in 1920 to
house their saddlery when the Rialto unseated them.
Kathryn Mosse
I Grew Up In Denison, Texas
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