Grayson County TXGenWeb

Findley N. Robertson

FINDLEY N. ROBERTSON, who served as city attorney of Denison and as a capable member of the Texas bar, was born in Kentucky in 1846, a son of John E. and Elizabeth M. (Nally) Robertson. The father was born in Kentucky, followed the occupation of farming throughout his entire life and died in McLane County, Kentucky, in October 1882, at the age of seventy years, while his wife passed away in March 1890, at the age of seventy-nine years. In their family were nine children, but only two are now living, Cordelia and Fannie.

Findley N. Robertson acquired his education in the common schools and the University of Lexington, Kentucky, from which he was graduated in the class of 1871. At a very early age he enlisted for service in the Confederate army and was with Morgan's division. In April following his graduation, he made his way from Kentucky to Texas and entered upon the practice of law in Sherman, where he remained until 1875, when he removed to the recently established town of Denison, remaining here until 1882. In that year he returned to Kentucky, where he was engaged in contract work. Later he spent some time in Mississippi and subsequently he came again to Texas, settling in Ellis County in 1891. There he was engaged in stock raising for some time, but later returned to Denison and resumed the practice of law here. In the spring of 1904, he was chosen city attorney, which position he filled until his death. As a lawyer he was capable and earnest, being very devoted to the interests of his clients, and in the preparation, neglecting none of the important office work which is the preliminary to the successful presentation of his cause in the courts. 

Mr. Robertson was married twice. In 1873, in Sherman, Texas, he married Alice Robinson, a native of Pennsylvania, and they had one child, Edith G., who was born in Sherman, and is now the wife of A. G. Gunn, of Denison, by whom she has a daughter, Alice Ruth. On the 13th of July, 1879, in Denison, Mr. Robertson was again married, his second union being with Miss Emma Lilly, a native of Indiana, and they had one child, Albert Duke, who was born in Denison, and is now studying law.

Mr. Robertson was a member of the Knights of Honor and the Improved Order of Red Men, having been a valued representative of these organizations. He so utilized his powers and talents in his profession that he made a creditable name as a strong and able lawyer and was accorded a distinctively representative clientage. He was moreover prominent socially, having made warm friends in the city, with whose interests he was so long identified, for, although his residence here was not continuous, he was an interested witness of its development from its pioneer days to the present. He passed from this life on the 22nd of November, 1905, but with those who knew him, his memory will long be cherished because of his life of helpfulness and of good cheer.

[Source: B. B. Paddock, History and Biographical Record of North and West Texas (Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co., 1906), Vol. I, pp. 625-626.]