Grayson County TXGenWeb
W. M. Peck

Denison Daily News
Monday, January 6, 1880
pg. 1

W.M. Peck
The above named gentleman came to this city about five years ago, and at once entered upon the practice of law.  He has gained an enviable reputation as an attorney, especially in the practice of civil law.  He was elected mayor of this city on June 9, 1879, beating his radical opponent, Major R.M. Grubbs, 130 votes, and has discharged the duties of that position in the most satisfactory manner.  By his affable and courteous manners, and by his just decisions, he has eminently proven himself worthy of the position.

TEXAS DICTATIONS (Grayson County.) 1887.
H. H. Bancroft Collection
Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley
Department of Texas
L. S. Hatch, Manager

Denison TX
July 2, 1887

Taken from W.M. Peck, Atty at Law

Mr. Peck was born in Putnam Co., Indiana in 1850, remaining there until 16 years of age and attending the public schools. Mr. Peck's parents were Southerners. Father born in Kentucky. and mother in Virginia, Mr. Peck's father was a farmer and he, of course, spent most of his time while at home working on a farm.
In 1866 went to Alabama, remained there until 1874. Commenced the study of his profession in 1868 at Green Castle, Putnam Co., Indiana; was admitted to practice in 1871, and commenced the practice where he studied and was admitted.
In 1874 Mr. Peck came to Denison, Texas and at once engaged in the practice of his profession. The only lawyers here then were Mr. Randell and Mr. [A.B.] Person. Was Mayor of Denison from 1879 until 1881. In 1884 he was made Recorder for one year.
Married to Miss Augusta Charlton of Morgan Co., Alabama and has one son born in Denison.

Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, September 16, 1894
Hon. W.M. Peck was born in Indiana in 1850, and when quite young removed to Alabama, where he was admitted to practice law in 1872.  After practicing his profession in that state for 2 years he determined to cast his fortunes with the hopeful throng of pilgrims who were seeking fame and fortune in the State of Texas, and in 1874 Mr. Peck located in Denison, and has resided in this place continuously since, engaged in the active practice of his profession.  Mr. Peck is regarded to-day as one of the ablest lawyers and most skilled advocates in the state.  While in no sense a politician, he has been repeatedly honored by the citizens of this city, who know and recognize his sterling worth as a man and his ability as a lawyer, he having been elected mayor of Denison, and filling many other places of honor and trust.  In 1892 the people of this county solicited him to submit his name as a candidate to represent this county in the Legislature, and while he was loath to give up his practice for even a short time, he consented to make the race, and was elected by an overwhelming majority, and served the people in this capacity in the  23rd Legislature, and acquired quite a reputation as an able, fair and just lawmaker in that body.  Upon the convening of the Legislature, he was appointed a member of the judiciary committee, and during the sitting of the Legislature assisted in framing some of the most important bills enacted by that body.  Mr. Peck displayed great ability as a debater on the floor of the House. participating in most of the exciting debates of that stormy session.  One of the most noticeable instances of his service i that body was his presentation and defense of the minority report in the celebrated McGaughey impeachment case.  His speech in support of this motion was pronounced by all hearing it as being one of the ablest delivered in the House.  While his minority report was not adopted by the House, the subsequent action of the Senate was a complete justification, as that body almost unanimously sustained his minority report.
Mr. Peck has again been nominated for the same position, and his election is assured.

Judge Peck died in 1919 enroute from Greencastle, Indiana to his home at Denison after completing a business trip.  He was buried his wife and son at Fairview Cemetery.

Biography Index

Bancroft Transcriptions, 1877

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Susan Hawkins
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