Mary Maude Cummins Baxter
![]() Mary
Maude Cummins was born August 15, 1867 in Pottsboro, Grayson Co.,
Texas. At the age of 3, the family moved to Cass Co., Missouri
for several years. By the age of 5, her family had returned to
Denison, Texas. She was 22 years of age when her father died and
two years later she married William Simeon "Willis" Baxter at
Pottsboro, Grayson Co., Texas. To this union two sons and three
daughters were born. The family resided in the Grayson County
towns of Denison, Whitesboro and Sherman. Mary Maude died just
one week after her mother's death in December 1936. ![]() ![]() The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, January 27, 1901 NEW MUSIC The Gazetteer is in receipt of a new piece of music, "The Gate City Waltz," dedicated to Denison. The piece is composed by a former Denison girl, Mrs. Maude Cummins Buster of Whitesboro. Mrs. Buster is a sister of Alex and Hum Cummins and grand-daughter of the late Dr. Morrison. She grew to womanhood here and received her musical education in this city. The composition, in B flat, is quite pleasing and not very difficult, and the Gazetteer takes pleasure in recommending the "Gate City Waltz' to all lovers of good music, as it is sure to please. Send for a copy and try it for yourself. Price 50 cents. Address, G.W. Taylor, Whitesboro, Texas. The Denison Press Thursday, August 13, 1936 ...Life of Denisonian's Daughter Includes Varied Fine Arts, poetry and...occupy the interest of ...Mrs. W.B. Buster of Sherman, her...hobby is home life. Mrs. Buster was educated in what is said to have been the first public free school in Te4xas, the old Denison high school which stood on the site of the present modern high school structure in this city. She also attended St. Xavier's academy in Denison and later taught music at that Catholic school. For many years she has been a member of the XXI club, Denison literary organization for women, the Texas Poetry society and other clubs. Her mother, Mrs. Helen A. Cummins, who was 95 years old in May. is at present a resident of Denison. As Maude Cummins, Mrs. Buster was born August 15, 1867, at Bonnie Dixie Farm near Pottsboro, daughter of the late Judge James Hunter Cummins and Mrs. Helen A. Cummins. Her maternal grandfather, Dr. Alexander Morrison was a native of Scotland and came to America when 17 years old. He married Miss Harriet DeVos of New York and they came to Texas before the war between the states. Dr. Morrison joined the Confederate forces and was a surgeon in the Southern Army. Mrs. Buster's great-grandfater, John DeVoe of Courtland county, New York, was a private in the Revolutionary War and the Daughters of the American Revolution on Memorial Day dedicated a monument to Commemorate John DeVoe and his wife, Helen Godwin DeVoe. On one side of the monument their names and birth dates are carved, and on the opposite side of the stone are the names of their 4 grandchidren, including that of Mrs. Buster. Her great-great-grandfather, Henry Godwin, was in charge of a company of soldiers of the 5th Regiment of New York state during the Revolutionary War. Mrs. Buster's father was born in Missouri, joining the Confederate Army when he was 19 years old. His first service was with Hurst's Regiments, though he was afterward transferred to Price's Army of Missouri and because of failing health was forced to retire from active service and was made paroling officer of Lamar County, which position he held until the war closed. In 1891 she was married to W.S. Buster of Kentucky, who came to Texas in 1888, and together they reside in Sherman. They have 4 children, including J.D. Buster, Sherman city recorder and an attorney of Sherman; Miss Maude Buster and Mrs. Fred Mooty of Sherman; and Mrs. W.A. Roberts, Tipton, Oklahoma. "The Gate City Waltz,", a compostion which Mrs. Buster dedicated to the city of Denison 50 years ago, was her first original composition. This wsas published by a Dallas music house, but the copyright was re-purchased by Mrs. Buster, She has composed various other pieces of music in addition to numerous poems, amon them "Texas" and "Blue Bonnets." Inheriting their mother's artistic temperament, 3 of Mrs. Buster's children are musicians. J.D. Buster is a violinist and a tenor and has long been identifried with music in Sherman churches, Miss Maude Buster, a contralto, frequently is heard in radio programs from Dallas stations, and Mrs. Roberts, the former Miss Helen Buster, is a pianist, giving much of her time at present to evangelistic music, assisting her husband, a Baptist minister. - - - Sherman Democrat ![]() CUMMINS FAMILY Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |