Grayson County TXGenWeb


Denison Herald
August 31, 1947

The photograph above shows "three pioneer "Denisonians," Louis Lebrecht, August Knecht, and August Uhlig.  Knecht was said to be the father of Mrs. J.W. Williams, 409 West Gandy.  It is assumed that both Knecht and Uhlig were close friends of Louis Lebrecht.

Denison Daily News
Thursday, January 3, 1878

Early Days in Denison ~ Week ending October 4, 1884
 Sunday night Mrs. August Uhlig retired in ordinary health, and in the morning she was discovered cold in death.  The funeral services were conducted at the Episcopal church and at the grave Mr. Louis Lebrecht made a few appropriate remarks representing Society Vorwaerts of which her husband was a member, and the singing section rendered an appropriate song. (Source: Sunday Gazetteer, June 5, 1910, pg. 3)

At 104 West Main Street was Beck's Hotel and  Restaurant  ("Deutsches Gast Haus").  "Furnished Rooms were offerred.  Max Beck is  the proprietor, and he resided at the hotel. 
Albert Uhlig was a waiter at the hotel and liived on the premises (Source : City Directory)

Louis Lebrecht, "Mayor of Denison," sold wholesale cigars at 100 West Main street.  His residence was 729 West Gandy Street.  Otto Uhlig was clerk at Louis Lebrecht.  Otto Lived at 600 West Sears Street, with August Uhlig, shoemaker at 114 South Austin Avenue. (Source : City Directory)

The Honorable Louis Lebrecht, Mayor of Denison, moved his wholesale cigar business to 113 West Main Street.  He resided at 729 West Gandy Street.  Otto Uhlig was clerk for Louis Lebrect.  Otto resided at 600 West Sears Street.  Augustus Uhlig, shoemaker, lived there too.  August was in Denison at the same address as early as 1876-1877. 

August Uhlig died late December 1899

Charles H. Uhlig was bartender at Max Beck's U.S. Barrel House Saloon, 126 West Main Street.  Charles lived at 800 S outh Lamar Avenue; he was the only Uhlig in the City Directory for this year.

No Uhlig listed in Denison City Directory.

Biography Index
Susan Hawkins

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