M.H. Sherburne ![]() Denison
Daily Herald January 1, 1879 M.H. Sherburne was a wholesale and retail dealer and manufacturer of boots and shoes. He was a "live Yankee with true western get up and git," according to the article. He was born in Boston and "cradled in a shoe and corrected it with a slipper." He came to Denison in the winter of 1872 where he saw the necessity for a good boot and shoe business, established it and conquered high prices. The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, September 2, 1894 pg. 3 DENISON REMINSCENCES A Weekly Summary of What Transpired in the Gate City 19 Years Ago November 10, 1874 to November 14 Wednesday, November 11 The novel sign in front of Sherburne's shoe store attracts universal attention. The sign is on a large canvas and consists of an old woman with her 16 children living in a shoe. Only 15 of the brats are in sight. Mr. Sherburne assures the spectators that the 16th urchin is on the inside. On the back side are two of the boys enjoying a pugelistic contest, while one of the girls is trying to get the old lady to come down and tan their jackets. Another youngster is amusing himself by pitching the cradle, containing the baby, out of the top of the shoe; still another is sliding down the instep. In the distance are two roosters fighting and, on top of the fence are two tom-cats with their backs up. ![]() Denison Daily Cresset Denison Daily NewsFriday, March 16, 1877 pg.4 Denison Daily Press Thursday, January 3, 1878 pg 1 BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE Mr. H.H. [sic] Sherburne has long ago won the enviable repuration of being the boot and shoe king of Northern Texas. He is one of the enterprising business men of Denison, and by strict attention to business, has built up a profitable retail and wholesale business, and he now controls a wholesale trade from a hundred miles west on the frontier, and twenty-five miles into Indian Territory. His retail department gives complete satisfaction, as he always keeps up with the latest styles and fashions, and keeps down with his prices. ![]() Tuesday Morning, January 6, 1880 Pg. 1 DENISON SHOE STORE The Oldest Institution of the Kind in the City If a man expected to succeed in this country he must understand the business he engages in, and in order to do that, he must pass through the successive stages of that business. The time was when a man could run a store successfully withouth this long training, but of late years the country has taken such rapid steps forward, and competition has increased so that no man can succeed unless he thoroughly understands his business in all its details. Such a man is M.H. Sherburne. He commenced handling leather in a shop at the early age of nineteen, and has spent years of his life at it. For a great many years he followed the business of manufacturing all kinds of boots and shoes, but of late years he has been selling manufactured goods. Sherburne's shoe store was born with Denison, and owing to his long experience and knowledge of the business, he was able to pass through all the "Infant's" troubles, and to-day he is the oldest dealer in the city. All those open when he began business have closed their doors long ago. The business commenced originally in a small way, and by good judgement and careful management, has been increased with each succeeding year. The room occupied now is filled to almost overflowing with the best good the market affords, and as soon as an opportunity presents itself a larger building will be erected. Owing to the large experience Mr. Sherburne has had he possesses special advantages for judging of the quality of leather, and his customers can always rely implicitly on his representations concerning the boots he sells. ![]() Sherburne Shoes, 1890. From "Glimpses of Denison, Texas: Indelible Photographs," The Albertype Company, New York NY, 1890, for the Denison Board of Trade. ![]() He keeps a well selected stock of boots and shoes for men, women and children, of the best quality, purchased direct from the manufacturies, at the lowest possible price, which he is selling at corresponding figures. All goods are purchased with a regard for the customer's wants, and nothing of a shoddy nature is permitted to enter the store. The special feature of the trade for this winter and spring will be Sherburne's calf boot and Sherburne's kip boot, for which durability and cheapness of price, can't be beat. In the ladies' line he is selling the famous Philadelphia shoe, and they give perfect satisfaction. Orders from a distance are promptly filled, and each article sold as low as the lowest. When you want anything in his line, don't fail to call on him and examine his goods, whether you purchase or not, as he will be glad to see you, and will take pleasure in showing you through his stock. Pierre Lelardoux, architect, designed the home for Manly Hardy Sherburn (1843 - 1901) and his wife, Marie Augusta Mason Shelburn (1849 - 1925) at 1103 West Gandy St.; the house was bult in the spring of 1880. 1103 W. Gandy St. ![]() Sherburne Residence The
house was listed as vacant in 1940 according to the Denison City
Directory and not listed in the City Directories from 1946 forward.
Probably burned or was demolished. ![]() ![]() Biography Index Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |